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Fertile Polish Women in the UK

OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
28 Nov 2012 /  #61

Many of which are second and third generation and therefore counted as UK born and British...

No read the stats again. Explicitly says UK-Born mothers.

It really is. There's many countries in Europe with UK populations. Why ain't the French breeding like animals over here? Germans?

Once again on these forums, things are diverted onto British people. It's OUR country lol.
I'd rather have scrounging lazy Brits here than foreigners. At least they continue our culture, language and traditions, don't send money out of our economy, don't build Polski Skleps everywhere and DON'T kill our carp and swans.
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Nov 2012 /  #62
Why ain't the French breeding like animals over here? Germans?

There are some ethnic groups/nationalities in the UK that are breeding like animals. The Poles are not one of them. You still haven't provided any statistics to prove your case.

Once again on these forums, things are diverted onto British people. It's OUR country lol.

It's an American based website about Poland and Polish people. It has very little to do with Britain.

I'd rather have scrounging lazy Brits here than foreigners

We're all quite well aware of that. Fortunately, because there's so many 'scrounging lazy Brits' (your words) it makes it easier for immigrants to find work:D

If they decide to stay here and start a family then all the best to them. As an EU citizen you have the same rights.
28 Nov 2012 /  #63
Why ain't the French breeding like animals over here? Germans?

How many French and German live in the UK? And what is the average age for them?
Probably the population of them is much lesser and they are professionals in their 40s/50s, or students who came to the UK just for the time of their course.

For an immigrant group over here.. supposedly "working" and "studying". That's a HELL of a lot of babies.They're beating the Pakistanis and the Africans - Third-Worlders who know nothing better than breeding for benefits.

What's strange with working and having a baby? Many people who emigrated are our age (mid 20s, early 30s) and it's natural for them to have babies.


Why do you popularise this urban legend?

But you're not though are you. You're a European Caucasian, just like me. European tribes have been moving around and inter marrying for thousands of years.

Yet you noticed differences in culture ;P
GabiDaHun  2 | 152  
28 Nov 2012 /  #64
At least they continue our culture,

Pints of cheap Stella. Jeremy Kyle. Fake Burberry. Rowdiness. Mad fer it. Up for a fight. Staffordshire bull terriers. Fake tan. Wilful ignorance. Sofa rotting in the front garden. Littering. Chain Smoking.

Surely a culture that must continue. More of the same please. Long may it continue.

Chav Boys

Not every Polish is good. Not everything British is good.
28 Nov 2012 /  #65
no point replying.

Does it mean you won't write again in this thread?
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Nov 2012 /  #66
You're both retarded.. you don't understand maths or demographics..

no point replying.

Owned again! :D:D:D:D:D:D Funny that when you lose the argument you resort to name calling:D
I have a sound understanding of mathematics thank you:D This is why I am able to use statistics to show that your thread and your argument are nonsense.

Does it mean you won't write again in this thread?

It would be nice if he stopped posting nonsense threads about Poles in the UK. But while he continues I will own him every time:D
berni23  7 | 377  
28 Nov 2012 /  #67
take jobs, drink beer

Oh my, those rowdies!
Marysienka  1 | 195  
28 Nov 2012 /  #68
Some Polish people went to UK in 2004, they meant to stay for a bit and come back, but found out they have more opportunities there, then in Poland, they got married and decided to have kids. Some people came to UK and took children with them. Some who lived on benefits here heard stories about how easy it is to get benefits in UK and how much easier life is there so they went there.

I think what hudsonhicks has a problem with is Poles living in UK, not their fertility rate, which is at a replacement level more-less.
It was a part of Polish culture to have 2-3 kids,
UK gets Poland's working class family oriented people, career minded singles are more around all EU.
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Nov 2012 /  #69
I think what hudsonhicks has a problem with is Poles living in UK, not their fertility rate

I think that you are definitely right:D I'm glad that I have been made a lot more welcome in Poland than a lot of Poles are in the UK. Doesn't say much for my country does it?
Marysienka  1 | 195  
28 Nov 2012 /  #70
All these are economic migrants.

I read a bit and it seems Polish people have trouble with applying for those benefits, they ask what they can apply for in their situation, how long would they wait and things like that.

Children's health in UK, feeding, have that same amount of posts, everything about kids have 10 times more, as pregnancy and childbirth.

They work there, pay taxes and if they can get "benefits" they will apply. It is simple. You have rules that say : if you are/do do this and that you can get benefits.

People go to forum and ask - I have this situation, what can I apply for.

And now nobody knows what I was replying to
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
28 Nov 2012 /  #71
Any income tax paid by these immigrants is completely negated and exceeded by topup benefits like Tax Credits and Housing Benefit. They're a NET DRAIN on our economy.

....And this is before we talk about the billions they send out of the country to Poland.
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Nov 2012 /  #72
Any income tax paid by these immigrants is completely negated and exceeded by topup benefits like Tax Credits and Housing Benefit. They're a NET DRAIN on our economy.

Do you have figures to prove this? I believe Gordon Brown said quite the opposite a few years ago.
I imagine a lot of the income tax paid by Poles is spent on benefits claimed by British scroungers.
By the way you're completely off-topic and your obsession with Poles and benefits is really sad. Time to get a job/life...
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
28 Nov 2012 /  #73

Do you have figures to prove this? I believe Gordon Brown said quite the opposite a few years ago.
I imagine a lot of the income tax paid by Poles is spent on benefits claimed by British scroungers.
By the way you're completely off-topic and your obsession with Poles and benefits is really sad. Time to get a job/life...

I don't need to drag some figures up. Use your brain.

Average housing benefit payout is around £500 a month. How many people are paying 500 quid in income tax a month?

TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Nov 2012 /  #74
I don't need to drag some figures up. Use your brain.

I wish just for once that you would use yours.
If you can't find any figures on the internet (of which you spend most of your day looking for dirt to throw) that would suggest that there isn't any you can manipulate to back your case.

I think the percentage of Poles claiming housing benefit is vastly fewer than the numbers of British people claiming HB.
If you can prove otherwise, go ahead...
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
28 Nov 2012 /  #75
I should hope so seen as this is our country!!

I'm just saying a good percentage Poles are scroungers. They make no net contribution to our economy as a whole migrant group.
The British tax payer is feeding and supporting these people. Especially if they have children.

The only exception to this rule that i can think of are single young people who are living in shared housing paying rent and working full time.
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Nov 2012 /  #76
I'm just saying a good percentage Poles are scroungers. They make no net contribution to our economy as a whole migrant group.

I'm afraid that you are wrong again. They do make a net contribution. Every time they spend money buying food, petrol, Lech (your favourite tipple I know), clothes, etc they are helping the economy and indirectly paying tax. Don't underestimate the multiplier effect. It creates a lot of jobs.

The only exception to this rule that i can think of are single young people who are living in shared housing paying rent and working full time.

This is about 95% of Poles (including students who work PT) that I've ever met in the UK. Even mothers work, most are forced to work a different shift to their partner but do it all the same.

Yes, there are scroungers but they are a vast minority.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
28 Nov 2012 /  #77
Why do lots and lots of discussion forums like this exist?


Google Chrome has translated most of it into English.

There's a whole load of websites, forums, even facebook groups for the Polish "expats" in the United Kingdom. Just type into google "benefity w uk" (Benfits in the UK) and you'll find 72,000 results.


Oo look you even get Youtube videos on how to claim Housing Benefit in Polish LOL
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Nov 2012 /  #78
Just type into google "benefity w uk" (Benfits in the UK) and you'll find 72,000 results.

I just typed 'benefits in the UK' in English and got 708,000,000 results. So what does that prove?
Do you have anything else to add to this thread about the fertility of Polish women in the UK that you started or is it dead now?

Marysienka has already answered your concerns from the Polish point of view.
If there's nothing more to say on the topic in question, I would suggest that this thread should be closed...
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
28 Nov 2012 /  #79
There's only 1 website that english speaking people need when applying for Benefits - direct.gov.uk
Marysienka  1 | 195  
28 Nov 2012 /  #80
I just talked about first link, everything about kids, including benefits.
Other are more accountant advertisement. You can get benefits, we will help you. And facebook account has extrime number of "likes" - 58.

Of course Uk's fertility rate is so high compared to Poland's because of those benefits. you stop paying benefits total fertility rate will decrease. I think that decrease will be lower among Poles than average in UK.

Also among those sites with "benefity w UK" is Polish Forums.com
berni23  7 | 377  
28 Nov 2012 /  #81
There's only 1 website that english speaking people need when applying for Benefits - direct.gov.uk

you obviously know your way around
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Nov 2012 /  #82
There's only 1 website that English speaking people need when applying for Benefits - direct.gov.uk

I think that it has already been mentioned that many of the fertile Polish women (and men) in the UK speak better English than certain 'British' posters here.

So can you actually 'apply' for housing benefit from those Polish websites that you mentioned?
Can I apply on a Polish website for benefits in the UK? Or is it just for information for people in their own language?

TommyG is having a mental breakdown.. his infatuation for everything Polish has gone into overload, in his primitive brain Polishness is the epitome of godliness and they can do no wrong

You are a fool and you are wrong. I laugh at you and your tiny little brain:P
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
28 Nov 2012 /  #83
Of course Uk's fertility rate is so high compared to Poland's because of those benefits. you stop paying benefits total fertility rate will decrease. I think that decrease will be lower among Poles than average in UK.

Thanks.. Marysienka that's exactly what i think.

Poles are breeding more here to take advantage of benefits.

TommyG is having a mental breakdown.. his infatuation for everything Polish has gone into overload, in his primitive brain Polishness is the epitome of godliness and they can do no wrong
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Nov 2012 /  #84
Also among those sites with "benefity w UK" is Polish Forums.com

Well, HudsonHicks did recently famously claim to help Poles with their benefit claims on other forums...
Maybe it was that one...?
Marysienka  1 | 195  
28 Nov 2012 /  #85
either I my English much is worse than I think or you can't read and understand. (Tommy please tell me where I went wrong)

I thought Benefits are to support parents and in that to have a steady fertility rate. If you take them off all people in UK including Poles will have lover fertility rate. But among Poles the difference would be smaller than in whole country.
TommyG  1 | 359  
29 Nov 2012 /  #86
How's that?
TommyG  1 | 359  
29 Nov 2012 /  #87
You're very welcome:D Your English isn't that bad. It's very clear what you meant:)

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Fertile Polish Women in the UKArchived