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A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?

11 May 2016 /  #181
Not if its not artificial.

Maybe in your opinion

He;s British and he's expressing a commonly held British opinion.

The only surprise would be a Catholic member of the Royal family, which is/was illegal
11 May 2016 /  #182
He is a British Muslim his beliefs are based on the Islamic faith, please don't insinuate that he holds " British opinion".
Levi  11 | 433  
11 May 2016 /  #183
A fellow Pakistani-British, long time colleague of Sadiq Khan, new mayor of London, wrote that about him:

"During London's '90s Islamist heyday, Sadiq Khan's brother-in-law Makbool Javaid was affiliated and listed as a spokesman to the now-banned terrorist group al-Muhajiroun, founded by the hate preacher Omar Bakri Muhammad, and then led by the infamous fanatic Anjem Choudary.

I knew of Makbool back then, too. His brothers were colleagues of mine, affiliated to my former extremist organization, Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Through such connections Khan ingratiated himself in the London Islamist scene.
In 2003, he appeared at a conference alongside Sajeel Abu Ibrahim, a member of that same banned al-Muhajiroun.

Sajeel ran a camp in Pakistan that trained the 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan. Speaking there, too, was one Yasser al-Siri, who had been convicted in Egypt over a political assassination attempt that left a young girl dead."

Author: Maajid Nawaz, jailed for planning terrorist attacks during the 90s and whose was a client of then lawyer Sadiq Khan, now mayor of London.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
11 May 2016 /  #184
If Sadiq Khan and the people of London want and vote for the Sharia then fair enough its a democratic choice, after all the British people welcomed migration and are happy with the diversity it brings.
Levi  11 | 433  
11 May 2016 /  #185
"If Sadiq Khan and the people of London want and vote for the Sharia then fair enough its a democratic choice, after all the British people welcomed migration and are happy with the diversity it brings"

This is the same as say that, if all Israelis vote for the extermination of the Muslims living at the Jewish state, than it is their will so it would be OK.

But of course you, dolnoslask, as a good muslims that you are, would be against democracy in this case but in favor of democracy if it is about muslims exterminating christians.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
11 May 2016 /  #186
"dolnoslask, as a good muslims", I'm a happy catholic living in Poland thanks.

Sharia in London may be be a good thing , The the financial center of Europe might move to somewhere safe like Wroclaw or Warsaw which would be great for Poland.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 May 2016 /  #187
So after your holiday from PF you come back spouting nonsense Dolno? :)) Waht si this "Sharia Law"? the tedious old chesnut.

Can I have some of what you've been clearly having? Wroclaw or Warsaw 'safer" than London?

People need to remember that Warsaw was a hotbed of corruption just a small matter of 30 years ago, and to set up a respected leading Stock Exchange as the Poles have, in such a relatively short time, is miraculous. But safer than London?

Porky returns  
11 May 2016 /  #188
So far Warsaw iś safer then london until brits start migerating,i Heard about a Brit robbing a bank In Warsaw.....go do ha math
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
11 May 2016 /  #189
" Sharia in London may be be a good thing , The the financial center of Europe might move to somewhere safe like Wroclaw or Warsaw which would be great for Poland. "

oh please, dolno, do get a grip...:) That is hardly going to happen is it? Are you deluded or just on a wind-up? lol @ financial centre of Europe moving to Wroclaw...just LOL.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
11 May 2016 /  #190
Wroclaw he the financial center of Europe, one can have ambitions, Napoleon saw opportunity and turned them into reality .

Doug really!!! just look at the crime stats between London and Warsaw .

As for corruption !!! Dougpo where have you been, all the banksters in London are bent.

Not back from hols, new tractor has arrived so plenty to do.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
11 May 2016 /  #191
People need to remember that Warsaw was a hotbed of corruption just a small matter of 30 years ago,

I don't think it was a city any more corrupted than elsewhere in Eastern and Central Europe.

Are you deluded or just on a wind-up? lol @ financial centre of Europe moving to Wroclaw...justLOL

This is indeed impossible. Such a centre does not only require the infrastructure, but much more...

Napoleon saw opportunity and turned them into reality .

I should remind you that the opportunity Napoleon saw in conquering Russia turned into a disaster for him. it would have been better for him if he left Russia in peace and instead concentrated on invading the good old England...
gregy741  5 | 1226  
11 May 2016 /  #192
This is indeed impossible. Such a centre does not only require the infrastructure, but much more...

everyone moving to asia..if London get hits by taxes or clamping on financial sector by leftists,they run to Singapore or something like that
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
11 May 2016 /  #193
I don't live in London (Thank God) but I've been following this new mayor now - apparently, this Muslim has some ties to extremists and vocal antisemites. There's been some mention of voter fraud too with people being unable to select Goldsmith.


Khan's ties:

In 2008, Khan gave a speech at the Global Peace and Unity Conference, an event organized by the Islam Channel, which has been censured repeatedly by British media regulators for extremism.

The Muslims who voted for Sadiq Khan did not reject his extremist ties and supremacist rhetoric, dispelling the notion that most Muslims are moderates and do not adhere to the Sharia, or support extremism. Apparently, they are not "Uncle Toms," as Sadiq likes to call moderate Muslims.

Possible voter fraud:

At the same time, many Jews were prohibited from voting. Even the Chief Rabbi of London was turned away - leading to the Chief Executive of one London borough having to resign. Innumerable voters throughout the London Borough of Barnet - where much of the British Jewish community lives today - were prevented from voting by a suspicious and never-explained "error" at the area's polling stations.

Mote info on possible voter fraud:

A Muslim politician who shares platforms with extremists but yet has no problem with gays is running the financial capital of Europe? What has this world come to?!

Found a good detailed article on this election -

Demographic breakdown of some areas:

Brent (only 18% percent white British, 18.6% identify as Islamic faith)
Tower Hamlets (31.2% white British, 27.1% identify as Islamic faith)
Ealing (30.4% percent white British - 16% identify as Islamic faith)
Harrow (30.9% percent white British - 12.5% identify as Islamic faith)
11 May 2016 /  #194
this Muslim has some ties to extremists and vocal antisemites. There's been some mention of voter fraud too with people being unable to select Goldsmith.

Idiotic false claims like that is the reason why Goldsmith lost the election
11 May 2016 /  #195
There will be trouble in London over Sadiq Khan being in Mayoral office. He has upset some serious people and only the other day a guy was murdered for praising him in Pakistan.

Islam had no place in the west.
12 May 2016 /  #196
Serious people? Are they going to frown and say tut-tut?
12 May 2016 /  #197
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
12 May 2016 /  #198
Idiotic false claims like that is the reason why Goldsmith lost the election

False claim? The fact is voter machines were not working and many people were able to vote for Khan multiple times - unless of course this is a totally false claim by the British media- do you proof that it is a false claim?

This wouldn't be the first time there was voter fraud in London - bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-35823318
Former mayor Lutfur Rahman was removed from office last year after being found guilty of election fraud. Detectives launched the review following a High Court report into voter intimidation during the election. Last time I checked, Tower Hamlets is some 40% Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi.

It appears that East London is pretty notorious for voter fraud...
"electoral fraud is more likely to be committed by or in support of candidates standing for election in areas which are largely or predominately populated by some South Asian communities, specifically those with roots in parts of Pakistan or Bangladesh".

Then just a day or so after this Muslim mayor wins - 'Glory to Allah' signs go up on buses... utter hypocrisy..

This is the islamization of London, the UK, and the rest of Western Europe happening right before our eyes. It won't be long before we see criminalization alcohol, womens' rights, and the implentation of Sharia - especially when politicians supporting such laws are voted in. Certain types of free speech which are totally legal in the US are illegal and can result in prison sentences in England, Germany, etc. - i.e. saying Sig Heil or doing the Roman salute can result in a 3 year prison sentence in Germany.

The election of Sadiq Khan and the "Glory to Allah" ads on London buses herald the beginning of a very scary, dark very dark - (like the color of the people who ushered this in) period in British history. It may indeed be the last period of Britain as the home of free people. Free people who willingly chose their own destruction and cultural suicide.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
12 May 2016 /  #199
Idiotic false claims

Khan's ties to extremists are certainly not false claims.

Here's a few facts:

He knows terrorist Babar Ahmad and was even filmed speaking with him at a funeral recently. He fought against Ahmad's extradition to the US.

He once shared a platform with Yasser al-Siri, a convicted terrorist and associate of hate preacher Abu Qatada
His brother in law, Makbool Javaid is linked with extremist group Al-Muhajiroun, an organisation that praised the 9/11 attacks and the 7/7 bombings.
He use to be a member of Stop Political Terror later merged with Cage, a London campaign group that described Jihadi John (who left the capital to join Isis in Syria) as 'a beautiful young man' but has since distanced himself.

Khan and Jeremy Corbyn were present at a tenth anniversary celebration of the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) - which undoubtedly Israel claims to be linked to Hamas.

The reason why this guy won is because of all the Muslims in London. There's also a very strong possibility that there was voter fraud - which has happened before in Muslim communities notably the mayoral election of Rahman.

I do certainly now want these kind of people walking around in Poland- women with black garbage bags over their head, guys with huge beards chanting Sharia 4 Poland - no thanks...

  • london.jpg
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
12 May 2016 /  #200
Face it, folks! The melting-pot culture may well work in much of the US, it is still foreign to Britain as well as much of the Continent.

For the average ethnic "Anglo" Londoner aka Brit at large, the mayor a major urban center still ought to reflect the majority culture, and that means white and Anglican (or Catholic). Jews barely gained acceptance during the 19th century, Muslims continue to be just a bit of a stretch for Mr. and Mrs. John Bull:-)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
13 May 2016 /  #201
For the average ethnic "Anglo" Londoner aka Brit at large

the thing is, Londoners come from such a different place to 'the average Brit' you cannot really compare them, let alone dismiss them together in one sweeping generalisation.

The melting pot culture - at my children's London primary there were 160 languages spoken.

Even when I was a kid (and I am not that young) all of our group were half this and half that, half Iranian half German, half Swiss half American, half Jewish, half Irish, etc etc

YOu have an outdated view of London L.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
13 May 2016 /  #202
I have always said London should secede from the rest of the UK and form an independent state loosely connected to the European Union. Something like a "Freie Stadt London" on the example of the "Freie Stadt Danzig" once. Scotland will follow suit and Wales may be tempted to do so as well. Thus we would have England united with Nortern Ireland only, but that could serve as an excuse for retaining the already old-fashioned name of "United Kingdom".

God save the Queen!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
13 May 2016 /  #203
God save the Queen!

ha ha ha

Certainly London could be described as an economic statelet deserving of 'free city' status.
And Scotland has plenty of oil.
Not sure about Wales though....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
13 May 2016 /  #204
Not sure about Wales though....

Rather than worry about Wales, you should think of where the Parliament could be relocated...
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
13 May 2016 /  #206
London, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, Amsterdam, above all, Copenhagen (all cities which I know!) are indeed massively changed from the late '70's, even the start of the millennium to be sure! No, my view isn't "outdated" and yet I know that Europe is NOT America, nor should she be, and so again, multi-culturalism sounds wonderful, but it has it's limits.....in America also:-)
Ktos  15 | 432  
13 May 2016 /  #207
Ziemowit! No matter what the topic is you will always pick on InPolska, that is pathetic, time to realise this, I hope it will take you less than four minutes to arrive at this revelation, no laughing matter but I welcome InPolska to keep laughing at your vanity.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
13 May 2016 /  #208
No, my view isn't "outdated"

from your previous remarks, I can assure you that it is...:)
Szalawa  2 | 239  
13 May 2016 /  #209
I happen to agree with Lyzko's views in this respect, diversity has its limits
13 May 2016 /  #210
I have always said London should secede from the rest of the UK and form an independent state loosely connected to the European Union

That may well happen with Brexit (which would be a catastrophe for London) .

Londons GDP is over $700billion v Polands $500billion.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?Archived