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A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?

InPolska  9 | 1796  
5 May 2016 /  #1
Merged: A new mayor in London: choice between a .... Jew and a .... Muslim (who is the favorite) ;)

How will Poles living there react? Needless to say that Poles do have the right to vote in local elections in EU.

Nevertheless, bravo to London and also to UK for being open minded and tolerant! :)

(I'm already laughing at comments from fascits here and everywhere)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
5 May 2016 /  #2
Who is the Jew? Boris? Really? London has always been like that.....a different country to the rest of the UK, that is for sure.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
5 May 2016 /  #3
You don't know????? The guy is Zac Goldsmith (billionnaire's son) vs. Sadiq Khan (45-year old guy of Pakistani origin and bus driver's son). In the French media, it's been a big "thing". Khan is the favorite (but polls are never 100% accurate) and if he wins, it would be a big signal to fascists (anyway, fascists have big mouths so we hear them a lot but they are minorities). According to what I have read/heard, S. Khan is ... liberal, feminist and pro same sex marriage ;). I imagine hard dilemna for Poles living there ;). "lol"

Anyway, London and I believe more generally UK have always been tolerant and open and that's why I respect them. Also, what proof of maturity among voters since they are able to go beyond "that"!

PS: as to Boris Johnson, he is as Jewish as the Pope is ;).

(Well, leaving for work and I'll be following results tonight and honestly what a big slap into fascists' faces!!!! (high time to do something against them!)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
5 May 2016 /  #4
oh stop being such a negative nasty t.wat Levi, just for a minute, there's a love.

I know who Zac Goldsmith is thanks, INPolska, and he is not Jewish btw, not religiously anyway. Has anyone else noticed the startling resemblance between him and his sister Jemima Khan, and Princess Diana?...:) Perhaps they are related..

Boris is, in fact, as "Jewish" as Goldsmith is.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
5 May 2016 /  #5
@Rozu: maybe he is not religious but he was born ... Jewish. Same applies to Khan who was born Muslim but who is not religious.

Either way, a big slap into fascists' faces (including in this forum) tonight and I like it ;)

Well, I need to go
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
5 May 2016 /  #6
I believe more generally UK have always been tolerant and open and that's why I respect them.

The UK is just catching up with America as we elected a Muslim President in which case you must REALLY respect America. :-)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
5 May 2016 /  #7
@Rozu: maybe he is not religious but he was born ... Jewish

his Father came from a Jewish family, that is all. That doesn't make someone Jewish but I am sure you must know that.

" Born at Westminster Hospital in London, Goldsmith is the middle child of Sir James Goldsmith, a member of the Goldsmith family of German Jewish and French descent, and his third wife, the Anglo-Irish aristocrat, Lady Annabel Vane-Tempest-Stewart."

That is NOT 'Born Jewish' now is it?
smurf  38 | 1940  
5 May 2016 /  #8
Shadiq will win easily, it's not even a contest:


I think it's great for London, Boris Johnson was a laughing stock in the position so Shadiq has a lot of work to turn it back into a positive role.

However, I'd bet that voter turnout will be pathetic
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
5 May 2016 /  #9

Well, I need to go


Anyway, for me, NO problem but I'm laughing at fascists

Four minutes have passed and you are still laughing at facists!? It is time to go or you will be late... Just stop laughing.
Levi  11 | 433  
5 May 2016 /  #10
"a big slap into fascists' faces (including in this forum) "

Why would that be a slap into "fascists" (a word that you wrongly use to describe anyone that is not a politically correct wuz and that loves his culture more than a islamic culture) faces?

The "fascists" that you refer (nationalistic poles) are living in a safe country without any islamist mass-shooting people like at Bataclan.

Meanwhile, you and your open minded people, the frenchies and belgs, are being shrededd into pieces at discos, airports, cafes and restaurants. Or having their heads cut (that is what means open mind, literally) by those same islamists.

So who is really being slapped here?

Ps: And Sadiq Khan IS religious. He is a practicing muslim that frequents the mosque of Regent Park every friday jummuah. So again you are talking BS about things that you clearly have no idea InPolska. Stop embarassing yourself.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
5 May 2016 /  #11
wow look at this, looks like Zac's dad and Di's mum were friendly doesn't it?


OMG this one is even better!

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 May 2016 /  #12
the Swiss government

That bunch of crooks who didn't lift a finger in the war and enriched themselves instead you mean?
I have no time for the Swiss.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 May 2016 /  #13
Sadiq Khan wins the London mayor election. Gasp! He's a muslim!!!!

All the racist London Poles (of which there are FAR too many - including that eccentric Polish born candidate) will be tearing their hair out tonight and crying " But we don't want a terrorist as our Mayor".

There is no worse animal than immigrant racists.

I wish I was there to join in the merriment.

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
6 May 2016 /  #14
That bunch of crooks who didn't lift a finger in the war and enriched themselves instead you mean?
I have no time for the Swiss.

I don't see how that has anything at all to do with gun rights?

Mexico and Honduras have some of the strictest gun laws in the world - yet they also have some of the highest murder rates. The countries that are very lenient with guns like Switzerland, Czech Republic, Italy and even France. Most of the Nordic countries (Finland, Norway, Sweden) have pretty lax gun laws and very low murder rates.

Sadiq Khan wins the London mayor election. Gasp! He's a muslim!!!!

Just as I predicted - eventually once the Muslim minority becomes large enough in European countries they will elect their own leaders. In a similar manner, as the fundamentalist, more extreme population of Muslims grows in Europe, so too will they elect their own extremist type of leaders - perhaps they won't get much of the vote and maybe only 1 or 2 MP's may get elected - but it is nonetheless bound to happen eventually due to the rapidly changing demographics. Then you will have these politicians looking out for their own people creating new laws and customs to benefit Muslims but to the detriment of European Catholics that have inhabited Europe for over a thousand years. Before you know it, some fundamentalist Muslim will get elected to mayor (or some other position) of Molenbeek or some other town and make local laws prohibiting alcohol and forcing women to wear burkas. I wouldn't be surprised if in 25 years suddenly 1/4 of the MPs in Belgium or some other country are all Muslimes.

This is not a good thing.. I just hope this doesn't happen in Poland but quite frankly I highly doubt that Muslim could ever be elected to a very high position. Although, we've had a transistor and a pedal become MPs so who knows..
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 May 2016 /  #15
This is not a good thing.. I just hope this doesn't happen in Poland but quite frankly I highly doubt that Muslim could ever be elected to a very high position

One million Poles seem to like the freedom that the UK affords - a land where Asian MPs and ministers are common and do damn fine jobs.

The UK - a normal European state.
And Poland? What sort of country do you want? A country that is universally depised and branded?

Or are we going to suffer your tiresome diatribes again about coloureds having smaller brains?
And we all know of the sanctions against Professor James Watson - because there is no scientific proof for the claims that he made. Simply racism, sadly......lauded researcher and a hero for every British 1960s schoolkid that he might have been.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 May 2016 /  #16
@Adrian: how the hell can "white" Europeans be minorities in Europe when they are over 90%??? Anway, London election proves that you and your racist pals, Mafketis, Johnny Rb, Levy and consorts ARE WRONG. You do not know how it works in Western Europe so do not show us your ignorance!. Like we see tonight in London, most people have no issue to live in multi culural societies. London's election is a big slap in yours and your friends' faces.

Let Western Europeans live the way they want to and b..ff off!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 May 2016 /  #17
London's election is a big slap in yours and your friends' faces.

Excellent InPolska!

1-0 to the French after 90 minutes plus lengthy injury time:))

Game over. Let the racists go and live in Eastern Europe. Its called Russia, Hungary, and Serbia:)))

They are welcome to it.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 May 2016 /  #18
@Doug: Bravo to the majority of London's voters! What a symbol of tolerance and maturity! A huge slap in all the fascists's faces!

A good proof to all racists in PF that most Western Europeans live peacefully in multi cultural societies. In London, there are some 100 different nationalities, which show how tolerant and open the society is. I suppose a lot of Poles will leave London and go back to Poland so what, good riddance! London does not need racists!

Most of London's voters have been able to go beyond his religion and voted for a self-made liberal, progessive lawyer and it shows a lot of maturity in them!

Bravo and good luck, Mr. Khan! :)
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
6 May 2016 /  #19
ow the hell can "white" Europeans be minorities in Europe when they are over 90%???

I never said they are - but, many other countries in Europe are heading that way like Holland and Belgium for example. 25% of children enrolled in school in Holland are Muslim. These Muslim families have like 4, 5, 6 or sometimes even more kids and sometimes even more than 1 wife. It's a matter of mathematics - before long white Europeans will become the minority in certain countries. This will take several decades but it will happen - especially if more and more migrants are coming in and they're allowed to stay.

I don't care about London - England is screwed anyway. I've been to London and I can honestly say it was my least favorite city in all of Europe. The only issue for me is that it sets a dangerous precedent for countries that I actually do like for example Belgium, Germany, and Austria which have been invaded by migrants pushing their agendas and leeching off the taxpayers while demanding more money, more housing, more food, more 'free' stuff. This impacted me personally as my aunt worked for a hotel in Dortmund for 10 years and suddenly she was out of work because the government appropriated the hotel and turned it into a migrant housing. So while dozens of people were out of work and now would struggle to pay the rent, the migrants which aren't even citizens of the country and contributed NOTHING towards income taxes get to enjoy the swimming pools and suites of a 4 star hotel. This wasn't the only hotel that was appropriated by the German government to be converted to migrant housing either. The same has even happened with apartments - seniors were told to vacate their apartments within a certain amount of time because a migrant would get their home.

multi culural societies.

Multi kulti societies have lots of problems.. there's always issues of violence, xenophobia, religious and ethnic competition, one group feeling more marginalized while saying another has too much power, discrimination, suspicion and even hatred of other groups, segregation - each ethnicity living in their own relative ghettos with london being a great example of that.
6 May 2016 /  #20
how the hell can "white" Europeans be minorities in Europe when they are over 90%??

90% thats 10% too little. The number of white people will drop with the Cultural Marxists in charge. Its been dropping since the 60s in Western Europe.

If Europe will keep accepting mass amounts of immigrants which includes insane cultures and religions,
plus promoting nonsensical LBGT and anti-family garbage, and low-birth rates (which some overpopulation propagandists see as a good thing) then whites will slowly be dying out.

Game over. Let the racists go and live in Eastern Europe. Its called Russia, Hungary, and Serbia:)))

They are welcome to it.

If you include Hungary as Eastern European, then so too is Poland.
You can take your British LBGT dictatorship back to your multicultural paradise in UK.

One million Poles seem to like the freedom that the UK affords

It has nothing to do with Freedom. UK raped and murdered millions of Negros and Natives,
got rich of some wars, wow impressive.

Some Poles are there for one reason: money.
Poland is poorer due to WW2 and communism.
(where were you in 1939 again?)
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 May 2016 /  #21
@Doug: it is also the proof to those style Levy, Mafketis, Johhny Reb that Western Europe is NOT as they believe it is. Most people in Western Europe have NO issues with those of different origins but in order to know so, we have to have a personal experience living in such countries. I am sure that mayors like Bill de Blazio of NY, Anne Hidalgo (daugther of Spanish janitors) of Paris (before her, Paris had for some 12 years a openly gay mayor, Bertrand Delanoƫ, and NO problem ;)) and other progressive mayors will open Champagne tonight ;).

Doug, I believe that although fascists are loud, they are minorities in Western Europe. The majority of London voters have shown that they are open minded and mature and honestly, bravo to them!

For us in Western Europe, to elect blacks, jews, homos, muslims, atheists,or whatever is NO problem and I am proud of it:).

@Nothanks: Low birth rate in Western Europe???? Compare with countries like Poland where they regularly have to close whole classes. in schools ;). Anyway, London election shows you how wrong you are!
Ironside  50 | 12333  
6 May 2016 /  #22
I don't need a gun to protect mys

Sure your stink that lingers about does that job for you. As I said nobody is forcing you to buy a gun.
Nobody ask for your opinion about my choice of hats either. That was rude you little upstart. If I want to buy I a gun. I should be able to, regardless of the fact that you don't like it....mind your own business!

He's a muslim!!!!

You are dumb as they came aren't you?
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
6 May 2016 /  #23
then whites will slowly be dying out.

That's the problem - it's already happening in the US - like I wrote above.. by 2044-2045 (only 18 short years away), non-Hispanic whites will account for less than 50% of the population. meanwhile, the population of mutts that identify as two or more races will TRIPLE...

I knew the US would be screwed in this regard - I was just hoping that at least this wouldn't be the same case in Europe. Alas, this process is already occurring and it is Muslims and Africans - who have the highest birth rates of all ethnicies - leading the charge. You will be hard pressed to find a European family nowadays with 7 kids - yet that's totally common in Muslim families.

Poles do not want this garbage in their country - they don't want the LGBT, they don't want the multi-kulti crap, they don't want Muslim migrants - yet it's people from the West that won't leave Poland alone and keep pushing agendas on Poland with no respect for what the majority of citizens actually want for their own country.

For us in Western Europe, to elect blacks, jews, homos, muslims, atheists,or whatever is NO problem and I am proud of it:).

That's fine - keep it in Western Europe and respect the Polish people's wishes. We don't want this crap in our country.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 May 2016 /  #24
@Adrian: in the meantime there are tens of millions of Poles living in West Europe, including in UK and London and also in the meantime Poland does not mind living off Western European (including black, Jewish, Muslim, atheist ...) taxpayers ;).

tonight an English friend of mine, son of Polish parents, told me that Poland and consorts were the shame of Europe!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 May 2016 /  #25
your British LBGT dictatorship back to your multicultural paradise in UK.

No. I live here in Poland. I have a voice. I have contributed a lot. So I will continue to agitate and despise those who are overtly racist.

If I have your permission, of course?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
6 May 2016 /  #26
tonight an English friend of mine, son of Polish parents, told me that Poland and consorts were the shame of Europe!

Tell him to jump the lake and mind his own business.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
6 May 2016 /  #27
Poland doesn't live off of Western Taxpayers - the EU gives tons of money to Poland and makes money off Poland. Of course Poland is going to accept it. How dare you say that Poland lives off Western taxpayers - what do you think we are, Greece?

son of Polish parents, told me that Poland and consorts were the shame of Europe!

When certain politicians say the words 'worst kind of Poles' these are the people that they're referring to. Even if that were true, I would never have respect for a person who talks bad about his own country. Yes, every country has it's problems and issues, pro's and con's, but calling your country 'a shame' is very shameful and shows absolutely no pride or patriotism.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 May 2016 /  #28
This impacted me personally as my aunt worked for a hotel in Dortmund for 10 years and suddenly she was out of work because the government appropriated the hotel and turned it into a migrant housing

**** me. How many times do you have to repeat this story? Your aunt was employed, and lost her job. Can't she find another? Nobody is owed a living, even if she got too used to communism obviously.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 May 2016 /  #29
**** me

Who could expect that you won't forget to show your boorish side today.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 May 2016 /  #30
@Adrian: where do you think EU's budget comes from? From cabbages and roses? ;). Nope, simply paid by taxpayers from Western Europe.

PS: I just hope the new London mayor will kick all Polish (and other) racists out!

Mr. Khan: Champagne! :)

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?Archived