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A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?

nothanks  - | 626  
20 May 2016 /  #271
Meanwhile in "progressive" Western Europe

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
20 May 2016 /  #272
That's just a 'peaceful demonstration' nothanks against police brutatily..

This is how the cops in Russia deals with migrants - lines up em with their hands over their head and marches em down the street - that's the way it shoudl be done!


Russians don't hand out roses to the migrants - they hand out beat downs!
nothanks  - | 626  
20 May 2016 /  #273
Hahah. The Slavic way

Who is gullible enough to go into law enforcement in these Western capitals? Race wars will breakout soon and every side will take it out on the Police force
gregy741  5 | 1226  
20 May 2016 /  #274
This is how the cops in Russia deals with migrants - lines up em with their hands over their head and marches em down the street - that's the way it shoudl be done!

nahh..the best one was recent action of their anti-terrorists.
so,they found explosives in mosque,decided it is to dangerous to transport them so they detonated them inside and blew them up together with building .lol

there is video somewhere on youtube.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
20 May 2016 /  #275
so,they found explosives in mosque,decided it is to dangerous to transport them so they detonated them inside and blew them up together with building .lol

I wish that happened more often... The problem is Saudi Arabia is spending hundreds of millions strictly for the purpose of building mosques in Europe for the migrants. They won't take in migrants, won't give them food, but have no problem building them mosques...

I love how Poland keeps getting flak for not taking in any migrants but Israel gets absolutely none - yet it's considered to be a 'western democratic' country. Know how many refugee asylums Israel granted? One...
nothanks  - | 626  
26 May 2016 /  #276
Forget the EU... we need a referendum on whether London should stay in the UK


"London is a different country now. It has its own economy, its own culture, its own language," writes Michael Deacon.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
26 May 2016 /  #277
I think it's funny how a good portion of Poles who want to have their cake and eat it too - they want Britain to remain in the EU so they can contribute funds into the EU - billions of which went to Poland but at the same time want Poland to leave as they feel Poland has given up it's sovereignty and kow towing to Brussels's political bullying in terms of the migrant issue.
26 May 2016 /  #278
He seems to be joking.

However, from my perspective of living in London, looking at the rest of the country is looks like something from 20 years ago.

Of course London should leave the UK. Its economy is a world one.
nothanks  - | 626  
26 May 2016 /  #279
Sharia Law patrols, women covering their faces and rape/honor killings of girls being socially acceptable. Sounds more like London took a time machine to the previous millennium. What a dump.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
27 May 2016 /  #280
women covering their faces

I thought this was illegal in France - apparently the cops don't bother to go into no go zones, I'm sorry I meant 'special urban zones' to enforce the law.

Sounds more like London took a time machine to the previous millennium. What a dump.

Democrats and liberals say that Republicans and conservatives will turn back women's right 50 years...

Yet, the liberals love to kiss the Muslimes' collective asses even though their women's rights are even worse than medieval Europe's.
Mister H  11 | 761  
9 Jun 2016 /  #281
Nevertheless, bravo to London and also to UK for being open minded and tolerant! :)

The turnout was about 45% so I'm not sure the result says much about how Londoners really think.
jon357  72 | 23668  
9 Jun 2016 /  #282
I'm not sure the result says much about how Londoners really think

It says a lot. Either those opposed to him can't be bothered to vote or more likely that most people are OK with either candidate.
nothanks  - | 626  
18 Jun 2016 /  #283
> Well, that didn't take long. And this guy judges Trump!

London Mayor Sadiq Khan gave a speech in Manchester on behalf of the EU 'Remain' campaign, with women noticeably absent from the front of the crowd.

Women Segregated at London Mayor's Rally
mafketis  38 | 11277  
18 Jun 2016 /  #284
Women Segregated at London Mayor's Rally

I'm very sure that this is just fine to the resident invite-the-worlders here and they can't wait for there to be enough muslims in Poland for similar gender segregation to take place. The reason for this is.... they want to congratulate themselves for being tolerant because they have pleasant superficial conversations with (male) gender segregators who seem like really nice guys.
jon357  72 | 23668  
18 Jun 2016 /  #285
No, that is just nonsense. A tawdry fantasy and interesting to know where you got that gem from. No such rally in Manchester was ever 'segregated'.

Interestingly, his successor in his parliamentary seat, a lady with Polish roots, won with a good majority.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
18 Jun 2016 /  #286
No such rally in Manchester was ever 'segregated'.

jon357  72 | 23668  
18 Jun 2016 /  #287
More on him to prove that such a wild claim is true.

It simply never happened except in the mind of Islamphobes.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
18 Jun 2016 /  #288
Guys, you can google stuff, you know :P

There is no suggestion they were forcably segregated, but the Mayor did not intervene to prevent the women standing at the back.

This photo shows it even better:

Looks like it's not the first time for this party:
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
18 Jun 2016 /  #289

Jon doesnt do sources, he just makes it up as he goes along.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
18 Jun 2016 /  #290
He just ignores evidence that doesn't support his worldview.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
18 Jun 2016 /  #291
I am afraid I have been noticing that more and more, yes.
or some wild claim, then simply ignoring that he has been asked to back it up.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
18 Jun 2016 /  #292
I'm still waiting for evidence that "There is a proven link between nationalists and mental illness"
jon357  72 | 23668  
18 Jun 2016 /  #293
You can keep waiting; that or google some of the studies on the far-right...

I'm still waiting to hear you condemn nationalism.

Interestingly his successor is part Polish part Pakistani and 100% British. She won with an increased majority.

BTW, Paulina, in that Daily Mail article you cited, are you sure the meeting had segregation or did the women prefer to sit together by custom?

A very different thing and I would hate to see Britain have the same law as France, forcing women to remove their niqabs. And we certainly can't tell people who they should or shouldn't sit next to.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
18 Jun 2016 /  #294
BTW, Paulina, in that Daily Mail article you cited, are you sure the meeting had segregation or did the women prefer to sit together by custom?

Not sure which article you mean - I didn't quote Daily Mail. You mean that link at townhall.com? I think that in that case it's very possible that the segregation was "natural" - the women simply stood behind the men as they probably usually do at some gatherings. I can imagine they are taught since they're little to "know their place" and it probably comes natural to them, I don't know...

As for that event described at metro.co.uk they could be told were to sit, I think, but in reality I have no idea - I wasn't there :)

to see Britain have the same law as France, forcing women to remove their niqabs. And we certainly can't tell people who they should or shouldn't sit next to.

I think they could feel uncomfortable if they were forced to sit next to men. Although I don't know, I guess we should ask them :)

It's a bit like with those two boys that didn't want to shake hands with their female teacher (in Germany? or Netherlands? I don't remember). Should they be forced to do this, considering they aren't allowed to touch women outside of their family? After all, I guess, in their minds, they were showing their respect towards the teacher in this way. I'd prefer this over being a sex toy in the "game" of taharrush, obviously.

What p1sses me off, though, is that those women are standing at the back. Why not in front of men, huh? Or at least next to them in a separate group. A-holes - those men...
jon357  72 | 23668  
18 Jun 2016 /  #295
That's the one. I'm pretty sure it's more people sitting in groups from habit.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
19 Jun 2016 /  #296
What kind of crappy culture makes men in front and women in back a "habit"? Vile.
19 Jun 2016 /  #297
It's weird,

When a mentally ill man goes and kills 49 gay people, it isn't because he was reading a book called the Qur'an and was radicalized, no it's because he is mentally Ill.

When a mentally Ill man goes and kills a Labour MP fighting for Syrians, Muslims. It's not because he was mentally Ill but because off the book he read found in his house.

Double standards Guardian journalist stuff !!.
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 Jun 2016 /  #298
What kind of crappy culture makes men in front and women in back a "habit"? Vile

Your culture. There are places in America, traditional places where things like that happen; there are even people the who think a woman's place is in the home. There are also far more progressive and liberal people who value women's space. And plenty over there (4 million Freemasons) who engage in activities that are gender segregated.

No different to some people in the UK with their roots in the subcontinent who prefer to sit with other women.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
19 Jun 2016 /  #299
Your culture. There are places in America, traditional places where things like that happen

Maybe among reclusive religious communties who do not participate in mainstream life like the Amish or some Orthodox Jews, it's simply not part of traditional American culture. Where families sit together in church and there is not even informal gender segregation at public events.
jon357  72 | 23668  
19 Jun 2016 /  #300
Yes, those communities in the US. Who are we to say that the British people who went along to the meeting should sit or not sit with whoever they want?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?Archived