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Why English do not like Polish?

6 Jul 2015 /  #211
Must be said that most of my countrymen that flock to UK/Ireland are uneducated labors (electricians, carpenters, hairdressers, prostitutes, ...) mostly coming from villages of depressed areas of the country like Eastern Poland ...

they're narrow minded for polish standard, in a country that is very homogeneous, you can imagine that isn't easy for them to integrate in a multi cultural environment, thus they act racists towards non-whites in UK.

Also everybody has its background, and I can admit we slavs aren't much prone to smile and socialize like spaniards or brazilians.
mcrpolak  6 | 36  
6 Jul 2015 /  #212
I guess the type of people who come onto the internet trolling are not wholly reflective of the population at large. Come to a liberal city Poles, we welcome you.
jon357  72 | 23482  
6 Jul 2015 /  #213
Come to a liberal city Poles, we welcome you.

I second that. The same for Brits coming to Poland.
sledz  23 | 2247  
6 Jul 2015 /  #214
Brits are a miserable people, they don't even like themselves!
My Father used to say "misery loves company"
Now, that they have the internet as a platform they can try to make the rest of the world just as miserable.
It won't work on Americans, were the first to make fun of ourselves and for the most part don't really give 2 thoughts about them.

The only contact I have with Brits is this forum, which is mostly the dregs of their society lashing out against Polish people that are members of the EU as well. This elitist nation should have stayed by itself, isolated and miserable.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 Jul 2015 /  #215
Brits are a miserable people, they don't even like themselves!

**** me! Miserable? Poles invented the word. I used to think Yorkshiremen were dour. But Poles are just ignorant when they set their mind to it. Brits are amongst the most sociable of creatures, if you don't call the odds, meaning - act too pushy at first contact.
sledz  23 | 2247  
6 Jul 2015 /  #216
Poles are just ignorant when they set their mind to it.

Being stubborn to new ideas or refusing to learn how to things the correct way, thats true. I had to fire a few guys for not wanting to listen or do things my (correct) way. Like refusing to use an American tape measure, we use inches over here not metric.

Thats few and far between most Poles are easy going and like to laugh and have a good time. In America anyway, maybe they become happy after they arrive from depressing Europe?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2015 /  #217
Being stubborn to new ideas or refusing to learn how to things the correct way, thats true. I had to fire a few guys for not wanting to listen or do things my (correct) way. Like refusing to use an American tape measure, we use inches over here not metric.

Actually, you don't. All American forms of measurement are defined in SI (metric) units. In Science, metric rules.
jon357  72 | 23482  
6 Jul 2015 /  #218
**** me! Miserable? Poles invented the word.

But Poles are just ignorant when they set their mind to it.

Yes - the kings of miserable.

I used to think Yorkshiremen were dour

We may have a chip on our shoulders, but at least it's a proper bloody chip wi' mushy peas.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
6 Jul 2015 /  #219
we use inches over here not metric.

Actually, you don't.


Come to a liberal city Poles, we welcome you.

(WE welcome you is tense for us English welcome you to Britain)

The same for Brits coming to Poland

No it's not the same because a Polish person would have to make that statment for it to be the same which you are not. You are a Brit inviting other Brits to Poland in said tense..

Most clever old mate as you are pretending to speak as a Polish citizen for a Polish citizen now are you.
This is a prime example of the English arrogance that we are talking about here.
jon357  72 | 23482  
6 Jul 2015 /  #220
No it's not the same because a Polish person would have to make that statment for it to be the same which you are not.

Well, I only live in one country. Called Poland. Been there? Zapraszam!

a Polish citizen now are you

Well actually, a bit of good news recently...

In any case, we in Poland, and the folks in Britain have an absolute right to live in each others' state anyway. And Poles in Britain and Brits in Poland is a good thing that works very, very well - and yes I now know from direct experience that citizenship is given out in both directions once you meet a few very simple criteria :-)

Anyway, to cut through all the negativity and to get back on topic (though the thread title is pretty awful) here's a link to something positive:

he Anglo Polish Society originated as an association set up by the poet Thomas Campbell and his friends to offer sympathy and support to Polish insurgents following an uprising in 1832 to gain freedom. It was brutally put down by the Russians and some of the insurgents found refuge in England.
After the Second World War, the Anglo Polish Society was revived as a regional independent association - The Anglo Polish Society Bristol and the South West became the focal point in the life of the Polish Community.

sledz  23 | 2247  
6 Jul 2015 /  #221
Science, metric rules.

I agree, it would make sense for us to switch to the metric system. All cars and machinery are metric except a Harley.
The US tried to make the switch some years ago but it never came to fruition, don't know why? Its definitely less confusing.

Not to mention all the extra tools we have to buy:(

And Poles in Britain and Brits in Poland is a good thing that works very, very well -

Are there many Brits that live in Poland now, compared to Poles in England?
I heard that Polands economy has been getting better, so Im guessing less people would want to leave.

Poland is a beautiful county ...Wasz kraj jest piekny!
6 Jul 2015 /  #222
2 This is a prime example of the English arrogance that we are talking about here."

mostly I am seeing American arrogance here tbh.
Then if anyone answers you start whining about 'Brit bullies'.
oh are you being bullied? buh buh buh.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
6 Jul 2015 /  #223
oh are you being bullied?

No, I won't allow it anymore. Poo Poo Poo
sledz  23 | 2247  
6 Jul 2015 /  #224
mostly I am seeing American arrogance here tbh.

Oh, Im very sorry we hurt your feelings Mr. Guest,,,, here this should help:):)

  • kleenex.jpg
jon357  72 | 23482  
6 Jul 2015 /  #225
Are there many Brits that live in Poland now, compared to Poles in England?
I heard that Polands economy has been getting better, so Im guessing less people would want to leave.

Poland is a beautiful county ...Wasz kraj jest piekny!

Yes, a very nice place. There are a few thousand. Hard to calculate an exact figure because the census isn't thorough, a lot of people from EU states don't feel the need to register and a lot of the British passport holders in PL identify as Poles. Since the Polish post-2004 influx into the UK there have been a lot of marriages though, and people returning to PL with their new husband or wife.

Yet some in this thread say the Brits hate the Poles - I just don't see this in real life.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 Jul 2015 /  #226
All American forms of measurement are defined in SI (metric) units. In Science, metric rules.

7 Jul 2015 /  #227
I hate how instead of giving an answer to this question people start arguing, it is so annoying on every site of the internet where you can comment. Coming back to the topic, it should be obvious by now that the hate starts with the Poles hard work, second on the list would be the number of immigrants, and third would be half of them not knowing the language, after that would be their religion, culture or food. People also say its because they are more quality people, nicer, more friendly and more responsible, better hygiene and dressing, less drugs, drinking and trouble making. But I think that's off the question a bit. So counts as an individual, so to me the best answer is the first three reasons. I'm irish with british wife a year marriage now, and this got me thinking of an opposite question, reasons of Polish not liking british? Lazy, no respect for environment at all, not nice, stupid or ugly dressing guys, not hygienic guys, too slutty dressing woman, lots of junkies, alkies and trouble makers, living off benefits even if they could get a job, and they still don't point that out because they are nice but if someone Polish would make a mistake you would point it out to their face. I met my polish friend that i met a year ago while too drunk with a scottish mate, so he offered to help us in return he got bullied by the scottish but when it stopped he still helped out to get myself together, andthe scottish had to apologize after realizing how automatically-stupid he was.
7 Jul 2015 /  #228
" Lazy, no respect for environment at all, not nice, stupid or ugly dressing guys, not hygienic guys, too slutty dressing woman, lots of junkies, alkies and trouble makers, living off benefits "

you know that is only true of a small sub section of society, every country has its underclass . INc yours.

and it a pretty racist and cretinous thing to say - how would you like it if I stereotyped the Irish as drunk, feckless, shifty, and thick?
Crow  154 | 9525  
7 Jul 2015 /  #229
Poles are people with dignity. That is the exact reason why English don`t like them. Its the matter of different values
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
8 Jul 2015 /  #230
Ergo the English have no dignity? Think you'll have to clarify that one:-)
jon357  72 | 23482  
8 Jul 2015 /  #231
Think you'll have to clarify that one:-)

Tumbleweed, Lyzko, Tumbleweed....
Englishman  2 | 276  
8 Jul 2015 /  #232
I think it's wrong to say that English or British people don't like Poles. Some people in the British working (or more accurately benefits-claiming) class resent Poles who compete with them for jobs, housing etc. But what they really hate is uncontrolled immigration, not the immigrants themselves. In a few areas, where there has maybe been trouble with a handful of Poles for whatever reason, there may be some tensions, but these are linked to the individuals rather than Poles generally.

Overall, British people are happy to work with Polish people, employ them, be their landlords, do business with them, fall in love with them, you name it. While Poles' cultural background is Catholic and ours is more Protestant, we're essentially north European, democratic, Christian Caucasians, so we have a lot of shared values.
Crow  154 | 9525  
8 Jul 2015 /  #233
Ergo the English have no dignity? Think you'll have to clarify that one:-)

well, people can judge about somebody only on the base of its experience. In the region from where i coming, British troops allied itself with Arab mujaheedines and fought side by side with them. On the other side, i don`t know for a single example of direct military cooperation between Polish armed forces and mujaheedines.

So yes, in my opinion, Poles have dignity. Must be that their dignity differ them from English.
10 Jul 2015 /  #234
Gosh, this is such a horrible thread. As an English person I can categorically state that no one I know believes we have an empire or are superior to anyone else. We actually hate empiric attitudes.

The one and only complaint I have about a small minority of Polish people is the fact that they drink in the local park and leave litter everywhere. I do realise however that it is a small minority who do this. British people litter too, a lot. It just so happens that here it is a group of Polish men who leave their litter near where I live. There's a bin. Use it.

Other than that, people are people. Some English people are dicks. Some Polish people are dicks. Some black, Asian and Egyptian people are dicks.

Whether you're a dick or not has nothing to do with nationality.
Crow  154 | 9525  
11 Jul 2015 /  #235
Primary reason why English don`t like Poles is because common English masses just follow pattern of behavior installed in them by English officials in long period of time. England compete for more influence and more control in world. In Europe, Poland represent nothing but competitor to England. As long is Poland passive on its own interests, English fight against Poland won`t go public. But, if Poland tries to resist, things would get nasty.

Poland with its natural (and in region welcomed) influence on Slavic South represent target for English appetites. To prevent rise of Polish head represent one of English first goals, while are Polish interests attacked on Baltic-Balkan line. What rightfully belong to Poland, serve to the benefits of England, that false friend of Poland.

On the other side, speaking of English competition with Russians, Poland represent suitable target for English schemes and manipulations. Mobilizing Poles against Russians, English, wisely, with only one hit, removing two of its strongest opponents.
Englishman  2 | 276  
11 Jul 2015 /  #236
As an English person I can categorically state that no one I know believes we have an empire or are superior to anyone else.

We know we don't have an empire. But I wouldn't rule out the possibility that we think we're superior to the French. Cheese-eating surrender monkeys :-)
Crow  154 | 9525  
11 Jul 2015 /  #237
Its really hard to say who is more sinister on Poles, French or English. i personally thinks English.

As for English empire, you are right. It does not exist anymore, thanks to good God. As Chinese president said, today`s England is rather insignificant.
20 Jul 2015 /  #238
Cheese-eating surrender monkeys :-)

Certainly not my view, Englishman, but a funny description nonetheless! :-D

What I don't like much is folk who move to England despite not liking the English. I find that as offensive as English people who have a blanket dislike of other nationalities. If you don't like us, at least keep it to yourself and don't assume that we ALL think we are superior and have an empire.
20 Jul 2015 /  #239
" What I don't like much is folk who move to England despite not liking the English "

oh yes my Polish exH is like that, all he talks about is how 'stupid' the English are....yet is happy to live here!! :D
30 Jul 2015 /  #240
I don't dislike Polish people but I have just come back from a holiday in Poland and I found the Natives very cold and some really rude. They never welcomed us at all. Will never go back. But still don't dislike the Polish people.

This is to Sledz........ Like I said before, I have just come back from Poland and it seems to me that you have not looked closely at your own country, there weren't very many smiles there, people were very rude to us. We welcome you into our country and it doesn't change the polish are still very rude and grumpy. We might not understand your Language but we know when someone is being Rude and laughing at us. If you do not like us then do not come to Britain. Our country is not in a mess. I have seen the derelict buildings in Poland, so you should criticize your own country before criticizing somewhere you know nothing about. You are only mouthing off by heresay so try before you comment. No wonder this world is going to pot when people write things they no nothing about.

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