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First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation

Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
22 Aug 2012 /  #211
Does that mean British people have a right to SWAMP Italy in 2012, because of the atrocities that the Romans committed to the native BRITONS????

Modern Brits only share their name with "native Britons".
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #212
What's your point?
My point is no nation owes anything to anyone else based on the actions of their ancestors.

If you believe otherwise, then tell me.. how far back in history is the "cut off" point?
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #213
Does that mean British people have a right to SWAMP Italy in 2012

Yes, it does. As citizens of another EU member state we have that right.

work restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian nationals, who are members of the European Union, will be extended until the end of 2013, Immigration Minister Damian Green announced today.
Only 1 year to wait until the real party starts :)

So, when this happens will you start trolling their forums and leave PF?

Yes I can see it now...

Your 1st post will be about the benefit system in UK
Your second post will be "I think Bulgarians are better immigrants than Romanian"

Do you not have a job or a life yet?
Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
22 Aug 2012 /  #214
What's your point?
My point is no nation owes anything to anyone else based on the actions of their ancestors.

My point is that the example you chose does not make any sense at all!

First of all the Romans did not slaughter the "Old Britons", unlike Ceasar and his invasion army did with the Gauls in modern day France. In fact the Celtic culture flourished big time in Britain during Roman rule.

Secondly modern day Brits consist of Germanic immigrants for the most part, because the larger part of the Celtic "Old Britons" was slaughtered by Germanic Anglo-Saxons in the 5th and 6th century. Therefore modern Brits do not really care about what Romans did in Britain around Anno Domini.

What is a Brit anyway? It would make more sense to write about the English (almost purely Germanic by origin) and Scots and Welshmen (partly Celtic and partly Germanic by origin).

My point is no nation owes anything to anyone else based on the actions of their ancestors.

Agreed. There is no personal guilt that can be inherited! As a German I am pretty happy about the fact there is no vendetta or blood revenge in Europe, otherwise me and my countrymen would have a huge problem now I guess. But there is a moral responsibility for crimes committed by your ancestors that remains, at least this is my point of view!
polishmama  3 | 279  
22 Aug 2012 /  #215
You think you're having a normal rational argument with these people then they bring in history to cheat

Prejudiced dribble based on pseudofacts is not "having a normal rational argument", it's prejudice. And bringing up history when it 100% applies to whether or not Brits supposedly integrate 100% into former British colony countries where they speak English anyway is not cheating. It's presenting facts that debunk a flawed attempt at justifying prejudiced dribble.

In no way shape or form can I tolerate prejudice from anyone toward any group. I would argue against your prejudiced, hurtful and baseless views if you were saying this about Jews, Blacks, Middle Easterners, or any other group, just as strongly.

Disgusting attitude to have in life, really, and I presume that you are at a point in your life where you are unhappy with some things. Well, vomiting prejudiced views on a forum somewhere does not improve your life in any way shape or form, it just keeps fueling darkness in your heart. I hope you find peace in your heart and satisfaction in your personal life soon.

My point is that the example you chose does not make any sense at all!

boletus  30 | 1356  
22 Aug 2012 /  #216
That would be an interesting thread Britain and Poland's "Ideal Village and towns". I have to admit there are many picture postcard villages in the UK. You just do get to see the same in Poland.

I recommend Louis de Bernierès, Notwithstanding, stories from an English village. Highly amusing atmosphere of sixties and seventies, but not about imagined idyll; "it is about people who are worth remembering, whose lives are worth celebrating, and who would otherwise have been forgotten."
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #217
I'm prejudiced against Poles in this country because there's far too many. And this very fact facilitates their lack of integration. Thus GHETTO creating.

British people scatter everywhere across the USA, Canada, Australia . There is no town or city in the United States where you would find people saying "too many bloody British are here".

On the other hand, look at our towns and cities. Boston, Peterborough, Crewe, Coventry

The usual prerequisite for the average Brit choosing a place to settle in these countries is probably their work in which they obtained a VISA or a Green card for.

The normal prerequisite for the Polish people coming here is "where is teh Polski Sklep" "Where are the Poles at".
22 Aug 2012 /  #218
There is no town or city in the United States where you would find people saying "too many bloody British are here".

You've never been to Boston.
polishmama  3 | 279  
22 Aug 2012 /  #219
prejudiced against Poles

Glad you finally admit it, old chap! You hold prejudiced views!! Bravo.

Blahblahblah more prejudiced dribble that doesn't address points people make that debunk your pseudofacts. Go on, troll. Keep hating the world, somehow that will change things. Or, would you prefer England did to the Poles what Germany did... you know when. Oh, wait, more history. That's right, I don't recall you being able to handle that. Hateful hateful hateful person... smh
Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
22 Aug 2012 /  #220
British people scatter everywhere across the USA, Canada, Australia . There is no town or city in the United States where you would find people saying "too many bloody British are here".

So the English, Scots and Welshmen don't have any problems integrating in other English speaking Anglo-Saxon cultures?
Wow! What an accomplishment!
Seems to me that finally I met the true masters of adaption, adjustment and conversion.

But you do know that Great Britain was the archenemy of the United States until the late 1800s?
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #221
I only responding to the clowns that say British people have a reputation for creating Ghettos on other country's.
Some of you idiots need to read the thread in its entirety before blindly attacking me.

So far.. it's me against :

Patriotic Poles living comfortably in some Western Country. (The most patriotic are always the ones in exile)
Polish wannabes infatuated with Poland for some reason or another.
Clueless British lefties living sheltered lives and don't know anything about what's happening in this country.
Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
22 Aug 2012 /  #222
Don't be so whiny Hudson! I just attacked you because you seem to be fond of dubios comparisons.

First you were mixing up modern with ancient Brits, then you blamed the Romans for a genocide against the Celts committed by Anglo-Saxons 400 years later.

Then you compare the immigration of English speaking people in other English speaking countries with people that are confronted with a language barrier.

Millions of Poles moved to Germany within the last three centuries and most of them became loyal Germans after some time or they returned to Poland.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
22 Aug 2012 /  #223
The Polish are one of the worst integrating group of immigrants in the history of this country.

Polisk Sklep
Polish TV hooked up at home
Polish friends at work.
Visit only Polish Gynocologist, Dentists, Hairdressers (The list goes on)

I like Poland and Poles but I do have to admit that hudsonhicks is right here. It's pretty much the same in the US too.
f stop  24 | 2493  
22 Aug 2012 /  #224
That just shows that you guys do not know anything about first generation emmigrants from Italy, India, Pakistan, Cuba, Mexico etc etc..
4 eigner  2 | 816  
22 Aug 2012 /  #225
that just shows that you didn't really read what he said. He said "one of the worst integrating group of immigrants", he didn't say, you're the one and only.
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #226
I'm prejudiced against Poles in this country because

Because you're xenophobic and uneducated.

The normal prerequisite for the Polish people coming here is "where is teh Polski Sklep" "Where are the Poles at".

That doesn't even make sense. Is English your first language?

"where is teh Polski Sklep" "Where are the Poles at".

Ever thought about getting work as a translater?

One day when you leave school I hope you try to look past irrelevant differences such as nationality, race and colour.
We are all human beings. Try acting like one. You give British people a bad name.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
22 Aug 2012 /  #227
Harry,I live in Boston and I've never once heard any one complain that there were too many British immigrants here.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #228
So if 10 million Pakistanis flooded here this very second. Everything is ok because we're all human beings?

A nation may refer to a community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, or history.[1] In this definition, a nation has no physical borders.

Every nation has a right to remain true to this definition.
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #229
So if 10 million Pakistanis flooded here this very second. Everything is ok because we're all human beings?

Would it be a problem for you if they did?

A nation may refer to a community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, or history.[1] In this definition, a nation has no physical borders.
Every nation has a right to remain true to this definition.

Well, someone should have told Christopher Columbus that. Other than native Americans, all US citizens are either immigrants or descended from immigrants. Just like the British.

And don't forget that the British were sharing their 'culture' in Asia a long time ago... Just ask Gandhi.

So, you have already admitted being prejudice againgst the Polish. Will you admit that you are also racist against Pakistanis? Or, have I taken your words out of context?
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #230
TommyG you're a nutcase i don't have time for you.

Go and discuss events that took place in the age of sail with someone else.
TommyG  1 | 359  
22 Aug 2012 /  #231
i don't have time for you.

LMFAO. You know what they say: "If you can't stand the heat.... get out of the PF kitchen with your childish, petty-minded, xenophobic posts"
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #232
In no way shape or form can I tolerate prejudice from anyone toward any group. I would argue against your prejudiced, hurtful and baseless views if you were saying this about Jews, Blacks, Middle Easterners, or any other group, just as strongly.

Stick your nose out of European affairs, yank. Jews, blacks and middle easterners are not indigenous europeans, thus, they do not belong in europe.

Go peddle your melting pot utopia to the Chinese.

Yes, it does. As citizens of another EU member state we have that right.

Doesn't make it "right."

One day when you leave school I hope you try to look past irrelevant differences such as nationality, race and colour.

The founding father of British Liberalism, Disraeli, once said " its all about race, there is nothing truer."

If you don't believe in race, spend a few years living in a majority non white area. Experience is better than any textbook.

Would it be a problem for you if they did?

If ten million Pakistanis entered your country tomorrow, in ten years your countries society would resemble Pakistan's.

Without the sunny weather.
Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
22 Aug 2012 /  #233
Harry,I live in Boston and I've never once heard any one complain that there were too many British immigrants here.

True, but it also needs to be said that the American New England states pushed all of its inhabitants that remained loyal to the British crown out of the country 200 years ago - most of them moved to "British North America" aka. "Canada".
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #234

I'm slightly disturbed by yourself.. You've come around to the European together Solidarity Free movement Bullshit mentality.
Your country (Ireland) has been SWAMPED by foreigners from Eastern Europe. Arguably more per capital than the United Kingdom.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #235
True, but it also needs to be said that the American New England states pushed all of its inhabitants that remained loyal to the British crown out of the country 200 years ago - most of them moved to "British North America" aka. "Canada".

Who gives a fook about North America. Its totally irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Back to Europe........

I'm slightly disturbed by yourself.. You've come around to the European together Solidarity Free movement Bullshit mentality.
Your country (Ireland) has been SWAMPED by foreigners from Eastern Europe. Arguably more per capital than the United Kingdom.

I don't support mass immigration from anywhere. But EU migration is much better than non european immigration.

The lesser of two evils.

And I hate the EU.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #236
non european immigration is a discussion for another forum.

I like Indians.. they are more welcome here in my mind than the Poles.
Pakistanis are mainly filth, the Islam element plays its part here.
Somalians.. see above (Islam)

Indians, Filipinos, Chinese.. i have no problem with. They even bring nice food here.

over a million scrounging, benefit-seeking, sklepi building foreigners in the space of 10 years.. NO THANKS.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #237
I like Indians.. they are more welcome here in my mind than the Poles.
Pakistanis are mainly filth, the Islam element plays its part here.
Somalians.. see above (Islam)

Indians, Filipinos, Chinese.. i have no problem with. They even bring nice food here.

I am sure they are all nice lads but I would have no problem with rounding up each and every last one of them and shipping them all home. Fifth generation, fifth day here, makes no odds to me.

Repatriate, repatriate, repatriate.

over a million scrounging, benefit-seeking, sklepi building foreigners in the space of 10 years.. NO THANKS.

Leave the EU. Join a party that supports that ideal.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #238
I wouldn't deport anyone but the doors need to be SHUT instantly.

In 2013 the restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians are lifted in the UK & Ireland. Then the part really begins :)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2012 /  #239
In 2013 the restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians are lifted in the UK & Ireland. Then the part really begins :)

We waived that restriction about two months ago. Do keep up with current affairs.

I wouldn't deport anyone

I would. And in numbers never seen before.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
22 Aug 2012 /  #240
Don't embarrass yourself Revoke

Controls to restrict how Bulgarian and Romanian nationals access the UK labour market will be extended until the end of 2013, Immigration Minister Damian Green announced today.

This means Romanian and Bulgarian (EU2) nationals seeking to work in the UK will continue to require permission from the UK Border Agency before they can work in the UK.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of GhettoisationArchived