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Lots of Polish in England buy houses and integrate into the UK system well

14 Mar 2012 /  #1
There has been alot of talk about Polish people claiming benefits. However, not so much talk about the professional Polish people who come here buy houses, integrate into the uk system very well, for the long term may I add. Its called education!!!!!!!!. Alot of post seem to class all Polish people as the same. Every nation has its set of AH. There are alot of people on this forum who are very narrow minded bordering on "thick".
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
14 Mar 2012 /  #2
On your former point,
you will find plenty of threads about Poles "taking our jobs", you see Polish Forums has all the basis covered.
If you are educated, get a job, buy a house and marry a local, you are "robbing" "our" Jobs, pushing up house prices and "stealing" "our" women.

If you don't do any of these you are a scrounge, unemployed scumbag, who lowers the prices of houses because you live 50 in a room and if you don't marry a local you don't integrate.

Damned if you do damned if you don't.
These arguments seldom cross over but it's fun to see the next "guest" repost the same argument depending on how much they've drank that day.

On your latter point,
I don't think people are bordering on anything but rather full fledged citizens :)
14 Mar 2012 /  #3
"Damned if you do damned if you don't. " just reflects intolerance and reflects preconceived ideas on this subject. A drunk is a little easier to accept as they eventually sober up but racism of a "rather full fledged citizens" is not that easy to cure.
Wedle  15 | 490  
14 Mar 2012 /  #4
However, not so much talk about the professional Polish people who come here buy houses, integrate into the uk system very well, for the long term may I add.

Its called education!!!!!!!

It is actually called integration...

I was recently in London for a long weekend and the subject of ' Poles working in the UK was discussed ' Most of the londoner's I mixed with, didn't give two hoots about Poles in the UK, they considered people who contribute and pay taxes as being positive for the country.

Two points mentioned:

Why do Poles go to the UK to work?

Answer: Because the salaries are 3-7 times more than they would get in Poland.

Why do Poles live in over - crowded housing?

Answer: Because that is what they are conditioned to in Poland, furthermore Poles go to the UK to save money.

When all is said and done, there is a history of Poles going to the UK for the last 70 years, so there is now a strong Polish sub culture in the UK, they can immerse themselves into.
GabiDaHun  2 | 152  
14 Mar 2012 /  #5
I'm slightly jealous of the Poles.

I wish there were a country I could go to and earn three times the national average salary doing menial work. I'd do exactly the same: save like buggery, live like a pauper, and then go home rich and buy a massive flat.

The Poles I met in London were there on a mission, and they were mainly hard working and dedicated. Don't think for a second that if the British couldn't find a country that would accommodate them for a while and pay them a ton of money for unskilled work, that they wouldn't be doing exactly the same thing.

I don't blame them, it's a smart move economically for the Poles. There are of course bigger concerns for the working classes of the UK whom seem to be being stomped in the face government after government, but that is not the Poles fault - and there are plenty of Brits that can't see that unfortunately.
OP lando  
14 Mar 2012 /  #6
I don't think people are bordering on anything but rather full fledged citizens :)

fully fledged low intellectual citizens, otherwise they would be able to debate intellectually.

Integration and Intellegance go hand in hand. You have to have a level of intellegance to intergrate, otherwise you have a cav society.
Midas  1 | 571  
14 Mar 2012 /  #7
Look, the real problems with Polish people in the UK boil down to the following:

- Polish people using ( some people will even use the word "scamming" ) the system of social benefits and we all know the Polish have contributed zero, nil, zip, towards its creation,

- Polish people undercutting the locals in the competition for menial, low paying jobs,

- Polish people being involved in odd immigration scams.

Same applies to other Eastern Europeans.

Nobody is saying they are not allowed to come over ( Schengen treaty and all ) but these facts have to be acknowledged.

Other than that, I always keep saying - there'd be full scale riots in Poland ( approved by the PiS, no less ) if 1 million British people showed up in Poland and started to compete with the locals on the job market.
OP lando  
14 Mar 2012 /  #8
I am only tallking about the educated polish people, they do none of the above, not interested in benefits as they work as professionals. They never seem to get a mention, Not all Polish want to take from the uk,
Wedle  15 | 490  
14 Mar 2012 /  #9
Integration and Intellegance go hand in hand. You have to have a level of intellegance to intergrate

Immigrant workers at all levels of education (intelligence) can integrate and find their place in society. There are many people in the UK with a basic education, who have risen to the top of the business world.

otherwise you have a cav society.

Lando you mean ' Chav ' not ' Cav '

if 1 million British people showed up in Poland and started to compete with the locals on the job market.

Time will tell on that one.

I am only tallking about the educated polish people, they do none of the above, not interested in benefits as they work as professionals. They never seem to get a mention, Not all Polish want to take from the uk,

If they are working they are NOT unemployed, therefore NOT liable for benefits. So what exactly are you discussing here.

I'm slightly jealous of the Poles. I wish there were a country I could go to and earn three times the national average salary doing menial work. I'd do exactly the same: save like buggery, live like a pauper, and then go home rich and buy a massive flat.

Exactly, you and most hard working British people, on the flip side many Brits come to Poland take a drop in salary, although they are happier due to the slower pace of life and the lower prices, their savings go a lot further.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Lots of Polish in England buy houses and integrate into the UK system wellArchived