Yes, well you all have valid pints, especially bgf, I feel like I should lead by example and get my ass back to Poland.
How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here?
Honest Pole
13 May 2016 / #92
Poles who are alreadt there but can't reliably support themselves will be deported instead of relying on benefits like now and also immigration into UK will become much harder.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
13 May 2016 / #93
Poles who are already there but can't reliably support themselves will be deported
Yes likewise non contributing brits will be deported from Poland
Yes likewise non contributing brits will be deported from Poland
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
13 May 2016 / #94
likewise non contributing brits will be deported from Poland
As they should be. There's quite a few tax-dodging scum here who are self-employed in the UK and duck paying a thing to the Polish taxpayer.
20 May 2016 / #95
Merged: Cameron's pro-Europe campaign
The level of UK's European debate makes me feel sick. The public appears to know nothing about Europe apart from xenophobic slogans. They don't even understand the basics of maths. The UK's Prime Minister in his attempt to win a few more votes for the pro-EU party said in a populistic manner: "Whether it is music or film, art or video games, the UK leads Europe" - I am very curious to know how many French movies Mr. Cameron has watched, how many Italian art galleries he has visited, how many German video games he has played and how much of a listener to Bulgarian music he is. Or is it that his knowledge of the European culture is similar to that of an average British person?
The level of UK's European debate makes me feel sick. The public appears to know nothing about Europe apart from xenophobic slogans. They don't even understand the basics of maths. The UK's Prime Minister in his attempt to win a few more votes for the pro-EU party said in a populistic manner: "Whether it is music or film, art or video games, the UK leads Europe" - I am very curious to know how many French movies Mr. Cameron has watched, how many Italian art galleries he has visited, how many German video games he has played and how much of a listener to Bulgarian music he is. Or is it that his knowledge of the European culture is similar to that of an average British person?
RubasznyRumcajs 5 | 495
20 May 2016 / #96
Well... Brits are, shamefully, amongst the less knowledgeable people about the EU within the EU- so the level of campaign has to level down to them.
Liberation. Withdrawal of Britain from EU would mean one step closer to full liberation of Poles.
No job no stay. Good.
20 May 2016 / #99
No job no stay. Good
"Under a principle enshrined by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969, withdrawal from a treaty releases the parties from any future obligations to each otherbut does not affect any rights or obligations acquired under it before withdrawal. This is backed up by research conducted by the House of Commons Library". So if you count on seeing off a few EU citizens at the airport, you may be in for a dissapointment.
Liberation. Withdrawal of Britain from EU would mean one step closer to full liberation of Poles.
What are you talking about?
Brits are, shamefully, amongst the less knowledgeable people about the EU within the EU- so the level of campaign has to level down to them.
It is shameful, indeed. Most Brits don't even know when they joined EU. That's why they should leave.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969
Good luck with that...
20 May 2016 / #101
It might also help some of you to actually read up on what the UK opted out from, since the beginning.
What are you talking about?
Poles would more easily organize Poland in accordance with their interests.
Coming to a self-hating multicultural society near you
Hopfully majority of Poles will come back to Poland after Brexist, they'll be a seed of a great change in Poland.
yes, i pray that Poles come back to Poland, as well as in Serbia. We Serbians would like to be closer to Poles in these hard times.
Hopfully majority of Poles will come back to Poland after Brexit
i pray that Poles come back to Poland
All of them? I take it then that Poland has at least 500,000 to 800,000 open jobs that pay decent wages, plus enough vacant and affordable flats to house 1 million+ additional people (or do they all move back in with their parents?), plus a sufficient number of kindergarten spots, plus big enough schools, plus enough money in the coffers to pay dole money and pensions, plus ...
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
26 May 2016 / #107
" enough money in the coffers to pay dole money" Angela Merkel / France and the EU would pay repatriation costs if it came to it.
I am pretty sure that Hollande would happily close off the borders and start repatriation of peoples if Brexit occured, The French have never been happy with Britain's european membership, de Gaulle blocked it for years.
I am pretty sure that Hollande would happily close off the borders and start repatriation of peoples if Brexit occured, The French have never been happy with Britain's european membership, de Gaulle blocked it for years.
Angela Merkel / France and the EU would pay repatriation costs if it came to it.
Why would they? It's a personal decision to leave your home country and live in another one.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
26 May 2016 / #109
Why would they?
They maybe forced to leave after i, There again I am pretty sure that children born in the UK will be British Citizens thus their parents may not be extradited.
Lets Hope there is no Brexit, Europe is bringing many good things to Poland mainly hard cash which is damn useful where i live.
Lets Hope there is no Brexit,
It's 60-40 Pro-Europe Dolno, and rock solid.
This is a total non-vote (with plenty of people who are pro-Europe being too "busy" to vote - or the vote would be 70-30)
Only loonies and nationalists (remember them?) would vote out. As opposed to PIS voters, the British are not generally so xenophobic, as you will well know, having spent most of your life there.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
26 May 2016 / #111
60-40 Jolly Dobry. Sterling currency exchange rates will also improve, Jolly Dobry (Good) again.
26 May 2016 / #112
Hopfully majority of Poles will come back to Poland after Brexist, they'll be a seed of a great change in Poland.
As the UK will join the EEA, Poles in the UK won;t be affected by Brexit.
26 May 2016 / #113
The UK wont be joining the EEA as we have been members since January1994........Poland joined in December 2005
Do try to not post more misinformation.
Do try to not post more misinformation.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
26 May 2016 / #114
The UK wont be joining the EEA as we have been members since January1994
However, UK membership will automatically expire upon leaving the EU, as the UK isn't a member in her own right.
26 May 2016 / #115
The average of the 6 most reliable polls actually tell a different story......53% remain against 47% leave.
No matter what the outcome the UK will pay the price, leaked documents between Junker and Merkel have confirmed this.
Poland should perhaps be more concerned about the influx of migrants to be allocated to them or the consequences of refusal. This is not going to end well for the whole of Europe either.
No matter what the outcome the UK will pay the price, leaked documents between Junker and Merkel have confirmed this.
Poland should perhaps be more concerned about the influx of migrants to be allocated to them or the consequences of refusal. This is not going to end well for the whole of Europe either.
"Poland should perhaps be more concerned about the influx of migrants to be allocated to them or the consequences of refusal"
Polska shouldn't be the loudest or first voice. If need be then accept them and let the Native Poles run them out of town.
Polska shouldn't be the loudest or first voice. If need be then accept them and let the Native Poles run them out of town.
The average of the 6 most reliable polls actually tell a different story......53% remain against 47% leave.
Care to put money on it? 1000 zl to the charity of choice says I am closer to the result than your source of polls.
27 May 2016 / #118
The UK wont be joining the EEA
The decision will be made by Parliament who are overwhelmingly (90%) pro EU. Its almost certain that that will be the only option the EU will offer for a trade deal and the Brexiteers have offered no other alternative.
So, yes. the UK will keep freedom of movement within the EEA
johnny reb 49 | 7945
27 May 2016 / #119
the UK will keep freedom of movement
25% of France wants to end the freedom of movement in the EU.
In fact they also are considering getting out of the E.U.
the British are not generally so xenophobic, as you will well know,
You're joking right ?
The Brexit campaign is largely based around xenophobia i.e. leaving the EU would supposedly allow the UK to control it's own borders which would mean less migrants coming to the UK. Many people in the UK who are sympathetic to leaving the EU are dumb enough to believe that leaving the EU will result in the Poles, Romanians, Hungarians etc leaving the UK.
I find myself increasingly frustrated with the fact that we have been presented with a referendum but no politician can give the people a clear idea as to the consequences of either decision-they simply DO NOT KNOW. Instead we have the British public having to decide how to vote based on rhetoric coming from both sides of the argument.
There should be other factors to consider such as the economic impact and the broader argument of sovereignty but these factors would be difficult enough for the common man to understand even if they were clearly explained to us.
One topic that will grow and grow over the coming years is Turkey's application to join the EU and many people are favouring a Brexit as a result.