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A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?

Lyzko  44 | 9730  
13 May 2016 /  #211
I simply mean that neither extreme in society is necessarily beneficial. While no country is nor wants to become a caricature of herself, England as the eternally genteel land of RP-speaking, caucasian, pasty-faced toffs from "Upstairs, Downstairs", addicted to water coloring and tea parties, Holland as tulip country populated by scores of homogeneous Katrinkas, Hans Brinker types etc.., IMPOSING diversity on any unwitting (hence ill-prepared) society is scarcely the same as allowing it to blossom from within that society, naturally, organically and not, as I posted prior, by boat lift for political expediency!!

Before we label us skeptics, occasional nay-sayers, as bigots and racists ad nauseum, let's examine diversity seriously and from a more scholarly perspective, it's positives as well as its negatives, shall we?
14 May 2016 /  #212

I see a Polish -Pakistani doctor has taken Sadiq Khans place as Rooting candidate in London.

Tooting sorry.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
14 May 2016 /  #213
I see a Polish -Pakistani doctor has taken Sadiq Khans place as Rooting candidate in London.

And your point is?
nothanks  - | 626  
14 May 2016 /  #214
We need to build a Wall to keep the ensuing Western-European barbarians out
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
16 May 2016 /  #215
2nd Battle of Vienna?
jon357  72 | 23668  
16 May 2016 /  #216
I see a Polish -Pakistani doctor has taken Sadiq Khans place as Rooting candidate in London.

Good for her. I'm sure she'll be an excellent MP for the area, just as Sadiq Khan was.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 May 2016 /  #217

A good example what nasty political scam is bringing upon us. Ethnic targeting. 15 years from now half of large western European cities will have muslim mayors, white people will be discriminated in their own countries.
jon357  72 | 23668  
16 May 2016 /  #218
5 years from now half of large western European cities will have muslim mayors

And that frightens you...
porky pok  2 | 127  
16 May 2016 /  #219
That should frighten you as well,Islam disapproves homosexuality.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 May 2016 /  #220
And that frightens you...

Sure it does. You see, not everyone is a childless homosexual, some people care how Europe will look like in 5, 15 or 55 years.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
16 May 2016 /  #221
white people will be discriminated in their own countries.

I don't like this kind of the rhetoric is silly and counterproductive.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
16 May 2016 /  #222
Ironside, we are seeing this already though. In many western countries, Christian Europeans are asked to dress a certain way and take down religious signs if they're close to a refugee center. Furthermore, white people cannot walk around in the areas commonly referred to as 'no go zones' without at least being stared at by everyone or accosted by Muslim men for something. There are plenty of videos and photographs showing these 'no go zones' and showing how white Europeans being criticized for drinking a beer or that their wife/girlfriend is dressed like a *****. In it's best form, the Muslim men criticize the white Europeans in their Muslim neighborhoods - at worst it results in violence, rape, gang assaults, etc.

(since the libs here say no go zones do not exist, I will refer to them as 'areas with a Muslim majority population where crime, poverty, unemployment, and extremism are rampant - areas that even the police is scared to into unless they go in a group, areas where 'Sharia' signs are plastered all over light posts with streets that are patrolled by Hisbah patrols, where a woman wearing a skirt will be accosted as would a man drinking a beer).

Christian Europeans are asked to remove crosses and religious iconography from churches because they are 'offensive' to the Muslims. Yet no one asks the Muslims to not build minarets because they're 'offensive' to Christians.

Girls in schools near refugee centers are asked not to wear skirts because the Muslim refugees deem them to be 'offensive' and 'against their religion.' Yet no one forces the Muslims to shave their beards or not have women wearing burkas because they're 'offensive.'

Even in the US, white people are viewed as the enemy more and more now by the left. 'White guilt' is a real phenomenon.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
16 May 2016 /  #223
where a woman wearing a skirt will be accosted as would a man drinking a beer).

This is true. I knew a girl who was pushed to the floor and given a kicking by a group of Muslim men. I mean, OK she was probably trying to turn tricks or buy drugs -

That was in East London some years ago.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
16 May 2016 /  #224
" mean, OK she was probably trying to turn tricks or buy drugs - " not ok she probably needed help and understanding with her drug addiction which she had to fund by turning tricks.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
16 May 2016 /  #225
not ok

well of course not, silly turn of phrase really.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
16 May 2016 /  #226
Ahemm, let's not point the accusing finger SPECIFICALLY at Islam for her excessively punitive stance on "alternative lifestyles":-) Putin's made it a literal crime and he sure ain't MuslimLOL!
jon357  72 | 23668  
16 May 2016 /  #227

I wouldn't know about that...

how Europe will look like in 5, 15 or 55 years.

Much better, probably

no go zones do not exist

This is correct
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
16 May 2016 /  #228
Sounds a bit ominous, all told:-) Is this meant as a promise or a threat?
nothanks  - | 626  
16 May 2016 /  #229
I don't like this kind of the rhetoric is silly and counterproductive

Hillary Clinton is running on an Anti-White Male foundation in the name of "breaking barriers"
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
16 May 2016 /  #230
I wouldn't say that, Nothanks! Oh, admittedly she's also bought into the familiar affirmative action mantra of "You girls have gotta do it all by yourselves (..just like I did HAH!!!!! -Paging Bill:-)) and she certainly does reach out, at least on the surface, to minorities of every stripe, don't let's now lapse once again into bleedin' Right Wing whining about the decline of the W.A.S.P male ad nauseum!!

keep to the topic please
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
17 May 2016 /  #231
Much better, probably

In 55 years ? That will likely be a period of Balkan style cruel wars going on since years, between Muslims and infidels. With Londonistan being an official name of one of the city-states.

There are already islamists inside of European armies and police forces. Not 1, 10 or 100 but many more. You crazies won't wake up until it's far too late.
jon357  72 | 23668  
17 May 2016 /  #232
That will likely be a period of Balkan style cruel wars going on since years, between Muslims and infidels.

Possibly in your dreams, and/or a trashy Hollywood action film
Ironside  51 | 13109  
17 May 2016 /  #233
Hillary Clinton is running on an Anti-White Male foundation in the name of "breaking barriers"

So what do you propose to run an Ape white Alpha male is the best campaign? In the face of that kind of folly brains are essential not a childish - no pasaran on a T-short.

In 55 years ? That will likely be a period of Balkan style cruel wars going on since years

Don't pretend to be a prophet, you are not and you can't predict what will happen in five years let alone 50. What do you care about London anyway?

That is pointless and absolutely useless scaremongering that changes nothing. Cultural neo-Marxism is the enemy not some Pakistani goat abuser. As well as uncontrolled corporations - get your priorities right unless you are only fit for gossip. .

You crazies won't wake up until it's far too late.

Scream at them some more and with hysteria much pronounced I'm sure they'll hide your advice given a time.
Marsupial  - | 871  
17 May 2016 /  #234
To be honest he has to be better than boris, I think most people would be.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
17 May 2016 /  #235
Adrian: no go zones do not exist
This is correct

Many sources would argue otherwise - such as Gatestone Institute which has much more merit than you:

In October 2011, a 2,200-page report, "Banlieue de la République" (Suburbs of the Republic) found that Seine-Saint-Denis and other Parisian suburbs are becoming "separate Islamic societies" cut off from the French state and where Islamic Sharia law is rapidly displacing French civil law.

The television presenter asks: "What if we went to the suburbs?" Obertone replies: "I do not recommend this. Not even we French dare go there anymore. But nobody talks about this in public, of course. Nor do those who claim, 'long live multiculturalism,' and 'Paris is wonderful!' dare enter the suburbs."

Those sound like No Go Zones to me... kind of like the west side of Chicago - yes you probably won't automatically get killed, raped, or shot going there as white person but it is an area where drug dealers and gangsters are both the economy and the law.

Liberals claims 'no go zones' don't exist - BUT majority Muslim neighborhoods that have extremely high rates of rape, poverty, unemployment, crime, extremism and have Hisbah patrols, and Sharia courts and laws are enforced, and the police is scared to enter without backup and reinforcements DO EXIST...
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
17 May 2016 /  #236
Adrian: there are a lot of extremists such as (but not only) David Horowitz whose business is to lie in order to provoke hatred towards some target groups and nowadays the muslims are no.1. A proof their reports are pure BS: NEVER concrete détails, NEVER concrete facts, NEVER concrete locations, NEVER concrete dates for the simple reasons that they lie. Any student would be failed to provide a thesis that vague with no precise anything (common sense). Once again some BS about France. Your obseesion is sick. Where the hell would there be some socalled ... "islamic" (lol, most of them do not even practice any religion!) areas and .. courts ????? . You are not able to give precise détails because such things do not exist, not only in France but also in Europe. There are NOT such things. I challenge anybody to provide full détails but I know they won't do simply because UNtrue. WHOEVER lives in France knows this is NOT true. These are only inventions from hatemongers such as David Horowitz, known as the "MISinformation" guru in the US whose business is to create turmoil and to make money out of the idiots like you who believe anything they find on the net without even doubting.

Even if some areas are populated mostly by what YOU call "Muslims" 1. a lot of them are NOT muslims since not practicing (in France ONLY 15% of the population regularly practice ANY religion) 2. police are present there and ONLY French law does rules. What is your personal experience? Saying the opposite shows no knowledge of reality. Being "muslim" is a religion NOT a "race" contrary to what extremists want to believe and a lot of people from Arabic countries living in Europe are NOT religious (sometimes even atheist) but HOW WOULD YOU KNOW????

Enough is enough with extremist propaganda from Americans who know NOTHING about Europe! Trust me, Europe is not what you think it is but instead of discovering it, you prefer to rely on MISinformation gurus... If Europe were the way American extremists in PF want us to believe, Europe would be at war. In Europe, the tiny minorities of what you extremist call "'muslims" are accepted by most of the population.

And yes if in Europe (don't you have any in the US? ;)) there are (few) poor neighborhoods peopled mostly by people of immigrant origin, there are NO "go zones". These "people" are NOT cut out of the main society for one good reason: they mostly depend upon ... welfare and said welfare is paid by the State ;).

Enough with slander from American extremists who know NOTHING about Europe!

Adrian and other extremists: you may copy-paste any BS from extremist sites, you will not change anything. And yes, I daresay that you and your gang of extremists are a bunch of liars.

PS: Adrian: I challenge you to provide with full détails re socalled "islamic courts" in France! I mean precise locations, addresses, names of persons in charge, names of persons condemned, etc etc ... Same applies with precise addresses of socalled "islamist check points in Marseille" imagined by David Horowitz! I wish you good luck!

PPS: to be so obsessed by populations you have never even met shows a profund mental disorder or are you so unhappy with your lives that you need scapegoats and hate the whole world. How many Muslims do you personally know? Let me guess: ZERO!

Pauvres c....s!

@Jon: absolutely! The extremist clique relies on propaganda from revisionnist/negationnist MISinformation guru David Horowitz and co rather than on reality from people who happen to PERSONALLY know.

My goodness! One must be really sick to buy any BS found on the net the way they do!

the only way to learn about something is REAL experience!

Well, fascists are very limited intellectually..
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
17 May 2016 /  #237
If we are talking about Europe there are plenty of UK islamic courts


There are many sources that give addresses and information etc , including wiki, not sure about france tho.

By the way I am not a fascists or a nazi and know nothing about Horowitz, so Libtards please take note before you start bleating at me.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
17 May 2016 /  #238
My goodness! One must be really sick to buy any BS found on the net the way they do!

Oy vey !

Intelligence service monitoring 60 soldiers


It's a matter of time that, during some "anti-terrorist" operation, Belgian, Dutch or French policemen/soldiers will start shooting at one another.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
17 May 2016 /  #239
@Dolno: neither Daily Mail nor Wiki are reliable sources ;). ANYBODY's grandma or even dog can write in Wikipedia? Have you seen any in UK? I doubt you have. As to France, since no such things, very difficult to give precise détails and it "amazes" me that all their socalled reports are most vague, with NO precise details. How could they give precise details anyway since they invent horror stories based upon 1% truth. Believe me, should it be like American extremists lie in PF, for instance in France, Front National would get 99.99% of the votes and at the very most they can get 20%, which means that 80% of the voters are against them.

First of all, most "muslims" (well, I can speak about France, which I happen to know very well, contrary to Adrian, Johnny and the whole fascist clique), very few are religious and a lot are even atheist so how the hell could they be .. islamist??? Fascists show us how stupid they are.

London's recent election and also (for instance) the fact that the favorite for French election is said to be pro-muslim (I would rather say that the guy is pragmatic and moderate) prove that European societies are NOT like American and other extremists claim in PF but how would they know? I would also mention Merkel who inspite of her mess is very solid in Germany.

NO, Europe is not what some members (most probably paid by the David Horowitz's clique) copy-paste. In Europe, people don't fight against each other, but most people have no problem to live and interact with each other. Well, I suppose that the Adrian, Nothanks, Mafektis, Johnny Reb know "better", don't they???

Well, to conclude, when someone does not know about a subject, they should avoid talking BS because they are really as..ses

Obviously those people who have NO connection with Poland are only in PF to copy-paste their fascist propaganda for which they are most probably paid so I am "out"... as I don't want to feed trolls.

I let them to their ignorance and hatred!

I suppose London's new Mayor is too much for some of you but Europe is NOT what you claim it to be!

Sleep tide!
jon357  72 | 23668  
17 May 2016 /  #240
Gatestone Institute which has much more merit than you:

Gatestone 'institute' has no merit whatsoever. It is a far-right American site.

There are no 'no-go zones' in Europe, this is a fantasy promoted by Americans of the dodgiest sort.

And Sadiq Khan, the subject of this thread, won by a healthy majority; his ethnicity is not an issue.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?Archived