Tram passengers are not exactly passers by or are they
Yes, they are, for want of a better lemma.
You better tell me what's the pharse we, the Poles allegedlly say when see person urinating on the street.
You might recall my post asking if anyone remembered.
.Also in Poland it's considered impolite to stare and/or comment and you may get punched in the face for doing it.
Proof you're crazy - Poles stare all the time and there are even threads on here about it.
There isn't an official language in the UK - Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Ulster Scots and Irish have a special status in their territories. But except for that, even English isn't mandatory. But British pragmatism dictates that signs should be understood by whoever is meant to see them. Hence a few roadsigns in areas where the drivers are likely to be Polish:

And allegedly signs in Haworth in Japanese, pointing to the Bronte Parsonage.