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Polish immigration in UK

tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Nov 2007 /  #361
well to be honest mate the whole qualification was a shambles, if you put the two teams England vs Poland with everybody playing at their best England are the only winners however it hasn't turned out like that in this qualification stage. If you want me to talk about recent England vs Poland results i can :) cuz i think you'll find that we are a little bit up on the head to head, lol. Although 73 did hurt and that was only a draw and i wasn't even alive.
osiol  55 | 3921  
21 Nov 2007 /  #362
half replying to you and half making a point

Spot the semantic difference:

1 - who, in the way they moan about foreigners working in their country, resort to plain, simple racism

2 - foreigners working in their country, resort to plain, simple racism
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Nov 2007 /  #363
due to losing my own buisnes from britain joining the Eu.

Quite long time ago... or you are simply not brainny enough to understand the difference between recent EU enlargements and UK joining EU... hmm what could that be...
osiol  55 | 3921  
21 Nov 2007 /  #364
Moaning about it for the last thirty-something years probably.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Nov 2007 /  #365
England are the only winners

True. We can be sure that you won't lose any game during Euro 2008.
postie  7 | 112  
21 Nov 2007 /  #366
Quoting: postie
oh yes another little word the banning brigade have brought out , this apparently means your some sort of racist , yes we'll just open our border to 27 countries and if anyone say's anything about it we'll just say their Xenophobic ! why don't we all just be sheep and say nothing because for voicing our opinions were called Xenophobic

Ah, you see, I didn't call you a racist. I called you Xenophobic, which means a fear of foreigners. Much different than a racist, who may like some races, while not liking other races.

Now, I wouldn't have a leg to stand on, in regards to your point, if you made some valid statements. I may not agree with them, but at least it'd be an intelligent point presented with facts in mind.

As it stands, you seem to delight on coming onto an Anglo-Polish site and stating that there are too many foreigners here. Hell, yes, I am one of them... and so are you lennyd. Now where do we draw the line? Do we have to be able to trace our families back to Bears and trees before we qualify as a true Brit?

To me, unlike you, I see that immigration does have positive aspects and I don't just regurgitate Daily Mail leaders.

Here's something for you to get your head around.

Some foreigners come here. They work in lower paid work that is hard for UK businesses to get staff for. They earn a profit for that company. That company, and all of them workers pay tax on what would otherwise not have got done.

Those foreigners have cars, to get to those jobs... they pay tax on the petrol, helping our economy.

I don't know the exact figure, but I'd say a majority of those workers coming to the UK were young, fit and healthy. They aren't an immediate drain on the UK. They contribute. They've got through childhood and tend to be educated. We haven't spent the money on their education.

The UK native population isn't replacing itself and is becoming "greyer" by the year, with an attendant disproportionate burden placed on the tax-paying/working population to cover healthcare and pensions. Young people moving to this country help alleviate the pressure on our own tax system and wont be claiming any pension back for 30-40 years.

Housing may be a shortage, but who is going to build the homes we need? Yup.. that's right, those young immigrants coming to this country. Not just to house themselves, but to cover the increase in housing we need for our own population... and you know what... this economy/ UK businesses will be the ones profiting from that housing boom.

There are positives to immigration, if you care to look for them...

Now.... your turn.. tell me why, you think it'd benefit the UK economy to send everyone home?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Nov 2007 /  #367
True. We can be sure that you won't lose any game during Euro 2008.

well i guess it gives everybody else a chance to win the competition now were not there, lol :)
21 Nov 2007 /  #368
benefit the UK economy to send everyone home?

oh yes letting them undercut our tradesman will help us a whole lot more , fear of foreigners that's great their the ones most likely to mug you. david cameron admitted that the country would prosper more with less immigration they add half a percent to the population each year in our rat raced island full of foreigners
rthj  - | 1  
21 Nov 2007 /  #369
As a father, i cannot imagine any greater sacrifice than to work in menial jobs in a far flung foreign land, so your family can live well from your pittance in your absence. [i]everyone with that determination and loyalty is welcomed by me, in the moral void of modern Britain.

There are myriad details to organise, but to me this principle is paramount.
27 Nov 2007 /  #370
I dont think complaining about foreigners is being rasist like some may mention on here it depends to which context you state something. There is a degree you can say your opinion everyone has a right to complain about how they feel. If we all shut up and act Politically correct then nothing will be resolved with issues. I agree with a statement made on here there are too many lazy arsed brits who dont want to do the lower standard jobs but in another point polish people and immigrants alike are starting to realise they dont want these jobs either and want the higher paid ones, so use our education system etc to obtain these pushing british born and bred people out of the market. With tony blair introducing an open door policy to the rest of europe it has basically screwed us all over and gordon brown is brain dead. You cannot blame foreign people for flocking to the uk it,s like holding out a carrot to a donkey if the offers there you,l take it if your own country pays crap wages. I may not agree with them all being here but the gates have been opened now. Unless us stupid lazy brits get off our arses and drop this goverment like the pile of shite it is then nothings going to alter. I ask all you guys and girls on here to forget labour forget conservative vote for a totaly independant party that will bring back independance to this country and support the people born and raised here. Most foreign people if there was a war would they stand and fight. Australia has the right idea if you cannot put anything into the country before you go there then youve no chance. Think on this if countrys cannot sort out there own problems, then by coming to britain in hope of a better life all that will happen in the next 10 to 15 years you will see a culture clash and divided communties leading to outbreaks of violence and unrest and our country. I say to anyone from europe thinking of coming to live here you may earn good money have a better life but eventually will end up being dragged down. Congestion will be grid locked, The Nhs will be swamped and already schools are not coping will the influx of migrants requiring english education. I as a Tax payer argue that why should my tax go to paying for foreign kids to be educated here. If you want to work and live in uk you should pay for the education here if you cannot speak good english and before your entitled any benefits out of the system then you should at least of payed tax for 2 years. I leave you with this a somalian women came to uk with two kids had nothing, she then was given a 3 bedroomed house and recieved £32,000 a year in benefits; yet a london couple worked and lived in uk for 20 years had been on a housing list for 6 years to only get a one bedroomed flat. Thats your goverment for you. Have your say on here If people cannot handle opinions then my advice is tough if you dont like it, The more ou try to keep peolple quiet the more angry this country will become. You cannot keep quiet a minority were all entitled freedom of speech. Human rights havent got a clue. Cj
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
27 Nov 2007 /  #371
woah... my eyes are bleeding - can we have some paragraphs, please?
Buddy  7 | 167  
27 Nov 2007 /  #372
Funny its all woe is me in the UK. But perhaps we ought to see the bigger picture. Maybe we in woeful down trodden England should spare a thought for all the Indian and Chinese kids who working 18 hours a day making our clothes. Or the Iraqi's, African's and other poor blighters that are constantly erradicated so we can lay pipelines and enjoy our petrol and oil driven society. Most people have lost perspective.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
29 Nov 2007 /  #374
Maybe we in woeful down trodden England should spare a thought for all the Indian and Chinese kids who working 18 hours a day making our clothes.

I appreciate their sacrifice. Maybe we can raise a statue outside Primark?
isthatu  3 | 1164  
29 Nov 2007 /  #375
I work for the Raf

followed by

fight the goverment

Ok, correct me if Im wrong,isnt that treason????
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
29 Nov 2007 /  #376
appreciate their sacrifice. Maybe we can raise a statue outside Primark?

Now, what would we erect? answers on a post card :)
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
29 Nov 2007 /  #377
Buddy has opened the curtains and let the correct come shining through on his last post!

However now with big companies calling the shots, they've decided to cut on transport costs and get as many low paid workers into the UK as fast as they can. Hooray for government!

It's sad really that there are no jobs that pay well enough in Poland for the Polish, but plenty that pay much better in UK, Ireland, Germany and Holland.

Anybody see the film "Ghosts" about migrant workers? This phenomenon is actually increasing the disparity between classes.

Bottom line, it's not a healthy situation when loads of people have to leave there own country just for a fair shake.
Zeze  9 | 79  
29 Nov 2007 /  #378
Bottom line, it's not a healthy situation when loads of people have to leave there own country just for a fair shake.


Agree 100%

you are a wise men my son
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Nov 2007 /  #379
To shift the attention to another "detail", have there been many posts blaming UK employers for hiring Poles?

The principle is simple. Market economy.

Hit the streets and protest the hiring policies of big and small employers. Poles will go home within weeks. Those UK companies may follow them to Poland (similar to outsourcing to China, India and elsewhere), but that's a different story. What counts is that then the unemployed Brits will be happier (or sad because of the lack of someone to blame?)
29 Nov 2007 /  #380
Quoting isthatu. I dont think having an opinion is treason and most armed forces guys agree the goverment are wrong. Treason is when you try to overthrow a goverment which is not what i am saying on here. And when i say fight the goverment i dont mean literally as in violence. I mean you can push your strong opinons forward and not vote for them again if you diagree with how they run the country. I think a minority of people on on this blog like to blow things out of proportion. I dont think any armed forces guy is out to insite violence or attempt to overthrow there goverment in uk they only object and disagree with some of there polices which there intitled to there opinon. I hope that clears that up for you.CJ
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
29 Nov 2007 /  #381
I don't think violence has to be the answer, but your pocketbook is a possible solution.

When Muslims in Jordan were upset with the cartoons depicting Mohammed (pbhn) (and don't start about that, this is just a very good example) they simply stopped buying any and all danish (or dutch sorry too lazy to check) dairy products. That was not a good situation for the dairy exporters to Jordan.

I know I will not buy any US or UK products due to Iraq. I just won't. Once the self contrabanded stuff i have wears out, it gets replaced with something from somewhere else.

If you don't like the employment situation then boycott. Target specific industries and stay firm. Reward the businesses you feel are respecting your country. Remember that

Politics is only the shadow cast by business.

The turn around has to start somewhere.
30 Nov 2007 /  #382
Dont give sarcasm to someone you dont know very well. I am entitled to give my opinion thats all. For saying im not brainy mate, I happen to be part of a team of guys who puts my neck on the line everyday to make sure people like you are protected against terrorists in this country. I am a little more clued up than most on whats going on in the world. Cj
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
30 Nov 2007 /  #383
I happen to be part of a team of guys who puts my neck on the line everyday to make sure people like you are protected against terrorists in this country.

And we are eternally grateful to you. Have a medal.
30 Nov 2007 /  #384
none is asking for a medal it,s a matter of honour and pride why we do what we do to protect the country, and i was not quoting my message to you mate. it was to some ass hole on here.Cj

Quoting: (GRZEGORZ). Dont give sarcasm to someone you dont know. I am entitled to give my opinion thats all. For saying im not brainy mate, I happen to be part of a team of guys who puts my neck on the line everyday to make sure people like you are protected against terrorists in this country. I am a little more clued up than most on whats going on in the world. Cj

Quoting Mr Bubbles: thanks for the support of the message you sent. Very Appreciated. Cheers Cj
The Entreprena  
30 Nov 2007 /  #385
if it was,nt for us british alot of you would have no employment , or you would be on 50p an hour back in poland ! think yourselves very lucky that british employers actually do employ you , i know of two polish families that live in the uk and weekly draw benefits and family allowance for children that live in poland ! do you also think that is right because i don,t so i will make it my mission in life to have these bloodsuckers taken to court for fraud ! the man tomek needs to get off his arse and get a job to support his family not sit around all day and moan that he has no money for the pub , what a waste of public money , and a embarrassment to other poles , my girlfriend is polish from szubin and she hates the fact that this man is so lazy , when her dad nearly 60 year old works and has done all his life for crap money , he has a beautiful small tidy home and i as an english man feel honored and proud to have met such a genuine man ! he is a proud guy and has every right to be , my girlfriend does,nt know this yet but when we get married in the summer i am buying her parents a home in the uk and they will never have to worry about money ever again ! her mum and dad are my family too and i love them very much , so any whingers out there get of youre asses get a job and help youre own situation ok

you speak a load of **** alma , what a dumb ass
give me polish people any day over any other nationality !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
isthatu  3 | 1164  
1 Dec 2007 /  #386
so i will make it my mission in life to have these bloodsuckers taken to court for fraud !

Good luck there,they arnt breaking the law.....You could move to Poland and claim Polish benefits for your Kids,so alls fair :)

Quoting isthatu. I dont think having an opinion is treason and most armed forces guys agree the goverment are wrong.

It was a joke mate, I know enough British armed forces personnel from all ranks from Private/Aircraftsmen to newly retired Sqdrn leaders to know where most of you guys stand :)
The Entreprena  
3 Dec 2007 /  #387
sorry but taking funds out of an already crippled economy is not my idea of helping a former eastern block country to its feet is it , i,m a great believer in work for what you want , not be a sponger and sit on youre arse all day whilst youre family suffers on £70 a week , i moved from newcastle after watching my father struggle during the miners strike we all pulled together as a family should , we would of been ashamed to claim benefits that should go to the genuine needy , not the genuine lazy & greedy , we struggled through for a year and a half surviving on next to nothing as the wages were,nt excellent - product of a thatcherised uk at the time , she had the working masses screwed down tight and the poll tax riots were the people of this nation venting their anger at the way we were being treated , you were probably in a different country at the time walking camels or donkeys up n down a beach somewhere lol , i had enough of the crap thatcher and her GVT of legalised robbers & the way they were treating good honest working class people much as is happening today eh , i moved to london to really see if i could earn a living and look after my family !! & you wanna know something i could and very easily within 8 years i had banked my first million , and 14 years down the line i found myself owning 17 houses 2 garages and a string of small businesses , this came about by sheer graft and determination , NOT SITTING ON MY ARSE AND WAITING FOR THE GVT CHEQUE TO COME THROUGH THE DOOR !! You see the moral of this story is you won,t get very far in life if you decide to give up before you even begun , so all you polish men & women need to think on and get your selves out to work and contribute a little something to youre children and family , Its all to easy to rip off the social security as its run by clowns anyway , and get into the way of never having nothing , but get out to work get a little self respect and make youre children proud !! i employ a team of builders and 4 of those guys are polish , they work very well and i pay them very well , they do brilliant work for me so i pay them what they are worth and thats £24 an hour they work a 40 hour week and they work bloody hard and i appreciate every thing they do for me , that is why this christmas i have booked them all trips to go back to poland with an extra £1000 in their pockets , to take home to their families , my soon to be wife is polish and her parents are the most genuine people you will ever meet , so people hard work has its benefits trust me , but laziness well what can i say youre only letting yourselves down , think about that when you get youre next cheque for 130 - 140 for 2 weeks .
6 Dec 2007 /  #388
ha ha ha white trams trying so hard to prove a point i got all you dim wits going dident i you fools fell right in my trap you tramps just proves my point you scabby scroungers


why is it 2 out of three polish people in the us are on the dole along whit the ****** race
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
6 Dec 2007 /  #389
Anybody ? Translation to English, please ? And btw, this is about Polonia in the UK & Ireland, so if you wanna babble about Poles in the US, then get your ar$e outta here, buddy.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
6 Dec 2007 /  #390
& you wanna know something i could and very easily within 8 years i had banked my first million , and 14 years down the line i found myself owning 17 houses 2 garages and a string of small businesses , this came about by sheer graft and determination , NOT SITTING ON MY ARSE AND WAITING FOR THE GVT CHEQUE TO COME THROUGH THE DOOR !! You see the moral of this story is

....that most Geordies are full of shyt?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UKArchived