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I am Polish and live in UK and i am pregnant! I need your help!

smith84uk  1 | 8  
24 Dec 2012 /  #1
hi everyone,
please i need your help or advice on my situation. i live in london and i am pregnant for my boyfriend and i am due to born in a few weeks. i live with my boyfriend who love and care for me so much and i want to help him to have a permanent residency or a work permit becoz his visa is finish. i want to marry him but in court they told me that i can not marry him becoz his visa is finish :( and we can not get married .. can the polish embassy in london help me with my situation? or what can i do to help my boyfriend in this situation? please if there is anyone who has had a similar situation like me please he or she should help me on what i can do...

thanks to every body in the polish forum and merry christmas one more
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
24 Dec 2012 /  #2
the information in your profile does not match the info in your post.

sort it out or you`ll find all your posts in the bin.

Pako Lorente UK  - | 5  
24 Dec 2012 /  #3
This is the best thing ...Take your boyfriend back to Poland with you. British people are totally fed up with this back door immigration. Have you ever thought that you boyfriend is only with you because his visa was about to expire and you have got pregnant because you thought it would improve his chance of getting an extension.

I hope he gets booted out of the UK ...
OP smith84uk  1 | 8  
24 Dec 2012 /  #4
on what profile should i post this post please?

he want to go to poland with me or wherever i will take him. but his visa is finish and i dont think they will allow him cross the borders with and expired visa.. or is it possible for me to travel to poland with him even though his visa is finish.? i have thought about it that he was with me becoz he needed an extension but somehow how he has been faithful, never lies, and honest to me. most guys would not be honest or faithful to their girlfriends not even if they are with you for something. more over my mum adores him becoz he cares for me. believe me he is looking forward to have a family with me. thanks for keeping me aware again
pawian  226 | 27539  
24 Dec 2012 /  #5
Another trick by mods!!!

Hey, come on, it is Eve today, not April`s Day!
OP smith84uk  1 | 8  
24 Dec 2012 /  #6
what is the trick? please i sincerely need your help
Pako Lorente UK  - | 5  
24 Dec 2012 /  #7
Whatever, but we don't want him here. If his visa has expired he should already have left. We don't people here who don't respect our laws.. and people who abuse our hospitality!
pawian  226 | 27539  
24 Dec 2012 /  #8
what is the trick? please i sincerely need your help

The trick is that one of the mods is pretending to be you.
Of course, it is a major mistake since on Christmas Eve all Polish guys are busy preparing for Supper, instead of making up incredible stories on the Internet!!!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
24 Dec 2012 /  #9
trip trap trip trap went the little goat over the wooden bridge......
Wulkan  - | 3136  
24 Dec 2012 /  #10
Take your boyfriend back to Poland with you

We don't want him in Poland either although I know this is just a troll.
OP smith84uk  1 | 8  
24 Dec 2012 /  #11
thanks for all your care and ideas.. i had been in a relationship with a polish guy who treated me so badly an hurt my feelings. i though i would never find another i would love agin until i met this guy. i wanted this child with him and not the other way round. He has been so supportive to me and all want want to do is to help him as the father of my baby and live with him and that is also what he hope for as well. I am doing this on my free will. thanks again
pawian  226 | 27539  
24 Dec 2012 /  #12
No worry. When there`s will, there`s way too.
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Dec 2012 /  #13
what country is your boyfriend from?
sa11y  5 | 331  
24 Dec 2012 /  #14
Since when men get pregnant? Troll.
OP smith84uk  1 | 8  
25 Dec 2012 /  #15
My boyfriend is from Cameroon..Can it help? Thanks for stopping by :-)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
25 Dec 2012 /  #16

Language, French, clue there Im afraid.
Good luck,but,Im with the others,its all love and kisses now,once he gets his papers you wont see him for the dust off his heels......
pawian  226 | 27539  
25 Dec 2012 /  #17
My boyfriend is from Cameroon..Can it help?

If he is a member of this:

then yes.
MoOli  9 | 479  
25 Dec 2012 /  #18
please i need your help or advice on my situation

I am sure he cannot come to Poland by air,as they will get him on airport.But I am sure that you guys can travel by road(car or a bus)....come to your home in Poland and apply for his karta.Whats the problem?Plenty of illegals apply in Poland and he being a father of a Polish citizen will be hard for them to deport:)Just make sure he doesnt run back to Uk for money,cuz he will only get a 1 or 2 year residence permit in Poland and you will get a chance to see him his real self.Dont forget he will be in SIS database now if he was refused a settlement visa,but polish authorities still are very leniant.
pawian  226 | 27539  
25 Dec 2012 /  #19
But I am sure that you guys can travel by road(car or a bus)....

In a trunk? Or boot? Wouldn`t it be safer through green border?

He only needs to watch out for wolves...
MoOli  9 | 479  
25 Dec 2012 /  #20
In a trunk? Or boot? Wouldn`t it be safer through green border?

you mean like poles use to do it before to west and now from canada to the states?
OP smith84uk  1 | 8  
25 Dec 2012 /  #21
Cameroon is bilingual (french and English) speaking nation. He is from the english speaking part of the country. Thanks again for advice. Sincerely i need your help members. If he gets his document and run away then that was the way it was destined to be but as for me i will remember all what he has done for me and for our coming baby. Its for you isthatu2
pawian  226 | 27539  
25 Dec 2012 /  #22
you mean like poles use to do it before to west

No, you are thinking of East Germans.

now from canada to the states?

No, in the opposite direction, from States to Canada. That`s what I would do, anyway.

but as for me i will remember all what he has done for me and for our coming baby.

Yes, he gave the baby life and you eternal happiness. That`s a lot and shouldn`t be forgotten, indeed.

Thanks again for advice.

You`re welcome
OP smith84uk  1 | 8  
25 Dec 2012 /  #23
MoOli thanks for your words of encouragement. Your words gives me hope and i am greatful for that. I know the even if we travel by car they told me there will be a control of identification at polish borders and if he is caught i will not be able to cope by my self becoz he has shown me so much sffection and care. He consoles me every time i feel depress. I still prefer to stand my chances and help him.
antheads  13 | 340  
25 Dec 2012 /  #24

Mr trollo
OP smith84uk  1 | 8  
25 Dec 2012 /  #25
Thanks... I need more ideas forum members
Vincent  8 | 800  
25 Dec 2012 /  #26
What is your connection to this poster, you seem to have the same ip.
pawian  226 | 27539  
25 Dec 2012 /  #27
Obviously angry mum`s account was hacked by her married son whom she tried to protect from the harrassment by a Polish girl a few months ago.

Now he is taking the revenge for his dear mommy`s interference into his business and is making a fool of her!!!

Vincent, does it mean this poster has no allegiance whasoever to the mods???? Just a free lance troll?
Vincent  8 | 800  
25 Dec 2012 /  #28
Obviously angry mum`s account was hacked by her married son whom she tried to protect from the harrassment by a Polish girl a few months ago.
Now he is taking the revenge for his dear mommy`s interference into his business and is making a fool of her!!!

That is one theory, or prehaps the ip was relocated. I'm sure the OP will be back to put us right.

Just a free lance troll?

The worst type in my opinion:)
Ant63  13 | 410  
25 Dec 2012 /  #29
A lot of UK households would be on the same IP. Odd to have two posters on PF with same IP though as they would have to live reasonably close to each other but a possibilty.
OP smith84uk  1 | 8  
25 Dec 2012 /  #30
More ideas and help please. Thanks so far for your immense contribution

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / I am Polish and live in UK and i am pregnant! I need your help!Archived