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Why English do not like Polish?

jon357  72 | 23668  
6 Mar 2015 /  #151
Well, there have been some fairly surprising demographic changes since the 2004 Polish Deluge. Most people (except some of the denizens of the internet) seem to be fine with that...

Almost one in four new children born in the UK is an adult from Poland, Romania or Bulgaria already working two jobs to send money home to his other family.

Full story here:

6 Mar 2015 /  #152
Go home, we don't want you arrogant, ignorant people here. I am sick of hearing your rotten language everywhere I go.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
7 Mar 2015 /  #153
haha, it would be hard to find more ignorant people than Brits (with some exceptions, naturally). And it wouldn't hurt you to learn a foreign language (not necessary Polish, as you are clearly too limited for that).

And about integration: you can complain about Poles "not integrating well enough" when Brits living in Spain (how many of your kind flooded Spain) and other countries. yeah, Brits are integrating well my arse
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 Mar 2015 /  #154
Go home, we don't want you arrogant, ignorant people here. I am sick of hearing your rotten language everywhere I go.

It is so sad that you would be too scared to say that you are sick of hearing Punjabi or Somalian everywhere you go :-(
jon357  72 | 23668  
7 Mar 2015 /  #155
haha, it would be hard to find more ignorant people than Brits

Quite easy to find such people really. A statement like the one quoted is a pretty big signpost.
7 Mar 2015 /  #156
There is no doubt that retired wealthy Brits have invaded some parts of Spain and placed millions into the local and national economy, also we do holiday there with our money which the Spanish do enjoy and put to go use.

However, when you're working for a multi-national company with a multicultural workforce who are mostly bilingual, it shows lack of social skills to sit alone talking your mono-cultural language to your countrymen.

Anyway he did have his contract terminated, so I guess he learnt a lesson there.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
7 Mar 2015 /  #157
, it would be hard to find more ignorant people than Brits (with some exceptions, naturally). And it wouldn't hurt you to learn a foreign language (not necessary Polish, as you are clearly too limited for that).

this is obviously about the people that YOU have chosen to notice or hang around with.
So it says more about YOU t han anyone else.
MY Briitish friends speak Greek, Spanish, Welsh, French, German, and GASP even some Polish, among others.

oh and thinking about it now, Arabic, Hebrew and Italian! Gosh how ignorant we all must be!
the fact is Oxford and Cambridge, and London are highly desirable universities worldwide. That is not because Brits are stupid or ignorant now is it?
Vox  - | 172  
7 Mar 2015 /  #158
Given a fact that you people already have started to compete I would think it is a splendid idea to hold a competition for the world cup of the most ignorant nation.

MY Briitish friends speak Greek, Spanish, Welsh, French, German, and GASP even some Polish, among others

We mustn't forget about Latin speaking community. No sir.

Go home, we don't want you arrogant, ignorant people here. I am sick of hearing your rotten language everywhere I go.

There is no doubt in my mind that you are a very sick person indeed my friend. Seeing you are getting around a lot I only can hope your sickness is not contagious.

There is no doubt that retired wealthy Brits have invaded some parts of Spain and placed millions

Are you saying that wealthy Brits are fleeing that sacred precious land such a paradise on Earth to some far away mud just for the pleasure of rubbing elbows with foreigners who are speaking foreign language all the time ? That's horrid sir. How it is possible?

Everyone back on track please, this thread is about why the English don't like the Polish.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
7 Mar 2015 /  #159
I have found that the English not only dislike the Polish but dislike anyone that they feel inferior to themselves
which is almost everyone since they consider themselves 'the elite'.
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2015 /  #160
Pole-bashing is common in the UK media. They're an easy target. They are here in numbers and are probably in a town near you.

Because they are white and European it is easier for people to express bigoted views about Poles whereas many people feel restricted about making comments about muslims in the UK because of fear of racism.

In a nutshell....Poles are a safe lightning rod for bigoted views.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Apr 2015 /  #161
Pole-bashing is common in the UK media.

really can you give us some links with examples of that then?
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2015 /  #162
Not really. I can't be bothered but if you read certain British newspapers then you will know what I am talking about.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Apr 2015 /  #163
Spiritus I read a selection of British papers daily, and have no idea what you are talking about.
If you are going to make wild assertions, find some fact to back it up.
Crow  155 | 9722  
15 Apr 2015 /  #164
Why English do not like Polish?

Its a direct question so i would answer directly. People, Panovie, with all due respect on English, in my opinion, English are stupid and that`s why they don`t like Poles.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Apr 2015 /  #165
in my opinion, English are stupid

sure Crow of course 'English are stupid' that is why London is Europe's leading city and half the world is gagging to get into British Unis.

spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2015 /  #166
Spiritus I read a selection of British papers daily, and have no idea what you are talking about.If you are going to make wild assertions, find some fact to back it up.

You must have your head stuck in the sand then.

A few years back the Federation of Poles in London felt compelled to file a formal complaint against one national newspaper. Some of these papers then fuel the bigoted minds of their readers who express their views via comments and letters.

Local papers echo the same theme.

Do you really believe that there is not an element of Pole-bashing in the UK ?

There is nothing "wild" about my assertion.
Crow  155 | 9722  
15 Apr 2015 /  #167
See, rozumiemnic, considering how history spared England from all possible Asian, Turkic and African invaders on Europe and how they were by God (or by circumstances) granted prosperity in peace, they are stupid that didn`t achieve more. They are first only when comes to schemes and covert deals. very dirty character.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Apr 2015 /  #168
tbh ~Crow if you are talking about the ruling class elite I would probably agree with you.
But saying 'oh English are like this, like that' is kind of a bit ......stupid. lol. It is a class war as well you know!

and Spiritus - maybe ten or so years ago - .
Like I said, back up your wild statement with some kind of evidence.
Crow  155 | 9722  
15 Apr 2015 /  #169
tbh ~Crow if you are talking about the ruling class elite I would probably agree with you.

alright, alright, let`s not generalize. There were wise people in England. John Keats was great, for example. But, i still think that they do have critical mass of stupidity. That explains everything
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136  
15 Apr 2015 /  #170
U.K isn't the future, fellow Poles should leave U.K behind. Build up Poland like how Warsaw was built. If The British can't appreciate Poles they should be left alone on their island without any Polish kiełbasa :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Apr 2015 /  #171
left alone on their island without any Polish kiełbasa :)


'critical mass of stupidity' really Crow? more lol
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2015 /  #172
Like I said, back up your wild statement with some kind of evidence

Like I said, it is not a "wild" statement.

Care to answer my earlier question ?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136  
15 Apr 2015 /  #173
Rozum I ain't Crow ask mods if you want to know...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Apr 2015 /  #174
no idea what u mean mr Grunwald.
Spiritus, if you mean about 'Pole bashing' in the UK, I honestly think people are more concerned about Romanians , roma, Bulgarians etc these days.
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2015 /  #175
The Daily Mail is the worst culprit but not the only one.

Scroll to the bottom of this page and view the comments but first select the most popular (or best) for a snapshot as to popular reaction to the story.


I honestly think people are more concerned about Romanians , roma, Bulgarians etc these days.

I wish that were true. It may apply to people who have any semblance of intelligence but in my experience they lump all "Eastern Europeans" together :(
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Apr 2015 /  #176
I fear you may have a point Spiritus, sadly.
The Daily Mail should be renamed the Daily Hate.
It hates everyone esp women if you read carefully.
There are always articles about how to look 35 when you are really 70 and stuff, and pics of celebs in their bikinis with insulting captions if a little roll of fat is showing.

Horrible horrible paper!
If you could find an article that was NOT from the Daily Hate, I would be interested.
OK I know I am 'moving the goalposts'....
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2015 /  #177
No, it's a fair point. Most other papers take a much more balanced approach to Poles in the UK.

What bothers me about the Daily Mail isn't so much the editorial itself but the feelings it stirs up in people which can be clearly seen from many of the comments.......maybe it isn't even "stirring" up ANY feelings but instead reflecting the thoughts of many Britons.
15 Apr 2015 /  #178
The Daily Mail and The Guardian have apposing views about immigration and Pole's, they both can't be right !
Vox  - | 172  
15 Apr 2015 /  #179
Both are biased of course. Views on immigration should not be translated into views about Poles.This I tell you brother
you can have one without the other.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
16 Apr 2015 /  #180
maybe it isn't even "stirring" up ANY feelings but instead reflecting the thoughts of many Britons.

of a certain section of the population I suppose, but please do not think it reflects any kind of consensus!

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