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Ed Miliband, new Labour leader, talking about Polish immigrants yesterday

Varsovian  91 | 634  
27 Sep 2010 /  #1
He said on Andrew Marr's BBC politics show yesterday :
I'm not anti-Polish but they came here and reduced living standards by undercutting wage rates.

Hmm - yes, he's right. But at least they didn't try to treacherously overthrow or undermine the state like his communist ancestors who fled central Europe to try to deliver Stalinist freedoms to the huddled masses. 2 known KGB agents in the family plus an "illustrious" Marxist father. Not bad going.

However, from direct personal knowledge I know he does look after local Polish constituents. So he isn't racist ... perhaps some of his best friends...

[FYI Ed Miliband's political power base is the big public service unions.]
richasis  1 | 409  
27 Sep 2010 /  #2
I'm not anti-Polish but ...

This, from a Polish Jew...
27 Sep 2010 /  #3
Don't be silly: everybody knows that Jews can not be Polish.
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
27 Sep 2010 /  #4
I'm not racist against anybody. But I do hate the treachery and support for mindless Stalinist thuggery that surfaced time and again in the Miliband family in the past.

Anyway - they turned their back on the Polish language, so presumably on Poland too.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Sep 2010 /  #5
Labour are not in power so why are you concerned about what he said? They did undercut and that's a problem to be tackled by the new administration.
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
27 Sep 2010 /  #6
Poles needn't be used as a scapegoat for the UK's self-imposed problems.

Polish immigrants have been better value for money than, say, Bangladeshi or Somali immigrants, and have a history of fitting in, unlike, say Pakistani immigrants - but it's the Poles who are the only ones mentioned by Ed Miliband as being trouble to society at large and a policy mistake.

No other groups got mentioned at all.
Barney  19 | 1733  
27 Sep 2010 /  #7
I do hate the treachery and support for mindless Stalinist thuggery

What about well though out Stalinist Thuggery, is it ok?
AussieSheila  5 | 75  
27 Sep 2010 /  #8
Labour govt let everyone in the UK cause most immigrants always vote for labour. It was their hidden agenda of flooding UK with immigrants which could put them into power forever. I hope the conservative shut this open door policy except for us with historical, cultural and ethnic ties to the UK.
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
27 Sep 2010 /  #9
Good one Barney.
"Buttery butter" as they say in Polish.
Karl1983  8 | 41  
27 Sep 2010 /  #10
Labour made their biggest mistake in years electing Red Ed. Does Labour really think the British public would vote in a Polish Jew, because those are his origins FACT. Would Poland elect a guy from England who was born here and raised here - c'mon they would stand no chance. Tusk was in trouble for having a German grandfather. I hope Ed is never elected, I don't care if I sound racist, I want a British person with British roots running my country, not some bloody socialist, Marxist loving immigrant. Labour have just handed the Tories the next election. Ed Balls would have been a far better bet, than the Jewish Communist.
27 Sep 2010 /  #11
Does Labour really think the British public would vote in a Polish Jew, because those are his origins FACT.

You really don't have a clue, do you? We voted in Disraeli in the 19th century, and countless other Jews as MPs since - in the full expectation that many would attain ministerial rank. If we collectively reject 'Red' Ed, it's because the mindless bloody sheep who take tabloid nicknames as gospel outnumber on Election night the ones who don't just look at the bloody pictures.

(That said, if Ed Miliband IS on a 1980s socialist revival ticket then he deserves not to get into number 10. But that scenario is only real in the stunted little minds of columnists like Richard Littlejohn. Come on, it's 2010 for God's sake...)
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
27 Sep 2010 /  #12
"Being Jewish must have an influence on the way I think. I am the child of Jewish immigrants and that is a very important part of my identity. It would be wrong to pretend that I was brought up as part of the heart of Anglo-Jewry, but if you ask, do the community's values speak to me? Yes they do. My commitment to equality, social justice, freedom of expression and solidarity must in so many ways reflect my origins. If you try to analyse where I stand politically, it would be very hard to explain that without reference to my roots."

Now exchange Jewish with "White" or "Anglo-Saxon"....tomorrow's headline; "Miliband resigns after racist language".


Leftist, marxist, jewish, red, global warming, regulations = Speculations in the press of being future prime minister!

jonni  16 | 2475  
27 Sep 2010 /  #13
that surfaced time and again in the Miliband family in the past.

Don't know what someone's ancestors have to do with the price of fish. Mine were farmers in Ireland but I don't get sudden urges to plant potatoes in the garden.


Well, he is Labour rather than Conservative, so what do you expect.


Any proof of that? Thought not! Nonsense from a diagnosed nutter as usual.


And your point is?

global warming

And I'm very pleased to hear it - climate change is a serious matter.


Does it surprise anyone that a legislator should be involved with regulations?
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
27 Sep 2010 /  #14
Any proof of that? Thought not! Nonsense from a diagnosed nutter as usual.

"From his Marxist-Jewish background, David Miliband has emerged as a passionate advocate for action against climate change. We meet the Environment Secretary, one of Labour's rising stars".

"he is far from being a Marxist, but he respects his parents' values"


That is obligatory press-BS, he openly says his party is "Red", he acknowledged that "terrorism" is acceptable under special circumstances during an interview with the BBC, but nobody wants to explicit say they are marxist, for not to scare the voters..

"In 1965, the year David was born, Ralph Miliband bought a house in Edis Street in London's Primrose Hill, not far from Euston station. David Miliband still lives in the house today.

Edis Street became one of the great London meeting places for Marxists and socialists from around the world. The family's basement dining room was open house, and the scene of high-minded and often heated discussions between major figures on the Left.
"The key thing about the Miliband household was this belief in argument and debate as the way to arrive at the truth [...]


"In August 2009, Miliband was a guest on BBC Radio 4's Great Lives programme, choosing South African Communist Party leader and anti-apartheid activist Joe Slovo.[44]"

"In an interview with CNN in 2009, Miliband stated that he has a Jewish background, grew up in a secular setting, and describes himself as an atheist with a "huge respect" for people of faith".[1] Atheist Jew = Marxist

And as usual, they don't practice what they preach;

"DAVID MILIBAND is living in a £1.5million London townhouse at the centre of a complex inheritance-tax avoidance scheme Gordon Brown has pledged to ban.


AND he runs around telling countries that fight against militant islam terror-groups that they should relax and let them have what they want. As he did in India and Sri-Lanka....until they started burning effigies of him in the streets, and he went home to his tax-free mansion in England...

And considering his family history....

"The online biography of Adolphe "Ralph" Miliband says he was born in Brussels of Polish-Jewish emigré parents and that both his parents lived in the Jewish quarter of Warsaw, before his father, Samuel "Sam" Miliband, joined the Red Army in the Polish-Soviet or Bolshevik War (February 1919 ­ March 1921).

Sam Miliband is said to have left Poland after the First World War, which ended in November 1918. He supposedly became a leather worker in Belgium and then returned to Poland to join the Red Army under the command of Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) in 1920."

Dead corpse of Poland....what a nice grandfather.

And your point is?

That if Tony Blair said the same things Miliband said, just exchanges "Jewish" for "Anglo-Saxon", then he wouldn't have become the Prime-Minister of Britain.

As for the "regulations", the more regulations, the more CCTV society you will have, the more control the governement will have over you. What kind of evils tried to implement these kind of societies? Communism and National Socialism. And today, the left side, with the unions, the global warming brigades, the immigrant policies that they openly stated they set in effect, so to keep in power. These are all actions of madmen!

Less regulations, less governement equals freedom, jonni. But maybe it's hard for someone who admires more rules, more control and defends islam?

And I'm a diagnosed nutter huh?

Why don't you read the articles before you defend your marxist hero.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Sep 2010 /  #15
Mud raking is not for choice. People are not squeaky clean in politics, nothing new there. Some Poles just can't leave it alone. Wałęsa has cleared his name on several occasions yet the allegations still fly. It's perpetrated by folk like JK. Is the Poles obsession with the past sth to do with their lack of anything in the present?
27 Sep 2010 /  #16
"he is far from being a Marxist"

So you mean that your own sources say that the bloke is far from being a Marxist. Nice work.

Why don't you read the article before you defend your political hero.

Why don't you read articles before you use them to bash people for being Jewish?
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
27 Sep 2010 /  #17
So you mean that your own sources say that the bloke is far from being a Marxist. Nice work.

Why don't you read further down on my comments, and look at the source for that statement.

jonni  16 | 2475  
27 Sep 2010 /  #18
And considering his family history....

And that is all you consider. Do you think a highly-educated career politician is limited to sharing the views of his or her ancestors, or are they perhaps capable of actually forming their own views?

"he is far from being a Marxist, but he respects his parents' values"

Your quote proves my point.

Sam Miliband is said to have left Poland after the First World War, which ended in November 1918. He supposedly became a leather worker in Belgium and then returned to Poland to join the Red Army under the command of Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) in 1920.

What can this possibly have to do with someone born in a different country, fifty years later?

Dead corpse of Poland....what a nice grandfather.

Show me one piece of evidence - even half a piece, that proves or even suggest that his grandfather said that. By even your own admission, somebody else said it!!

That if Tony Blair said the same things Miliband said, just exchanges "Jewish" for "Anglo-Saxon", then he wouldn't have become the Prime-Minister of Britain.

How would you know? Pure idle speculation - and remember Britain had a Jewish Premier over a hundred years before, and the number of Jews holding high office in the UK proves that the public are not overly bothered about whether someone is Jewish or not.

the global warming brigades

What is a "global warming brigade"? Can you give evidence that a military brigade exists? No. And do you deny climate change, just as you deny the Holocaust?

Less regulations, less governement equals freedom, jonni

Freedom from what? Anarchy? Chaos? Lawlessness? By the same reductio ad absurdem, we may as well abolish the police.

But maybe it's hard for someone who admires more rules, more control

Show me one post out of the hundreds I have made here over the years that "admires more rules, more control".

I'm a diagnosed nutter

By your own admission, yes.

you defend your marxist hero.

Neither Marxist nor my hero, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of your medication-induced, race-hate filled fantasy - if you did, it would be a first.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
27 Sep 2010 /  #19
Listen jonni, I don't have to show you anything. I posted my info, and it obviously made an impact on you. I don't really care about Miliband, but put in my 5 cents on the subject. From the superficial information I got in my 30 minute web-browsing on him, he fits nicely into the new mold of "leftists", who come from shady backgrounds and who are going to continue to ruin our western world with their seriously fekked up policies.

I'm for less govenrment, monocultural societies and restoring the old ways of honesty and integrity. It's what built up our great civilizations.

I don't see that in Miliband. I don't see that in any politicians in Norway either. I only see more regulations, draconian laws, CCTV, scanners, microchips and big brother. What has this political view done for our culture?

I kind of put everything out there from a personal aspect, while you just sit there and attack, without really contributing or putting any personal opinions out at all. Why should I care to sit and answer you sentence by sentence, when you write one-liners about things you didn't even read correctly and cry like a little baby, demanding answers from me? Get a fekking life and put your own words out there!

I have written hundreds of answers to people here before, mostly to get crap and wishwash back, like your posts. I'm sorry, I just don't care what you think. I put out my view, and you may like it or not. Hopefully someone else will indulge your insanity. As I remember, you inquired into me being banned from this forum once, without actually saying why or proving what could be used against me to back up that claim...that shows your true colours, jonni. (More regulations, less freedom, you know...leftist, marxist, islam politics that you seem to adore).

You're the real hater, and you know it.

Now bugger off.

27 Sep 2010 /  #20
You're the real hater, and you know it.

Well, there is no greater expert on hate here than you.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
27 Sep 2010 /  #21
But at least they didn't try to treacherously overthrow or undermine the state like his communist ancestors who fled central Europe to try to deliver Stalinist freedoms to the huddled masses. 2 known KGB agents in the family plus an "illustrious" Marxist father. Not bad going.

What about Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger, his father was in the Nazi party and The Sturmabteilung (Storm Division or Battalion) and he's Governor of California.


Should we blame him for that?

I don't think you can but hey.

leftist, marxist, islam politics

Hey, Crow will argue that it is in fact the @Germanic, Islamic, E.U., U.S. mujahideen Politics.
jonni  16 | 2475  
27 Sep 2010 /  #22
and it obviously made an impact on you.

Yes - it moved me to correct the deliberate untruths.

I'm for less govenrment, monocultural societies and restoring the old ways of honesty and integrity. It's what built up our great civilizations.

Apart from tme "monocultural" thing (in a country of 60 million people??!?) I largely agree with that statement.

I kind of put everything out there from a personal aspect

This is largely the point - you have accused the man of being a Marxist, you posted lies about his family, you impugned him on the grounds of his ethnic background - this seems par for the course, however some people reading your nonsense may actually believe it. This is how ugly rumours start.

You also claimed he held the political views of his ancestors (maybe transferred by some sort of osmosis), and when questioned, evaded the issue.

Get a fekking life and put your own words out there!

Plenty of my own words here!

More regulations, less freedom, you know...leftist, marxist, islam politics that you seem to adore

Can you back any of that up? No. It's obviously your "own words"!

You're the real hater, and you know it. Now bugger off.

To hate only hatred itself. Though I'll remind you of your comment

you see, I don't just go after muslims but other third worlders too

I just don't care what you think

This is clear - by the way, can you categorically state that you despise every point of Nazi ideology?
richasis  1 | 409  
27 Sep 2010 /  #23
I don't get sudden urges to plant potatoes in the garden.

And, if you did, it wouldn't be in Ireland, right?

Nonsense from a diagnosed nutter as usual.

Your diagnosis? Maybe just keep your day job.

And your point is?


exchange Jewish with "White" or "Anglo-Saxon"

climate change is a serious matter.

Sure, every enlightened being knows the sun remains at a temperature devoid of variation.
Besides, a global climate tax scheme would have averted the last ice age some years ago.

Does it surprise anyone that a legislator should be involved with regulations?

Not at all. Now, show me your papers. You know, "regulations"...
jonni  16 | 2475  
27 Sep 2010 /  #24
And, if you did, it wouldn't be in Ireland, right?

Actually it might or equally might not. But I've done farming and dislike it.

Your diagnosis?

A doctor's presumably - I only go on what has been written on this forum.

Clue:exchange Jewish with "White" or "Anglo-Saxon"

But still there isn't much of a point there - worth remembering too that Tony Blair has talked quite a lot about his heritage.

Sure, every enlightened being knows the sun remains at a temperature devoid of variation.
Besides, a global climate tax scheme would have averted the last ice age some years ago.

Pure comedy!

Not at all. Now, show me your papers. You know, "regulations"...

You mean the kind of papers that Poles have to have? Fortunately, despite the US gov'ts best efforts, British people do not have to have papers.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
27 Sep 2010 /  #25
Yes - it moved me to correct the deliberate untruths.

That's in the eye of the beholder....

Apart from tme "monocultural" thing (in a country of 60 million people??!?) I largely agree with that statement.

White brits will be a minority on their own land in the not-to-distant future if todays immigration policies continue. The US has gone from 90% white, to about 60-70% in just 50 years. Tick tock.

This is largely the point - you have accused the man of being a Marxist, you posted lies about his family, you impugned him on the grounds of his ethnic background - this seems par for the course, however some people reading your nonsense may actually believe it. This is how ugly rumours start.
You also claimed he held the political views of his ancestors (maybe transferred by some sort of osmosis), and when questioned, evaded the issue.

You have described the political debate and climate in the EU perfectly! (Just take out "marxist" and exchange it with any other political label, especially right wing).

Can you back any of that up? No. It's obviously your "own words"!

If I had the time and energy, I would read through all your posts and sit here and copy/paste until my fingers were bleeding. You just have to trust me on this one.

To hate only hatred itself. Though I'll remind you of your comment
you see, I don't just go after muslims but other third worlders too

I go after ANYONE who plan on ruining my ideal western world. Including white people. Actually I go after them MORE, because they willingly allow their culture and heritage to be destroyed and even advocate this!

This is clear - by the way, can you categorically state that you despise every point of Nazi ideology?

That was a very serious question, that I would like to answer yes to. Although I would like to keep the Beetle, the Autobahns etc, but I think you are specifically thinking about their race/extinction/warmongering/landgrab policies. But from their rise to power, and as a result of their policies until the brutal end, the CRAZY left that got into power in the western world with their open border policies as direct result, make our future look rather bleak. Since you found one of my posts about the third world commentary, you should also have found the one where I said I would shoot Hitler in 1933 if I had the chance. Good enough for you?

jonni  16 | 2475  
27 Sep 2010 /  #26
. Good enough for you?

Not really, but there ain't much point arguing with irrational racists. (Is that a tautology?)
f stop  24 | 2493  
27 Sep 2010 /  #27
monocultural?? A term borrowed from farming and just as unnatural.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
27 Sep 2010 /  #28
I don't have to show you anything

good posts Dariusz, very informative !
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
27 Sep 2010 /  #29
Not really, but there ain't much point arguing with irrational racists. (Is that a tautology?)

See, now you go back to your happy life calling people medicated, irrational, racists, bigots, haters, nazis, rightwing...you know, the typical left wing, marxist, islamic debate techniques you learnt in the labour union class you took. Tautology is your stongest forte, jonni.

monocultural?? A term borrowed from farming and just as unnatural.

Then how natural is multicultural?

Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Sep 2010 /  #30
Why, when asked about immigration, is it always the "Polish" question which is answered? What about all the Africans and others who come into Britain, why don't they mention them?

Also, who is EM to say things like that about Polish workers when it was labour who had open door policy when only about 2 other countries in Europe had the same?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Ed Miliband, new Labour leader, talking about Polish immigrants yesterdayArchived