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Polish immigration in UK

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 Nov 2007 /  #331
they were a Division made up of volounteers from the Ukraine who fought,rather obviously given the SS title,for the nazis in the last war. Alegedly only so as to fight communism(!??!)

There's no excuse for people serving in SS but Soviets were so inhuman in Baltic states or Ukraine that in some cases It wasn't surprising that they preffered Gerries and many of them had to choose between two evils unlike SS volunteers from Holland, Norway etc.
osiol  55 | 3921  
20 Nov 2007 /  #332
Dont forget people,we had these problems before Poland joined the EU!!!

I think the British economy hasn't been doing as well as it is now for quite a long time.
There are many things wrong with the country, but finding solutions requires more effort than jumping on a bandwagon.

its a British trait,looking for a scapegoat

I blame to goat.
covkid65  2 | 39  
20 Nov 2007 /  #333
leave the goats alone!!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 Nov 2007 /  #334
Henestly I wouldn't be happy If a million of foreigners came to Poland but UK had already millions of immigrants, often non-European so these reactions are rather surprising, I would think that even British racists should be happy that more white people is coming, so a share of non-Europeans in the whole population is smaller. The other thing are made up BSs like "they claim benefits", "we have to spent more on education of their children, so there's not enough for ours", which are obviously not true as very few Poles take any benefits (except those, which are not really benefits but are aviable for every person legally working in UK) and vast majority of Poles are healthy people in working age - most of public spendings are education, health care etc. and obviously these people hardly use that. Also It's very surprising that looks like their media spread that sh*it. You are not allowed to hung a cross in a public place because some non-Christians would be "offended" but creating hate against some of white immigrants is somehow accepted.
covkid65  2 | 39  
20 Nov 2007 /  #335
I would rather have 1000 poles than 1 frenchman!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 Nov 2007 /  #336
What about Frenchwoman ?
covkid65  2 | 39  
20 Nov 2007 /  #337
erm,maybe I didnt make myself clear-didnt mean "have" in that sense!!!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
20 Nov 2007 /  #338
Henestly I wouldn't be happy If a million of foreigners came to Poland but UK had already millions of immigrants

I dont know If you noticed that there is 0,5 mln of Ukrainians (working mostly illegaly) in Poland and they havent been born here ... For me it isnt problem they are here to make money and some of them are looking for better place to live ... just like some of Poles in UK ...
covkid65  2 | 39  
20 Nov 2007 /  #339
Is immigration a major issue in rest of europe-France,Germany,Spain etc??
I know Italy has a lot of illegals from Albania and the like.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
20 Nov 2007 /  #340
Quoting: Grzegorz_
Henestly I wouldn't be happy If a million of foreigners came to Poland but UK had already millions of immigrants

I dont know If you noticed that there is 0,5 mln of Ukrainians (working mostly illegaly) in Poland and they havent been born here ... For me it isnt problem they are here to make money and some of them are looking for better place to live ... just like some of Poles in UK ...

The Polish immigration to Britain is unprecedented in these numbers in this space of time. One cannot say 'oh well, there were a few blacks there anyway, what are they complaining about?!'

Ukrainians share a border with Poland as well as a historic and cultural similarities greater than Poland shares with Britain. A million Irish arriving in Britain wouldnt be seen as as much of an issue for instance.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
20 Nov 2007 /  #341
Some of the SS Divisions who put down the Warsaw Uprising came from the Boltic States.

Before anyone gets any strange ideas; Ukraine is NOT one of the Baltic states.:))
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 Nov 2007 /  #342
A million Irish arriving in Britain wouldnt be seen as as much of an issue for instance.

So a million of Irish wouldn't be a problem, millions of Pakistanis, Indians, Nigerians etc. weren't a problem but a milliom of "Eastern Europeans" ("news" about millions of Poles alone are sensational BS) obviously are a problem ? Very interesting indeed.

I dont know If you noticed that there is 0,5 mln of Ukrainians (working mostly illegaly) in Poland

Not really. 0,5 million is maybe the number of Ukrainians, who within a year worked in Poland - in most cases doing crappy seasonal jobs. The number of Ukrainians really living here is definately much smaller.
20 Nov 2007 /  #343
we had these problems before Poland joined the EU!!!

yeah but now they have gone even worse there's another 300,000 brits out of work cos polish pick sprouts for aldi stores , now that 1 in every 4 council homes goes to migrants
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
20 Nov 2007 /  #344
yeah but now they have goo-goo-goo!

- Is this troll still alive? I've always hoped that extreme hatred combined with extreme stupidity may have a lethal effect. How about suicide...?
20 Nov 2007 /  #345
stupidity may have a lethal effect

stupidity who is this toff ? i'm talking on behalf of most of the people on this island the average brit say's no to massive immigration , most brits are worried about the polish 1.3 million immigrants here
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
20 Nov 2007 /  #346
who is this toff

- YOU.

How about suicide then?

I think you really need it.
postie  7 | 112  
21 Nov 2007 /  #347
most brits are worried about the polish 1.3 million immigrants here

Most Brits aren't worried about Poles here, so count me out of your stupid, Xenophobic, Little Englander point of view. Thank you.

If you actually talk to "most Brits", they'll say that the Poles are hard working and willing to do the jobs that lazy arsed dole-scrounging Brits aren't willing to do. Most Brits don't have a problem with anyone who comes here and is willing to work. Most Brits don't read the Daily Mail and most Brits don't believe the crap that is written in there. Most Brits form their own opinions about the Poles they meet, for themselves..rather than having their opinion formed from made up stories in the gutter press....

Calm down lennyd, and you might actually enjoy your time on this planet a bit more than you are at present. ;)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
21 Nov 2007 /  #348
Most Brits don't have a problem with anyone who comes here and is willing to work

Precisely - sums it up well
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
21 Nov 2007 /  #349
polish 1.3 million immigrants

Today 1.3 M, what figure will you invent tomorrow ? 2.4 M ? 5 M ? 100 M ?
21 Nov 2007 /  #350
I work for the Raf and had to take a job offered to me by them due to losing my own buisnes from britain joining the Eu. Immmigrants coming to work here in uk would settle to work for a minimum of £5 per hour. I found that i could not compete with immgrants under cutting my prices and most of my customers chose to go with the cheaper option. All i see on this forum is people blaming polish and other migrant workers,taking jobs etc but if you want to blame someone blame the goverment, they let them all in and sold us brits out. most of my work Colleagues agree that. The goverment state they want to cut down on congestion, How can they do that when you have everyone from europe bringing there cars over here + with the increase of population growth due to migrant workers living and working here, our roads will be grid locked and we will pay for it big time with higher tax hikes. My answer is for all us brits to unite and vote for a independant party to bring some sense to all this madness that this country is falling into. fight the goverment Cj
21 Nov 2007 /  #351
fight the goverment

intelligent opinion i agree they keep wages down and don't do anything to benefit our country ,it just creates higher taxes less jobs lower pay worse health care and a madness that our own government could sell us out to eastern europe , it doesn't effect their lives they still get massive salaries and sh1t on their own people ,allowing unlimited poles czech's lithuanians to come here and undercut our workforce and businesses

oh yes another little word the banning brigade have brought out , this apparently means your some sort of racist , yes we'll just open our border to 27 countries and if anyone say's anything about it we'll just say their Xenophobic ! why don't we all just be sheep and say nothing because for voicing our opinions were called Xenophobic
osiol  55 | 3921  
21 Nov 2007 /  #352
the banning brigade

But you want to ban things too.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Nov 2007 /  #353
oh yes another little word the banning brigade have brought out , this apparently means your some sort of racist , yes we'll just open our border to 27 countries and if anyone say's anything about it we'll just say their Xenophobic ! why don't we all just be sheep and say nothing because for voicing our opinions were called Xenophobic

i agree with some of what you say, this is a good point, if you don't like something in 2007 your a racist :) your just going to have to live with it, i do and especially from some people on here
osiol  55 | 3921  
21 Nov 2007 /  #354
if you don't like something in 2007 your a racist

No. If you make unqualified, derogatory remarks about foreigners or people of other ethnicities with no regard for human complexity, variety and decency.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Nov 2007 /  #355
if your talking about me then your a little wrong with that, if its in regard to what the person above me said then i have only read that particular statement and not anything else he has said, so sorry for the lack of reading
osiol  55 | 3921  
21 Nov 2007 /  #356
if your talking about me then your a little wrong with that

I'm only accusing you of making the mistake of saying that complaining about anything will lead to you being called a racist. I'm sure you don't literally mean anything, but yes, there are people who have no argumentative power who resort to using words like 'racism' where it does not apply, but there are people who, in the way they moan about foreigners working in their country, resort to plain, simple racism.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Nov 2007 /  #357
foreigners working in their country, resort to plain, simple racism.

you can't complain just about those people working in our country, if the lazy assed bed sitters would get up and work we wouldn't need as many migrant workers as we have. I totally see your point about the 'racism' word been used in the wrong context or the wrong place.

and of course i didn't mean 'literally anything' i'm not that shor sighted. i think there are a number of points about immigrants or foreign workers that could be made but that isn't just against those people as a group or individuals, for me personally its about the UK. It's a bit selfish i know but i'm sure Poles firstly care about Poland and so on
osiol  55 | 3921  
21 Nov 2007 /  #358
Tornado1967, what's going on with that quote above? You're taking stuff I have said and making it look as though I was saying something very different.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
21 Nov 2007 /  #359
sorry mate i was half replying to you and half making a point, so what ever you meant of course that is what it should be portraid as by everybody else. Maybe i'm making mistakes because i can't see because of my tears after the England result :(
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Nov 2007 /  #360
Torn, could you remind me that part about superiority of English team... ?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UKArchived