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Immgration to UK. A success?

OP labowski  
28 Apr 2011 /  #31

oh we have aggressive neanderthals too old boy, please explain how the phrase is explicitly racist? my main point is 'freedom of movement'. should it mean freedom of movement of criminals and delinquents. your answer was 'well, most of us are ok and actually statistically you are more violent than us'.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
28 Apr 2011 /  #32
Your stupid online magazine is portraying those people as guilty. What if they're innocent?

No it isn't. Show me where it says that.

BTW, it isn;t 'my' or even 'our' online magazine. The press in the UK is free.

so what is this thread about 3 innocent Polish guys?

Precisely that. A thread about a crime for which three people have been charged, may be tried, and subsequently either found guilty or acquitted.
OP labowski  
28 Apr 2011 /  #33
my ethnic background is gypsy actually, i expect you'll love that. you know I was never abusive throughout any of this but you guys sure didn't waste any time uh?
Havok  10 | 902  
28 Apr 2011 /  #34
should it mean freedom of movement of criminals and delinquents

Just because you getting some love from macho Polish effing you in a butt on the streets of London it doesn't mean we're violent.

The press in the UK is free

Sure it is just like Fox news in the US. They're free alright.

my ethnic background is gypsy actually, i expect you'll love that

Who cares what ethnicity, you're an idiot, you should work on that instead.

Precisely that. A thread about a crime for which three people have been charged

Are you reading the same thread?
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
28 Apr 2011 /  #35
Sure it is just like Fox news in the US. They're free alright.

Every country has its rednecks - would you deny them the Daily Mail, Fox News, Polsat etc?
Havok  10 | 902  
28 Apr 2011 /  #36
touche, i got nothing, you won.
Krynski  - | 82  
28 Apr 2011 /  #37
oh we have aggressive neanderthals too old boy

--- Damn right. Aren't you such an aggressive neandherthal - isn't your attitude towards us, Poles, aggressive?

my main point is 'freedom of movement'

--- Well, I myself am strongly in favor of all the Polish people, including those born in Britain, leaving Britain right on the spot, and coming back to Poland. But in such a case I would expect all the British living in Poland to leave Poland as well.

Would you agree with me on that?
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
28 Apr 2011 /  #38
Out of interest, I'd probably support a law to conceal the names of people who haven't yet been found guilty. Not for any reasons of ethnicity but to stop it showing up on search engines if people are acquitted or to avoid problems for relatives if the surname is unusual. I'm not sure I'd go as far as Poland though where even the names of people found guilty are suppressed and where the newspapers a few years ago were saying "Slawomir M, brother of former premier Leszek Miller", which was a bit of a give away.
Krynski  - | 82  
28 Apr 2011 /  #39
Every country has its rednecks

So what would your country be, please?
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
28 Apr 2011 /  #40
I live in Warsaw, but right now I'm not in any country on earth.
OP labowski  
28 Apr 2011 /  #41
--- Damn right. Aren't you such an aggressive neandherthal - isn't your attitude towards us, Poles, aggressive?

How so? My attitude is one of weariness and worrying where this grand EU project will take us...As I said before, of course its not just Poles and certainly not all.

--- Well, I myself am strongly in favor of all the Polish people, including those born in Britain, leaving Britain right on the spot, and coming back to Poland. But in such a case I would expect all the British living in Poland to leave Poland as well.

Would you agree with me on that?

No. I have met many gay people from Poland who vow never to return and given you and Havoks comments I can see why. However. if you have our scum clogging up your courts and prisons as we have some of yours maybe we could work something out.
tygrys  2 | 290  
28 Apr 2011 /  #42
Polish migrants Wojciech Ostolski, 32, Lieneusz Bartnowski, 21, both from Wolverhampton, along with Macaej Kus, 30, from Birmingham, were each charged with both murders and aggravated burglary.

The queen should do something about letting all those Poles in. They can't find any jobs, don't want to work, don't want to go back home, drink everything they make then kill the citizens. It's sad Poles behave this way.
Krynski  - | 82  
28 Apr 2011 /  #43
I'd probably support a law to conceal the names of people who haven't yet been found guil

You "would probably support" such a law, but for now you're okay with the fact that in Britain their racist hacks are free to mention the nationality and names of Polish alleged criminals, but they are not free to mention the nationality and names of other foreign alleged criminals, or perhaps choose not to mention them?
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
28 Apr 2011 /  #44
free to mention the nationality and names of Polish alleged criminals, but they are not free to mention the nationality and names of other foreign alleged criminals

Maybe a source for that?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
28 Apr 2011 /  #45
oh we have aggressive neanderthals too old boy, please explain how the phrase is explicitly racist? my main point is 'freedom of movement'. should it mean freedom of movement of criminals and delinquents. your answer was 'well, most of us are ok and actually statistically you are more violent than us'.

You are a racist don't feign to deny it. Has it ever crossed your thick scull that some of these people might have not had a criminal record before entering the country? Besides exporting criminals is a British invention is it not?
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
28 Apr 2011 /  #46
Has it ever crossed your thick scull that some of these people might have not had a criminal record before entering the country?

Yes, and even so - a felony in one place is a misdemeanour in another.
tygrys  2 | 290  
28 Apr 2011 /  #47
"Poles in England & Wales 4 times more law abiding than average Brit?
Latest statistics published in the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail show that Poles living here are overwhelmingly law abiding in comparison to the average resident of England and Wales.

Was this written by a Pole?
Havok  10 | 902  
28 Apr 2011 /  #48
No. I have met many gay people from Poland who vow never to return and given you and Havoks comments I can see why. However. if you have our scum clogging up your courts and prisons as we have some of yours maybe we could work something out.

For the record I'm completely secure about my manhood, and I'm not gay, but i gathered from your responses that you enjoy macho Polish guys giving you some though love now and then.

Stop being so angry, just go out there and enjoy it.

The queen should do something about letting all those Poles in. They can't find any jobs, don't want to work, don't want to go back home, drink everything they make then kill the citizens. It's sad Poles behave this way.

Hey tygrys i think you should go out there and join your buddy labowski
Krynski  - | 82  
28 Apr 2011 /  #49
No. I have met many gay people from Poland who vow never to return and given you and Havoks comments I can see why

--- Are you actually claiming I've made some anti-homosexual remarks here? If yes, quote them. Can you?

So you are a racist hypocrite - you are against the discrimination against gays, but are for the discrimination against the Poles. And you're for all the Poles, except Polish gay people, leaving Britain.

if you have our scum clogging up your courts and prisons as we have some of yours

--- You mean there's so many Polish criminals in Britain they "clog up" British courts and prisons? Give evidence it's the case.

What a stupid racist Polonophobic liar you are. Yes, there are scores of British like that. Well, it's high time for us Poles to adopt a more realistic attitude toward the British, and get rid of the idealistic one.

I hope you don't mind, bud, if I use your remarks in an article I'm currently working on?
OP labowski  
28 Apr 2011 /  #50
I am not racist. You are right in your point about exporting criminals. What is the solution? If they have no criminal record when entering the country what is the solution when they do commit a crime?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
28 Apr 2011 /  #51
Was this written by a Pole?

Have you got information to the contrary, or are you calling all Polish people liars. Why else would you play the man and not the ball, or perhaps you think that all Poles should take it meakley and not defend themselves?
Havok  10 | 902  
28 Apr 2011 /  #52
I am not racist. You are right in your point about exporting criminals.

you almost fooled me because for you sure sound like one
Krynski  - | 82  
28 Apr 2011 /  #53
Was this written by a Pole?

Yes, it "was written" by a Pole. And now why don't you go fuk your pig mamma?

I am not racist.

Buddy, you're a Polonophobic racist - I've proven it over and over again, haven't I? And moreover you seem to be a Polonophobic racist in denial.

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
28 Apr 2011 /  #54
I am not racist. You are right in your point about exporting criminals. What is the solution? If they have no criminal record when entering the country what is the solution when they do commit a crime?

You are terribly stupid aren’t you, in addition to being racist, which in my experience the two usually go together? When they commit a crime in the UK they get deported and serve a jail term or whatever in their country of origin.
OP labowski  
28 Apr 2011 /  #55
Krynski...I think if I scratch a bit more I would find some xenophobia in you no? Why do all poles need to return home? Idealistic to realistic? What does that mean? I apologise about the homophobia accusation, you only asked if I liked to fuk my mother in the throat or ass. It was havok who made the homophobic remarks. You can quote me on whatever toilet wall it is you write on, feel free.

When they commit a crime in the UK they get deported and serve a jail term or whatever in their country of origin.

Oh really?

THE Home Secretary is being asked to investigate after a Polish man with a rape conviction travelled to Wales to look for work, and raped again.

Josef Zygmunt Kurek, 41, was jailed for life yesterday after the judge at Swansea Crown Court described him as a danger to women.

The court heard he was left with a serious antisocial personality disorder after being left chained to a wall for eight hours a day by his father when he was a child.

Kurek left Poland after serving a nine-year sentence there for raping a policeman's daughter, having also served four years for another sex offence.

After settling near Llanelli he brutally raped a terrified 25-year-old woman in her own home.

In court yesterday Judge Christopher Morton expressed exasperation at difficulties in getting details of Kurek's past sex offences.

He asked the prosecutor for details of Kurek's offending in Poland but was told the Crown Prosecution Service had been able to get few details from Interpol.

Politicians said last night the case raised questions over the level of vetting of immigrants from states such as Poland, which joined the EU in May last year.

Tory MP David Jones said, "The difficulty is that the more freedom of movement, the more likely it is this sort of thing is going to happen.

"We didn't impose any threshold in terms of time before people were allowed to come here from Poland. It's inherent that the bigger the EU becomes the more of a problem this becomes.

"If someone has a criminal record there ought to be a mechanism in place to ensure he is kept tabs on in this country. This is an absolutely horrific case."

The Clwyd West MP last night wrote to Home Secretary Charles Clarke asking him to investigate and explain what safeguards there were to monitor sex offenders from new EU states.

Mr Clarke - or, more likely, his successor - will have to decide whether Kurek is deported after serving his sentence.

Plaid Cymru AM Helen Mary Jones said, "If we can have economic co-operation surely we should also have co-operation over the safety of women and children.

"In this country people who have committed sex offences and who want to go to other countries have to inform the police who can then inform the country of travel.

"I would like that arrangement to be mutual throughout the EU. This offence sounds horrific and it is very, very worrying that the authorities knew nothing of this man's past."

Bearded Kurek admitted rape and was jailed for life yesterday.

Swansea Crown Court heard that, as well as serving a jail sentence for the rape conviction in Poland, Kurek had also served a four-year jail term there for an attempted rape.
Havok  10 | 902  
28 Apr 2011 /  #56
country what is the solution when they do commit a crime

When they commit a crime in the UK they get deported and serve a jail term or whatever in their country of origin.

THE Home Secretary is being asked to investigate after

I would suggest the thumbscrew, and make them admit the crime before giving them a chance for a fair trial. In addition go ahead and lynch all remaining Polish in the town square. That should do it.
Krynski  - | 82  
28 Apr 2011 /  #57
You are terribly stupid

--- There are scores of his likes in Britain. But not only there - they are now all over Europe. For example, many similar racist Polonophobes you meet in Holland, where, like in Britain, both the media and politicians are attacking the Poles. However the Polonophobia in a given country seems to start with the media hate-propaganda.
OP labowski  
28 Apr 2011 /  #58
how can it be racist to say there are many poles in the uk committing crime? i know this paper is dubious but the source is not!! racism is to state that a race is genetically inferior!! quote me where i have said that! all i said was there is an element of poles in the uk who commit crime as ihave personally experienced! ditto in the south of spain where spanish friends tell me about the brits and the trouble they cause. I don't get offended when they do tell me this.


Tuesday April 12,2011
Macer Hall Political Editor

CRIMINALS from other European Union nations are being convicted of more than 500 offences a week in the UK, disturbing police figures showed yesterday.

Poles and Romanians were among the worst cases, raising fresh concerns about the wisdom of expanding the EU eastwards.

The overwhelming majority of the foreign crooks could not be sent home after serving prison sentences because their deportation has been forbidden under Brussels freedom-of-movement laws.

Last night, the revelation of the EU crime wave ignited fresh anger at the collapse of border controls caused by laws from Brussels.

Paul Nuttall, a UK Independence Party Euro-MP, said: “A sovereign nation should be able to decide who is allowed to live within its borders and who is not.

“If somebody commits a crime here, they should be booted out.”

Figures released by the Association of Chief Police Officers following a Freedom of Information request show that more than 54,000 criminals from EU countries have been convicted in the last two years.

Senior police officers complain that the influx of lawbreakers, often with poor or no English, is putting a massive strain on their resources. One said even cautioning a foreign criminal could take six hours.

A spokeswoman from ACPO said: “The growing number of new communities has certainly brought greater complexity to the pattern of crime and have contributed to already stretched resources.

“We have to adapt all the time to deal with new and emerging problems. However we pride ourselves on our strong relationships with our local communities and the way we deal with the issues that emerge.”

The figures were compiled as part of a system between EU police forces where officers must notify their counterparts in another EU member state if one of its citizens is convicted of a crime.

ACPO’s statistics show that a total of 26,956 notifications were made during 2010 and 27,379 in 2009 – equivalent to 520 crimes a week.

During 2010, 6777 Poles and 4,343 Romanians – by far the largest immigrant communities – were convicted in the UK.

In the list was Pole Piotr Zasada, 33, jailed for life last year after he stabbed his ex-girlfriend and threw her out of a second-floor window in Bournemouth.

A further 4,176 offenders were from Lithuania and 2,423 from Ireland. Excluding Ireland, the largest numbers of offenders all came from nations that joined the EU between 2004 and 2007.

A Home Office spokesman said: “We are committed to removing foreign lawbreakers from the UK. We removed 5,235 foreign national prisoners in 2010.”
Krynski  - | 82  
28 Apr 2011 /  #59
I apologise about the homophobia accusation, you only asked if I liked to fuk my mother in the throat or ass.

--- So do you like doing it, or not?

30 minutes to cool down... keep it civil in the future...
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
28 Apr 2011 /  #60
how can it be racist to say there are many poles in the uk committing crime?

It is because you are deliberately peddling an untruth whilst being fully aware that the natives are 4 times more likely to commit a crime in the UK then the Poles. Who it appears are model citizens from who the natives have a lot to learn.

Anybody can play the same sort of xenophobic headline grabbing game you are engaged in try some of these:

"Another Polish immigrant in England - a 42 years old woman - was found dead in England in Thetford"

"The recent case was a Polish women, age 36, beheaded in Scotland ..."

"Polish woman murdered, police release video still: Swinton ... Detectives investigating the alleged murder of a polish woman in Swinton have ..."

Polish migrants flee violent Britain
Gun crime and racist attacks are driving many to return early to eastern Europe


"Hundreds of Polish migrants have decided to leave Britain, blaming high crime levels and racism for their premature return to eastern Europe. As Scotland Yard detectives last night continued to investigate the shooting of Magda Pniewska, 26, from Brzeg, southern Poland, representatives of Britain's 600,000-strong Polish community cited Britain's inner-city violence for encouraging people to leave."

I am sure that racists like you have contributed to this, by inciting you fellow natives on forums like these, I hope that you are proud of yourself.

Incidentally, do you go onto Pakistani, Indian and Afro-Caribbean forums as well?

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