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Polish immigration in UK

osiol  55 | 3921  
9 Nov 2007 /  #241

If you don't like the political situation in the UK, why are you bothering with a forum devoted to Polish language and culture?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
9 Nov 2007 /  #242
so to be told that there better than us is an absolute insult !

With regard to this quote. Are any Polish people employed as site-foreman or gaffer ?
osiol  55 | 3921  
9 Nov 2007 /  #243
to be told that there better than us is an absolute insult !

Many people are better than you.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
9 Nov 2007 /  #244
With regard to this quote. Are any Polish people employed as site-foreman or gaffer ?

Yeah, on the site I'm working now there are some Polish engineers.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
9 Nov 2007 /  #245
Do they choose to hire Brits or Poles ? Or is it still in the hands of the Site Foreman /Site Agent ?

I realize your answer could start a troll war, but I would like to know.
ajgraham  - | 121  
9 Nov 2007 /  #246
I know :-( Unfortunately for some, their views are possibly based on perceptions from the media or fear of the unknown... I'm very happy to hang out with the Polish, or indeed any nationality. Tonight will be two Irish, two South Africans, two Polish, an Australian, three English, two Scots and a Welshman.

Its a shame that on your travels you haven't learnt a basic level of English, allowing you to communicate effectively.

I don't slag the British off or Great Britain... if you would like to read my posts, I've said there are plenty of things that are good about the UK and its people.

Liza you have got to be the boring person on this site(apart from me)....Feel free to go back to New Zealand....i'm sure the UK economy won't suffer....and take take your husband with you!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
9 Nov 2007 /  #247
these poles have destroyed a lot of our unions

Actually, Poles and trade unions in the UK are pretty cuddly. You need to get informed.

Some things for you to read:
With the help of Polish members, the union managed to organise a 24-hour stoppage of the transportation of medical items in protest at a management decision to transfer a £3.5-£4 billion, 1.6 billion contract from the UK to Germany..

or this:
Amicus launches initiative for Polish workers:

In short, Poles may be actually saving trade unions in your country.
osiol  55 | 3921  
9 Nov 2007 /  #248
The destruction of trade unions.

Causes: a combination of the Tories under Thatcher and the trade unions themselves.
Liza  3 | 111  
10 Nov 2007 /  #249
well what do you do liza ? you work in an office of some sort, surely there must have been someone out there who can do what you can,

Apparently not.. they advertised through the UK and EU for three months without success, and its well above minimum wage.

when it's keeping our own peoples wages down and making it harder for people here to gain work because of the poles then a lot of people are talking about it , especially here in the merseyside area they will put anyone out of work it seems by living on the bare minimum with hoards of them in little houses

There are plenty of nationalities that live multiple occupants to a house, not just the Poles, and given that there wasn't a minimum wage in the UK until 1998, I struggle to understand how you can blame the Poles for the level of pay.

this nonsense about them being better workers is that NONSENSE what it is is they can be manipulated and told to work nights ,weekends for no extra cash whereas the british worker always had rights and unions

Rightly or wrongly, the British worker has an established worldwide reputation as being shirkers, and the Poles have one as being diligent hardworkers. I don't feel that the British deserve a shirker reputation, as most do actually work well enough, but the Poles in my experience do work very hard. For the majority of the Poles, they want to earn money, and will go where the work is, including weekends and evenings.

As for the trade unions, you have Margaret Thatcher to blame for that, and as you may have seen recently in the media, she is now cosying up to Gordon Brown, so I can't see any political party supporting the unions in the future.

THEY WILL WORK FOR NOTHING people here getting notices to say they are being finished the next day hoards of dirty eastern europeans doing jobs like scabs for half the pay

Recently during the postal strike in Liverpool, Royal Mail tried to bring on extra Polish workers to do the work being done by the strikers, but the ringleader of the Polish crew caught on very quickly to what Royal Mail were doing, whistled to his mates, and off they went to the pub, shaking hands with the strikers on the way.

I also know that support crew in our offices, who are mainly Polish, do belong to a union, because every once and a while we get a sign up saying 'Union Meeting', (although I admit I don't know which one).

i got my sources from migrationwatch uk, the politicians will lie

Migration Watch is anti migration, so don't you think that what they publish is likely to be skewed?

Liza you have got to be the boring person on this site(apart from me)....Feel free to go back to New Zealand....i'm sure the UK economy won't suffer....and take take your husband with you!

Given that you were posting that at 10.45pm on a Friday night, I'd say that marks you out as boring where as I was out having a good time :-)
10 Nov 2007 /  #250
yes maybe liza but migration watch uk are saying it how it is, hoards and hoards of poles into an area is no good for no one it doesn't take genius to work that out , minimum wage came in in 1998 but i'm telling you even before minimum wage people earned a better rate than they do now , the poles have created a situation where anyone looking for work will only be given the bare minimum as they just threaten workforces that they will get eastern europeans to replace workers who just might want that little bit more ,that option should never be given to anyone to choose from 28 countries that's insane we should have a point system like australia and the united states not allow unlimited peasants into your own land , people here have commitments mortgages etc they can't have their wages kept down by immigrant labour
osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Nov 2007 /  #251
allow unlimited peasants into your own

... forum.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
10 Nov 2007 /  #252
united states not allow unlimited peasants into your own land

There are an estimated 20 million illegals in the US. A vast majority are Mexicans, of whom... a vast majority are peasants working American farms.
osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Nov 2007 /  #253

If you have a mortgage to pay, don't you just appreciate a plumber or electrician who comes round to not cost you too much?

Now Leonardo, have you got some other forums to vomit your bile into? Remember there are people from all over the place here, not just Poles. And if you want to find a real peasant, I'd suggest you look no further than...
ajgraham  - | 121  
10 Nov 2007 /  #254
Given that you were posting that at 10.45pm on a Friday night, I'd say that marks you out as boring where as I was out having a good time :-)

Did you manage to bore everyone to death with your facts and figures?

Rightly or wrongly, the British worker has an established worldwide reputation as being shirkers, and the Poles have one as being diligent hardworkers. I don't feel that the British deserve a shirker reputation, as most do actually work well enough,

What complete rubbish.....World wide reputation with who?......From a Colonial with a chip on her shoulder and an inferiority complex maybe!!....Why didn't you stay in NZ rather than come to work in the UK?.......Could it be because ''Shirker Britain'' has a world wide reputaion for being more.... ''Dynamic Britain''....Or the ''Promised Land'' as some of your Polish friends call us. Anyway i thought you worked in Finance in the City of London earning ''the top 5% pay bracket etc''.....but now you work for the Post Office right?
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
11 Nov 2007 /  #255
And if you want to find a real peasant, I'd suggest you look no further than...

- His own mirror (provided he's got any).
11 Nov 2007 /  #256
Its a shame that on your travels you haven't learnt a basic level of English, allowing you to communicate effectively.
How do you know they are Polish? Are you going up to each and every one requesting their nationality status? Somalians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Chinese, Iranians, Portugese, Indians - are all more dependent on the UK's social services than the Polish.

you can spot a pole from a dame mile away they all dress the same walk round in packs wear hoodis whith kurva written on them have greasy hair speak broken english as for my english and wha can ya undastan diz ya idot iy type da wey i talk wit a accent got a reply out you dident i! i would say that for a person that speaks and writes english once in a blue moon its great not that its my first language or i need it to get by its just conveniant saves me takeing some jackass translator whith me.

why dont you look at stastics since 92% of britian is white its you bums that are liveing of the system whats wrong the truth hurts lossing your jobs to pakistani indians africans poles is not?

actually,what you'll find,looking at statistics is that it is predominantly people from Muslim countries who wont go to work for reasons of having reproduction organs on the inside instead of outside and having cowardly husbands who darnt let them out of sight......

why do you idiots lo class common folk always have to bring religion into every argument is it becuse you envy what we have made like bigger hoses all over the country we ouwn the multimillion dollar buisnesses on of the richest man in the uk is a muslim and you peaople work for him one way or another ops and i left out alfyed and hiz multi billion dollar empire you smuck even your princess went out whith a muslim becuse she thoght less of the buracratic britise high nosed fools what industry do's britan actually own i recall rover being the last dident china by it out rolls royce went to the germans bt moved to india becuse it couldent afford to pay its workers in england any more in return india started selling tata cars all over europe including england

For my own curiousity, what nationality are you?

ha ha ha that was a joke right!

Liza you have got to be the boring person on this site(apart from me)....Feel free to go back to New Zealand....i'm sure the UK economy won't suffer....and take take your husband with you!

hear hear a shout for ajgraham
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
11 Nov 2007 /  #257
Or the ''Promised Land'' as some of your Polish friends call us

- Please, prove that any of Liza's 'Polish friends' call you and your 'us' - the 'Promised Land.' Boy, oh boy! :)

Well, you're asking Liza why she didn't stay in NZ and came to work in the UK. Should she ask equally politely why so many British come to settle in NZ...?

You seem to have a contempt for Liza because she allegedly works for or in a post office. You yourself are, as I understand, a lorry driver. So why this contempt for post office employees? You mean lorry drivers are superior to post folks...? :)

Now, you've been bragging about the power of British economy and you seem to try to speak on behalf of British economy and chase foreign workers out of Britain on behalf of British economy. But being a mere lorry driver, what great contribution do you have to the power of British economy? How many jobs have you created? Unlike you, the Brits who really contribute to British economy have a demand for foreign, e.g. Polish, workers. The proof of this seems to be the scores of British job ads in Poland.

So, it seems to me, if British employers have a high demand for foreign workers, and if there are many foreign workers in Britain, and if the British economy is powerful, then the foreign workers contribute greatly to British economy, perhaps are even one of the main pillars, not to say the main pillar, of it.... :)

By the way, I suspect that even if you created jobs and, hehe, wanted to hire Poles, in the long run no Polish person would want to work for you.
11 Nov 2007 /  #258
ha ha ha thise post has turned into a funfair the promised land i think shes a undercover mossad agent

equally hiarlios as trucker tom left a skid mark on her underwear
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
11 Nov 2007 /  #259
There are similarities between ET and immigrants:

- One can find (diminishing and ridiculing) similarities between other things as well.

E.g. Kilkline and the chamber pot.

In the theory of propaganda they call it 'association,' don't they?
ajgraham  - | 121  
11 Nov 2007 /  #260
You seem to have a contempt for Liza because she allegedly works for or in a post office. You yourself are, as I understand, a lorry driver. So why this contempt for post office employees? You mean lorry drivers are superior to post folks...? :)

Its pointless arguing with the likes of you mate......You have a habit of misunderstanding everything anyone writes on PF.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
11 Nov 2007 /  #261
You have a habit of misunderstanding

- What specifically have I misunderstood in your post? Please, enlighten the ignorant Puzzler, please.

Its pointless arguing with the likes of you mate

- Is it an excuse to take to your heels? Got cornered by Puzzler, so in order to save face you basically say that Puzzler is stupid and you won't talk to him?

What a bright truckie you are.

Do you drive as adroitly as you debate? Then got save England, and especially Crewe, Chesire.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Nov 2007 /  #262
especially here in the merseyside area

Where is that ? Maybe I will move there.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
11 Nov 2007 /  #263
Then got save England,

- Should be: then God save England
ajgraham  - | 121  
11 Nov 2007 /  #264
enlighten the ignorant Puzzler, please.

Well you said it!!

- Is it an excuse to take to your heels? Got cornered by Puzzler, so in order to save face you basically say that Puzzler is stupid and you won't talk to him?

No it doesn't mean any of the above......it just means i can't be assed arguing with an ignorant t*at like you!!
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
11 Nov 2007 /  #265
an ignorant t*at like you!!

- More name-calling, instead of facts? - Give any facts, any evidence of my alleged ignorance. Can you? :)

As for name-calling, I can do it too, you know?
11 Nov 2007 /  #266
you know it's remembrance sunday today and we went to war because germany invaded poland and now 60 years on poland are invading us , just something to think about
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
11 Nov 2007 /  #267
good call Lenny, prob should focus on how all of us are alive and well and think about
sharing some good times with family and friends today :)))
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
11 Nov 2007 /  #268
it's remembrance sunday today and we went to war because germany invaded poland and now 60 years on poland are invading us , just something to think about

- OK, I've thought about it. Do you suggest that now is the German turn to go to war?

So you're seeing crowds of Poles invading you, trollie?

And you, poor thing, are typing your SOS from your mental institution comp?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
11 Nov 2007 /  #269
now 60 years on poland are invading us , just something to think about

boy I am reading in haste today, sorry folks..

Puzzler has a point.. but my thoughts still stand.. today should be full of peaceful
memories,, so please stop ruining it.. I am sure all have someone who fought
and they are remembering today.
Liza  3 | 111  
11 Nov 2007 /  #270
What complete rubbish.....World wide reputation with who?......From a Colonial with a chip on her shoulder and an inferiority complex maybe!!....Why didn't you stay in NZ rather than come to work in the UK?

I have no need for an inferiority complex, as I'm very confident of my own abilities. And the colony ended over a hundred years ago... As for working in the UK, how about you ask the tens of thousands of English immigrants to NZ the same?

Anyway i thought you worked in Finance in the City of London earning ''the top 5% pay bracket etc''.....but now you work for the Post Office right?

There is no shame in having any job, because people should take pride in their work. Even those who are unemployed should have pride in themselves if they are doing their best to find work. Only those who sit on their backside sucking money from the public purse because they are too lazy to find a job should feel shame. Considering you feel the need to mock me, I can only deduce that you suffer from an inferiority complex.

why dont you look at stastics since 92% of britian is white its you bums that are liveing of the system whats wrong the truth hurts lossing your jobs to pakistani indians africans poles is not?

I have never claimed anything from the British government, and never would. However going on basis of nationality, a Pakistani is twice as likely as a Pole to claim the unemployment benefit, and an Iranian is five times more likely than a Pole to claim the unemployment benefit.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UKArchived