It is a far-right American site.
Proves how little you know - it's a non-profit, non-partisan thinktank and is chaired by U.N. Ambassador John Bolton.
Gatestone 'institute' has no merit whatsoever.
No merit? It's lead by a U.N. ambassador and publishes works by people like Alan Dershowitz and has many Zionists in it's ranks like Elie Wiesel, Nina Rosenwald, Daniel Finkelstein.
This thinktank is highly recognized in the US - saying they have no merit and are a far right group just shows how ignorant you are. No go zones do exist - but the correct PC term for them is '
Zones Urbaines Sensibles (ZUS), or Sensitive Urban Zones and every major city in France that has at least one ZUS. Apparently, there are 781 ZUS in France. These are areas with a Muslim/Arab majority where crime, poverty, unemployment, drug dealing, extremism is rampant and yes the police and firefighters even have a hard time going there unless they have tons of backup. Look even what happened when French cops went to Molenbeek - they were shot at by people through windows.
Also, it doesn't change the fact that there are no go zones in Europe - i.e. Seine-Saint-Denis, which the 2,200 page report '
Suburbs of the Republic" describes as a "wasteland of de-industrialization," is home to more than 600,000 Muslims (primarily from North and West Africa) out of a total population of 1.4 million.
"In some areas, a third of the population of the town does not hold French nationality, and many residents are drawn to an Islamic identity,"
Here's some articles by the Gatestone Institute - who has far more merit than you do little jon - sorry but you're just not that important or knowledgeable:
Sorry InPolska and jon - you can claim that your multikulti societies are working wonderfully, but the reality is that there's several hundred of these ZUS in France and all of them are wastelands full of crime, poverty, and extremism due to all the Muslims, Arabs, and Africans living there.
Everyone I know who goes to visit Paris now or just about any other major western European city is simply shocked by how dirty and full of Muslims the place has become.In Europe, people don't fight against each other, but most people have no problem to live and interact with each other.
Then why do Muslims form their own ghettos and groups lik[eb]Sharia 4 Belgium and Sharia 4 France[/b] if they have no problem adapting to democracy and interacting with the locals?
Why do they blow innocent people up?Why did Muslims massacre over 100 innocent people if everyone lives in such great harmony?
Why are white European women raped by Muslims?Why does the 2000 page report 'Suburbs of the Republic' state France is on the brink of a major social explosion because of the failure of Muslims to integrate into French society?
Why are there riots in the no go zones - I'm sorry 'sensitive' zones?By Muslims we are referring to people from Muslim countries - i.e. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Yes, there are people from those areas that are non-religious and athiest - and those aren't the types that blow up buses and massacre civilians. However, Muslims do.
In just the past 30 days, there have been over 1,400 deaths resulting from Muslim extremism. 99% of suicide bombings are caused by Muslims. Those are FACTS. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc. don't strap on a bomb, yell Glory to God and then blow themselves and a bunch of innocent people up - Muslims however do all the time. In just the past 30 days there's been 37 suicide attacks - more than 1 Muslim yelling 'Allah Akhbar' and blowing himself up - you don't see French Protestants or Polish Catholics doing that.. you only Muslims doing this kind of heinous act.
Adrian and other extremists: you may copy-paste any BS from extremist sites
Except I don't... unless you are now considering the BBC, breitbart, telegraph, and other media outlets as extremist website...
No one is referring to David Horowitz except you... you do realize that I hope236-page book titled "Judges Without Law: Islamic Parallel Justice Endangers Our Constitutional State," which was authored by
Joachim Wagner, a German legal expert and former investigative journalist for ARD German public television, says Islamic Sharia courts are now operating in all of Germany's big cities..
Yes, there are Sharia courts in Europe - in 2014 there were 85 in England alone according to The Telegraph.
Here is an example of this:
I guess the signs that say '"You Are Entering a Sharia Controlled Zone" are just in the imaginations of people and news reporters.
The Danish Islamist group Call to Islam says the Tingbjerg suburb of Copenhagen will be the first part of Denmark to be subject to Sharia law, followed by the Norrebro district of the capital and then other parts of the country, the center-right Jyllands-Posten newspaper reported on October 17. Call to Islam says it will dispatch 24-hour Islamic 'morals police' to enforce Sharia law in those enclaves.Let InPolska love her multikulti France - one day it will get to the point where she or her family will encounter a particularly nasty Muslim male and we'll see if she'll still defend Muslims. It's just a matter of time and demographics... Same with jon - keep inviting Muslims into Europe and soon enough there will ONLY be sharia courts which means that they'll throw you off the highest building in town - that's what they do to gays just so you know.


