that is one dish. in general indian cuisine is not known to be fat or heavy. usually the non domestic food is modified for the needs of the locals.
The reason Indian restaurants and takeaways serve fatty food over here is because they use a lot of fat during cooking. This is done because they have to fry the food quickly. Lamb is generally quite fatty, but when I make keema masala (to an authentic recipe), there is hardly any fat or grease. This is because I make sure it is well-cooked, and this takes the best part of an hour. But if I order the same dish at an Indian takeaway, it arrives in 10 minutes, and is absolutely swimming in fat. It's not the dish which makes a meal fat, it's the cooking technique - if you don't cook things from scratch, anyway.
Indian cooking is definitely not free of fat, though - try ghee, halva or ras malai for starters ;)
that curry might be 100times better in india. ;)
It is 100 times more likely to give you dysentery :)
Nah its something more sinister as to why many Brits are fat IMO.
Lack of activity + too much convenience food, I'd say.
I love the British food I buy or make regularly - and I'm not fat. I am very active though.