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Where can I meet Polish girls / community in Manchester?

jonko  1 | 1  
20 Oct 2009 /  #1
Hi, it's my first time on this forum, I''m in my mid 40s, white British, but half Polish (father's blood in me, though I have only seen him about three times since I was about one year old.. Apparently, he lives in Gdansk but I haven't not since since I was there during the communism era. I would like to go back sometime, but I don't even know if he is still alive.

Anyway, that's not why I am posting. Basically, I want to meet and date a Polish girl (or should I say woman). I see them all the time in Manchester and they are so gourgous, yet I never see them out, so I don't know where to meet them. I see them in the Supermarket, in shopping in town, but it they are so hard to make eye contact with - and I would feel really stupid asking them out in a supermarket!!

It shouldn't really be so hard to fine them out - or is it that they are all in relationships with hunky Polish men.

Look, I'm a nice nice, friendly, warm, affectionate, creative guy, and just want to meet some Polish girls, even if just to go out, for a movies, or a meal, whatever, I just don't mind. I will even pay for them. I'm not desperate, just curios and they look and sound so sexy, much so than English girls.

Is there a special place where Polish girls hang out?

Can anyone advise me? Are there any Polish girls in Manchester on this forum who would like to contact me?

Would be interested to hear any replies.
SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
24 Apr 2010 /  #2
There's at least three or four Polish shops in Cheetham Hill; you could stand outside one of them, while wearing a red-and-white hoodie, a rucksak, and holding a can of Tyskie - I'm sure they'll be falling over themselves to meet you, lol
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Apr 2010 /  #3
There's at least three

3 if you dont include that one that says "Eastern" eurpean - which is actually some dodgy Arab pipe selling shop - trying to cash in on Poles in Cheetham Hill.

you could stand outside one of them, while wearing a red-and-white hoodie, a rucksak, and holding a can of Tyskie

You forgort the dodgy trainers!
SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
24 Apr 2010 /  #4
lol probably!

I drove past a restaurant in Wilmslow Road earlier today called "Arabesque", and the first thing I thought of was "oh isn't that an insult for Polish women who only date Arabs" lol

You forgort the dodgy trainers!

Some wear weird pants too, I believe ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Apr 2010 /  #5
for Polish women who only date Arabs

What is this with polish girls and Arabs?I read in their forums they regard Arabs as better than Greeks,Italians etc.Are they really so shot in the head?
SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
24 Apr 2010 /  #6
I've never met one, but I believe they do exist, sadly.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Apr 2010 /  #7
Some wear weird pants too, I believe ;)

I rather gay 80s looking I hear ;0)

What is this with polish girls and Arabs?I read in their forums they regard Arabs as better than Greeks,Italians

Maybe they think you all look the same? But they think Arabs are more wealthy?
vipangel  - | 1  
27 Oct 2010 /  #8
Merged: Polish community in Leeds and Manchester

hi, i am searching for a Polish community in Leeds or Manchester and Polish agency, anyone can give me some help? Please.
jonni  16 | 2475  
27 Oct 2010 /  #9
Try here. They also run a club.

DarrenM  1 | 77  
27 Oct 2010 /  #10

Here you are....

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