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First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation

hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
2 Aug 2012 /  #1
Six Polish women in London decided to set up a school for Polish children. Passed through the maze of paperwork and 17 September in Croydon first bell will sound for a lesson.
The number of children willing to learn their mother tongue began to increase. While in London, new school were build, but there are still too few in relation to the needs and are located quite far away from our area. Seeing what are the needs in our area - we decided to give it a try, to meet the needs of parents of children who want to learn the language, culture and traditions of our country.

First proper "Polish" School opened in the UK. I might add, this is a proper fulltime Polish school, not a saturday school to reaffirm cultural links and language.

The Polish are one of the worst integrating group of immigrants in the history of this country.

Imagine if the Indian/Pakistani community opened up one of their schooles based on their curriculum.

This is the tip of the iceberg. Our goverment has welcomed foreigners from the EU, with full access to our Jobs Market, Benefits and Council housing. This influx has happened within such a short perioud of time, and with so many immigrants comming the Ghetto is easily created.

Expect more of these schools opening in places like Peterbourough, Doncaster, Crewe and other 'vibrant' areas.

Polisk Sklep
Polish TV hooked up at home
Polish friends at work.
Visit only Polish Gynocologist, Dentists, Hairdressers (The list goes on)

The only contact the Poles need have with British, is in the Job Centre to get thier council housing and tax credits. And even then the translater is provided.
Wroclaw Boy  
2 Aug 2012 /  #2
Back in 2004 they integrated much better, now I'll admit they seem to stick and populate certain areas. I was out yesterday in a well populated Polish area, 90's Audi's and BMW's everywhere. Bins and bin bags all over the place with cans of lech and tyskie pouring out. I'll take some pics next time and post them on here.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Aug 2012 /  #3
Imagine if the Indian/Pakistani community opened up one of their schooles based on their curriculum.


Imagine if the British opened up schools in Poland based on their system?



OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
2 Aug 2012 /  #4
Private "International" schools exist everywhere.

Nice try

According to official figures from the British embassy in Warsaw, around 2,500 Britons are currently living and working in Poland. Probably skilled educated people, not on Polish state benefits and paying a lot of tax.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Aug 2012 /  #5
I really do wonder why you seem to be so familiar with benefits.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Aug 2012 /  #6
Imagine if the Indian/Pakistani community opened up one of their schooles based on their curriculum.

They do.

Our goverment has welcomed foreigners from the EU, with full access to our Jobs Market, Benefits and Council housing. This influx has happened within such a short perioud of time, and with so many immigrants comming the Ghetto is easily created.

I used to think like that, too. The numbers are staggering and whether its a good thing or not is up for economic debate(personally I don't think it is). But in two generations the accession states grandchildren will have been fully integrated. They are white, christian and have high enough iqs.

Compare that to immigrants from the third world who will never integrate, have backward religious beliefs and have the iq of a mentally disabled person.

Visit only Polish Gynocologist, Dentists, Hairdressers (The list goes on)

Sounds like Brits and Irish living in Spain. ;)

Anyway, we native europeans and those of european descent make up just 8% of the global population.

United we stand, divided we fall.

We go it alone and we shall cease to exist in a century or two.

Your choice.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
2 Aug 2012 /  #7
Clutching at straws my Polish friends, as always.
The Brits in Spain is a complete non-comparison.

Most Brits in Spain are retirees, bringing their pensions and life savings to end their lives in the sun.

Hardly akin to people from a economically deprived background migrating to claim/earn what they can and send it home
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Aug 2012 /  #8
Clutching at straws my Polish friends, as always.

I am Irish. Re-read what I said.
Piorun  - | 655  
2 Aug 2012 /  #9
(The list goes on)

I presume it's hard to find curry there so no need for you to visit Polski Sklep, now is there?. As for the TV, I concede the language is a *****. Friends? Well you don't strike me as a particularly friendly chap or eager to make some new ones in any case. No need for you to visit Gynecologist either you are male after all, that's what that little symbol right next to your name indicates and if the stereotype holds true and you're as British as they come there's no real reason for you to visit the local dentist either so the only issue remaining is the hairdresser easily solved by sporting a crew-cut btw. Not only will it help you to bland in but perhaps even be excepted as one of our own, till you open your mouth that is, so what exactly is your problem?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Aug 2012 /  #10
Most Brits in Spain are retirees, bringing their pensions and life savings to end their lives in the sun.

Hahahaha. You obviously haven't been to Spain, otherwise you'd know all about the "im a builder, mate" types who are struggling to find any work whatsoever there.

Now hudsonhicks, sanddancer, gdyniaboy or one of your numerous other names - when are you going to get a job?
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
2 Aug 2012 /  #11
My problem is my country being exploited to the highest degree by a foreign national group that has arrived here to the tune of more than a million in under a decade. And the door is still open.

You're either ignorant of current affairs and the workings and realities of what goes on in these communities, you're Polish - infected with the "Polska Strong" mentality or you're a Brit Pole wannabe with some Polish parentage.
Piorun  - | 655  
2 Aug 2012 /  #12
And the door is still open.

Don’t you know how to close it? Hint – make some noise at your next Council Meeting and vote at your next election it just might be a bit more productive there then some forum.

Relax, soon the EU will collapse anyway and the door will be shut once again, If that’s any consolation for you but remember while it keeps what is undesirable in your mind out it will also keep you in, you might have something to look forward to after all. Meanwhile turn on your TV and enjoy Olympics while it’s still being broadcast in English.

you're Polish - infected with the "Polska Strong" mentality or you're a Brit Pole wannabe with some Polish parentage.

Got that right, there’s no or. 100% and loving it.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Aug 2012 /  #13
The numbers are foooking staggering, I agree. But most of your immigrants over the last few years have been NON EU.

Which is even more ludicrous.

I bought a British newspaper for the first time in years when the census was published and the figures thrown about were absolutely mental.

And commentators reckon they missed circa 2,000,000 people!

Sheer madness and it cannot continue for much longer.

Join UKIP I suppose.. They want to leave the EU.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
2 Aug 2012 /  #14
130,000 Polish children registered in the UK in 2009
Absolutely staggering.

I think these figures give more light on the true Polish Population in the UK figure.
I don't believe it's 500,000 like the papers claim. I'd bet my mortgage on it being over a million.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
2 Aug 2012 /  #15
Muslims DO open up their own private grade schools over here. They do not do the same in Britain?
Avalon  4 | 1063  
2 Aug 2012 /  #16
130,000 Polish children registered in the UK in 2009
Absolutely staggering.

At the same rate, the number receiving passports - and with them the right to full benefits - this year is predicted to reach 220,000, smashing the record total of 164,540 set in 2007.


I think you ought to get your priorities in order. A lot of Polish will return to their homeland, you will never get the others to go back, they have it too easy, living off your taxes.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
2 Aug 2012 /  #17
We'll never get rid of the Swan Eaters.

They're onto a good thing here, why would they?
Nice free council house, free money, tax credits, NHS,

Why would they go back?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Aug 2012 /  #18
A lot of Polish will return to their homeland

Weve been hearing that since 2004. The numbers keep on increasing, not decreasing.

Some will, most will not.

you will never get the others to go back


Once they get into Europe, that's that.
2 Aug 2012 /  #19
Why would they go back?

Well, see you next Tuesdays such as your good self would be the biggest reason I can think of.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Aug 2012 /  #20
Muslims DO open up their own private grade schools over here. They do not do the same in Britain?

they do, as do Jews and Catholics.....its no biggie...
Avalon  4 | 1063  
3 Aug 2012 /  #21
Nice free council house, free money, tax credits, NHS,

And you and your ilk voted for the political parties that allowed this.The main influx of immigrants entered the UK from 1997, under the Labour parties open door policy, the British people then voted in the same party for a further two terms, now you want things to go back as they were. It's taken 15 years for you to realise that the multi-cultural society does not work. Even your present government of the Con-Libs , after two years in power, are only now (reluctantly) taking steps to lower the yearly entry from third world countries.

My reasons for believing that the Poles will return in large numbers is the fact the present, inept British government will end up bankrupting the country, they are borrowing more money now than the previous one. Most of the proposed cuts have not even kicked in yet and the economy is getting worse. Further cuts will have to be made and there will be massive social unrest.

You mention 500,000 Poles living "legally" in the UK, yet you make no mention of the 500,000 failed asylum seekers, foreign students who overstayed their visa's, medical tourists who never return home which makes me find your agenda a little suspect.

If you want to blame anybody, try your own government, send your protests to them and see if they give a siht about what you think.
MarcinD  4 | 135  
3 Aug 2012 /  #22
infected with the "Polska Strong" mentality or you're a Brit Pole wannabe with some Polish parentage.

The British EMPIRE going soft now? Watching the London Olympics Opening Ceremony dawned on me how similar UK & US are in terms of being melting pots. I stated to friends while I applaud the open-minded & self reflecting show the Brits put on, I would be embarrassed if Poland introduced Rap, women kissing & inter-racial couples to the Olympic games.

As stated above: Brits should be grateful the new wave of immigrants are white, christian & share western values. How would you like poor, uneducated & baby dropping immigrants from South America or Asia instead like here in the US. America sold it's culture out a long time ago for cheap labor & corporate profits

My personal experience with Poles immigrating to Southern California in the late 80's & early 90's is extreme competition within the community & not much working together. Abandoning Poland & taking on all things American. Then again maybe the American ''rat race'' system might be to blame & the US/UK today are nowhere near the influential powers the United States was in that time period.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
3 Aug 2012 /  #23
Now hudsonhicks, sanddancer, gdyniaboy or one of your numerous other names - when are you going to get a job?

While the poster loves to come out in still new internet incarnations, his views tend to remain monotonously unchanged, which is why he can be so easily indentified by the connaisseurs of the forum, including Delph or myself.

I wonder where the guy lives; is it the presumably dull city of Gdynia where his damned fate brought him one day and left on the ungraciouos Polish soil with no hope of returning to the miraculous Isles now overtaken by the unsustainable herds of barbaric Poles, or does he still live on the overcrowded (Small, but Once Great) Island called Britain where he once got to know a Polka, one of those coming with the herds from Poland, fell infatuated with, and later on that Polka left him for another, and the guy now meets her every time he goes out shopping in the local Polski Sklep because she's a shop assistant there?
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Aug 2012 /  #24
hes got some points though, a pakistani told me yesterday as ironic as that might seem that theres 60,000 Poles living in my town, a town with a population of 240,000, wiki lists the Poles at 20,000 or 1 in every 11. I would estimate at about 30,000. All coming here since 2004, its way, way too much.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
3 Aug 2012 /  #25
Of course he has, but his points are so monotonously boring that nothing valuable comes out of it. Britain had often "problems" with immigration. In 878 there was way, way too many Danes in Britain, and after 1066 there was way, way too many Normans there. You would say that they at least were not abusing the social security system of the ancient Anglo-Saxons, but it's not true, they were robbing the Anglo-Saxons of their various goods and possessions which was way, way much more costly than claiming the benefits from the local councils by the Polish at present. And what came out of it eventually? Britons assimilated them all even if they distorted the English language to the point that some of you, English people, would humouristically call it "French spoken badly" even today.

Yet, those invaders and immigrants contributed much with the "value-added" thing which people so amazingly one-sided in their views as gdyniaguy would never understand. The influx of Polish people is a long-term gain for Britain and a long-term loss for Poland. The reason why the Polish stay in Britain is that the so-called "social capital" is much higher in this country than in Poland. I strogly doubt that the Polish would diminish the British social capital in the long term, they would rather increase their own through contact and assimilation with the indigenous population.

It is a great pity that the Polish people are going to stay for ever in Britain since it's going to be an obvious loss for Poland in the light of the demographic bomb which is slowly heading towards Europe.
3 Aug 2012 /  #26
How would you like poor, uneducated & baby dropping immigrants from South America or Asia

Sounds good to me, Warsaw could do with more places serving that kind of food.

I wonder where the guy lives

My money would be very firmly on 'with his parents'.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
3 Aug 2012 /  #27
Polisk Sklep

Hudson the same thing has been going on in the US for the past century nobody cares, you're been paranoid. The are Polish speaking areas in and around New York or Chicago where one doesn't have to leave the community or communicate with the natives to shop, find employment, doctor, anything. In places like Miami where some 80 percent of people are Latino and half were born abroad, it's the same thing but on a much larger scale. Assimilation happens much easier on it's own not by force.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
3 Aug 2012 /  #28
Laughable really. I like the Anglo-Saxon Immigrants angle on things. Funny.
Illegal Immigrants & Pakistanis.. heard it all before. Deflecting the issue

Very disappointing so far I'm still waiting for the 303 Squadron mention and how their heroism makes things all ok. As saviors of Britain and indeed the western world, they automatically earned the right for millions of Poles to become parasites of this state.
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Aug 2012 /  #29
Compare that to immigrants from the third world who will never integrate, have backward religious beliefs and have the iq of a mentally disabled person.

Oh boy, you sound like a fool!
pawian  226 | 27817  
3 Aug 2012 /  #30
Guys, job possibilites for English teachers in Krakow are shrinking. There are fewer and fewer students in the city as they are leaving for the UK.

I am thinking of letting my 2 flats in Krakow for a few years and going to the UK with my wife and 3 kids. I believe there will be more job opportunities for me in Polish areas.

Can you tell me what kind of dotation I will get from the British government? Where should I submit documents and what kind? How high is the benefit for 3 kids? What benefit do I get when I register as unemployed? (still working as a teacher of course, unofficially, but don`t tell it anyone).

PS. Kids can go to a British school, I don`t mind, I will teach them the language.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of GhettoisationArchived