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Polish immigration in UK

Bartolome  2 | 1083  
11 Nov 2007 /  #271
Do they choose to hire Brits or Poles ? Or is it still in the hands of the Site Foreman /Site Agent ?

I realize your answer could start a troll war, but I would like to know.

I don't really know, I never asked them. But , except for the engineers mentioned before, there are some Poles, working for the main contractor and sub-contractors, however their number is moderate (they definitely do not dominate).
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
11 Nov 2007 /  #272

Thanks for the reply. It sounds like a fair balance.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
11 Nov 2007 /  #273
moved to india becuse it couldent afford to pay its workers in england any more in return india started selling tata cars all over europe including england

laugh,i nearly bought a pizza, you call me low class? you have no idea what "class" I am, as it happens,Im currently between jobs(so unemployed) but am a collage grad with solidly middle class parents and grandparents,and to top it all off you silly sub continental I am directly descended from Sir Robert Clive!! You know, Clive of India,who with an army of hundreds conquered your moghul empire of millions........but that is beside the point, the official statistcs show,that of the non british nationals in the UK women from muslim cultures are the highest percentage when it comes to claiming state unemployment benifits here in the UK, the Poles are way down near the bottom of that list,if not the very bottom.

So keep your bizzare Wigger txt spk for another day,the crusades ended a long long time ago and the last victory of note you guys had was Sal adin's .....
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
11 Nov 2007 /  #274
Thanks for the reply. It sounds like a fair balance.

I don't hear Polish language very often when I'm out on sites (most often not at all). Perhaps it's because I'm in Scotland and most of Polish guest workers (in construction services) choose England/Wales and Ireland?
Liza  3 | 111  
12 Nov 2007 /  #275
Did you manage to bore everyone to death with your facts and figures?

My friends are already educated, just like me :-)

Anyway i thought you worked in Finance in the City of London earning ''the top 5% pay bracket etc''.....but now you work for the Post Office right?

Actually the story on the Polish walking off the job in Liverpool in support of Royal Mail workers was published in a Facebook group by a white British born Royal Mail worker..
12 Nov 2007 /  #276
laugh,i nearly bought a pizza, you call me low class?.....

sir clive you fool got whiped out of india by a thothi wearing goat milk drinking indian skinhead sir robert clive as you call him was a child molester and a rapist proud heritige indeed the crusades never ended since you low class middle folk always have to bring religion and etnicity into your arguments just so you can reach a standing point muslim cultures??? what you on about do you ever read what you type muslim = a person who follows the true path of islam, islam has nothing whatsoever to do whith culture and all thise crap comeing out of some body who's family used to be the british empires boot maids tut tut tut i hear you squeel.

as for slahoudeen you forgot tipu sultan you forgot the otoman empire you forgot bin ladin you forgot saddam hussain and cat stevens muhummuyd ali malcome x dodey fayed all victorys you embasilo bird brain.

the word wigger comes from a derogatory phrase white lo class folk have used to call black people. your foul moth and bad language suggest you had a impoverished upbringing and was jelose of your fellow black brown not to mention your rich muslim nighbours you lo life racist scum now wail on and carry on barking.

unemployed fool go get a job and pay back my taxes which helped you gain your fail grade go work in a arab barr picing up bottels and scronje 5 pounds of ya perants for the delivery boy.

wasted my time enuff whith this fool and i thoght you was an intelect.

I have never claimed anything from the British government, and never would. However going on basis of nationality, a Pakistani is twice as likely as a Pole to claim the unemployment benefit, and an Iranian is five times more likely than a Pole to claim the unemployment benefit.

so what the hell you doing paying into a system that you despise i pay taxes at an alarming rate then i pay natniol insurane and women like you to comeinto the country have kids and live on benifits for the rest of there lives in council hoses and slag us off your a imigrant i hear what the hell you doing in this country slagging of people wha have been hear for generations and made honest contrabutions to the system dont claim child support when you have a child dont claim the 500 pounds you get offered even if the midvife forces you to dont go to the doctors and on maternaty leave becuse i never claimed any one of them things even thoght my child was entiteled to them all.

why you so intrested in forign natniols claiming the dole for? why not look at what the poles and you own white christian people are doing first sort your own mess out then talk bout others!


the above articale is a jornal published by white polish immigrants how to get a free house benifits child support even for your family in poland dont see any people from pakistan india iran iraq africa jamica mexico lebonan kazakstan doing the same yet we still get the blame get your facs and figurs right before digging sensless holes for yourselves read the above newspaper and shame yourselves fools!.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
12 Nov 2007 /  #277
the above articale is a jornal published by white polish immigrants how to get a free house benifits child support even for your family in poland

really... did you actually read the article...?

its more like an article pointing out that the sun prints a lot of sh!t and anyone who believes it is actually a bit of a toser
12 Nov 2007 /  #278
no i dont read lo class racist newspapers thoght its a intresting point since its true and the polish community know it and use it to the best of there advantage.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
12 Nov 2007 /  #279
the link you posted above was not to a journal article published by white polish immigrants

it was actually to a blog that dismisses the argument that eastern europeans are claiming the amounts of benefits that papers like the sun claim they are

there was also a link in the blog that further dismisses these claims


i think you just read the big bold writing in the initial blog and didnt take the time to read the small print which was actually the part making the point
Liza  3 | 111  
12 Nov 2007 /  #280
I don't despise the tax system; if you work, you are expected to pay tax, which is the natural order of life. I also pay a considerable amount of taxes, but understand that the tax rate is part of working here. If I want to pay a lower rate of tax, then I would choose a country with a lower tax rate.

Women like me?? I don't live in a council house, and neither do any of my friends - nor are any of my friends claiming any benefits. Also, for your information, I cannot have children.

The top five foreign national groups claiming benefits in the UK are (in order of number);

There are no doubts about my facts and figures which are all taken from reports independently certified.

As for 'my own mess', I'm a New Zealander; New Zealand has the third lowest unemployment rate in the developed world. New Zealand is not perfect (we do have some terrible faults in our society), but we do have a strong economy.

Polish nationals are allowed to claim child benefits under EU law, the same as other EU nationals. I admit however I don't agree that they should be able to claim British benefits for children not in the UK (as I feel this is taking unfair liberties) however under law this is possible, and other EU nationals also do it. I do however hope that there is a 'tidying up' of this law as soon as possible. Even so, the fact remains that Polish people do not partake of social welfare payments and support to the extent of other, mainly Asian and African, nationals.
Polanglik  11 | 303  
12 Nov 2007 /  #281
you know it's remembrance sunday today and we went to war because germany invaded poland and now 60 years on poland are invading us , just something to think about

why not take a few minutes to think about and be thankful to those brave British and Polish men and women who died so we all could live in a free, democratic society ...

.... otherwise we'd all be speaking German now !
truebrit  3 | 196  
12 Nov 2007 /  #282
The top five foreign national groups claiming benefits in the UK are (in order of number);

This is correct and as usual the one thing that they have in common is that they are all muslim countries.There are many very successful immigrants in the UK - Indians(hindus/sikhs),Chinese,Nigerians,Amercans,Australians,Polish etc.Unfortunately,many muslims(not all) are just ignorant and too stupid to do anything but scrounge.
postie  7 | 112  
12 Nov 2007 /  #283
Bubbuwoo is right A1makji.

The link you posted up is to a blog that highlights the crap in British journalism, including the gutter based journalism of supposedly investigating benefits paid to foreigners. It dismantles at each stage the article that you claim justifies your position. Therefore, the link you have provided, discredits your own point.

It looks like your weapon of choice has back-fired.
12 Nov 2007 /  #284

shame to hear you cant have children my sister had one after 12 years my cusin after 10 and no they aint married in the family

still compared to the overall number of white people in the uk whats it at now 92% it leaves what 8 percent ethnics thats chineZz bangalz pakistaniz indians turks ect in cluding blaks hespanics kosavans ect what they really draining from the system pennys compared to the anglosaxon slobs sitting on couches eating fish and chips drinking lager

as for the link i posted it was mearly to express a point that i know of polish people all over britain doing the same its a fact not fiction why dont you look at the overall figure of europeans claiming benifit? than rattle your garders

was the daiy mail wong to a reputable newspaper 21 of september 2007 an article by sue reid

or the bbc report on polish citizens claiming benefits by deception twice over


ive proved my point long enuff forget it i aaint wasting my time on you tos pots who cares

just wait in any post office line and there are scores of poles and white christians wating eagerly for a handout from the pakistani and iranian chashir :) dont get pissed now

i think most of you are liveing on benifits thats why your trying so hard to justify your positions go get a job or get locked up thiveing some thing i can start on the pradomantly overcrowded prisons in england all filled to the prink whith white christian thives that are lazy scroungers liveing of the dole before gettin locked up for granny beating tho thats another story guday dudes poley vou aussie
12 Nov 2007 /  #285
why not take a few minutes to think about and be thankful to those brave British and Polish men and women who died so we all could live in a free, democratic society ...

whatver freedom poles are communists, i don't care what liza says about the somalians whatsoever it's the poles and EU immigrants that are causing the problems no other nationality are hoarding here like the poles why can't they just stay in poland and build up their own economy ,NO they come here keep wages down take british jobs maybe that's why the number of british people on benefits living in the benefit trap is rising steadily i think half a million poles working made nearly 300,000 brits claim benefits which is like £50 a week because in some areas they can't even get minimum wage jobs because hoards of communists like in their area doing jobs which british should have for better rates of pay ,the country is going to the dogs england is losing it's identity ,people we need to come out of the EU as soon as possible
z_darius  14 | 3960  
12 Nov 2007 /  #286
whatver freedom poles are communists

i think half a million poles working

nearly 300,000 brits claim benefits

So Brits sit on their asses, collect free cash, while Poles work, and that makes you think Poles are communists?
12 Nov 2007 /  #287
no you idiot keeping wages down stopping natives getting the best pay deals to suppost their families ,instead we've got poles stealing the jobs and claiming child tax credit for children living over in poland
z_darius  14 | 3960  
12 Nov 2007 /  #288
no you idiot keeping wages down stopping natives getting the best pay deals to suppost their families

ever heard market economy? The loosers... well, lose.

instead we've got poles stealing the jobs and claiming child tax credit for children living over in poland

Speaking of idiots... do you think posting on this forum will change that?
Why don't you notify proper authorities.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
12 Nov 2007 /  #289
instead we've got poles stealing the jobs

No - we have largely British employers giving the job to the Poles

ever heard market economy?

Precisely. EU = free movement of capital and labour. If you want to stop it, help to elect a government that would take us out of the EU. If that happens I for one will be gone as there is no way that UK can thrive economically outside of the EU.

Competition for jobs is not new here. It's just that now it is the lower wage earning jobs where there are hard working and reliable alternatives. Spanish plumbers never wanted to work here but Spanish lawyers and IT staff etc have done so for years. I have been in competition with EU staff for donkeys years (sorry Osiol).

The real tragedy here is not having Central European workers over here but in having let our education and training systems deteriorate to the point where our kids are finding it difficult to compete. The work ethic has been eroded at the same time for some Brits. Solution is to invest more in our future and to help people retrain and compete again.
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Nov 2007 /  #290
lennyd, do you remember the 1980s and the recession and unemployment, the 1970s and all the strikes? Maybe you remember the 1950s and rationing, the 1940s and the war, the 1930s with all the unemployment, riots and lack of cohesive government.

British jobs for British children up chimneys and down coal mines!
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
12 Nov 2007 /  #291
lennyd, do you remember the 1980s and the recession and unemployment, the 1970s and all the strikes? Maybe you remember the 1950s and rationing, the 1940s and the war, the 1930s with all the unemployment, riots and lack of cohesive government.

It was certainly all Polish fault, wasn't it, lenny (and other likes of you) ?
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
12 Nov 2007 /  #292
do you remember the 1980s

Apparently there were that many Brits working abroad they made a TV series about a bunch of Geordies in Germany.
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Nov 2007 /  #293
Remember the start of the 5th century? Crops failed for two successive years. Roman rule in Britain crumbled, and Britain was invaded by communist Polish peasants, who even King Arthur and Merlin could not stop. Things will never be the same again.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
12 Nov 2007 /  #294
And whom do you think your ancestors saw after they'd crawled from under the Glacier after the end of Ice Age ?
Daisy  3 | 1211  
12 Nov 2007 /  #295
who even King Arthur and Merlin could not stop

According to Crow King Arthur was Serbian, so perhaps we should blame him
postie  7 | 112  
12 Nov 2007 /  #296
whatver freedom poles are communists

Eh? Are you serious?

Poland was taken over by the Red Army during WW2 and "communism" was imposed from above.

I personally am a Socialist. I never saw that anything behind the Iron Curtain was in any way Communist, but imposed State Capitalism. (hiya any other former SWP members out there!!!!)

The thing that you say lennyd, about them being "communist" seems to show the level of intellect you are working at. Everyone can be pigeonholed and denigrated for whatever reason you deem fit, because they can't trace their family back in the UK to those who built Stonehenge. It's a ridiculous argument.

I've written elsewhere on here that I am losing money because there is a surfeit of labour available to the employers in this town, and no doubt in other UK towns too. What you seem to forget is that all through Industrial times, when the bosses have wanted to reduce costs, they've driven down wages. It used to be in manufactured unemployment, lay-offs etc. But in no way am I ever going to blame a fellow worker for trying to better their lot. No matter what the colour of their skin, creed, or former Govt.

The truly idiotic thing to me is that you blame those who probably have more in common with your, and my, situation. A few Poles MAY be claiming money here, based on news you've read in a newspaper that has an interest in you blaming those who are fellow workers and not the system that creates this absolute mess in the first place. Poles come here and work. They create profit. If they didn't, the businesses they work for would not employ them. A lot of those business are owned by companies abroad. Those profits go abroad. Are you going to rail against that kind of thing too?

What about businessmen who live in the UK and avoid tax while reaping the benefit of employing low cost workers in the UK.... what about loopholes in the tax system that would absolutely dwarf anything you can imagine about child-benefit being sent to Poland?

The wonderful thing about the UK, and it's what puts the Great in Great Britain is that we're percieved, correctly and incorrectly, as being an open, honest and welcoming nation. I am immensely proud of that. And for everyone who comes here, and works, contributes to the success of this nation, which makes it a better place for me and you.
Polanglik  11 | 303  
12 Nov 2007 /  #297
poles are communists

there are communists in every country, but to say Poles are communist is totally wrong and a sweeping generalisation and I take offence to such a statement.

If I were you, i would be less concerned about the Poles who have come over to UK and earn an honest living, but be more concerned about the Muslims who are trying to undermine and erode British society.

UK is Christian , yet there is more and more anti-Christian sentiment being heard from various groups, predominantly Muslim.

the country is going to the dogs england is losing it's identity ,people we need to come out of the EU as soon as possible

Here I have to agree with you ..... England is going to the dogs ...... but not as a result of the Poles coming to work here in UK - England has been 'going to the dogs' as you say for long before 2004, when Poland was accepted into EU. UK has been going into decline regarding NHS, Education etc .. for the last 10 years !

The present Labour government is responsible for the decline in Britains 'Britishness' and national identity !
Liza  3 | 111  
12 Nov 2007 /  #298
still compared to the overall number of white people in the uk whats it at now 92% it leaves what 8 percent ethnics thats chineZz bangalz pakistaniz indians turks ect in cluding blaks hespanics kosavans ect what they really draining from the system pennys compared to the anglosaxon slobs sitting on couches eating fish and chips drinking lager

But the thing is, why should an immigrant come to the UK and sit on their arse taking money from the government? Overall, no one who is capable of working should be sitting on their arse, but if you choose to move countries, then you have a responsibility to support yourself without relying on the government of your host country.

just wait in any post office line and there are scores of poles and white christians wating eagerly for a handout from the pakistani and iranian chashir :) dont get pissed now

A minimum standard of English is usually a requirement for employment. Hopefully the Pakistani and Iranian 'cashiers' have higher standards than you...

i think most of you are liveing on benifits thats why your trying so hard to justify your positions go get a job or get locked up thiveing some thing i can start on the pradomantly overcrowded prisons in england all filled to the prink whith white christian thives that are lazy scroungers liveing of the dole before gettin locked up for granny beating tho thats another story guday dudes poley vou aussie

As previously stated before, Somalians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Iranians and Turkish immigrants are the most likely to be reliant on a benefit. Why on earth are you bringing religion into this?

i don't care what liza says about the somalians whatsoever it's the poles and EU immigrants that are causing the problems

Ahh yes you would prefer to believe the propaganda peddled by 'Migration Watch' rather than hard facts.

NO they come here keep wages down take british jobs

Lets make this very basic for you; if employers can't find labour for a reasonable rate, they move jobs offshore. Jobs in the UK provide employment - admittedly at a low rate - and tax income by way of personal and company taxes.

which british should have for better rates of pay

Companies pay what is affordable to allow them to make a profit. If goods are priced too high - due to high labour costs - then they don't sell, meaning no jobs. However I do believe an increase in the minimum wage is warranted.

As many have said to you before, do you understand the basic fundementals of a 'market economy'?
13 Nov 2007 /  #299
But the thing is, why should an immigrant come to the UK and sit on their arse taking money from the government? Overall, no one who is capable of working should be sitting on their arse, but if you choose to move countries, then you have a responsibility to support yourself without relying on the government of your host country.

yes exactly my point why shold people from poland new zeland estonia germany come hear and live of my tax mony which would be better spent giveing me a bigger pention plan in deacades to come a better helh service better prisons for my fellow angosaxon barbarians to stress my point.

A minimum standard of English is usually a requirement for employment. Hopefully the Pakistani and Iranian 'cashiers' have higher standards than you...

dhu english is not my pradomenant language i never speak it hardy ever type in it unselss its for programming so what do i care for your techers pet remark

As previously stated before, Somalians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Iranians and Turkish immigrants are the most likely to be reliant on a benefit. Why on earth are you bringing religion into this?

yes most likely right after the Eurpoeans poles in perticular
i was not the one who broght religion into it why did you not say the same to your fellow
white racist tosser's read the posts befor you have a go at me granny.
truebrit  3 | 196  
13 Nov 2007 /  #300

In Britain everyone knows the worst scroungers are somalis,pakistanis,bangladeshis and other muslims migrants.Sorry my bitter friend but everyone knows the Polish,New Zealanders,Australians etc all work hard,pay taxes and contribute to Britain.The trash (nothing against muslims but they are 95% muslims who do it) come here to leech off the taxes of everyone else.You cannot face the truth but that is your problem.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UKArchived