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How long will Poles use communism and ww2 as an excuse to move to the UK?

hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
6 Dec 2012 /  #1
So often i read from Poles on forums and news websites about the woes of Poland - Usually blaming the commie past (which their leaders fully embraced), blaming the Germans for ww2, and blaming the West for "betraying them".

It;s been nearly 25 years since the fall of communism. You've had 10 years of EU funding.. and Poland is still a economic mess

Look at Russia! Incredibly rich in natural resources, yet soo soo poor.
Poles need to face facts. You're just not economically viable as a nation.

The pick of the bunch, in my opinion is the Czech Republic. I also noticed the people there are quite friendly and westernized for Slavic standards! Perhaps this is a clue??

Have no fear. Poles have embraced their right to escape their leaders and move to proper countries such as the UK & Ireland, Germany, Norway & The Netherlands.

Proper countries. Countries full of community spirit and selflessness.

Just a shame lots of them haven't conducted themselves as ambassadors of Poland. Committing Crimes. Scrounging Benefits. Heath Tourism, Fraud, the list is endless.

They're even getting in on the act with our 'compensation culture'.

Type in "w ciąży i idzie do uk" in google and you'll find hundreds of links to forum posts made my pregnant Poles coming to the UK.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
6 Dec 2012 /  #2
You've had 10 years of EU funding

8 years - in 2006 all new EU members cost an average citizen of the old EU 26 euro - not much i would say - and you claim that Poland should be richer because of this funding (in the year 2006 you personally have paid 26 euros divided by 80 million into my personal pocket (theoretically)) - lots of that money returned to old Europe anyway

Usually blaming the commie past (which their leaders fully embraced)

the leaders you mention were all brought to Poland by Moscow and established there on Russian bayonets
Nacjonalista  4 | 95  
6 Dec 2012 /  #3
LOL I love this guy. Always bashing Poles and Poland on a POLISH website.
jon357  72 | 23712  
6 Dec 2012 /  #4
a POLISH website

Actually, a website about Poland but don't let's split hairs - after all extreme nationalistic views are very much a minority sport and if anything you should stick together.
wjtk  - | 29  
6 Dec 2012 /  #5
Before WW2 Poland had higher GDP per capita than for example Greece and Portugal. War and 45 years of communism changed that. Thats the fact. Between 1989-2004(before entering EU) Poland tripled its GDP per capita. Thats the fact.

About communism influence - look at Germany. Gap between Western and Eastern Germany is even deeper than before WW2 because of communist economy model. Between 1990-2012 Western Germany pumped ~900 billions into E.German economy but still it has similar gdp per capita as Poland!

In other words - this thread is hilarious.
TommyG  1 | 359  
6 Dec 2012 /  #6
How long will Poles use communism and ww2 as an excuse?
Who is using that as an excuse?
You are using the past to deliberately insult Poles which is very sad, but very predictable.

Have no fear. Poles have embraced their right to escape their leaders and move to proper countries such as the UK & Ireland,

Where the local ignorant xenophobic underclass give them sh*t for doing so.

Just a shame lots of them haven't conducted themselves as ambassadors of Poland. Committing Crimes. Scrounging Benefits. Heath Tourism

The vast majority are very good ambassadors for their country. I don't know what crime 'Heath Tourism' is. Can you explain that one?

They're even getting in on the act with our 'compensation culture'.

Our 'compensation culture'. Well, when in Rome... Besides it's not even ours. We stole it from the States about a decade ago...

Type in "w ciąży i idzie do uk" in google and you'll find hundreds of links to forum posts made my pregnant Poles coming to the UK.

I just googeld: Hudson Hicks is a c*nt and got: About 8,620,000 results (0.07 seconds) - So, what does that prove?
Most of which were about the Aliens film from where you have taken your username... the other links send us to PF...

Slavic cultures are all very similar - Very corrupt, opportunistic, selfish and will do anything to make a quick buck.

More blanket statements? Surely you realise the same statement can be applied to yourself?

Poles need to face facts.

No. You need to face facts. Nobody cares about your opinions. Your Pole-bashing should be kept to your bedroom.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
6 Dec 2012 /  #7
I'm always going to be wrong on here. This site is full of British and American people who are infatuated with all things Polish.

There's not many real Poles here, the ones that moved to our countries tend to prefer to stick to their own language.

mojawyspa.co.uk/forum etc (the list is endless)


I am 9 weeks pregnant and I have three children already
What I do and where and when should I report this fact. Idea taxy and benifity.?

TommyG  1 | 359  
6 Dec 2012 /  #8
I'm always going to be wrong on here.

I think that you're always going to be wrong. end of...

hudsonhicks. don't be making any more statements like you just did about Slavic cultures.That was a negative blanket statement.Last warning.Not up for debate,just don't make those kinds of statements.

Nice one:D TY P3:)
Lenka  5 | 3551  
6 Dec 2012 /  #9
who are infatuated with all things Polish.

For AllThingsPolish go to the other forum.

There's not many real Poles here, the ones that moved to our countries tend to prefer to stick to their own language.

I'm here,I'm Polish living in Poland and speaking communicative English.And I tell you-go to some webside "I hate Poland" and there you'll be able to spread your wings
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
6 Dec 2012 /  #10
What a typically Polish stance you're taking Lenka. Very nationalistic, defensive and paranoid.

I don't hate anyone or any nation. I hate the policies of the EU that have facilitated 2million (mostly dregs of society) Poles to come over here and sponge of us.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
6 Dec 2012 /  #11
I am surprised that PF allows this guy to post his racist views on this forum. Until this forum has some better moderation, I am not going to making a financial contribution anytime soon.
TommyG  1 | 359  
6 Dec 2012 /  #12
I hate the policies of the EU that have facilitated 2million (mostly dregs of society) Poles to come over here and sponge of us.

Solution = leave the EU. I'm talking about you, not the whole UK. The dregs of society have always been here. You are a prime example of this...

Most Poles work very hard. I know a guy who saved £14k in about 3-4 years. He's saving up for a house/flat back home. Try doing that on benefits...
berni23  7 | 377  
6 Dec 2012 /  #13
Very nationalistic, defensive and paranoid.

Talking about yourself again?

I don't hate anyone or any nation.

U sure? Cause it really comes across this way.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
6 Dec 2012 /  #14
I'm racist because i don't want millions of foreign nationals feeding of my country?
TommyG  1 | 359  
6 Dec 2012 /  #15
I am surprised that PF allows this guy to post his racist views on this forum.

I am too. But he has been warned now. I think that this threads response has shown that people are getting very sick of him and hearing the same old sh*t everyday...

I'm racist because

- because... your a clown? At least you have admitted being racist. Please feel free to join a racist forum then...
gumishu  15 | 6228  
6 Dec 2012 /  #16
I'm racist because i don't want millions of foreign nationals feeding of my country?

90 per cent of Polish people in the UK have permanent or at least temporary occupations and thus are paying taxes, they pay VAT on all things they buy in the UK also
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
6 Dec 2012 /  #17
This type of behaviour is exactly the Poland is a mess.

Let's stick to topic and have a rational discussion instead of spitting poison at me...
pip  10 | 1658  
6 Dec 2012 /  #18
I'm racist because i don't want millions of foreign nationals feeding of my country?

you say this like it is only Polish people. And of course there are no English that have ever done this.

This type of behaviour is exactly the Poland is a mess.

Let's stick to topic and have a rational discussion instead of spitting poison at me...

but Poland isn't a mess and you would know this if you actually lived here. Less educated people have historically always moved for work. Is this not why the thousands upon thousands of British subjects immigrated to the new world?

give your head a shake.
Nacjonalista  4 | 95  
6 Dec 2012 /  #19
What I am wondering is how many more immigrants the UK can handle until she goes belly up? Not just from Poland but India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and who knows from where else in the world. An island nation can only sustain so many people.
jon357  72 | 23712  
6 Dec 2012 /  #20
What I am wondering is how many more immigrants the UK can handle until she goes belly up?

I suppose you'd know, being an immigrant yourself.
TommyG  1 | 359  
6 Dec 2012 /  #21
What I am wondering is how many more immigrants the UK can handle until she goes belly up? An island nation can only sustain so many people.

Really? Japan has double the UK population but its land mass is only 50% bigger. UK has plenty of room yet:D
America has coped quite well with immigration, I mean how many native-Americans do you see these days?
As long as everybody works and contributes it's not a problem...
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
6 Dec 2012 /  #22
You're a sick individual and extreme case of the Lefty-Looney sydrome.

You'd love to see our countryside destroyed and built on to contain the impending tsunami of Bulgarians and Romanians in 2013??

6 Dec 2012 /  #23
"w ciąży i idzie do uk"

On foot?! Wow that's a long way for a pregnant woman! ;DDD

It;s been nearly 25 years since the fall of communism.

Seriously? I thought it's 23 years.
TommyG  1 | 359  
6 Dec 2012 /  #24
You're a sick individual and extreme case of the Lefty-Looney sydrome.

What the hell has that got to do with this thread?
We are supposed to be talking about Polish people and Poland...
In response I would say that the figures given suggest another 270,000 immigrants over a two-year period. That's barely a flood... About the same amount of Britains emigrate every year...

Why would you even think that I'm left wing?
Lenka  5 | 3551  
6 Dec 2012 /  #25
What a typically Polish stance you're taking Lenka. Very nationalistic, defensive and paranoid.

Of course you'd think that.Maybe I should suggest you other points of view:
-you said that ppl here are not Polish
-||- -||- -||- -||- -||- Polish but not living in Poland but probably in UK
-||- -||- Polish ppl tend to stic to their own language
I just showed you that that's not necessarily true.And-all my friends that are living in UK know English.

That's just one explanation.You want to hear another?:
I react like that because you're posting the same ... everyday.I just got tired

And yet another:
When someone's is attacing something dear to you you fight back

And the last one:
I'm not the one with problem-you are.Just think about it.
P.S.(edited) And I posted the AllThingsPolish comment just because you used the exact name of the second forum about Poland
6 Dec 2012 /  #26

He's just teasing you. He doesn't know how to retort in better way.

Go on hudson, entertain us! Or is all for this evening?
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
6 Dec 2012 /  #27
This forum provides my entertainment.. not the other way round
Lenka  5 | 3551  
6 Dec 2012 /  #28
He's just teasing you.

I know but I still let him get to me.That's my problem I guess.

This forum provides my entertainment.. not the other way round

If that's the case the entertainment goes both ways
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
6 Dec 2012 /  #29
I know but I still let him get to me.That's my problem I guess.

Why haven't you moved to the UK to be with your friends? I'm just curious
TommyG  1 | 359  
6 Dec 2012 /  #30
Why haven't you moved to the UK to be with your friends?

Because it's a sh*thole, full of silly people?
Poland is soooo much better:D

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