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Help required with moving my art works and stuff from Scotland to Nowy Sacz

4 May 2014 /  #1
I wonder if any Polish person who goes backward and forward from Poland to Scotland who can help me to move my art works, studio materials and some light goods from KA18 3SB Scotland to 33-300, Nowy Sacz in Poland. I willing to pay full cost what ever you charge. Most of the items are packed in double wall cardboard boxes but certain items are not easy to pack. It will be roughly size of Luton van or a half truck full load. I will help you at the both ends.You can use your own vehicle or I will pay for the hiring a van. If you are interested in helping me, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would warmly appreciate your kindness and generosity.
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
5 May 2014 /  #2
Most of the items are packed in double wall cardboard boxes but certain items are not easy to pack. It will be roughly size of Luton van or a half truck full load.

I would help you man but wouldnt take the risk of the cargo contents.Why dont you use a transportation company?probably not much expensive.
OP Glenbuckarts  
5 May 2014 /  #3
Thank you for your reply. I would be very grateful if you could please do it for me. I do not know any transport company but would not mind to use them if you could recommend me a good one with reasonable price. I personally prefer you so we both could benefit.
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
5 May 2014 /  #4
OP Glenbuckarts  
5 May 2014 /  #5
Thank you so much for sending me the link. I will contact them soon and see if they can help.
johnb121  4 | 183  
5 May 2014 /  #6
When we moved from London I went via a couple of removal bid sites - you list your details and movers give you their quotes. I picked the one I preferred and made a deal with him to collect our gear from storage (we drove to meet him) and bring the stuff to our house just outside, as it happens, Nowy Sacz. His name was Andy.

1. It was not Andy but a Polish guy my age (50s) who turned up
2. He would not help bring anything to the van, just loaded it
3. Andy had not fully briefed him in how much stuff we had - he has already a half load and we had stuff which would fill his van, so half our stuff was left at the storage place for later

4. Guy went off and we drive home to PL
5. Few days later his son called. He had left London with a mixed load of stuff under "contract" with Andy on the basis that he'd collect the ££ from people as he delivered. Andy, meanwhile, had called the clients and got them to pay him direct! So this guy had driven a van from London and received £zero so far. He was on the border between Germany and Poland - did we have cash for him or had WE paid Andy. Luckily we had the cash and told him so, so he drove on to us and helped bring our gear inside - nice guy - and we paid him (£500) and struck a deal that he'd collect and bring over the rest of our stuff for £100, in a couple of weeks.

6. After some calls to the storage place, everything was fixed up and duly arrived here.
7. We never heard again from Andy. .....
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
6 May 2014 /  #7
do you guys randomly trust anyone and start moving?isnt that scary that they might take off with your stuff or damage it...personally id pay a lil more and get a reputable moving company.
OP Glenbuckarts  
6 May 2014 /  #8
Trust is very important that's why I asked you to help without knowing you. John is right to say that some times the people misled your trust and do silly things. As I have mentioned you before that I myself personally prefer someone local or whom you know do the job so we both can benefit. It is no point to pay very high price to reputable company who charge too much and do not fulfill their obligation. I trust people a lot and had many bad experiences. They use you to achiever their own goal instead of helping you for what you pay them for. You are absolutely right to say that it is better to pay little more and get a reputable company, if you could find them.
johnb121  4 | 183  
6 May 2014 /  #9
Just for clarity, all the bidders had reviews - Andy's was no better or worse than the rest .. which included what purported to be much bigger and more professional companies which bidded 4+ times the price! That's not "a little"
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
7 May 2014 /  #10
ill help u in poland as i have too much free time there and am planing end of this month or next month ill do it for my expenses that ill occur to go to scotland for adventure and paid vacation if u serious at that time message me
7 May 2014 /  #11
I am serious. It depend on what do you mean by saying that you will do it on your expenses to go on adventurous holidays in Scotland. I need to know before we agree and I pay you. I do not mind to pay you but you must know what materials and how much stuff I have to move. I am talking about roughly half truck full load.
johnb121  4 | 183  
7 May 2014 /  #12
Matter of interest - have you checked cards at your nearest Polski Sklep? Before we made our bog move there was some toing and froing of stuff between us in London and my partner's family in PL and we got in touch with one of the teams running a minibus and trailer regularly between London and PL. They had a trailer roughly equal to a half-luton van and could take seats out of the bus if you needed and paid for more space, or they could split your stuff over two loads.

Not sure if we can help, but I have an SUV and my partner has a big American pick-up and we're often in Krakow? It's 2 years since we moved and I think there's now a short-term storage place there. Or, potentially, we could store some stuff at our house for you - we're 15km from NS.

Further point = as a matter of interest, our half load of stuff cost us £500 to ship out on a shared van. OK there were issues, but that's not my point. My point is that fuel, ferries and meal costs us a lot more than £500 for the return trip!

When we made our own "trip with stuff" we hired a van and drove over - now THAT was expensive! Have you thought ... if you need a van once you're settled here, fly over, buy one, then use it to move your gear?
7 May 2014 /  #13
Hi John,
I am afraid to say that the space you are offering me may be not big enough to take my stuff. I wish I was moving a normal household goods but some of my items (Sculpture studio equipment) looks strange and not easy to pack, which makes very difficult for me to find haulage company. It will definitely need about a half truck full load. I hope someone will able to help me as I have not got much time left as I am moving to NS during the first week of June. I do not mind to pay them as long as they help me to move my stuff at once and on time.


Hi John,
Please let me know how much you are going to charge me in total so I can decide.
OP Glenbuckarts  
8 May 2014 /  #14
Hi Everyone at Polish Forum,
I am overwhelm with the support I have received from the members of Polish Forum. I do not know how I would or should thank you for your kindness and generosity you have provided me since I posted a thread. I do not know what I could have done without your kind help. I have now found a person from the same forum who is going to help me to move my art works and studio materials as planned. If I may have caused any inconvenience to other members who responded to my thread, please forgive me with your warm heart. I look forward to your similar support in the future. God bless you all.

johnb121  4 | 183  
8 May 2014 /  #15
Glad to read you got fixed up. Let us know when you're settled in Nowy Sacz as it would be good to meet up
OP Glenbuckarts  
10 May 2014 /  #16
Hi John,
I am moving to NS at the beginning of June month. It would be nice to meet up with you as well. Please keep in touch.

Kind regards,
1 Aug 2015 /  #17
I can quickly suggest Man and Van Purley ( manwithvan-removal.co.uk/man-and-van-purley/ ) to all my buddies who have difficulties of shifting with other moving organizations. Everyone who needs to shift, misting try man and van and have a practical experience shifting expertise by them.

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