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First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation

TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #241
Doesn't make it "right."

Being 'right' is a matter of opinion. I don't really care about yours.

If you don't believe in race, spend a few years living in a majority non white area. Experience is better than any textbook.

Having lived in both London and the West Midlands for the past 32 years, I have some experience here. I'm still standing.

Disraeli, once said " its all about race, there is nothing truer."

"To err is to be human" Disraeli was only human. I don't think he was a racist. Not sure he'd appreciate you quoting him to back up your xenophobic views.

If ten million Pakistanis entered your country tomorrow, in ten years your countries society would resemble Pakistan's.

Well, luckily for me I for will be emigrating in seven days time. Lol. Britian has had a multi-ethnic community for many years now. And long may it continue to do so.

Stick your nose out of European affairs, yank

Nice way to speak to a lady...

The world's nations are only going to get more multi-cultural. You need to wake up and smell the 21st century coffee.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #242
The world's nations are only going to get more multi-cultural. You need to wake up and smell the 21st century coffee.


The worlds richest more prosperous nations are getting more "multi cultural" with third-world trash.
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #243
Funny that! How educated you are... Some of the the nations that you would consider being "third-world trash" are actually some of the richest countries in the world per capita GDP.

OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #244
I didnt say people from


are third-world trash. However the Oil rich gulf states could do a little more to spread their incidental oil wealth among the people.

The UK's GDP Figure is only 22nd on the list.
I'd hazard a guess the figure brought down because of the hordes of non-entity parasites living of the country. Foreign and Native.
As well as certain foreign nationalities that come here and send money home to the tune of 6BILLION a year.
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #245
I didnt say people from


No, what you said was:

The worlds richest more prosperous nations

not realising that Britain is not as wealthy (GDP p.c) as some of the Arabic, Muslim nations that you seem to despise so much.

The UK's GDP Figure is only 22nd on the list.
I'd hazard a guess the figure brought down because of the hordes of non-entity parasites living of the country. Foreign and Native

It's good that you realise what a scurge on the economy the British benefit-reliant under-class are.
Although, you partly have to blame the never-ending succession of incompetent British Governments complete lack of fiscal policy for that.

If you actually bothered to mingle with the Polish community in the UK, you would find them to be just as hard working (if not harder) than your average Brit. The whole Polish/Eastern European immigrants only come here for benefits is a myth. It's a pathetic right-wing scaremongering tactic used by the tabloid press to promote hate. Why can't you see that?!?

As well as certain foreign nationalities that come here and send money home to the tune of 6BILLION a year.

Another dig at Polish people... It's their money, they earnt it. They can spend it how they like. If you ever cared enough about your family to help them financially, you would realise this.

Are there any more concepts that you don't understand and need educating on?
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #246
Polish/Eastern European immigrants only come here for benefits is a myth

polishmama  3 | 279  
22 Aug 2012 /  #247
RevokeNice, is yank another term some Britons use to express disappointment in losing the Revolutionary War?

Speaking of free benefits, how's the free heroin program working out in the UK? I still don't get how the UK joined the EU in the beginning days and now is grumbling because... I still don't know why. Too much time on some people's hands? Lack of education? Unsatisfying home life? I know! Hudsonhicks got rejected by enough Polish women that he is resentful of them now.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #248
free heroin program

First i've heard of it.

Polishmama.. You've quite obviously a Yank - Pole Wannabe.
Much like the Americans who associate with being "English" or "Irish" because their g.g.g.g.grandfather.

Either that of you moved to America at a very young age, and now basically for all intents and purposes a fully naturalised yank.
You're not Polish, you're American, be proud.
polishmama  3 | 279  
22 Aug 2012 /  #249
be proud.

Please don't tell me who I supposedly am or how I should feel. I'm not your child.

And the free dope program in the UK has been around for over a decade, I recall learning about it as a teenager and being shocked watching a video about it on tv. You're on the computer, google it, free heroin Britain. It's run by your NHS and has been around in some form or another in the UK since the 1920's. You guys hand out weekly prescriptions, foil for "safer" heroin smoking, new needles, even a novel idea the "Shooting galleries" where heroin addicts can go to "safely" shoot heroin.

Britain's free benefits. Lovely.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #250
People who shoot heroin into their veins represent a very very tiny percentage of our population.

These kind of things don't concern me.
Nearly 2 Million Poles Swamping my country in less than 10 years does.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #251
not realising that Britain is not as wealthy (GDP p.c) as some of the Arabic, Muslim nations that you seem to despise so much.

The dudes at the top control the wealth. The average rag top hasn't got two shekels to rub together.

The world's nations are only going to get more multi-cultural. You need to wake up and smell the 21st century coffee.

I am fully aware of this, oh wise grasshopper. We, as a people, are facing extinction. The future aint white, thats for sure.

Speaking of free benefits, how's the free heroin program working out in the UK? I still don't get how the UK joined the EU in the beginning days and now is grumbling because... I still don't know why. Too much time on some people's hands? Lack of education? Unsatisfying home life? I know! Hudsonhicks got rejected by enough Polish women that he is resentful of them now.

Start learning spanish,amigo.

And the free dope program in the UK has been around for over a decade

Its called methadone.
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #252
Nearly 2 Million Poles Swamping my country in less than 10 years does.

Its one big European country now. What's the matter? Can you not cope with the competion for jobs in the common market? Or:

Hudsonhicks got rejected by enough Polish women that he is resentful of them now.

Is this the real factor in your hatred for Polish people....?
polishmama  3 | 279  
22 Aug 2012 /  #253
Funny, you never heard of the program a moment ago and now you have a false idea of the heroin consumption rate in your country. Btw, the program doesn't give dope just to shooters, but also to snorters and smokers. Apparently, there were enough people in the population using the drug to warrant tax payer money being spent on their drug, needles, foil, and even a place to do their drug. That's not one or two people, mate.

Also, you are quoting stats which only account for the number coming in, not leaving. Blame your employers for wanting to hire on short term contract, etc. foreigners instead of natives.

art learning spanish,amigo.

Yo hablo Español already, amigo. And I'm a woman, so it's amiga. I also speak English, Polish and a bit of French and German. You?

And way to answer my question, by tossing in a backhanded comment about the US. I thought

Who gives a fook about North America. Its totally irrelevant to the topic at hand.

, remember? Or is this (insert British term to express your continued disappointment regarding the Revolutionary War) supposed to butt out of European affairs? Oh, that's right, it's a public forum about Poland, not bloody England.

Its called methadone.



They get pharmaceutical heroin on-site and methadone to take home.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #254
Also, you are quoting stats which only account for the number coming in, not leaving. Blame your employers for wanting to hire on short term contract, etc. foreigners instead of natives.

Cheap labour. A proper nationalist government would have all the CEOs of large companies in and question them as to why they are hiring non native labour.

Alas, most european governments are treasonous Eunuchs.

Funny, you never heard of the program a moment ago and now you have a false idea of the heroin consumption rate in your country. Btw, the program doesn't give dope just to shooters, but also to snorters and smokers. Apparently, there were enough people in the population using the drug to warrant tax payer money being spent on their drug, needles, foil, and even a place to do their drug. That's not one or two people, mate.

With all due respect, murder, crime,drug abuse and homelessness is off the scale in America. Europe is relatively crime free, in comparison.

Can you not cope with the competion for jobs in the common market?

I see you are about to venture forth into the unknown and become a TEFL teacher. Good luck with that, kid.

You are in for a rude awakening.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #255
This topic is about the Polish immigrants in teh UK..

Not Heroin Addicts..

Talk about Desperation to deflect issues!!
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #256
The dudes at the top control the wealth.

So in Britain and the US there is an equal distribution of wealth? No millionaires controlling the wealth whilst millions working for minimum wage? No under-class? - Wake up.

I am fully aware of this

Then you are also aware of the benefits of different nations and peoples working together to secure a more prosperious future.

We, as a people, are facing extinction

Cry more.

The future aint white

Is it Orange? I remember those adverts...

Start learning spanish,amigo

Why not? Useful language. It does have over 400million native speakers worldwide. Second only to mandarin.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #257
Legalise heroin.

Set up a massive drug rehabilitation centre on one of the islands. Round up all addicts and lock them up in said centre.

Release when clean and ease them back into society with back to work and education schemes.

Heroin problem largely eradicated.

polishmama  3 | 279  
22 Aug 2012 /  #258
With all due respect, murder, crime,drug abuse and homelessness is off the scale in America. Europe is relatively crime free, in comparison.

And? Also, have you seen the size of the USA and maps depicting distribution of crimes? The point is, some people need to stop complaining about free benefits and immigrants stealing yer jawbs. Anyway, I have a life and am not a miserable person filled with hatred toward others, I'm off to bask in Midwest American sunshine. :P
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #259
Yo hablo Español already, amigo. And I'm a woman, so it's amiga. I also speak English, Polish and a bit of French and German. You?

Eres tan estupido como un mapache.

They get pharmaceutical heroin on-site and methadone to take home.

That's nice.

Then you are also aware of the benefits of different nations and peoples working together to secure a more prosperious future.

Yeah, europeans and east asian immigration can be very beneficial. In small doses.

Cry more.

I am not crying. Simply stating a fact. White people shall make up just 1.5 per cent of the global population by 2100.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #260
Midwest American sunshine

A proud American woman posing as a " polish mama".

The Internet sees some truly bizarre characters indeed
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #261
question them as to why they are hiring non native labour.

The UK has been in the common market for quite some time now. Stop whining about it!

A proper nationalist government

Thank goodness we live in a democracy. Not gunna happen there kiddo!

This topic is about the Polish immigrants in teh UK..

Started by an uneducated, xenophobic loser who really shouldn't be posting this sort of garbage time and time again on a Polish Forum.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #262
Also, have you seen the size of the USA and maps depicting distribution of crimes?

I have yeah. Crime rates, per capita, are much higher in America than anywhere in Europe.

Why you brought it up, I have no clue.
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #263
I see you are about to venture forth into the unknown and become a TEFL teacher. Good luck with that, kid.

Which is the whole reason I joined this forum. To get friendly advice from people who have done the same, or can help me. I didn't come here to read your xenophobic garbage.

Also, I'm moving to Poland to get away from idiots like you. Easy to see why the country is going down the pan when. You and Hudsonhicks are the future of this country... God help us.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #264
The future of your country is african and islamicisation. Something which you no doubt welcome. Its no joke.

When the shtf, left wing fruitloops like you will be begging the "xenophobic right wing nazis" to help them.

Which will be funny.
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #265
I am neither

left wing

or a


you will be begging the "xenophobic right wing nazis" to help

Well, I won't be begging any such thing. And hopefully those people you mentioned will have grown up by then.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
22 Aug 2012 /  #266
Funky Samoan,True,but they were no more immigrants than the rest of Americans at the time,So it wasn't like moving them out because they were immigrants.That sentiment against Brits died long ago.You'd be hard pressed to find a lot of British immigrants in Boston now'days anyway.Has there been a big flux of immigrants in Poland?What is the overall sentiment towards immigration in Poland?
Meathead  5 | 467  
23 Aug 2012 /  #268
Funky Samoan,True,but they were no more immigrants than the rest of Americans at the time,So it wasn't like moving them out because they were immigrants.That sentiment against Brits died long ago.You'd be hard pressed to find a lot of British immigrants in Boston now'days anyway.Has there been a big flux of immigrants in Poland?What is the overall sentiment towards immigration in Poland?

There's a lot more English than you realize but you don't notice as they integrate almost immediately.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
23 Aug 2012 /  #269
Meathead,not in Boston and though they may integrate,they don't lose that accent right away.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
23 Aug 2012 /  #270
they don't lose that accent right away.

Hey,who can blame them?
Ive punched well above my weight with seriously cute American girls in Europe just because of my *sexy English accent * :)
Whats funny though is in England its sort of a redneck,out in the sticks,country accent :)

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of GhettoisationArchived