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Polish immigration in UK

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
2 Nov 2007 /  #91
northern rock scenario has nothing to do with poles in UK.

As you mentioned in ..... Which post ? What is the relevance of this comment ?

As for the English language, I'm still learning. But these days it's from the nonsensical Polish/English encountered in posts like yours.
Frank  23 | 1183  
2 Nov 2007 /  #92
i really believe it is inevitable frank -

I will be optimistic B.........things are a lot different from 20/30/40 years ago when English landladies had signs in their windows saying "No Blacks, dogs or Irish"

Things have moved on considerably.....EU and national protections/rights, regulations and a lot more wealth to go around. Plus I think the Polish immigrant group will be pro-active in asserting themselves in difficult situations, they have pride, skills, good attitude..I spoke to one young Polish girl today who wanted info on equivalencies of her qualifications from Poland to the UK......her enthusiasm was palpably embarrassing!

Polish people will prove an asset to the EU as long as their our government doesnt stand in their way, not other governments and groups act like primitives.
2 Nov 2007 /  #93
As you mentioned in ..... Which post ? What is the relevance of this comment ?

As for the English language, I'm still learning. But these days it's from the nonsensical Polish/English encountered in posts like yours.

you know if you read a thread maybe read a few before it because it will have some sort of conenction, people are blaming polish people and soemone mentioned the state of the UK economy in particular northern rock, i was pointing out that there are other factors involved. - sub prime and debt
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
2 Nov 2007 /  #94
i really believe it is inevitable frank - its just a matter of time - i dont get any satisfaction from this

I said this last year, tensions are rising in the UK amongst the masses, its not just your low life cant work wont work chav thats grumbling and having a downer on Poles its a lot wider than that....and with the possibilty (strong possibility) of a massive down turn in the property market and an estiimated 45,000 reposessions next year, things are going to get more tense! Because if history hs taught us anything in this country, its the housing market that has caused recessions.
2 Nov 2007 /  #95
it si strange as British people are fed up with house prices here and move to Italy, France, USA......

yes it is better for the poles in england they can work for a year or so call there children and spouse over then go stright to the job centre get a councill house and all the bills payed on the dole it happens all over the country there are thosands of polish people abousing the systen all they even walk into the job centre and show proof of there children while they are in poland they get benifits for the hole family so why not eat drink and sleep for free and provide the family back home whith a stable income all of the tax payer.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
2 Nov 2007 /  #96
I think the Polish immigrant group will be pro-active in asserting themselves in difficult situations, they have pride

thats not my concern and whilst the polish immigration phenomina has no doubt impacted heavily on the country in the last couple of years they are just part of england's increasing immigrant population

my concern is the impact that continued mass immigration is going to have on the country - and i think, as a country, we are starting to feel this impact already - we need to be aware of this and act accordingly... not only for the sake of britain and the british but also the immigrants who have come here to make this country their home...
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Nov 2007 /  #97
my concern is the impact that continued mass immigration is going to have on the country

1066 all over again? :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
2 Nov 2007 /  #98
yeah but lets be carefull who gets poked in the eye this time
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Nov 2007 /  #99
Do you think there are enough pure English left to throw Normans out of the Island?
Frank  23 | 1183  
2 Nov 2007 /  #100
Yes, Bubb agree...but why does it have to be a negative impact......?

After all there are huge numbers of overseas nurses and drs in the UK.......without whom, the health service would crumble in a matter of weeks.

The same in other areas of work.....very reliant on non-nationals....UK has been swamped or indeed has welcomed, wave upon wave of migrants for centuries..some legal some not, this is just another chapter, there isn't a blue print for how many is too many...just anecdotal guesses from those whose job it is to guess.....then get it wrong...:).......aka...politicians, civil servants and other academic..."experts".

Back in the seventies that other beacon of humanity Idi Amin expelled 60000 or so Asians from Uganda, literally over night, with just the clothes they stood up in and £100 or so in exportable cash..........it was no fun for a while......but they made in the UK, this time Polish people arrive legally, most speak reasonable english, hold down 1/2/3 jobs, act responsibly, pay their taxes and positively contribute to the British nation.

I'd say good on them......I salute their risk taking, attitudes and hard work........all necessary to succeed in life anywhere!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
2 Nov 2007 /  #101
i agree with you too frank - there are many positives to immigrants in our country and as someone who has travelled, worked and lived abroad for most of my adult life i am the last person who would want to prevent others from having this life changing opportunity

but we are a small island country with limited resources and continued mass immigration is something we face, have to come to terms with and confront full-on before the positives become overwhelmingly outweighed by the negatives - and i believe this will come about sooner rather than later and choosing to ignore this will only lead to bigger problems later on
2 Nov 2007 /  #102
ok yes of course i'm against polish immigration it carries no benefits to the latter population of our native people , so yes i have polish here saying i'm a disgrace , a lot of people feel this way they keep wages down and make it harder for people to boost their own prospects , most people here from polska send more money back home then they add to british society even david cameron admits that we would benefit as a nation if immigration was lower , what i'm saying is we need to look after our own people before helping poor EU nations ,people just look up migration watch uk and you will find proper statistics to how these eastern europeans are no benefit to our economy in the long run and most of the money they earn here is taken out and benefiting poland, i myself have lost two jobs to polish immigrants because they worl for nothing and live 8 in a house saving cash so they can buy property or land in their own ex communist state, not just me there is many people i know who have been victim to this madness and to the idiot who said we elected a government so we made this decision NO WE DIDN'T THIS LABOUR MADE THIS CRAZY DECISION TOTALLY UNDERESTIMATING THE AMOUNT COMING HERE IF WE HAD A PROPER REFERENDUM WE WOULD PUT AN END TO THIS MADNESS
osiol  55 | 3921  
2 Nov 2007 /  #103
If a boost to an ageing population helps to keep an economic crisis away by bringing in taxes, a strong economy keeps unemployment down, then what is the problem? There is probably more of a problem where the working-age population is leaving towns and villages with little more than a few old folks.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
2 Nov 2007 /  #104
was talking about the state of the british economy... they are in debt and dont want to work..

what a tosspot idea,if "they" are in debt Im sure they are working hard.......take your half baked bigotry somewhere else mate...

After all there are huge numbers of overseas nurses and drs in the UK.......without whom, the health service would crumble in a matter of weeks.

or alternativly can be blamed for the transfer of third world standards to our wards...90 people died in one hospital from a preventable disease,lets see where the cleaning staff etc hailed from,not local im sure....

Idi Amin expelled 60000 or so Asians from Uganda, literally over night,

Actually he gave them 3 months notice to leave(not a deence ,just check your facts please)

lenny d ,good luck with your job hunting,I can empathies but dont blame the Pole given "your" job,blame the F ing managment that love cheap labour and shaft anyone to get it.
Frank  23 | 1183  
2 Nov 2007 /  #105
literally over night,

Oh, sorry you mis-interpreted my line.......didn't say it was over night.....( just check your knowledge of English....:)...)

blame the F ing managment that love cheap labour and shaft anyone to get it.

Such naivety in the ways of the world!
isthatu  3 | 1164  
2 Nov 2007 /  #106
are you for real frank? its in your post "overnight".......
I suppose you have all the answers dont you frank,or are you just an objectionable snob who ,once proven to have made some silly mistakes lashes out with caty insults?

Such naivety in the ways of the world!

really, I suppose then the opposite must be true,managment want to pay the highest wages and see profits cut do they,thats why we all out source to the third world or eastern europe now is it? dont tell someone they are nieve when your point of veiw is simplistic to say the least....
Liza  3 | 111  
3 Nov 2007 /  #107
How about we reach a compromise - the UK can immediately remove the top 100,000 foreign nationals costing the British citizen the most money? Hell I'm feeling generous - lets make it 500,000 or even a million!

Now before the Pole bashers get excited, not one single Pole will be leaving the UK as they are not a drain on Britain when considered against other ethnic groups.

Now here comes the good news - if we remove one million immigrant drainers, you'll be saving the British government nearly 300,000,000.
Frank  23 | 1183  
3 Nov 2007 /  #108
Liza...even better...why not cul the elderly...!!! Maybe deport the criminal population to a warm offshore island...cut down on prison managemant costs plus heating...aaahhheeemmmm........and then the other 10% long term feckless kinds and chavs........give them holiday vouchers to stay in Poland for an indefinite period!!!

Then the Polish population will feel as if the UK has really sold them out!!!!!!!

Its wots known as a result!!
Liza  3 | 111  
3 Nov 2007 /  #109
and then the other 10% long term feckless kinds and chavs........give them holiday vouchers to stay in Poland for an indefinite period!!!

They already visit Poland - I believe they're called 'stag weekends'....
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
3 Nov 2007 /  #110
the immigrants who have come here to make this country their home...

- Contrary to the media announcements, 99% of Poles working in UK are not immigrants; they don't intend to stay here. They're just guest workers.

They already visit Poland - I believe they're called 'stag weekends'....

- Yes, they do. Even the media in Poland have taken notice of them....
adilski  2 | 105  
3 Nov 2007 /  #111
do you have any evidence, actually the polish migrants have the lowest state dependancy rate, i now most of the pakistani and bangladeshi people are on benefits? aren't you from pakistan...

ok yes of course i'm against polish immigration it carries no benefits to the latter population of our native people

this is market eonomics, polish people are here to earn money, they have found their own opportuniy, english people have not taken advantage and it is not our fault, we are here to earn, work hard
isthatu  3 | 1164  
3 Nov 2007 /  #112
taken advantage

and gone where exactly,we are the cash cow of europe,anywhere else and the wages go down or the taxes go up. Its easy for those near the bottom to climb up,what do those at the top have to aim for? EU free movement of labour is one sided in that way,people dont leave here to go to struggling countries unless they either have conections or an angle or a desire to do charity work.
johan123  1 | 227  
3 Nov 2007 /  #113
Go to Norway and teach English!
Liza  3 | 111  
3 Nov 2007 /  #114
and gone where exactly,we are the cash cow of europe,anywhere else and the wages go down or the taxes go up.

No, but there are a number of British nationals who utilise the purchasing power of the pound to go to places such as Spain or France or even further afield to retire in a better style than they could afford here in the UK. There are a number of British nationals buying up property in Poland currently, and they have also started on Croatia. I admit that the immigration has been mostly one sided, however there are still some canny Brits waiting to make a killing on the speculative property market.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
4 Nov 2007 /  #115
and what buying property abroad got to do with the mass exodus from poland to england.? I think it must be quite difficult to see the world clearly with those rose tinted glasses on liza
Liza  3 | 111  
5 Nov 2007 /  #116
and what buying property abroad got to do with the mass exodus from poland to england.?

Foreign property investors are pushing up property values in Poland, and making a killing in the process. At the same time, Polish nationals are being priced out of buying a home by purchasers from abroad.

There are some members of the British public who would like to believe that the Britain/Poland relationship is all one way traffic; however there are plenty of British people who are benefitting from the Poles, and there are Poles suffering, just as there are British people who are being disadvantaged. Like most things in life, there are winners and losers, but the biggest losers are those who just sit on their backsides and moan rather than getting up and doing their best to improve their lives (like the majority of the Poles).

I think it must be quite difficult to see the world clearly with those rose tinted glasses on liza

Personally I think you need to clean your glasses Shelley..
Kilkline  1 | 682  
5 Nov 2007 /  #117
- Contrary to the media announcements, 99% of Poles working in UK are not immigrants; they don't intend to stay here. They're just guest workers.

I doubt that 99% of any immigrant group anywhere in the world has ever returned to their country of origin. It never happens.
Britain is full of older immigrants with stories of how they miss 'home' and wish they were back there. People love a good moan.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Nov 2007 /  #118
Hmm, think you will find that Polish nationals working overseas are pushing up prices with the money they are investing back in Poland. Foreign investment is only a small proportion - its not that easy to purchase property in Poland for a none national.

There are some members of the British public who would like to believe that the Britain/Poland relationship is all one way traffic; however there are plenty of British people who are benefitting from the Poles

Can you give the number of English that are benefiting - I mean the every day commnogarden bloke on the street, I don't mean those high up in industry - please state your source of information and figures.

Like most things in life, there are winners and losers, but the biggest losers are those who just sit on their backsides and moan rather than getting up and doing their best to improve their lives (like the majority of the Poles).

Liza, Im not sure how old you are, but the English don't really have the same work ethic / loyalty to their employers these days because, lets face it, there is no "job for life" and its easier for employers to take on agency staff and pay £5.00 per hour easy come easy go!

Personally I think you need to clean your glasses Shelley..

My glasses are quite clean thanks and the fact my eyes are wide open helps - maybe you should actually take those blinkers off - it's quite hard not to have a broad view with them on.

I understand that you are totally pro-polish, that's fine, but you must remember that you are English too - Ive chatted to some lovely people off this forum and I'm not about to start back-stabbing but there is a reason the Polish are being singled out and that is like I have already said before but I will reiterate just in case you missed it - it's because of the sheer volume of people coming over, the fact that our schools can't cope, our hospitals, GP's etc. and that's a fact! - Im not against the free movement of people in the EU but there has be a change somewhere along the line because Im old enough to remember the Brixton riots and the not so long ago the Oldham riots...tensions cause problems within communities and its happening already and the news papers dont help....
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
5 Nov 2007 /  #119
Foreign property investors are pushing up property values in Poland, and making a killing in the process. At the same time, Polish nationals are being priced out of buying a home by purchasers from abroad.

hmmm... thats obviously one way of looking at it

a more accurate view is that poles, desperate to make as much money as they possibly can, are pricing their fellow poles out of the market

this is obviously an uncomfortable fact for people do deal with... its much easier to blame foreigners than to take responibility themselves

try not to quote out of context please puzzler
5 Nov 2007 /  #120
as far as I am concerned the real estate price are never effecte by only one factor.
- joining EU allowes fo rmore foreign investments in Poland
- competitive Polish real estate market for profit (what else)
- interest in real estate amongs Polish guest workers has increased
- the Polish law ease up "purchasing" communal apartments
- Polish citizens increased interest in investing in real estate

So, there are many factors and arguing about who is responsible is pointelss.
It became competitive in the free market economy. I personally know Polish people who were buying land years ago an now they are cashing in. So it is not news. It just has been kept quiet.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UKArchived