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Muslim man abuses and threatens Polish woman in the UK

spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Sep 2017 /  #1
Disgusting behaviour. Thankfully, Poland remains an unattractive place for Muslims to settle in large numbers and long may it continue.

Atch  22 | 4299  
1 Sep 2017 /  #2
It appears to be a road rage incident. Their nationalities/religions are not the issue. There are plenty of these kinds of inicidents every day both in Britain and Poland involving Brits spewing abuse at fellow Brits or Poles at Poles. I mean if it were a Londoner and the other guy was a Geordie, the Londoner might well say 'you thick Northern c*nt, f*ck off back to Newcastle'. Would that cause outrage in the national press? I doubt it.
1 Sep 2017 /  #3
Would that cause outrage in the national press?

I'm sure the Mail Online could get worked up about that; we are talking about a source which thinks that people nearly stepping in a puddle is newsworthy.

Thankfully, Poland remains an unattractive place for Muslims to settle in large numbers and long may it continue.

Perhaps you should visit Poland before making claims about it which are very clearly contradicted by reality. Or, then again, given the vile racism your posts display, perhaps Poland is better off without you here for even a day.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
1 Sep 2017 /  #4
Their nationalities/religions are not the issue.

I disagree, the clear trend in muslim majority countries is the repression and dehumanization of non-muslims (and off the charts levels of violence against women). Those two things don't change when they find themselves in the UK..... and there's no reason to suspect that things would be different in Poland.
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Sep 2017 /  #5
Perhaps you should visit Poland before making claims about it which are very clearly contradicted by reality.

The reality is in the video so nothing has been contradicted. Oh yes, I forgot, If Harry declared something false then it is thereby false....welcome to Harry's universe..............

One good thing about video is that it's harder to disguise any bias. The video speaks for itself unless you want to claim that the people involved are actors

Show me some posts where I have displayed vile racism.

Your hypocrisy knows no limits Harry as your sole agenda on this forum is to paint Poles in a poor light-how do we know that your name isn't Klaus or Mohammed or Vladimir and you haven't just inflitratred this forum to destabilise Poland :)

I have visited Poland many times as previously said. Perhaps you should prove how many brain cells you have before making unfounded accusations about fellow forum members.

Their nationalities/religions are not the issue

I'm afraid you are wrong. The Muslim man is clearly heard referring to the Polish guy as "pork eaters" or words to that effect. This is not a simple road rage issue. Why are you banging on about an issue at Asda that has nothing to do with Poland or Poles ? Are you also trying to side track forum posts like Harry and his crew ?
Atch  22 | 4299  
1 Sep 2017 /  #6
Why are you banging on about an issue at Asda

May God in Heaven above give me patience. There was no incident at Asda, I invented it - it's a joke.

The Muslim man is clearly heard referring to the Polish guy as "pork eaters"

He does indeed. But he's not necessarily saying that because the guy is Polish but because he's white and therefore most likely a Christian (though he could be Jewish and then he wouldn't be likely to eat pork either). Of course the Muslim is using racist slurs in the same way that a white person might against a foreigner or dark skinned person. The Muslim would call any white person a pork eater. And yes, he's wrong to do so but all nationalites and religions have their share of racists, big deal.

As for the poor little Polish woman being 'abused' she doesn't sound in the least bit intimidated. She's well able to stand her ground being shielded as she is by her male partner who's 'a fine figure of a man' as we'd say in Ireland. He'd knock seven bells out of the little Muslim guy before you could say boo to a goose.

nothing to do with Poland or Poles

As indeed has your post. This is a road rage incident between a Muslim and a white person who could be any nationality. It's not Poles that the Muslim hates, it's Christians and that would of course include Poles but it's not an incident about somebody being targeted by a Muslim because they're Polish. It's about an angry Muslim shouting racist abuse at a white person with whom he's been involved in a traffic related incident. It's not headline news.
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Sep 2017 /  #7
As indeed has your post. This is a road rage incident between a Muslim and a white person who could be any nationality.

So you're happy to turn a blind eye to posts started by certain other individuals on this board who repeatedly pick negative news stories from the net about Poles being involved in one crime or another yet the first time I do it AND it happens to be a Pole on the receiving end then you take issue with it.......interesting.

It's clearly a racist rant against a non-muslim whether the muslim guy knew the couple were Polish or whether he was having a rant about the fact that they were white..it's still racist.

The woman doesn't appear to be shielded at all by her partner although you clearly see what you want to see.
1 Sep 2017 /  #8
The reality is in the video so nothing has been contradicted.

That video shows nothing about Poland and so shows nothing about the ever increasing number of Muslims who are moving to Poland.

Show me some posts where I have displayed vile racism.

I'd refer you to your first post in this thread, where you express desire for Muslims to not move to Poland.

I have visited Poland many times as previously said.

That's a pity, Poland has got more than enough racists already, we really don't need more coming to visit.
Atch  22 | 4299  
1 Sep 2017 /  #9
Spiritus will you stop being so literal. When I say 'shielded' I don't mean that he's actually standing in front of her. I mean the woman is under the protection of a fine strapping lad. There's no way that little titch of a Muslim is any real threat to her. Of course it's a very unpleasant situation but not a genuinely threatening one, endangering her physical safety.

However, the odd thing when watching the video again is that after the Polish driver gets back in his car, the woman is still standing some distance away exchanging remarks with the Muslim. Either she's a very feisty lady indeed or she's not actually the girlfriend/wife of the driver. Perhaps she's just a neighbour/bystander?? Most Polish men whom I know, including my own husband would never leave a woman of their acquaintance, let alone their wife, standing alone in the street during such an incident and just get back in the car.

It's clearly a racist rant against a non-muslim

And that's exactly what I said. Of course some Muslims are racist but that's not really news now is it?

As for the threads here regarding crimes by Poles you can hardly compare the drunken obliteration of eight human lives or smuggling millions of cigarettes with 'Muslim shouts at white man'.
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Sep 2017 /  #10
That video shows nothing about Poland

If the board allows other members to post articles about Poles who are mentioned in the news then this article is equally as relevant. The only difference is that this article doesn't paint a negative view of Poles-funny that you take issue with this post eh ?

and so shows nothing about the ever increasing number of Muslims who are moving to Poland.

Is this a fact from Harry-land or can you back up it with a reputable source ? Thought not so we'll choose to ignore this claim :)

Poland has got more than enough racists already,

As opposed to someone who lives in Poland yet hates the country and it's people. I'm not racist anyway-Islam isn't a race just as Christianity isn't.
WhirlwindTobias  - | 88  
1 Sep 2017 /  #11
Let me preface this by saying I live in Poland, I am glad there's such a small Muslim population and I've all but given up on the UK and it's inability to curb Islamic influence.

Now that that's out of the way, why has this thread been posted? This altercation is old, and even the article was written on the 5th March.
jon357  72 | 23668  
1 Sep 2017 /  #12
It appears to be a road rage incident. Their nationalities/religions are not the issue

Exactly. There's no suggestion the angry driver had the slightest idea they were Polish.

Of course the Muslim is using racist slurs i

If it fits the legal criteria of a hate crime, it will doubtless be treated as such. I suspect it doesn't.

As for the threads here regarding crimes by Poles you can hardly compare the drunken obliteration of eight human lives or smuggling millions of cigarettes with 'Muslim shouts at white man'.

Yes - clutching at straws, to say the least.
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Sep 2017 /  #13

Hi Tobias.I posted this article to try and balance the unchecked anti-Polish propaganda that has affected this forum lately.

Some members on here seem to have set up Google news alerts that notify them whenever a Pole is mentioned in the news-they then choose to post only the negative stories.

Although the article is a few months old it hasn't been discussed on here previously hence my reason for deciding to post it.
1 Sep 2017 /  #14
Is this a fact from Harry-land or can you back up it with a reputable source ?

Just take a walk in Warsaw in the unlikely event you ever visit Poland and you'll see how many non-white people are moving to Poland. Alternatively just order an UberEats delivery, there's a 95% chance your order will be delivered by a bloke from the Indian sub-continent. These are things known to anybody who has spent any time in Poland.

why has this thread been posted?

The OP wanted an excuse to post his bigotry, simple as that.

Although the article is a few months old it hasn't been discussed on here previously

You're lying yet again. The article has been discussed here and that discussion was promptly and correctly binned: polanda.com/off-topic/discuss-muslims-jews-buddhist-christians-77767/18/#msg1584299
jon357  72 | 23668  
1 Sep 2017 /  #15

So in fact there's a thread for this already.
1 Sep 2017 /  #16
there's a thread for this already

To be honest it would be great if there was just a single thread in off-topic for all Muslim related posts. Having one of those pretty much solved the problem of bigots coming here to sh*tpost about Jews, so it might well solve the problem of them coming here to do that about Muslims.
Atch  22 | 4299  
1 Sep 2017 /  #17
The OP wanted an excuse to post his bigotry

In fairness to Spiritus I don't think he's really a bigot. I think he's just a bit panicky about the prospect of being overrun by Muslim hordes. There are three separate issues in Europe at the moment which are all very real and a cause for concern in different ways, those being Islamic fundamentalist terror attacks, legitimate refugees and illegal economic immigrants. The problem is that people tend to lump them all together and get hysterical about it.

you'll see how many non-white people are moving to Poland.

Yes, based on what I see around me, there are far more people from the Indian sub-continent most definitely than I can remember years ago and I've seen a few mixed race couples, some with children. When I was in the Polish embassy passport office in Dublin about two years ago I kid you not, it was full of dark skinned guys with Polish wives and kids in tow. Loads of them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Sep 2017 /  #18
Disgusting behaviour.

From nearly 6 months ago.
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Sep 2017 /  #19
in the unlikely event you ever visit Poland

<yawn> so tiresome Harry. I have visited Poland many many times but keep repeating your BS accusations and I will keep batting them away.

In fairness to Spiritus I don't think he's really a bigot

Well I'm not a racist. I was on the verge of settling for the label of "bigot" until I read it's definition and decided that the definition doesn't really apply to me either. I can't even say I am prejudiced as that suggests I am pre-judging when in fact my beliefs are based on fact, reality, observation and experience (four things that Harry cannot claim to have as he's never lived alongside a sizeable muslim communtity).So I am a REALIST.

I have broad shoulders so Harry can call me anything he likes (the mods seem happy to tolerate him).

And I am not "panicky about being overrun by Muslim hordes" as I live in a northern British town and I have seen what YOUR future looks like. I am worried that Poland may not understand what might happen if lessons aren't learnt which is why I try to add some balance to the propaganda spouted by Harry and his mob on here.

Atch, do you find it a paradox that text-book liberals like Harry are fast to call people bigots for criticising Islam yet Islam is one of the most intolerant religions on this planet as can be demonstrated by their beliefs about women, homosexuals, jews, non-muslims ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Sep 2017 /  #20
my beliefs are based on fact, reality, observation and experience

Doesn't seem like it. All you seem to post are vague accusations associating all Muslims with the acts of a few imbeciles.
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Sep 2017 /  #21
From nearly 6 months ago.

You disapprove of me posting a story from 6 months ago yet in the last few moments you post a story about a Pole who burnt his head with an iron...the article was written in 2012. Hypocrite. Mods please get a grip or ban me now.
Atch  22 | 4299  
1 Sep 2017 /  #22
Atch, do you find it a paradox

Definitely. But who knows what Harry and Friends really think about anything? They may well simply be entertaining themselves in their wicked British way by winding up all you earnest types :))

I live in a northern British town and I have seen what YOUR future looks like.

Well I live in Warsaw and I already take a detour when going to one of my local supermarkets in order to avoid being leered at by a group of dusky faced men who loll around all day outside the kebab shop. But then when I lived in London it was West Indians doing the leering and a few weeks ago a Polish guy made a very obscene gesture to me involving his tongue, from a car window.

But you know, I don't think Poland will ever be like the UK where there are areas with a disproportionately high number of culturally and ethnically different people. I fully understand how 'locals' feel under siege and that older people especially have see their neighbourhoods change to a point where they just don't feel English anymore. I agree that immigration does need to be strictly controlled as otherwise countries really do lose their identity and we'll just have a big melting pot that will be very hard to govern where ideals and values are diametrically opposed to each other.
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Sep 2017 /  #23

Harry and his clowns won't believe me but I actually have nothing against immigration. I'm a second generation Pole myself so I know from my parents how hard it was to start a new life in a foreign country.

what I have a problem with is lack of integration and the passive creep of Islamification. If muslims change the way they adapt to a new country then let's welcome them to Poland but as things are currently then Poland should lock the doors

You talk about seeing dark coloured people like it's a novelty. Over here it is normal and in many places the non-muslims are the exception
1 Sep 2017 /  #24
Yes, based on what I see around me, there are far more people from the Indian sub-continent most definitely than I can remember years ago and I've seen a few mixed race couples, some with children.

Just look at the shops that are popping up. Warsaw has a Halal butcher now. It's all very promising, given that the cure for bigotry is education and experience

four things that Harry cannot claim to have as he's never lived alongside a sizeable muslim communtity

Yet more lying from you. I lived for years in a neighbourhood in the UK which was 99% Muslim and have also lived in a country which is 70% Muslim.

yet Islam is one of the most intolerant religions on this planet as can be demonstrated by their beliefs about women, homosexuals, jews, non-muslims

I have no problem with anybody's beliefs. However, when other people try to force their beliefs onto other people, I object very much to that. Here in Poland it is Catholic people trying to force their beliefs onto other people, not Muslims.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
1 Sep 2017 /  #25
It's all very promising

What makes you think that large groups of muslims (with the peer pressure to conform that that brings) will adapt any better to Poland than they have in any other European country? The education and crime statistics are pretty dismal for them in every country where statistics are available....
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Sep 2017 /  #26
I have no problem with anybody's beliefs.

So you're happy with muslims' intolerance of women's rights, homoesexuals, jews, non-muslims etc ?

However, when other people try to force their beliefs onto other people

Ever taken a trip to Tower Hamlets ?

I get what you're saying about Catholics in Poland pressuring Polish society and culture but don't allow your anti-Catholicism to open the door to mass muslim immigration as that is not the antidote.

It's one thing seeing a friendly muslim face serving you a kebab on a Friday night it's quite another when you are living next to a muslim community. Even you Harry wouldn't be happy about it.
1 Sep 2017 /  #27
So you're happy with muslims' intolerance of women's rights, homoesexuals, jews, non-muslims etc ?

I'm as unhappy about it as I am about Catholics' intolerance of women's rights, homosexuals, jews, non-Catholics, etc. But if people don't let their beliefs negatively affect other people I really do not care what they believe.

Even you Harry wouldn't be happy about it.

I wouldn't know, I've never had a kebab on a Friday night due to hating kebabs and I've never lived next to a Muslim community; however, I have lived in a couple of Muslim communities and very much liked living in one of them.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
1 Sep 2017 /  #28
however, I have lived in a couple of Muslim communities and very much liked living in one of them.

yea,but nobody harass old ugly bald man..if you were young pretty white girl,you would like it as much mythink
mafketis  38 | 11277  
1 Sep 2017 /  #29
yea,but nobody harass old ugly bald man..

not necessarily true. wiadomosci.onet.pl/religia/wlochy-97-letni-ksiadz-pobity-w-kosciele/rhqcpb0

(A 97 year old preist was beaten in the confession booth in Italy by a Moroccan (illegal alien?) who wanted money)

If Harry has his way that might soon be happening in Poland!
G (undercover)  
1 Sep 2017 /  #30
Disgusting behaviour.

I can't believe how that guy acted. He should have broken sub-human into pieces. Why is this **** tolerated ?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Muslim man abuses and threatens Polish woman in the UKArchived