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Polish families in Greater Manchester...A project about you! Please help!

Jen Manchester  1 | -  
30 Jul 2010 /  #1

Mam na imię Jennifer i jestem studentką Uniwersytetu w Leeds. Piszę doktorat na temat polskich rodzin imigrantów w Manchesterze.

3 Pytania...
1.Czy jesteś Polakiem/Polką?
2.Czy masz dzieci (5-16 lat)?
3. Czy przyjechaleś/przyjechalaś do Wielkiej Brytanii po 2004 roku?

Jesli Twoja odpowiedź jest "Tak" na wszystkie 3 pytania, chciałabym, żebyś wziął/wzięła udział w tym projekcie.

Dzięki współpracy z polskimi migrantami, takimy jak Ty i członkowie Twojej rodziny, mam nadzieję dowiedzieć więcej na temat...
• decyzji o przeprowadzce do Wielkiej Brytanii
• codziennego życią tutaj, w Manchesterze
• Twojego życia w Polsce
• Twoich planów na przyszłość

Jeśli zdecydujesz się wziąć udział w projekcie, odwiedzę Cię w domu, i porozmawiam z Tobą i innymi członkami rodziny w czasie dla Ciebie dogodnym.

Podczas wizyty będę rozmawiać z Wami indywidualnie oraz z całą rodziną razem.

Mam nadzieję, że to doświadczenie będzie przyjemne i da Wam szansę, aby opowiedzieć Waszą historią!

My name is Jennifer Brown. I am a PhD student at the University of Leeds. My PhD project is about Polish migrant families in Manchester.

3 questions...
1. Are you Polish?
2. Do you have a child/children aged 5-16 years old?
3. Did you arrive in Britain after 2004?

If your answer ‘Yes’ to all 3 questions, I would like you to be involved in this project.

By working with Polish migrants -such as you and members of your family- I hope to understand more about...
• your decision to move
to Britain
• your everyday life here in Manchester
• your life in Poland
• your plans for the future

If you decide to take part in the project, I will visit you at your home to interview you and the other members of your family at a time convenient for you.

During the visit I will chat to you on your own and with the other members of your family.
I hope you enjoy having the chance to tell your story.

Do you want to be involved in the project?
Chcesz wziąć udział w projekcie?

Any questions?
Masz pytania?

Contact me...Kontakt do mnie...

If you can't answer "yes" to all three questions, but know someone who can, please get in touch! I want my PhD project to reflect what the Polish community has to say! It will be a fun, friendly project!

I look forward to hearing from you....
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
30 Jul 2010 /  #2
I want my PhD project to reflect what the Polish community has to say!

By excluding the majority of the Polish population, it won't exactly represent a wide range of opinions. But then, I'm sure you have an agenda or two.

I look forward to reading the article which will inevitably claim to describe "the Polish way of life in the UK", knowing that it won't reflect my experience at all.

This all sounds like lazy journalism rather than a "PhD student" to me.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Jul 2010 /  #3
Piszę doktorat na temat polskich rodzin imigrantów w Manchesterze.

By excluding the majority of the Polish population, it won't exactly represent a wide range of opinions

she is working on the families, not on single people. It has nothing to do with lazy journalism.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
30 Jul 2010 /  #4
As I said before...

I want my PhD project to reflect what the Polish community has to say!

Concentrating only on families who arrived within the last six years doesn't exactly
equal "the Polish community", it represents a proportion of it, and not the majority of it, therefore I was right to point out that her research would not be truly representative.

A Google search also shows that there is a journalist by the same name working for BBC Leeds. Coincidence? Maybe. But it wouldn't be the first time a journalist has tried to get a message board to do his/her work for them, either. In which case, "lazy journalism" is indeed a possibility.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Polish families in Greater Manchester...A project about you! Please help!Archived