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A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 May 2016 /  #151
I must admit I don't much about this guy but I wouldn't be surprised If his "progressive" face was for white useful idiots and he was saying a bit different things to his "brothers". And I'm fairly sure Muslims voted for this guy anyway just to have "one of their own" elected. That's what blacks did in US in case of Obama, that's what "minorities" do and that's why they don't need to be 51% of population to get "their own" elected. In the future, when muslims hit 20% of voters in country x, I won't be surprised that they will have half of mayors and a significant national party that will be a part of government no matter if the left or right wins, they will be needed to form a coalition. Thank you filthy tree huggers.
9 May 2016 /  #152
I love the 'I have no idea what I'm talking about, but here is my opinion' from you guys.

I voted for Goldsmith, mainly as a anti-Corbyn vote. I'm far more worried about having a Marxist Putin supporter as Prime Minister than a Muslim Mayor.

In fact I couldn't care a jot what religion the Mayor is, he looks the best man for the job, out of the choices we were given.

Which is why he was elected, Londoners don't think like members of Daesh and judge you on your religious beliefs.
Levi  11 | 433  
9 May 2016 /  #153
^ You would be so surprised to know that more than a thousand "londoners" in fact JOINED Daesh....

(The western city with the biggest contribution to then)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
9 May 2016 /  #154
I love the 'I have no idea what I'm talking about, but here is my opinion' from you guys.

You should start all your posts with that.
9 May 2016 /  #155
The western city with the biggest contribution to then)

Not true.Try to be inventive with your lies.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
9 May 2016 /  #156
Even in front of the exchange there'd be plenty of dudes in clothes you'd see more in like Jeddah - s

speaking as a Londoner , sitting in an internet cafe on the Old Kent Road , you are talking utter utter nonsense.

anyway nobody would visit London and spend all their time in the City (the area around the stock exchange to you), so to quote Harry, 'stop lying'...:)
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 May 2016 /  #157
speaking as a Londoner , sitting in an internet cafe on the Old Kent Road , you are talking utter utter nonsense

huh...whitechapel area(part of tower hamlets district) is about 200 yards from City centre(londons financial centre). and its most muslim populated district in entire Britain.with about 40% population are Muslims.

i lived like over 4 years in whitechapel.i think,you are talking nonsense
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
9 May 2016 /  #158
i lived like over 4 years in whitechapel.

good for you Gregy, In that case you will surely know that tourists tend not to 'spend most of their time around the Stock Exchange' or indeed in Whitechapel...:)
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 May 2016 /  #159
yea..i guess..nothing there really,apart from brick lane night life.and curries restaurants
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
9 May 2016 /  #160
the area around the stock exchange to you

If you read my post the last time I was in London I was there on business - the company I work for is listed in London... The time before that I went as a tourist a Trafalgar tour about 8-9 years ago and did all the 'touristy' stuff like seeing big ben, buckingham, parliament, etc. I was so happy when I left and was able to take the ferry to France... although France kind of sucked too till I got to the southern riviera which is awesome - although I bet since that time it's also been overrun by darkies. I can honestly say that London is my least favorite city in Europe - disgusting, gray, ugly women, way too many Arabs and Muslims, needlessly expensive, congested, dirty, terrible food... yeah I definitely won't be spending any of my own dollars on a trip to London again...

And yes, there were tons of Arabs at and around the exchange - it seemed like every 4th person was either african, hindu, or muslim.

You guys can keep all your multi kulti types led by a pro-gay Muslim.
nothanks  - | 626  
9 May 2016 /  #161
Adrian not a fan of curry? Haha. Most visited city on the Planet, one of the most diverse and their main food is that slop.

Keep to the topic please..A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
10 May 2016 /  #162
the problem with London is that everything costs an arm and a leg and is too expensive for most people. As to restaurants, they are obviously foreign and staffed with foreign (often French) cooks..
10 May 2016 /  #163
Accommodation is expensive in London, but my food is good and cheap.

If you are a tourist from a poor country I guess it would seem expensive, but who cares ? If you can afford it there are more Michelin stars than Paris
nothanks  - | 626  
10 May 2016 /  #164
"London is too expensive" obviously not everywhere. Trash moved in and scared the middle class out.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 May 2016 /  #165
As to restaurants, they are obviously foreign and staffed with foreign (often French) cooks..

yes London is infested with French - they come over because France is shyte..:)
Ironside  51 | 13109  
10 May 2016 /  #166
Thanks for mentioning the IRA.

tsk tsk talking about self-centered nations. Nah, that trend stared in the second part of the 19th century with revolutionary leftie organization/cells that on a small scale keeping alive traditions of the French Revolution's terror.

In modern times the WWII seems terror attacks, sabotage and diversion used across the continents as yet another tool of the total war. After the war Jewish settlers in Palestine used terror bombs (not only but the bombs were most effective) attacks against British soldiers as a way of reaching their own political objective.

Used now and then bombs attacks against civilian population were in fact popularized by the IRA, themselves being influenced by the Maoist ideology and terrorist cells in the Latino America.

Next Palestinians took up the mantle of perfected that adding suicidal boomers caring vests packed with explosives in one. That was out of necessity really because Israeli security didn't give them much leeway - classical plot of planting a bomb more oft flailed than not and those who were planting a bomb were more oft than not killed anyway.

From Palestinians the Muslim world took over as added their own religious based ideology they fitted the narrative of Islam well.

In Ireland, Muslims are not alienated

Sure because they Muslim are few and between in Ireland.
Honest Pole  
10 May 2016 /  #167
Poland is definitely much less tolerant than Ireland because there are even less muslims here but are attacked all the time.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
10 May 2016 /  #168

Mods can this troll be neutered. I mean he has no balls anyway but at last you could keep his antic in check,

posted in lieu of random thread.
smurf  38 | 1940  
10 May 2016 /  #169
Poland is definitely much less tolerant than Ireland because there are even less muslims here but are attacked all the time.

Can't argue with that really
Ironside  51 | 13109  
10 May 2016 /  #170
The point is you live in the alternate reality where smurfs are red.
Atch  22 | 4299  
10 May 2016 /  #171
n modern times the WWII seems terror attacks,

It is generally accepted that Michael Collins was a key figure in the development of 20th century guerilla warfare tactics. Of course the 'old IRA' in which my paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother served, was a very different kettle of fish to the Provos but that's where their origins lie. And it's pretty well known that the IRA have been training Arab terrorists for many years.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
10 May 2016 /  #172
Under its new Muslim mayor, London plans to decorate its iconic red buses with banners praising Allah... at least those buses that haven't yet been destroyed by Allah-praising bombers.


Adrian not a fan of curry? Haha.

No way, I've tried Indian food twice - both at rather pricey restaurants. (I kind of live by a motto - 'I'll try anything twice - in case I didn't like it the first time). Well, both times I felt like like tandoori and all those nasty spices were coming out of my sweat. I showered and washed my clothes and I could still smell the Indian food! It was literally like 2-3 days before I couldn't smell Indian food anymroe.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
10 May 2016 /  #173
Again, I can only add that I hope that Londoners, to be sure all Englishmen, will come to accept a Zadiq Khan as readily as a Boris Johnson, but it's scarcely going to be an easy adjustment! Were I am enlightened Londoner, certainly I'd welcome a presence such as Mr Khan's compared with the likes of a Ken Livingstone and similar polarizing forces, yet one must realize that having an unknown factor in charge of one of the world's major capitals is going to require a significant period of adjustment:-)

Britain aka England had already long since gotten used to Disraeli as PM along with numerous other non-Christian statesmen, including Dublin's Lord Mayor Briscoe (from an Orthodox family, no less!!!). A PRACTICING Muslim however definitely throws a monkey wrench into the works. To deny this is quite simply burying one's head in the sand.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
10 May 2016 /  #174
And it's pretty well known that the IRA have been training Arab terrorists for many years.

Atch all countries (their secret services) were training terrorist against their foes. Organizations like IRA are just but a footnote and connections, connections.... Not what I asked you thought.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
10 May 2016 /  #175
Lord Mayor Briscoe

I believe there's 20 some Jewish MP's right now - Muslim politicians are a fairly new thing in the west but the Jews have been in politics in the west for quite a while, although in much larger numbers after WW2.


I can say that my favorite British politician is by far Winnie - a huge anti-Communist who understood the subversive tactics of the Zionists and their role in violent revolutions to overthrow civilzations - namely Bolshevism and Communism of his day. He explains this in his essay '"Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle For The Soul of The Jewish People'

Two brief exerpts:

This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus--Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the...


There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and an the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution: by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others.

- Winston Churchill
nickknock  - | 19  
10 May 2016 /  #176
Having a non indigenous person as a leader is something to be proud of. I prefer all countries be lead by their own indigenous peoples. I prefer diversity, and not the grey ,
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
10 May 2016 /  #177
Think the next mayor then will be "of color" aka black? And how would the diversity-friendly Brits feel about a black royal in the future?

Think about it! Diversity also has her limits:-)
jon357  72 | 23668  
11 May 2016 /  #178
a black royal

I doubt it would be an issue
porky pok  2 | 127  
11 May 2016 /  #179
Maybe in your opinion as you would not like to be discriminated as well, being a homosexual.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
11 May 2016 /  #180
All this diversity is so artificial, all it does is build resentment

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