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Polish immigration in UK

2 Nov 2007 /  #61
The Issue about immigrants being given special treatment for housing etc was raised on National News last night...good.
2 Nov 2007 /  #62


Why dont you polish slavic animals just leave my country and never bring your ugly racist smelly drunk asses again! all you do is increase binge drinking and bring your viruses with you! your nothing!
2 Nov 2007 /  #63
Why dont you polish slavic animals just leave my country and never bring your ugly racist smelly drunk asses again! all you do is increase binge drinking and bring your viruses with you! your nothing!

Yeah please refrain from doing that, your only showing us up.
2 Nov 2007 /  #64
Why dont you polish slavic animals just leave my country and never bring your ugly racist smelly drunk asses again! all you do is increase binge drinking and bring your viruses with you! your nothing!

the causes of second world war, crusades and other conflicts, this is in appropriate coming from a citizen of an advanced and devloped civilisation, you have no shortage of clean food, water and shelter, you have 'free' education and democracy... what a great product you are
2 Nov 2007 /  #65
Yawn, can we try calling out of work people in England something else!

that would be idea *answers on a postcard to usual address*

The Issue about immigrants being given special treatment for housing etc was raised on National News last night...good

miss that one ... !


and you call yourself Proud .. what a disgrace!!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
2 Nov 2007 /  #66


Why dont you polish slavic animals just leave my country and never bring your ugly racist smelly drunk asses again! all you do is increase binge drinking and bring your viruses with you! your nothing!

And I'm sure some feel this way about Afgans int he UK...if that's where you are. Can this be a direct reflection of the way you may've been treated?

There are better ways to go about being heard. This isn't one of them.
Frank  23 | 1183  
2 Nov 2007 /  #67


Why dont you polish slavic animals just leave my country and never bring your ugly racist smelly drunk asses again! all you do is increase binge drinking and bring your viruses with you! your nothing!

The British bigot, peasant is alive and well...don't it make you proud!
Now, don't do as I do...and feed the troll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Nov 2007 /  #68
The Bristish bigot

British ? Dude is a monkey.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Nov 2007 /  #69
Why dont you polish slavic animals just leave my country and never bring your ugly racist smelly drunk asses again!

If you look up, I'm sure there is more to them than as.ses.
And what the heck is the big idea about sniffing Polish as.ses? A hobby of yours?

your nothing!

I can't quite figure out if this is a beginning, or an end of a sentence? Could you elaborate, please?
2 Nov 2007 /  #70
And what the heck is the big idea about sniffing Polish as.ses? A hobby of yours?

haha and who knew they could get drunk?
Frank  23 | 1183  
2 Nov 2007 /  #72

Gee....and we love you too..........go play with your playdough...!
Polanglik  11 | 303  
2 Nov 2007 /  #73
Why dont you polish slavic animals just leave my country and never bring your ugly racist smelly drunk asses again! all you do is increase binge drinking and bring your viruses with you! your nothing!

... i believe it's because of 'ProudBrits' like yourselves that decent folk from this Island, proper well-educated, good-mannered Brits are leaving Uk in droves !
daffy  22 | 1153  
2 Nov 2007 /  #74
Ignore the troll
sapphire  22 | 1241  
2 Nov 2007 /  #75
i have no problem with polish people but something needs to be done with the amout coming here it's just not acceptable .after talking with many brits i've summarised that the vast majority feel this way

its nice that you can speak for the whole of Britain.. perhaps you should be running for Prime Minister :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
2 Nov 2007 /  #76
i wouldnt dream of speaking for the whole country but it does seem that the immigration issue is spiraling out of control - i am broadly in favour of immigration but at some point its going to cause problems that we, as a country, are going to have to confront... and this point appears to be approaching fast
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
2 Nov 2007 /  #77
and this point appears to be approaching fast

I thought that the government recently admitted to mistakes on this issue. Weren't the immigration figures doctored or misinterpreted.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
2 Nov 2007 /  #78
who knows what to believe...

im sure this morning as i cast my eyes of the papers in the shop there was a headline screaming that immigrants are taking ALL our jobs and houses...
Frank  23 | 1183  
2 Nov 2007 /  #79
I thought that the government recently admitted to mistakes on this issue.

It was no mistake W, this was a measured and considered approach to making the UK more competitve, keep wage demands low, new blood that isn't that foreign plus the first waves of immigrants would usually be the most innovative, well read, qualified types, suiccessful ......esp if from Poland.

No-one can predict how it will turn out....just look at Northern Rock!!!

spiraling out of control

Says who...who determines enuf is enuf? No rules, no legislation.......suffice to say, they are all free to go and visit work and live in any part of the EU!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
2 Nov 2007 /  #80
i dont think i need someone to tell me that immigration is becoming a serious issue for the uk - im quite capable of working that out for myself

i also wholeheartedly support the right for citizens of the EU to be able to travel and work freely in any part of the EU

but i am concious enough to realise that just because the right exists to do something it doesnt mean there are no negative outcomes
2 Nov 2007 /  #81
im sure this morning as i cast my eyes of the papers in the shop there was a headline screaming that immigrants are taking ALL our jobs and houses...

thats becasue you are too lazy to work and earn proepr money, just like laving work at 4:45pm, live and ide in the pub, go on 2 holidays a year, and the poor credit market and debt... its mainly brits who are very materialistc and love shopping,, did you know most poles couldnt have a debit or credit card till last year june, so most people soaking up the debt were brits.. the reality is if yuo can be bothered to work then someone else will..

some brits work hard.. i admit that
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
2 Nov 2007 /  #82
If they are buying houses they must be earning bloody good money. Time to move back I think.

I said on this forum, a year ago, that immigrants would be blamed for the country's woes. And I still believe that some of this venom will be expressed in violence as time time goes on.
2 Nov 2007 /  #83
And I still believe that some of this venom will be expressed in violence as time time goes on.

lets hope that it won't
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
2 Nov 2007 /  #84
thats becasue you are too lazy

dont confuse lazyness with careful planning and calculated risks

if you want to get up and go and work for someone everymorning this is entirely upto you

i decided fairly early on in life that this was a mugs game

and now i live a life where i dont have to get up early if i dont want to


And I still believe that some of this venom will be expressed in violence as time time goes on.

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
2 Nov 2007 /  #85
did you know most poles couldnt have a debit or credit card till last year june

What are you jabbering on about ? Credit cards have been around for about 15yrs in Poland.
Frank  23 | 1183  
2 Nov 2007 /  #86

Guys...is Enoch Powell alive and well.................................on this board...come on!!!!????

The only inevitabilty is a downturn in the economic cycle....plus if immigrants either appear better off at someone else expense or if they feel poorly treated, things may get a bit fractious......as long as there are jobs, and things expand...it will all be hunky dory......but not inevitable, in the sense that it will all end in tears!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
2 Nov 2007 /  #87
things may get a bit fractious......


I said 'some'. I don't expect mass riots.
2 Nov 2007 /  #88
but not inevitable, in the sense that it will all end in tears!

so are you saying yes or no - I am a bit confused with your post
2 Nov 2007 /  #89
What are you jabbering on about ? Credit cards have been around for about 15yrs in Poland.

english classes my friend... take them..
i was talking about the state of the british economy... they are in debt and dont want to work.. northern rock scenario has nothing to do with poles in UK.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
2 Nov 2007 /  #90
i really believe it is inevitable frank - its just a matter of time - i dont get any satisfaction from this

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