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A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?

OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
17 May 2016 /  #241
@Dolno: ps; use Google and you won't regret it. He is known as the MISinformation guru and among the worst hatemongers in the US. How have I found out? Simply because Johnny Reb copies-pastes his BS. Yes, the guy is a neo-nazi. In the US he is famous for telling BS so excuse me, I need more serious references ;).

PS: I am NO nazi but it does not make me a "libtard" or whatever. I'm a democrat and as such, I believe in freedom, equality and justice for all and as I DO know reality, I just say it but of course (neo)nazis don't like to hear it so I'm lynched. Being insulted by brown scum is a compliment ;)

Case closed for ever!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
17 May 2016 /  #242
" does not make me a "libtard" or whatever." I never said you were. I don't like brown shirts either they are as bad as Libtards
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
18 May 2016 /  #243
It is a far-right American site.

Proves how little you know - it's a non-profit, non-partisan thinktank and is chaired by U.N. Ambassador John Bolton.

Gatestone 'institute' has no merit whatsoever.

No merit? It's lead by a U.N. ambassador and publishes works by people like Alan Dershowitz and has many Zionists in it's ranks like Elie Wiesel, Nina Rosenwald, Daniel Finkelstein.

This thinktank is highly recognized in the US - saying they have no merit and are a far right group just shows how ignorant you are. No go zones do exist - but the correct PC term for them is ' Zones Urbaines Sensibles (ZUS), or Sensitive Urban Zones and every major city in France that has at least one ZUS. Apparently, there are 781 ZUS in France. These are areas with a Muslim/Arab majority where crime, poverty, unemployment, drug dealing, extremism is rampant and yes the police and firefighters even have a hard time going there unless they have tons of backup. Look even what happened when French cops went to Molenbeek - they were shot at by people through windows.

Also, it doesn't change the fact that there are no go zones in Europe - i.e. Seine-Saint-Denis, which the 2,200 page report 'Suburbs of the Republic" describes as a "wasteland of de-industrialization," is home to more than 600,000 Muslims (primarily from North and West Africa) out of a total population of 1.4 million.

"In some areas, a third of the population of the town does not hold French nationality, and many residents are drawn to an Islamic identity,"

Here's some articles by the Gatestone Institute - who has far more merit than you do little jon - sorry but you're just not that important or knowledgeable:


Sorry InPolska and jon - you can claim that your multikulti societies are working wonderfully, but the reality is that there's several hundred of these ZUS in France and all of them are wastelands full of crime, poverty, and extremism due to all the Muslims, Arabs, and Africans living there. Everyone I know who goes to visit Paris now or just about any other major western European city is simply shocked by how dirty and full of Muslims the place has become.

In Europe, people don't fight against each other, but most people have no problem to live and interact with each other.

Then why do Muslims form their own ghettos and groups lik[eb]Sharia 4 Belgium and Sharia 4 France[/b] if they have no problem adapting to democracy and interacting with the locals? Why do they blow innocent people up?Why did Muslims massacre over 100 innocent people if everyone lives in such great harmony? Why are white European women raped by Muslims?Why does the 2000 page report 'Suburbs of the Republic' state France is on the brink of a major social explosion because of the failure of Muslims to integrate into French society?Why are there riots in the no go zones - I'm sorry 'sensitive' zones?

By Muslims we are referring to people from Muslim countries - i.e. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Yes, there are people from those areas that are non-religious and athiest - and those aren't the types that blow up buses and massacre civilians. However, Muslims do. In just the past 30 days, there have been over 1,400 deaths resulting from Muslim extremism. 99% of suicide bombings are caused by Muslims. Those are FACTS. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc. don't strap on a bomb, yell Glory to God and then blow themselves and a bunch of innocent people up - Muslims however do all the time. In just the past 30 days there's been 37 suicide attacks - more than 1 Muslim yelling 'Allah Akhbar' and blowing himself up - you don't see French Protestants or Polish Catholics doing that.. you only Muslims doing this kind of heinous act.

Adrian and other extremists: you may copy-paste any BS from extremist sites

Except I don't... unless you are now considering the BBC, breitbart, telegraph, and other media outlets as extremist website... No one is referring to David Horowitz except you... you do realize that I hope

236-page book titled "Judges Without Law: Islamic Parallel Justice Endangers Our Constitutional State," which was authored by Joachim Wagner, a German legal expert and former investigative journalist for ARD German public television, says Islamic Sharia courts are now operating in all of Germany's big cities..

Yes, there are Sharia courts in Europe - in 2014 there were 85 in England alone according to The Telegraph.

Here is an example of this:

I guess the signs that say '"You Are Entering a Sharia Controlled Zone" are just in the imaginations of people and news reporters.

The Danish Islamist group Call to Islam says the Tingbjerg suburb of Copenhagen will be the first part of Denmark to be subject to Sharia law, followed by the Norrebro district of the capital and then other parts of the country, the center-right Jyllands-Posten newspaper reported on October 17. Call to Islam says it will dispatch 24-hour Islamic 'morals police' to enforce Sharia law in those enclaves.

Let InPolska love her multikulti France - one day it will get to the point where she or her family will encounter a particularly nasty Muslim male and we'll see if she'll still defend Muslims. It's just a matter of time and demographics... Same with jon - keep inviting Muslims into Europe and soon enough there will ONLY be sharia courts which means that they'll throw you off the highest building in town - that's what they do to gays just so you know.

  • france_2.jpg

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AdrianK9  6 | 364  
18 May 2016 /  #244
I believe in freedom, equality and justice for all

And the Muslims you love want none of that - they want to repress women, throw gays off of roofs, and make Islam the only religion with sharia the only law... If you're Catholic, Jewish, or athiest - you're an infidel in their eyes and you must convert, pay a tax, or die - if these Muslims have it their way.

Also yes, various studies by the Pew Research Center has concluded that the majority, meaning over 51%, of Muslims either hold extreme views or sympathize with groups that hold extreme views.
jon357  72 | 23668  
18 May 2016 /  #245
a non-profit, non-partisan thinktank

It is a far right organisation - it exists to promote a regressive and reactionary viewpoint.

That's all I read of your post, the rest looked too long and had stuff ranting in bold type. Probably stuff slandering Jewish people too, if not denying the holocaust.

The fact remains that however much it upsets you, the people of London voted for Mayor Khan (a very good man, and popular across a broad range of the community) by a very health majority...
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
18 May 2016 /  #246
It is a far right organisation - it exists to promote a regressive and reactionary viewpoint.

First off, officially it is a non partisan thinktank that gives advises the US government. It is run by Zionists - so yes, they have a big of a anti-Muslim connotation - however, they are reporting facts, numbers, and statistics. These aren't things they've just made up off the top of their head.

Yes, gatestone has a certain tone to it does not mean that the numbers, statistics, reports, etc. aren't true.

For example:

The Socialist mayor of Amiens, Gilles Demailly, has referred to the Fafet-Brossolette district of the city as a "no-go zone" where "you can no longer order a pizza or get a doctor to come to the house." Europe 1, one of the leading broadcasters in France, has referred to...


No go zones do exist - see if you can walk through a Muslim neighborhood in Marseilles (which is the majority of the city) or Molenbeek dressed like a queer with a rainbow flag and see if some bearded Muslims don't accost you.

by a very health majority...

I wouldn't be surprised if later reports came about of vote rigging and election fraud - kind of like with Rahman.
nothanks  - | 626  
19 May 2016 /  #247
"The next day, the Muslims made up a story about the Christian disrespecting Islam and next thing 25 prisoners stormed his cell and beat him up." Belmarsh prison:'The jihadi training camp right in the heart of London'

jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #248
No go zones do exist

There are no no-go zones in Europe. Rough areas exist regardless of the background of the inhabitants. And neighborhoods in France or Belgium are nothing to do with the hugely popular Mayor of London!

What racist nonsense you post. What sort of person would even bother writing all that, especially when they live thousands of miles away.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
19 May 2016 /  #249
There are no no-go zones in Europe

In a legal sense, no. In a practical "don't go there, even the cops avoid that place" yes.

Rough areas exist regardless of the background of the inhabitants

And a number of muslim majority neighborhoods are generally very hostile to non-muslims and discourage them from visiting or staying there.

Hyperbole is not good but trying to pretend that real problems do not exist is no better.
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #250
In a legal sense, no. In a practical "don't go there, even the cops avoid that place" yes

It's a myth that there are areas that are unpoliced, and rough areas are rough areas regardless. Nothing new and bad neighbourhoods long predate large-scale migration.

And a number of muslim majority neighborhoods are generally very hostile

Having lived in three such neighbourhoods and worked in a couple of others I can say that your

very hostile to non-muslims and discourage them from visiting or staying there

thing simply isn't true.

And very few posts in the thread about the excellent Mayor Sadiq Khan. Just yet another thread full of posts about Muslims, mostly from people who have very little day-to-day contact with Muslim migrants or citizens.
nothanks  - | 626  
19 May 2016 /  #251
Another officer recommended that even non-Muslim female officers wear the hijab when "serving in communities with significant Muslim communities" or visiting a mosque "as part of their duties/outreach."

The prisoners are running the asylum
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #252
Another officer recommended

So that makes it official then. Where did you get that quote from?
nothanks  - | 626  
19 May 2016 /  #253
Copy/paste the quote into google but here

jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #254
So basically an anti-Muslim hate site. Not a credible source for anything.

And nothing to do with London's popular new Mayor.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
19 May 2016 /  #255
It's a myth that there are areas that are unpoliced,


Any area where a single police car is not safe can easily be called a "no go zone"
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #256
That's been posted here before, and debunked. Rough areas have existed for centuries. And in London, (the topic of this thread, not Sweden,) there are no 'Muslim no-go areas'.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
19 May 2016 /  #257
Rough areas have existed for centuries

Not in Sweden they haven't. They're a new development that coincides with rapid growth in the size of the muslim population. Correlation doesn't mean causation but it does point rather suggestively in a particular direction.
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #258
rapid growth

Exactly. Poverty, social exclusion. Any religions or cultures involved are naturally irrelevant.

And so is Sweden. Remember that this thread is about London's popular new Mayor.
G (undercover)  
19 May 2016 /  #259
Any religions or cultures involved are naturally irrelevant.

Barbarians are plundering Rome and you lefties still come up with this utter nonsense. It's called treason and traitors should be put up against a wall.
nothanks  - | 626  
19 May 2016 /  #260
Each passing day looks as if Trump will end up President. And he will not sign up for more Muslims/Refugees/Migrants. You have to hand it to the Americans, they destabilize half of the Middle East and then give their refugees a big middle finger.

This is why Americans are still running the globe and Brits are today being run by Muslim mayors.
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #261
Each passing day looks as if Trump will end up President

Of London?

Brits are today being run by Muslim mayors.

The mayor of London is a Londoner.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 May 2016 /  #262
Brits are today being run by Muslim mayors.

no, Londoners have voted in their mayor.
nothanks  - | 626  
19 May 2016 /  #263
"Londoner" whose first duty was scare Trump into not challenging Muslims or else they will react violently. Great selling point Kahn.
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #264
Don't be silly.

Worth remembering that his (conservative) predecessor also loathes the fool Trump, as do most politicians from across the political spectrum.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
19 May 2016 /  #265
lefties still come up with this utter nonsense. It's called treason and traitors should be put up against a wall.

Nah, they should be judged according to Sharia law. Albeit that is a blessing in disguise as they themselves by they every action and words are striping themselves of any verge of respectability or a real standing with the populace.

They Ivory tower detachment from a common man works for us a normal reasonable human beings, wait till their folly is going to hurt big businesses in one way or other - they'll be gone in a blink of an eye.

This is why Americans are still running the globe and Brits are today being run by Muslim mayors

Regrets? What is your problem with that Muslim mayor? Seriously.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
19 May 2016 /  #266
Nah, they should be judged according to Sharia law.

Maybe one day when gays start flying off of roofs then Harry, jon, and the rest of the circle jerk will realize maybe taking in all these Muslims might have not been the best idea.

These people breed like stoned test bunnies - it's only a matter of time before they become the majority and elect their crazy extremist politicians into government.

The mayor of London is a Londoner.

He's a Pakistani Muslim... like Obama is a Kenyan Muslim...
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #267
He's a Pakistani Muslim... like Obama is a Kenyan Muslim

Aside from the silly and inaccurate comment about President Obama's religion, Sadiq Khan is very much a Londoner, born and bred.

Sad to see so many haters, but unfortunately we have come to expect this irrational fear of the future from certain posters.
nothanks  - | 626  
19 May 2016 /  #268
Worth remembering that his (conservative) predecessor also loathes the fool Trump, as do most politicians from across the political spectrum.

Ofcourse they do. He challenges the globalist establishment. Will re-evaluate American alliances (no more free ride)
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 May 2016 /  #269
That or he's a clown and a symptom of the reality-show world over there. And nothing at all to do with the young and popular London Mayor.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 May 2016 /  #270
Will re-evaluate American alliances (no more free ride)

Until, of course, someone reminds him quietly that America projects considerable power into Europe and beyond through NATO and that it also provides many highly paid jobs for American contractors at the host nation's expense.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?Archived