I just don't undetstand. Always liked the poms these ppl seem like there is some problem in their head. I would definately welome you lot. What the hell is their problem anyway. Thats my big question, can't put my finger on it, don't understand why anyone would be rude to you or laugh at you?
Why English do not like Polish?
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
30 Jul 2015 / #242
Thats my big question, can't put my finger on it, don't understand why anyone would be rude to you or laugh at you?
it doesnt take much in Poland to set off the shopgirls for example.
A certain type of Polish woman seems to find foreigners just the most hilarious thing she ever encountered. And she will make no secret of it!
It fekcing hacks me off, we 'Poms' have had to listen to people mashing up our language for eve
A certain type of Polish woman seems to find foreigners just the most hilarious thing she ever encountered. And she will make no secret of it!
Yes this is true. Polish women never conceal their feelings. If they're in a bad mood they don't make an effort to put on a brave face in public. When they suffer, everyone suffers! That's one of the reasons my Polish husband is happy to have an Irish wife!
I found the Natives very cold and some really rude.
Yes, in my experience they're just not friendly to strangers. You have to get to know Polish people before they crack a genuine smile. Sometimes the younger ones are a bit more open and welcoming but not always.
My family doesn't speak polish but I do so we never had a problem. I am sorry to hear about your experience, plenty of us love england so don't listen to those nasty butt wipes.
Steveramsfan 2 | 305
30 Jul 2015 / #245
At Jakers.
Where in Poland did you visit? I have never found a problem in Poland in the Non Tourist areas. People have never been rude to me and I see my friends all having fun and enjoying themselves.
England is a dump and is in a much worse state than Poland. There is more money in the jobs in England but money is not everything in life.
Britain is just a joke now, they cannot do anything on the world stage without being American lapdogs.
I like the Polish more than I like my own countrymen.
Where in Poland did you visit? I have never found a problem in Poland in the Non Tourist areas. People have never been rude to me and I see my friends all having fun and enjoying themselves.
England is a dump and is in a much worse state than Poland. There is more money in the jobs in England but money is not everything in life.
Britain is just a joke now, they cannot do anything on the world stage without being American lapdogs.
I like the Polish more than I like my own countrymen.
21 Aug 2015 / #246
I like polish folk they do make me laugh unlike some boring Brits .
I do however have one bad point to say . Why do so many Polish seem to be ignorant to food why most I see are always going on about Polish this is better . Surely this is just ignorant of other cultures . I eat all sorts from across the globe . Maybe 80% of Brits like British bland food but some of us do actually indulge other stuff . I seem to have experienced most polish I know don't like anything other than polish . I wonder if this is just me !! Ha ha don't shoot me 😉
I do however have one bad point to say . Why do so many Polish seem to be ignorant to food why most I see are always going on about Polish this is better . Surely this is just ignorant of other cultures . I eat all sorts from across the globe . Maybe 80% of Brits like British bland food but some of us do actually indulge other stuff . I seem to have experienced most polish I know don't like anything other than polish . I wonder if this is just me !! Ha ha don't shoot me 😉
This is to Sledz........ Like I said before, I have just come back from Poland and it seems to me that you have not looked closely at your own country,
My country is 6000 miles away from Poland, what are whining about?
there weren't very many smiles there, people were very rude to us
Judging from your posts, it doesn't surprise me.
If you do not like us then do not come to Britain.
I never said I was going there?
so you should criticize your own country.
I do on a regular basis!
you know nothing about.
ou are only mouthing off by heresay s
I must have learned from you!
Through personal experiences of course;I know many who are disrespectful,rude,murderes and criminals;some have sex slaves.
I know many who are disrespectful,rude,murderes
some have sex slaves.
You know many murderers? Some with sex slaves? Gosh, you move in exciting circles.
I do not know any Poles or British, in either country, who keep 'sex slaves', nor would it be a reason to dislike a whole nation even if I did. But then again, it looks like we know very different people.
Englishman 2 | 276
27 Aug 2015 / #250
Through personal experiences of course;I know many who are disrespectful,rude,murderes and criminals;some have sex slaves.
Sex slaves? In the UK? Which city? Obviously I'm moving in the wrong circles.
30 Jan 2016 / #251
In the main the English are so preoccupied judging and claiming superiority over others ( including themselves ) and being royalty shafted by their own government that when other Europeans encounter this attitude , they mistakingly it is directed at them individually .
Obviously I'm moving in the wrong circles.
The dark side of your country must have scared you, so you close your eyes and live in a fool's paradise.
I don't think it is true.
I think only uneducated Brits. don't like Poles. Because educated Brits. know that not all Poles are the same.
I've met Poles that were idiots, and I've met Poles that were totally fine and very polite and respectful people.
It's a thing you can't generalize, and people who hate Poles, usually build their opinion on cliches.
@Labrador! Good to read all your comments! Absolutely, to be prejudiced and to hate entire nations/populations only show lack of education, of intelligence and of experience. Hang around and you'll read a lot of members who have moreover have NEVER set a foot in a particularly country but they HATE (????) everything about it. Pure stupidity! Fortunately in real life, I have no contacts with people of this kind. Personally, I hang around dozens of nationalities on a daily basis and I love it. Sad that some people (including a lot of members in PF) are so closed minded and refuse others simply because they happen to be "different".
I agree, and yeah, I've met quite some " numskulls " in PF so far. I am not sure if I will stay with this community much longer.
I created my account like 2 days ago, but already got enough from all this arrogance in this community.
I agree, and yeah, I've met quite some " numskulls " in PF so far. I am not sure if I will stay with this community much longer.
I created my account like 2 days ago, but already got enough from all this arrogance in this community.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
25 Feb 2016 / #256
I agree, and yeah, I've met quite some " numskulls " in PF so far.
Me too, we call them the Brit Bullies.
Since most of the Brit Bullies here are Politically Correct and use words for their crutch like bigot, homophobe, racists to support their debates however most Poles are Politically Incorrect realizing that Politically Correct is nothing more than thought control and the Poles don't fall for it.
Let me explain Political Correctness;
Step 1. Cause people to worry offending those around them
Step 2. Once afraid to speak out, then afraid to think
Step 3. Once afraid to think it, it is never spoken
Step 4. Control of the public is achieved
The Polish here know the cure which is speak your mind and free those around you.
Since the Polish people are Political Incorrect the English get frustrated that they can't control the Pole's with their British Brilliance.
This frustrates the Brits to the point that they don't like the Polish members because the Polish members have out smarted the Brit Bullies by not playing their game of Political Correctness.............but only on this forum.
That's why the English don't like the Polish.
Class dismissed
Please don't speak on the behalf of Poles. You are not one, you never even visited this country not to mention living here. Take your war with them to random.
I didn't notice any special animosity from British ppl. If anything some poorer and less educated ppl hold a grudge since they have to compete with Poles for work. Not unusual and can be seen in all countries. The only thing that is annoying is that some ppl when talking about immigration seem to only remember Poles.
As often as I met with frowns and hostile approach I also met with sympathy.
I didn't notice any special animosity from British ppl. If anything some poorer and less educated ppl hold a grudge since they have to compete with Poles for work. Not unusual and can be seen in all countries. The only thing that is annoying is that some ppl when talking about immigration seem to only remember Poles.
As often as I met with frowns and hostile approach I also met with sympathy.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
25 Feb 2016 / #258
Please don't speak on the behalf of Poles. You are not one,
This is something you people in Poland refuse to accept. So sad to bad.
Here in America people with Polish ancestry are referred to as Polish.
Therefore here in America I am considered Polish weather YOU like it or not. Get it !
I have tried to be nice and respect your stinginess but as you can see I am Polish and lack Political Correctness. lol
So now that we have an understanding that I may not be considered Polish in Poland that I am considered Polish here in the U.S.A.
I have no idea how YOU may try to change those facts.
@Labrador: yes, most Pf members are sickening as they are prejudiced, uneducated, limited so write a lot of BS but there are also some nice people so don't go away! :)
@Lenka: 100% agreed but you know, those rednecks do the same not only with Poland and the Poles but with almost any country. They of course don't know anything so have to rely on (stupid) clichés or AT MOST they have met ONE person and they generalize to the WHOLE population.
I do live in Poland, had a Polish husband, have family in Poland, have met tens of thousands of Poles and I can say, people are not the same ;). It is of course the same in ANY other country. In any given population, everything and its contrary and anything in between can be found.
Yes some Poles are truly a####holes and some Poles are great and this applies to ANY nationality. It seems obvious to me but considering the high % of rednecks in this forum, it is necessary to stress it ;)
Needless to say, I do NOT judge people according to their passport ;). I have intereacted with probably all over 50 different nationalities, all colors, all creeds and NO problem! I have lived in several countries and here again NO problem!
@Rednecks: do learn languages, travel, meet people and you'll discover a lot of great people instead of staying in front of your computer and keeping your (stupid) préjudices against X or Y.
@Lenka: 100% agreed but you know, those rednecks do the same not only with Poland and the Poles but with almost any country. They of course don't know anything so have to rely on (stupid) clichés or AT MOST they have met ONE person and they generalize to the WHOLE population.
I do live in Poland, had a Polish husband, have family in Poland, have met tens of thousands of Poles and I can say, people are not the same ;). It is of course the same in ANY other country. In any given population, everything and its contrary and anything in between can be found.
Yes some Poles are truly a####holes and some Poles are great and this applies to ANY nationality. It seems obvious to me but considering the high % of rednecks in this forum, it is necessary to stress it ;)
Needless to say, I do NOT judge people according to their passport ;). I have intereacted with probably all over 50 different nationalities, all colors, all creeds and NO problem! I have lived in several countries and here again NO problem!
@Rednecks: do learn languages, travel, meet people and you'll discover a lot of great people instead of staying in front of your computer and keeping your (stupid) préjudices against X or Y.
You may even be considered Martian in USA for all I care. The fact is you are not. And believe me that Brit Bullies as you call them don't care that your great grandmother or some other long dead soul was Polish. But anyway it doesn't matter as you only make yourself look stupid.
I, as a real Polish person, never encountered any hatred on big scale towards Poles.
I, as a real Polish person, never encountered any hatred on big scale towards Poles.
NO problem
Except for the fact that by your own admission you can never hang on to your Polish friends - why would that be I wonder?
learn languages
That's InPolska's answer to everything. Become a 'leengweest' like herself. Or alternatively people could learn to paint in oils, embroider, bake light and fluffy sponge cakes, ride a horse, build a garden shed, change their own spark plugs and engine oil.......the possibilities for extending one's horizons are endless and are not confined to languages and travel.
'But why should I wish to do such things? If I want a painting I will buy it, if I want a cake I will buy it, if I want a garden shed I will pay someone to build it for me, in any case I DESPISE garden sheds!! As for spark plugs and engine oil, if I owned a car (the public transport in Warsaw is a disgrace not like la belle France and the other fifty countries I have lived in), why should I wish to make my lady fingers filthy with engine oil?'
@Atch!: here again! I once said that a couple of times, I had Polish people disappeared overnight (this attitude was ALSO experienced by some other PF members) so why don't you quote people properly??
A few weeks ago, while talking to a Romanian expat reading a lot about history and about Poland, she told me something that makes sense to me. Poles don't call "friends" people unless they have known them for years and do not call "friends" people they have interacted with for no more than a few weeks (my case) or months and as a consequence they may disappear overnight because for them we are not "friends". As a westerner, I consider people after a few weeks as "friends", but Poles don't see it this way.
Atch: yes, are you so hostile? I thought that in your Church, you were taught to love everybody.
Or something else, you seem so obsessed by me! Are you in ... love with me? If so, too bad, because I'm not a lesbian ;)
To finish, instead of misunderstanding people and since you are bored (otherwise you would not need scapegoats), why don't you find yourself a job or go for a walk?
A few weeks ago, while talking to a Romanian expat reading a lot about history and about Poland, she told me something that makes sense to me. Poles don't call "friends" people unless they have known them for years and do not call "friends" people they have interacted with for no more than a few weeks (my case) or months and as a consequence they may disappear overnight because for them we are not "friends". As a westerner, I consider people after a few weeks as "friends", but Poles don't see it this way.
Atch: yes, are you so hostile? I thought that in your Church, you were taught to love everybody.
Or something else, you seem so obsessed by me! Are you in ... love with me? If so, too bad, because I'm not a lesbian ;)
To finish, instead of misunderstanding people and since you are bored (otherwise you would not need scapegoats), why don't you find yourself a job or go for a walk?
johnny reb 49 | 8003
25 Feb 2016 / #263
You may even be considered Martian in USA for all I care.
Even if you did care there is nothing you can do about it except go off thread and call me stupid.
It must just frustrate the beans out of you that Americans call each other Polish if they are of Polish ancestry.
I guess things work different here then they do in Poland because I am considered to be Polish here in America
and that's just the way the pickle squirts, like it or not.
I, as a real Polish person, never encountered any hatred on big scale towards Poles
The only hatred as an American Pole I ever encounter is a little hatred by you, a "real Pole".
Maybe that is why the English don't like Polish.
Since the Polish people are Political Incorrect the English get frustrated that they can't control the Pole's with their British Brilliance.
What would you know about it? You've never been here and know nothing about Poland. You just troll web forums and claim to be Polish, which is laughable.
I am considered Polish here in the U.S.A.
On the strength of what? One grandparent?
Where were the others from? Do you troll German or Swedish forums too?
In fact, not even most countrymen themselves have a proper idea about their own country. Either because they don't know how to analyse,judge and compare certain things, nor because they have lived in their own country for long enough.
I have left Germany at the age of 20, do you think I have enough of a clue about Germany and it's people? Not really. I can only talk about people I know ( friends & family ) but not about people in general, this would need some advanced analytical skills. This is why I always talk about " PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ".
Johnny reb talks about Polish people like he knows every Pole in Poland. But I think I understand what he is trying to say, however... it's not correct. I don't know where he draws the conclusion about " Polish people being political incorrect " and " British people wanting to control Poles with 'British brilliance ( whatever he means by that ) ".
This guy, Johnny, is obviously bad-mouthing things he hasn't got a clue about.
Hard but true !
In fact, not even most countrymen themselves have a proper idea about their own country. Either because they don't know how to analyse,judge and compare certain things, nor because they have lived in their own country for long enough.
I have left Germany at the age of 20, do you think I have enough of a clue about Germany and it's people? Not really. I can only talk about people I know ( friends & family ) but not about people in general, this would need some advanced analytical skills. This is why I always talk about " PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ".
Johnny reb talks about Polish people like he knows every Pole in Poland. But I think I understand what he is trying to say, however... it's not correct. I don't know where he draws the conclusion about " Polish people being political incorrect " and " British people wanting to control Poles with 'British brilliance ( whatever he means by that ) ".
This guy, Johnny, is obviously bad-mouthing things he hasn't got a clue about.
Hard but true !
25 Feb 2016 / #266
Do Poles who have/do live in the UK think they are better than the Poles who haven't gone west. Did they pick up the snobbery of the class system here ?
31 Mar 2016 / #267
I had no problem with anyone,but now I have Polish neighbours.Since they moved in,they put music loud all day long and night,at 3 AM they still listen music.They act like only they are living in this building.So disrespectful... They are very loud,they love to make a lot of noise,I guess they feel important acting that way...
I have Polish neighbours
Nothing to do with them being Polish, dickheads came in all colors.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
31 Mar 2016 / #269
well go and tell them to shut it then Steven....
If they ignore you then go to the local council, noise abatement or whatever it is.
Cannot stand people who whine about stuff but don't have the guts to do something about it.
Agree with Iron btw.
If they ignore you then go to the local council, noise abatement or whatever it is.
Cannot stand people who whine about stuff but don't have the guts to do something about it.
Agree with Iron btw.
Because for years the English have had the chance to blame their laziness, stupidity and irresponsibility on the obviously-different people coming into Britain.
6 years later and the Polish are the backbone that can change Europe
Why do Polish Not like the English?
That is the question:)
I can help with ideas???