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Marrying Polish Woman in UK/London

incognito007  1 | 11  
27 Feb 2010 /  #1
Hey all,
Am an Indian guy, i have been dating a Polish girl for the last 3 years, we have traveled all over India, Europe together, all I want to say that we are well educated,grounded people,not together cos of some infatuation or something mundane like the 'exotic' attraction, we have a strong bond.

We want it to take it to the next level-Marriage.. I recently moved to the UK,she is in Poland(Working in a reputed company for the last 7 years,in a decent role)..

I have had a few interviews but haven't been lucky in London/UK as such, I was wondering, If i marry my gf, would it benefit me at all?

I am authoriszd to work here in the UK & legally allowed to work/stay until 2012. the benefits i can see are 1)Traveling within EU 2) Working within EU (there's nothing ILLEGAL)

are there any other benefits?
Also I would like to know the procedure for this, I have an Indian Passport.,
the documents needed, the offices I should contact, I am based in London, Brent Borough.
If there are any experts out there, any help,suggestions would be welcome, I intend to talk to a lawyer as well abt this, but personal experiences would give some new situations not known by these Lawyers,

Also, any websites regarding the same, I would be very obliged.

For those curious how we met, I had visited Poland for a short term on an assignment, we met at a private party, we stayed in touch,we visited each other frequently(one of us coming/going to the other ever 3 months for at least 2 weeks), now that I am in the UK, she visits me more ;)

Amathyst  19 | 2700  
27 Feb 2010 /  #2
Am an Indian guy,

Passport! get the f*ck out of my country you low life..didnt read past the above, simply because you lot are after one thing! If you do marry with Home Office approval..take her back to your shithole! or hers!
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
27 Feb 2010 /  #3
Why would anyone date someone for 3 years just to get a passport. It doesn't make sense.
27 Feb 2010 /  #4
If i marry my gf, would it benefit me at all?

Yes: you'll be able to live in Poland with her, but not anywhere else in EU.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
27 Feb 2010 /  #5
Why would anyone date someone for 3 years just to get a passport. It doesn't make sense.

If i marry my gf, would it benefit me at all?

For the reaon some rotten Indian to get his foot in the door of England!

Lets put it this way, how may Europeans, say "how wll it benefit me to live another country" (as a side note he comes from a country were 85% public pooh in the street)

His post was like a RAG report!
beelzebub  - | 444  
27 Feb 2010 /  #6
Why would anyone date someone for 3 years just to get a passport. It doesn't make sense.

It makes a lot of sense. If someone wants a passport to a certain country that is the most assured way to get it.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
27 Feb 2010 /  #7
Ireland shoots non EU migrants who travel from the UK with their Polish spouses. The rebels are manning the forts as we speak. Tis terrible!

ShawnH  8 | 1488  
27 Feb 2010 /  #8
If i marry my gf, would it benefit me at all?

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.
f stop  24 | 2493  
27 Feb 2010 /  #9
My Lord, you guys are a bunch of total d!cks! Don't you realize that by a grace of God, you might have been born in... Afghanistan? Do you really think that the place we are born in should entitle us to all these special privileges? What about being judged by the way we live our lives?
Eurola  4 | 1898  
27 Feb 2010 /  #10
get the f*ck out of my country you low life..

Do you think not allowing one more will make a difference? Lol.
UK should have thought of the consequences of being 'nice' years before!
sledz  23 | 2247  
27 Feb 2010 /  #11
UK should have thought of the consequences of being 'nice' years before

I think theyre are in big trouble in England,,,look at this!!!!!!
Eurola  4 | 1898  
27 Feb 2010 /  #12
theyre are in big trouble in England

Exactly. That's why our 'nice' liberals make me sick.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
27 Feb 2010 /  #13
Shahid Malik is the MP in my home town, Dewsbury.

He has led a golden existence thanks to the govt's policy of sucking up to muslims in order to divide the anti-British muslims from the very anti-British muslims.

He also managed to accumulate the greatest amount of expenses!

Dewsbury - 30 years ago, when I was a lad it was a declining northern, post-industrial town with a "manageable" Pakistani population. By manageable, I mean it wasn't in your face - they were there, but not in great numbers. That changed with the mass immigration of the 90s and after. My Dad was a local family doctor - he got loads of Christmas cards from the older muslims, including the mother-in-law of the leader of the 7/7 bombers.

Dewsbury has produced about 10 suicide bombers - one aged 16, most caught before they could put their dastardly plans into effect. This makes local news but is not reported nationally for reasons of multicultural peace and harmony.
Mister H  11 | 761  
27 Feb 2010 /  #14
Well done, you've managed to get the three things guaranteed to annoy people in your first post ie. marriage (possibly for convenience), gaining entry into the UK and benefits.

I strongly think that new members to the forum should have their first few posts moderated before they are available for others to read.

I suspect that you won't be back to read any responses.

Dewsbury - 30 years ago, when I was a lad it was a declining northern, post-industrial town with a "manageable" Pakistani population

Sounds a little bit like Crawley (a town in Sussex near Gatwick Airport) which has always had a high asian population, but in the early/mid 1990s those I knew of were all UK born. When I visit Crawley now, it seems to have changed into am immigrant ghetto where you never seem to hear English being spoken anymore or certainly not as much as you would expect in what is, after all, an English town.

I believe that three of the 7/7 bombers came from Crawley.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
27 Feb 2010 /  #15
Passport! get the f*ck out of my country you low life..didnt read past the above, simply because you lot are after one thing! If you do marry with Home Office approval..take her back to your shithole! or he

The level of stupidity and racism from some on this forum is just mind boggling.. When I read/hear this, I am hardly surprised that some muslims extremists are putting bombs..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2010 /  #16
Yes: you'll be able to live in Poland with her, but not anywhere else in EU.

No no, he'll be able to live anywhere he wants in the EU - there's a right for family members to live with an EU citizen anywhere in the EU. This is what the recent fuss about the Somali woman who won in the ECJ is all about.
Mister H  11 | 761  
27 Feb 2010 /  #17
The level of stupidity and racism from some on this forum is just mind boggling.. When I read/hear this, I am hardly surprised that some muslims extremists are putting bombs..

I think it could just be that he is getting a bit sick and tired of people registering with this forum purely to start threads that they know will wind people up.

It's not as though they come back to finish what they start is it ?

I'm bored of those type of people too.

PS - There is NEVER an excuse or a reason good enough to justify acts of terrorism.
OP incognito007  1 | 11  
28 Feb 2010 /  #18
I thought I had a good weekend, taking into consideration how well the Football club I support played, but reading the replies here, I just felt sick!!

so much hatred in here!I would be sharing these responses with my GF too, she would be as disappointed as myself.

Amathyst--Don't know what experieces you had to hold so much anger in you, it is a pity, but definitely, I ignored all your posts after your first comment.

Yes, I wouldn't date a Polish woman for a passport, there are American women to date to 'get' an american passport, French women or even British women( yes, in that order of priority for ;benefits').

RAG report- thanks, you did go through my entire post, and you have an opinion, you are entitled to have one, but it takes a strong character to know when to keep quiet & when to speak & you aint one.

The only reason for the "RAG" was to remove the general,quickfire replies'oh he is doing it for the passport' I intended to explain that this is not the idea at all.

Beelzebub- No, Beelzebub, it definitely is not the most assured way, I am sure there must be some other 'assured' ways,but I don't intend to marry to get a passport!!and I don't care about a passport at all!!!

RevokeNice--Thanks for the advice, I think I am scared now to go to Ireland,But again, is Ireland a preferred travel/living destination? I think not.

ShawnH--That was wrong and very impolite, if you are Polish, to call a polish woman cow,its just wrong, I am ssuming you are an English man drinking a lot of lager in the pub & passing comments about every lady/woman you see,

Mister H--- maybe I wasn't clear--when I meant benefits-- like not the 250 Pounds a month a lot of people take as 'benefits' by claiming unemployment! maybe the word 'benefits' raised a red flag, I would like to very much continue here in the UK, work(legally) & she could move here, but she freaks out at the mention of living in London, cos she thinks only 'blue collar polish workers' move to London.

and, I had a lovely weekend, watched a lovely football game at the stadium & just got back, wasn't online & didn't check this forum.

Bullfrog-- I agree with you, it is mindboggling & disappointing, makes me sick, who are these people?!! but again, that bomb statement wasn't necessary, the people who have posted such statements, are angry,frustrated, irritated & a lot of their anger is misplaced, its being directed at everyone, I am wondering how they are in real life.

The whole idea of posting on this forum was wrong!!! The only reason I was 'directed' to this site thanks to Google, its the no.1 site when you search for anything related to Poland.

Anyways, I have decided that all this asking questions on a forum is a waste of time (pierdoly as my gf would say!),I guess, I will just take my gf to India, get married to her in a nice Indian ceremony, la Bollywood style, cos she thinks it could be fun & to invite some of her friends as well, at least I would have a good time that way!!

But,I am so tempted to show these posts/responses to her friends & colleagues to know where these people live & what is bothering them!

Anyways, did some research myself, and for someone who would be led/misled to this website, here are some links I found

bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/partnersandfamilies/partners/indefiniteleavetore main/
bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/partnersandfamilies/partners/husbandswivescivilp artners/
ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visitingtheuk/gettingmarried/certificateofappro val/
ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/visitingtheuk/coaguidance .pdf
beelzebub  - | 444  
28 Feb 2010 /  #19
Actually it IS the most assured way to get a passport. With the other options there are more steps involved and more paperwork needed.

In Spain for example you get married...have to be married for one year and reside in Spain for 6 months of that then you are eligible for citizenship.

Most places it is 3-5 years but it's still the most direct route.

Why is it that every third world foreigner who marries a European SWEARS it isn't at all about the papers...yet they end up living in Europe rather than their country?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
28 Feb 2010 /  #20
Anyways, I have decided that all this asking questions on a forum is a waste of time (pierdoly as my gf would say!),I guess, I will just take my gf to India, get married to her in a nice Indian ceremony, la Bollywood style, cos she thinks it could be fun & to invite some of her friends as well, at least I would have a good time that way!!

Stay there. Go on surprise us, bring an EU citizen BACK to live in your country of origin.
Matowy  - | 293  
28 Feb 2010 /  #21
What a heart-warming thread.
28 Feb 2010 /  #22
But,I am so tempted to show these posts/responses to her friends & colleagues to know where these people live & what is bothering them!

Of course you realise that no poster in this thread is actually Polish living in Poland?
(except for me :) I'm not sure about Varsovian too). You got replies from Brits, Irish,
Americans, Swedish but no Poles.

You should also realise that overwhelming majority of posters on this site are NOT Polish
and Poles who are actually living in Poland are a tiny minority of posters here.

Just to make it clear.
beelzebub  - | 444  
28 Feb 2010 /  #23
None of her friend's and colleagues are going to admit their racism to you. But you bet your brown @ss they talk about it when you and she are not around.
Nika  2 | 507  
28 Feb 2010 /  #24
Of course you realise that no poster in this thread is actually Polish living in Poland?
(except for me :) I'm not sure about Varsovian too). You got replies from Brits, Irish,
Americans, Swedish but no Poles.

I confirm. You will have to show it to her British/Irish/American etc friends & colleagues, if she has any.

And I am a part of the tiny minority of posters, Polish living in Poland, that is :)

in the meantime.....GO CANADA GO / GOLD CANADA GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!
28 Feb 2010 /  #25
And I am a part of the tiny minority of posters, Polish living in Poland that is :)

Cheers, Nika! We should start a Tiny Persecuted Polish Minority Club ;)

I demand affirmative action for Poles living in Poland on PF! Let's start with
free Gold Memberships, extra size avatars and right to ban one member from
the forum (there is one member I have in mind *coughrevokenicecough*) :-)
OP incognito007  1 | 11  
28 Feb 2010 /  #26
Thanks Nika for clarifying!
I am shocked & totally speechless with the negative responses & the hostile stance of some of the members
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
28 Feb 2010 /  #27
None of her friend's and colleagues are going to admit their racism to you. But you bet your brown @ss they talk about it when you and she are not around.

Who cares?
BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #28
It's OK these morons will get this thread locked too. Just imagine having these as your neighbours. What a happy community!

Torq I half count and don't want any special priviledges :)
beelzebub  - | 444  
28 Feb 2010 /  #29
Well if he lives in Poland he better get used to having neighbors who don't like him because he is a brown foreigner. Protest all you want but Poland is white and likes it that way.
Nika  2 | 507  
28 Feb 2010 /  #30
Cheers, Nika! We should start a Tiny Persecuted Polish Minority Club ;)

With pleasure Torq! I have an idea for logo of our Club.
PW wish you all the best incognito, if your intentions are sincere. It's probably better for you to seek an advice on the websites you've posted, rather than on here.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Marrying Polish Woman in UK/LondonArchived