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Polish immigrants in the UK - the next generation

macrolly  - | 1  
18 Jun 2012 /  #61
The 2006 census in the Republic of Ireland reported the number of Irish Travellers as 22,369.[10] A further 1,700 to 2,000 were estimated to live in Northern Ireland.[11]
From the 2006 Irish census it was determined that 20,975 dwell in urban areas and 1,460 were living in rural areas. With an overall population of just 0.5% some areas were found to have a higher proportion, with Tuam, Galway Travellers constituting 7.71% of the population. There were found to be 9,301 Travellers in the 0-14 age range, comprising 41.5% of the Traveller population, and a further 3,406 of them were in the 15-24 age range, comprising 15.2%. Children of age range 0-17 comprised 48.7% of the Traveller population.i am here to tell a site
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
18 Jun 2012 /  #62
.i am here to tell a site

1- The results of the 2011 census have been released a couple of months ago, so your figures a wrong.

2- Most don't bother filling it in. The only way you would get all the cream crackers to fill out the census, is if you paid them to.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
20 Jun 2012 /  #63
As if the travellers would fill in the Census!!!!!
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
20 Jun 2012 /  #64
Its an affront to their culture!
Avalon  4 | 1063  
21 Jun 2012 /  #65
The national census in 2001 missed at least a million people, many of them in London. Results of the new, and possibly last, census, are due out later this year, but this time it may have missed as many as two million people.

Seems like a few forgot to fill the forms out.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
21 Jun 2012 /  #66
Seems like a few forgot to fill the forms out

No worry the government will know who and where they are.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
21 Jun 2012 /  #67
That's that problem. If the head of the Borders Security Agency has no idea of the numbers, how can the government?

He told MPs he did not "have the faintest idea" how many illegal immigrants there were in the UK, although he was aware of estimates suggesting the number of illegal immigrants was about 400,000.

gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
21 Jun 2012 /  #68
Or maybe they say that because the people would revolt if they were given the real figures.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
21 Jun 2012 /  #69
The people already know that the government figures are lies and that the amount exceeds 250,000 every year. Your statement that the government knows exactly who is in the country is not really true. Even a few weeks ago, passengers at Manchester airport, fed up with waiting, pushed (unchecked) through the barriers and left the airport due to under manning by immigration officers.

More problems could occur during the Olympics, if a few of the visitors allegedly coming for the games, decide to stay in the land of plenty.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
22 Jun 2012 /  #70
Your statement that the government knows exactly who is in the country is not really true

Prove it! from a statistic that isn't produced by the EU or the British Governement. The Socialists don't want us to know how they are failing.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
22 Jun 2012 /  #71
I am sure you will find all you need here.

Migration Watch UK is an independent think tank. It is chaired by Sir Andrew Green, a former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. The Vice Chairman is Mr Alp Mehmet, MVO, a former Ambassador to Iceland. We have a distinguished Advisory Council from diverse ethnic and professional backgrounds.

gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
22 Jun 2012 /  #72
Migration Watch UK is an independent think tank. It is chaired by Sir Andrew Green, a former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. The Vice Chairman is Mr Alp Mehmet, MVO, a former Ambassador to Iceland. We have a distinguished Advisory Council from diverse ethnic and professional backgrounds

Former ambassadors for the UK government. Hardly independant?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
22 Jun 2012 /  #73
The Socialists don't want us to know how they are failing.

The Conservatives are socialists are they? Reds Under the Beds?
Avalon  4 | 1063  
22 Jun 2012 /  #74
Former ambassadors for the UK government. Hardly independant?

If you argue like this now, what are you going to be like when you reach puberty?
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
25 Jun 2012 /  #75
Great comeback but you never answered the fact that ex-government employees are hardly independant.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
25 Jun 2012 /  #76
You asked me to provide an independent source, I did. Migration watch is sponsored by donations, not government or party funded. Their statistics are used by the media and to a somewhat less degree (very embarrassing), the government themselves. What possible reason would this organisation have for compiling information which shows how detrimental, immigration has been for the UK.

Whatever I said, you would disagree because that is your nature.

And, if the EU have their way, Poland will go through the same process:-

gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
25 Jun 2012 /  #77
Whatever I said, you would disagree because that is your nature.

Really? Just give me a 100% independent source and we'll end this argument,
Avalon  4 | 1063  
25 Jun 2012 /  #78
There is no argument. You already lost that, you just need the intelligence to realise it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Jun 2012 /  #79
Former ambassadors for the UK government. Hardly independant?

Very independent. Ambassadors, because of the nature of their job, tend to steer clear of party politics unless they're symbolically appointed to high profile jobs like Patten was. On the whole, they can't afford to get involved with politics - why risk ending your career for the sake of partianship?

Anyway, it's been conclusively proven that the UK has no idea exactly how many non-UK citizens are within its borders.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
25 Jun 2012 /  #80
Anyway, it's been conclusively proven that the UK has no idea exactly how many non-UK citizens are within its borders.

Delph, you are wasting your time. He has the "my dad is bigger than your dad" syndrome. If God told him in a vision he would tell God he is wrong.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
26 Jun 2012 /  #81
Anyway, it's been conclusively proven that the UK has no idea exactly how many non-UK citizens are within its borders

I disagree.... then again it's a free world!
Mister H  11 | 761  
7 Jul 2012 /  #82
"Some" Poles may be leaving the UK and Ireland,but they are not necessarily returning to Poland.

So a Polish translator in a London hospital earns enough to buy an over-priced property in the capital ?

That says it all really about how far this problem has gone.

I wonder how Magdalena Grodzka will feel when her child feels more British than Polish.
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jul 2012 /  #83
Recently my wife and I have helped a Polish family set up here in the UK.

Ive posted before that in Poland she was a nurse and he a transport engineer, they also have two children aged 8 and 14. He is 38 shes 37.

He is currently working in a Abattoir chopping off dead pigs bollocks (among other things) and she is awaiting employment, most probably she will become a cleaner till her English is good enough to carry on nursing. He rises for work at 4:00 am and gets back around 18:00 all for minimum wage of £6.08 / hour. Hopefully he'll make £250 / week brutto/gross.

Today they went to see a local Polonia help organization to set the children up in school, they will have to await an offer as the schools here are full of non English speaking Polish children.

Nice job Poland....
Mister H  11 | 761  
7 Jul 2012 /  #84
I admire their determination and work ethic, but seriously is this better than life in Poland ?
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jul 2012 /  #85
but seriously is this better than life in Poland ?

Selling your home to pay debts and still having debt collectors knocking and helping themselves to your stuff, im thinking yeah. I feel sorry for the guy he's had some of the worst luck ive ever known. unfortunately its not uncommon over there, 1,000,000 plus Poles didnt just up and leave had they had options in Poland.

It was a tuff call and one i told him to make years ago but yet he persisted till the bitter end.

In a few months he'll be much better off here, he'll have disposable income, a nice place to live, he'll be able to buy his children the stuff they deserve and more importantly provide them a future of hope.

In the UK you can work, in Poland theres nothing for many, nothing at all.
Mister H  11 | 761  
7 Jul 2012 /  #86
In the UK you can work, in Poland theres nothing for many, nothing at all.

Fair point and I don't want to start a row about immigration, but it's not the role of the UK to solve all these problems and provide a way out for people.

We've enough problems of our own.
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jul 2012 /  #87
We've enough problems of our own.

Damn right theyre living in my FCUKING house. Driving me fcuking nuts.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - the next generationArchived