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First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation

OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
3 Aug 2012 /  #31
Here's a 160 page long forum threat on the Polish UK Community Forums on "Social Housing"


Sure that will help you.
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Aug 2012 /  #32
What are you trying to achieve here man?I mean seriously, I can understand your frustration but posting here won't do any good.If you want to do something about Poles in the UK you got to take to the street as here nobody cares.Stage some demonstration,join anti immigrant party or something,i don't know.not that your posts bother me,I just feel kind of sorry for you and your hopeless efforts to achieve I don't what here.
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #33
The case you are talking about is very similar to that one of some Poles here trying to overthrow the present Polish government by attacking it in their posts, sipping cold beer over the keyboard. :):):):):)

Sure that will help you.

Thanks a lot!! You are a real buddy.

But I also need to know about benefits for kids. I have 3. How much will I get?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Aug 2012 /  #34
Thanks a lot!! You are a real buddy.

Its *mate* not *buddy* if you are moving here :)
Or, *flower* if you are heading for The North :)
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #35
Its *mate* not *buddy* if you are moving here :)

I heard mate in Full Monty and didn`t like it. Polish immigrants mustn`t smear the language of the country they are staying in with silly words.

We will change this mate into buddy which sounds much friendlier.

Or, *flower* if you are heading for The North :)

You mean Pansy?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Aug 2012 /  #36
You mean Pansy?

Nope,different meaning Petal.
Dont worry love, outsiders are often surprised at the seemingly homo erotic chit chat between straight males in the North of England :)

If you have seen Full Monty then,that scene where they are stuck on the car in the middle of the canal and ,when a man walks past instead of asking for help they just nod and say hello's,no akward questions from the passer by,just an acceptance that strange things happen.....sums up part of the Yorkshire spirit better than any sociology essay ever could :)

No, *buddy* said in the UK is most often meant in a slightly insulting or provocative way,other wise it just sounds like someone trying to be American.....you know, old people dressed as cowboys.....
teflcat  5 | 1024  
3 Aug 2012 /  #37
seemingly homo erotic chit chat between straight males in the North of England :)

Not only in God's country. In the part of London I grew up in (LB Greenwich) street market traders called everyone darlin' , and I mean males talking to males. Perhaps things have changed.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Aug 2012 /  #38
And Pet and Hen in Newcastle.
I dont know,just as you think it might be dying out the young n trendies seem to grow out of the Jafaican patois and adopt the old ways :)
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #39
If you have seen Full Monty then,that scene where they are stuck on the car in the middle of the canal and ,when a man walks past instead of asking for help they just nod and say hello's,no akward questions from the passer by,just an acceptance that strange things happen.....sums up part of the Yorkshire spirit better than any sociology essay ever could :)

Yorkshire spirit, you say. Isn`t it traditional English attitude which rules in all the country?

OK, I will try to apply it when I already settle in the UK. When I see guys trying to keep balance on a car`s roof in the middle of the river, I will keep my distance. :):):)

Also should I keep my distance when I see a guy trying to commit a suicide in his car? (next scene from Full Monty which you probably liked). :):):):)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Aug 2012 /  #40
haha, Im not saying I *liked it* ,the attempted suicide scene,but that film really captured a world I knew well.
The way the attempted suicide was handled,or completly played down as a non event .
Sheffield really is a great city despite them showing the grittier,more run down areas in the movie.
When I was in sales I always loved getting Sheffield,even if customers didnt want anything they were always so friendly :)

No,no,you missed the lesson of the car in the canal.
Its not to keep your distance,its ,well, if they wanted help they'd just ask and you'd be presumed to go out of your way to give it.

I guess in the end its as hard to explain as the bits in the three colours films where my Polish friends just look at my blank face and say *Oh,thats just so Polish/Varsovian * . and I just nod politely :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Aug 2012 /  #41
The Next Stage of Ghettoisation

Dick, what do you expect from us ? Wanna hug or something ? If it's true what you are saying... should we nominate british for a collective Darwin award maybe ?
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #42
No,no,you missed the lesson of the car in the canal. Its not to keep your distance,its ,well, if they wanted help they'd just ask and you'd be presumed to go out of your way to give it.

Come on, don`t make simple things more complicated than they are....... :):):):)

.....just like Poles love doing.

I guess in the end its as hard to explain as the bits in the three colours films where my Polish friends just look at my blank face and say *Oh,thats just so Polish/Varsovian * . and I just nod politely :)


Keeping your distance, that`s so simple.
strzyga  2 | 990  
3 Aug 2012 /  #43
OK, I will try to apply it when I already settle in the UK.

Will you still be posting pictures when you emigrate? Provided, of course, that the benefits allow you to buy a camera.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
3 Aug 2012 /  #44
Laughable really. I like the Anglo-Saxon Immigrants angle on things. Funny.
Illegal Immigrants & Pakistanis.. heard it all before. Deflecting the issue

You seem to be the one who is deflecting the issue. Polish people move to England to work, usually for an employer. They pay tax and NI. Considering the number of Pakistani's who reside in the UK, think of how many actually work for employers. When I lived in the UK, it was either, corner shops, market stalls, restaurants, take-aways or taxi's, in short, anything that involves cash payments. I wonder why they prefer this kind of work instead of a nice manual job in construction or civil engineering. I had a company for over 30 years in the UK and not once did I get an enquiry for work from our Asian friends.

Again, the Poles are working legally, the same as hundreds of thousands of British who work throughout the world.
If you feel threatened by the competition from EU nationals, you can always move abroad. There is always the option to take your case to the European courts of Justice and complain that your rights have been breached, good luck with that!!, being English, you have no rights. This may change when you have Sharia law.
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #45
Will you still be posting pictures when you emigrate?

Of course. I will post pictures from run down areas where immigrants get cheap social housing from authorities.

But why are you asking?

Provided, of course, that the benefits allow you to buy a camera.

Come on, I expect benefits will be high enough to satisfy my needs. I am thinking of this stuff because we have always used Canons in my family:


But it costs nearly 1500 quid.

That is why I asked about kids benefit in UK and nobody answered! Will our 1-month, 3 kids benefit suffice to buy this stuff or I will need to save for 2 months?
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
3 Aug 2012 /  #46
"That is why I asked about kids benefit in UK and nobody answered! Will our 1-month, 3 kids benefit suffice to buy this stuff or I will need to save for 2 months?"

If possible you should bring your neighbors kids along for the registration. Once complete, you can send them back, but enjoy the continuing benefits....
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #47
If possible you should bring your neighbors kids along for the registration. Once complete, you can send them back, but enjoy the continuing benefits....

Thank you for good advice. People in UK are so friendly!! I will love meeting them in person!

PS. I hope they won`t mind seeing Canon camera on my immigrant`s neck and they will keep their distance.
strzyga  2 | 990  
3 Aug 2012 /  #48
Put a Zenit label over the Canon logo and you'll get higher benefits.
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #49
Put a Zenit label

Zenith? East German product? No, thank you.
strzyga  2 | 990  
3 Aug 2012 /  #50
No, it's Russian!
I've still got one buried somewhere in the closet. It certainly did the job.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
3 Aug 2012 /  #51
"PS. I hope they won`t mind seeing Canon camera on my immigrant`s neck and they will keep their distance"

Just keep it in the bag with the swan and they will never even check it...
BTW I am not from the UK
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #52
BTW I am not from the UK

You are Irish! I forgot!

Ooops, I didn`t want to offend or insult you with this UK. I am terribly sorry. Please, forgive me.

And it wasn`t a swan but the goose you saw me with.
Eva Aeri  - | 14  
3 Aug 2012 /  #53
Ok haters:)

I'm Polish.
I live and work in England.
I have a BA, MA and a Qualified Teacher Status.
I speak Spanish, Portuguese, French, Norwegian, Polish and English.
I was headhunted and offered the job because they couldn't find a suitably qualified British teacher. Those I've met hardly speak one foreign language, I don't know anyone who speaks two.

So everyone, sorry for taking your job :D

P.S. I'm learning German:)
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
3 Aug 2012 /  #54
"Please, forgive me."

Acknowlege my Canadian-ness and I can forgive you.
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #55
Acknowlege my Canadian-ness and I can forgive you.

Of course.

Do Canadians give good benefits to immigration peoples?
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
3 Aug 2012 /  #56
Some do. You probably wouldn't..
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Aug 2012 /  #57
I speak German, Russian and Polish.
Do you think the knowledge of these languages will make it easier for me to find a job as a teacher in the UK?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Aug 2012 /  #58
P.S. I'm learning German:)

I'd work on the English first, its structuraly awfull love.
FYI, even the working class England Football manager speaks more languages than you do,so, wind yer neck in.

Provided, of course, that the benefits allow you to buy a camera.

Dont be silly. You are given a Camera,a plasma screen TV and a BMW or Audio upon entry to the UK,didnt you know that?
teflcat  5 | 1024  
3 Aug 2012 /  #59
Ok haters:)

er...hello. That's not a very friendly introduction.

I'm Polish.
I live and work in England.

I'm English and live and work in Poland.

I speak Spanish, Portuguese, French, Norwegian, Polish and English.


I was headhunted and offered the job

Did I miss something? What job?

Those I've met hardly speak one foreign language, I don't know anyone who speaks two.

So, the greater the number of languages you speak, the better at the job you are. OK. What's the job?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Aug 2012 /  #60
So, the greater the number of languages you speak, the better at the job you are. OK. What's the job?

"Would you like fries with that?"
"wilt u frietjes bij?"
"quieres papas fritas con eso?"
"souhaitez-vous des frites avec ça?"
"Вы хотели бы жаркое с этим?"

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