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A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?

gumishu  15 | 6228  
7 May 2016 /  #61
Send the million Poles back?

sure talk to the employers of those said Poles if they would accept you and InPolska in the place of 1000 milllion Polish workers :) have fun
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #62
sure talk to the employers of those said Poles if they would accept you

I don't work for others. I work with whom I please. Nice try. Now buzz off troll.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
7 May 2016 /  #63
@Gumi: problem is that foreigners here have skills that Poles don't have
gumishu  15 | 6228  
7 May 2016 /  #64
I work with whom I please.

I hardly believe you find business partners in Poland these days with your supremacist ideology
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
7 May 2016 /  #65
I am sure that Doug pays more in tax than your parents do ;). I sure do too and we both pay for your 500+ ;)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
7 May 2016 /  #66
@Gumi: problem is that foreigners here have skills that Poles don't have

problem is Poles in the West have the willingness to do jobs the locals don't have

I sure do too and we both pay for your 500+ ;)

I don't benefit from 500+ neither anyone from my immediate family
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
7 May 2016 /  #67
but since we do pay tax, we pay for your elementary school lunches!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #68
your supremacist ideology

What? Supremacist? You mean surely that Poles are above all others - that I should treat a Syrian differently maybe?

There are two Syrians with a stall in the market where I live. They sell electronic goods/ tools/ light bulbs/etc. If their stuff is OK and cheap, I will sometimes buy from them, because they are loud, and smile.

A lot of Polish stall holders are the same, loud and they smile. I don't favour one over the other. Shopping is done on a whim.

What is supremacist about that?

You need to have a dictionary at your side. The word supremacist refers to supposed superiority. And that is what you nationalist scum believe in. Do I make myself clear?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
7 May 2016 /  #69
we pay for your elementary school lunches!

I don't eat lunches at school - and you pay like what per centage of the tax paid in Poland 1*10^(-26)???

The word supremacist refers to supposed superiority.

you are blind to your superiority complex, I forgive you - I wild, uncouth unruly Pole :P
7 May 2016 /  #70
73 posts and not a single reference to the fact the Goldsmiths are the founding financers of the democracy party, which is anti federal Europe. James Goldsmith was a pioneer and saw the Brussels for what it is - a kleptocracy. Zac lost due to his campaign being "divisive" and "laden with smear". We Londoners do not like this kind of foul play, its just not British.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #71
not a single reference to the fact the Goldsmiths

The Goldsmiths are beyond the pale - that is why.

To misquote Oscar Wilde: " The unspeakable................"

superiority complex

I have no superiority complex - but reserve the right :))
Honest Pole  
7 May 2016 /  #72
Sensible comment - but that comfort needs challenging.

Many in Poland also fear that if we let in even a few thousand refegees/muslims etc they with bring in their familiies thanks to family reunification laws, breed at incredible pace and eventually outnumber natives.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #73
eventually outnumber natives.

Yeah - they said that about catholics in Northern Ireland. Hasn't happened yet. Racialist propaganda.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
7 May 2016 /  #74
we foreigners in Poland are here for business

No sunshine you spilled beans before and we know why you are in Poland. Because in your country you would be lead a life of old nutty aunt nobody want to talk to, and your 'friends' long have forgotten about you, your not very bright and your progressivism in France wouldn't impress anyone, you would be delegated to the basement or to the dusty attic. . whereas in Poland you still have a small change to dazzle some miserable sods with your alluded foreign tangy charm.

...and you know it! Hence your hysterical cry on PF.

Shall we do a swop?

We swop you for a Muslim you get to Pakistan and we can have some darkie token Muslim in Poland, hey even your daughter could be a host to him. what do you say to that, do we have a deal, eh?

You need to wash your mouth out and stop being so proud.

I would think that you rather should shut your dimwitted gob. Are you for real? moving to Poland to lecture Poles what to do with their country and how to act or react? Do you think that you impress anyone? well you do with your stupidity and arrogance if that is you goal here.... and here I have been thinking that Harry is bad.....do you even have a sense?

You are making prize fecks of yourselves and you ain't big enough in a real fight.

You mean such extremely nationalistic Poles after your 23 years in the country, with you being an obnoxious stupid little man with big mouth and nobody kicked (as yet) seven shades shytte out of you? So either you are absolutely off mark in your opinions about Poles or you have been terribly lucky, and maybe just maybe your big gob is so big only on PF.

I am sure that Doug pays more in tax

I'm sure that he is avoiding taxes as he himself alluded few times here and even if he did that is his duty not a grace he can bestow upon Poland. Meaning stop bragging about doing what you are obliged to do by the law.

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, we know that you know nothing about anything. Not that there were many doubts about it. I just wonder why you think that Poles need to follow footsteps of the former western European powers? Do you even understand consequences ....we would get ourselves few colonies ,,,that for starters.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #75
nobody kicked (as yet) seven shades shytte out of you?

Lol. They've tried. I was even once long ago accused of GBH to my family's shame. Self defence. I used to box for Nottingham schools, and three or four broken noses later I am an ugly bastard, I'll give you that.

I don't avoid taxes actually. It's true, as before - I don't pay ZUS any longer - as I have NO legal requirement to do so - as I do not run a business. I work for AN OTher who pays ZUS for the business. All legal as confirmed by my accountant. Thanks for your concern:)

And how big is your penis? Small, by the sound of it.
7 May 2016 /  #76
Dougpol, on a drunken rant... You are so 'Little Britain' lost without a home - old boy...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #77
old boy.

Not drunk at all - what makes you say that? What's your problem? Spell it out - you know you want to Mr Nationalist twat.

Not drunk at all

Oh wait - I lie. Just realised I drank a 70 cl bottle of Ballantines in between writing reports and walking the dog. So you are right on this count. My statement that you are obviously (from your Moniker) a nationalist twat, still stands however:)
7 May 2016 /  #78
You personafy the 'Yeah but, no but' generation...
nothanks  - | 626  
7 May 2016 /  #79
Largest city in Europe run by a Muslim. What a time to be alive! You think Istanbul would ever allow Christian leadership? I am starting to relate to people that state "Why would I want to bring children into a world like this?". I either raise a cuckolding leftist that might turn into a transexual OR a proud White that is ambushed and manipulated by the entire Western World.

London brought this on themselves: the other alternative was a Jewish banker? I'm supposed to believe this new mayor is going to go against Islamic extremist and vote against Sharia Law? Hell no, he will help install policies that push more Native Brits out and replace them with more Muslim voters

As I told my parents over the phone last night: you think you will be gone (dead) before all these radical changes occur but they are happening....NOW. England fought Hitler for this? Hahah as I said, what a freakin time to be alive.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
7 May 2016 /  #80
Lol. They've tried

Really? Somehow I doubt that, if you somebody would like to given you a good drumming I'm sure you would be on a receiving end. What happened you got in some drunken shutting argument which in Poland is often nothing more than that, so yes you attacked some poor drunk and you are proud of it. Pathetic.. .

I don't avoid taxes actually

I don't care what you do but I'm sure you are lying.

And how big is your penis? Small, by the sound of it.

Not your concern, I know that the way I'm getting on this forum it doesn't show but I don't fraternize with plebs.

James Goldsmith was a pioneer and saw the Brussels for what it is - a kleptocracy.

It might not that simple. Who is really 'ruling' in Brussels? Check ERT -The European Round Table of Industrialists.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #81
Somehow I doubt that

Fighting is for schoolboys.
The only real fights I have been in during my 23 years here have been:

An altercation in a petrol forecourt. A guy swung at me so I knocked him spark out and they called the cops:((
On New Years Eve in Kato when a bloke was knocking ten bells out of somebody who was on the floor, so I persuaded him otherwise.....

I have never physically attacked anybody in my life - I learnt early that there's always somebody who would gladly take on the challenge :)
nothanks  - | 626  
7 May 2016 /  #82
youTUBE videos surfacing of Muslim Migrants cheering ""This is our country now, GET OUT!""

Hahah. Diversity is our strength!
7 May 2016 /  #83
Whay are people quoting lies about Zac Goldsmith, he was never a banker, he was a Journalist and Editor before becoming a Conservative MP.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #84
You personafy the 'Yeah but, no but' generation...

Sorry - I'm old. I don't get you? Could you expand?

Zac Goldsmith is obviously a likeable chap - the voters in Richmond are not fools. I went to university there, and it were grand. I had a summer job delivering laundry, and his dad was a tool :))
nothanks  - | 626  
7 May 2016 /  #85
Whay are people quoting lies about Zac Goldsmith, he was never a banker, he was a Journalist and Editor before becoming a Conservative MP.

Interesting. Then why did he get blown out? London is only 15% Muslim, from what I read low voter turnout but still. Obviously many Non-Muslims voted for Kahn too
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #86
Obviously many Non-Muslims voted for Kahn too

No **** Sherlock. It's called a normal non rabid society. You should try it sometime.
nothanks  - | 626  
7 May 2016 /  #87
"Muslim turnout in many boroughs at 130%"

Ooops. Enjoy "normal" sharia law society
7 May 2016 /  #88
Nothanks, please explain how you could have a Muslim turnout in boroughs of 130%...

Khans manifesto of providing affordable housing for Londoners, freezing fares on the capital's transport network and promising to promote and support businesses was a winner.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 May 2016 /  #90
On paper Khan sounds just the ticket. Absolutely grand. A slap for Cameron and Tory rip-off Britain.
Go London - the greatest city in the world!

Sensible Poles will sit up and take notes on what might be possible to achieve.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?Archived