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Why English do not like Polish?

English Tommy  
10 Dec 2013 /  #121
Your wrong about British laziness. You are obviously put up to this by the middle class: divide and conquer brigade. You're, anti British sentimentality, of British back stabbing, has seen nothing of the racist fascism of Polish imperialism, that uses other nations finances to further and incorporate their own nationalism. All against the ancient and indigenous identity in Britain. Nazi identity - collaborators with Himmler. What a back stabbing liberal socialist traitor to the British you are!!!!!!!!

The Slavs are dangerous to the British. It is why Germany will not let them collaborate/work in their own lands presently!!
kj99  8 | 54  
10 Dec 2013 /  #122
in Polish , like Russian - there is no definitive article ,,the Polish/Russian equivalent of "the" doesn't exist in these languages ....
odd ,,, but ive noticed this as well... such a simple word
Wulkan  - | 3136  
11 Dec 2013 /  #123
which post you are answering to?
Shipton  - | 1  
21 Feb 2014 /  #124
Yo everyone, so let me introduce myself. I am from England, yet I've spend time in Poland and I honestly prefer it to England. I've never really loved my own country, and I personally break every English stereotype :D . But Poland... it was such a great place to be, a land of fine culture and great people. :)

So yeah, don't listen to these fellow English people hating your country, England isn't the wonderland they claim it to be, so I've got your backs in this.

Love to Poland, from Shipt'n
Tinga  1 | 1  
23 Feb 2014 /  #125
Yo everyone, so let me introduce myself. I am from England, yet I've spend time in Poland and I honestly prefer it to England. I've never really loved my own country, and I personally break every English stereotype :D . But Poland... it was such a great place to be, a land of fine culture and great people. :)

Ha. This for me too. I'm English and I love Polish people, the place and the food, the music, language, everything. To the point where some English friends of mine have told me to F off to Poland, or have started to call me 'Polski lover'. Quite frankly, I am occasionally hostile towards my own kind, because this is the attitude I often receive for taking interest in another country (I should point out I also am fond of many other cultures, but Polish holds a special significance for me as my partner is Polish as is my best friend.). Very recently, a boy I work with plainly told me "You shouldn't be doing them Polski boys because you're English and you shouldn't go with foreigners."

When I have asked people who hold a grudge against Polish people why they do, the general response is that they aren't liked simply because they're foreign and they're in our country. The same people also dislike Indians, Pakistanis and black people. So I would assume that the people who dislike Polish people are generally ill-informed and misguided. They are too proud in their ignorance to even attempt to understand people who aren't just like them and it's sad. So you shouldn't even waste time on these specific people because they're not worth knowing. I feel that most people either like Poles, don't have an opinion, or are a little nervous in approaching the subject. I think that we often forget that we don't have as much of a foreign influence in our country as other countries do. It's not quite as important to learn a language in England, where as many people learn English as standard in their native country. So I know many people who haven't really encountered foreign people, or if they have then they didn't have the proper time to talk to them about it. When I first introduced my boyfriend to my friends it was fascinating for them because they hadn't really encountered anyone foreign before. So they were nervous, uncomfortable, until he sat and chatted to them and they realised he's not all that different.

Ignorance in the broad meaning of the term can sometimes breed resentment. It's not worth wasting your time worrying about what these bozo's think! :)
Edinburgh guy  
5 Mar 2015 /  #126
I'm Scottish and I can tell you from personal experience that the Polish communities are disliked the most out of all in the UK.

Why ?

...because your women are horrible, cold, heartless and treat men very badly.

I never seen a problem with the Polish men, but I think its the Polish women they do your country an injustice, they hardly smile, they are demanding, greedy and materialistic.

Don't worry though, UKIP are taking over soon, even here in Scotland they have a strong following, so you can all bugger off back to Poland.

I always wondered about Polish people - how can they leave their own country when it needs it the most. GREED, thats why.

We live in Scotland, we are Scottish, our generations of family built this great country and if it ever fell on hard times, we'd never leave it for somewhere else... we'd stay and make things better, fix things and make the country great.

I think this is why English, Scottish or just people in general dislike the Polish - because they are TRAITORS... they leave their country to come here for GREED.

Polish people are very greedy and materialistic ... I see it everyday here in Edinburgh.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
5 Mar 2015 /  #127
E.G. allow me just to weigh into this diatribe, if I may.

First of all, Poles, as with many Eastern Europeans in particular, have had a vastly different life experience from Northern Europeans, such as the British as well as their Nordic/Germanic neighbors to the East:-) When I was first in Prague around the mid-90's, I remarked to myself how much the average teen-though twenty something woman resembled a prostitute and their man, a sort of macho-man pimp-type!

When I returned to Western Europe where I'd been staying, I soon realized that those who grew up under Communism without the benefit of growing gradually into capitalism, had so-to-say grown up too quickly, trying to become as "adult" as possible as soon as possible, e.g. getting knocked up at sixteen, having children not much later, acquiring lots of easy, fast money (the men, that is) etc...

Perhaps bear such in mind the next time you accuse Polish women of being avaricious and slutty!!
Szalawa  2 | 239  
5 Mar 2015 /  #128
Actually I agree with some things you wrote...people migrate for greener pastures, usually for materialistic reasons, but not always. You know, since I never been to UK, I can't say how Polish people behave there... I know Poland has its fair share of greedy materialist people, but there are many greedy materialist Brits out there too.

UKIP, I am not too familiar with them but I can understand why you support them
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
5 Mar 2015 /  #129
Precisely, Szalawa! We each tend to stereotype the easiest targets which conform to our own clichéd thinking.
So, it's easy to characterize ALL English women as looking like librarians or school teachers as many Americans for instance have been brought up and conditioned to associate primness with academia, whereas we see some busty, botox females with a well-endowed top, make-up etc. and assume automatically they're women of little brains and easy virtue.

Well, as you must know, whenever you ASSume, you make an ASS of U and ME!
UncleGoodAdvice  1 | 28  
5 Mar 2015 /  #130
We live in Scotland, we are Scottish, our generations of family built this great country and if it ever fell on hard times, we'd never leave it for somewhere else... we'd stay and make things better, fix things and make the country great.

Scottish people fixed their country, by selling it and themself to English masters
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
5 Mar 2015 /  #131
Yet the prejudice is always going to be not far from the surface, particularly where a newly-arrived minority group's concerned! I mean, Swedes and Germans have a similar ethnicity as well as work ethic now, don't they? Plus, especially the Swedes, all bloody well speak English and don't tend to go on the public dole, do they???
UncleGoodAdvice  1 | 28  
5 Mar 2015 /  #132
English hate Polish people because The English hate themself
Borek Falecki  - | 52  
5 Mar 2015 /  #133
just a quick question I though I ask here on forum as it seems like lots of Englsh people posting. So why English people doesn't like Polish - especially Polish emigrants in the UK. Kinda weird as I didn't observe this with reference to other immigrants in the UK, I'd rather prefer to avoid word hate but maybe it should be used here.

If you are right then ignoring of what you do not like in the English and even pretending not to understand them is the best recourse.
jon357  72 | 23668  
5 Mar 2015 /  #134
If you are right

I'm not sure he is. Despite some of the things on here and other internet stuff, in real life I've only ever heard people saying good things.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
5 Mar 2015 /  #135
Don't worry though, UKIP are taking over soon, even here in Scotland they have a strong following, so you can all bugger off back to Poland.

So I guess you'll be putting the house on a UKIP victory in May. You can get 100/1 against a Farage PMship. Easy money, right? Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, UKIP is going to get utterly trashed at the election. As for Poles returning to Poland, that's not going to happen. They have been welcomed by the vast majority; you represent a tiny fraction who are still hurting from the referendum vote. Get used to it.
szpada  - | 2  
5 Mar 2015 /  #136
I'm not an adult yet, so my point of view may seem childlish, but I found Edinburgh guy's statement not true and highly offensive. Why? My coach, who is nine years older than me had to move to Scotland. I've always admired him: he has always tried to do his best, often in vain - he never joined Polish national team. After he graduated from college, unfortunately there was no job for him. He needed money, because he was raised in a poor neighbourhood, born in a poor family, with only his mother, working as a cook in elementary school. Isn't it only natural to move out in thus situation? Now, my friend has a job in Scotland and he went back to being a contestant and was offered to become a member of Scottish national team, but he refused. So what do you think about this?
Szenk88HTAFC  2 | 47  
5 Mar 2015 /  #137
I think people who say "bugger off back to where you came from" don't really have a grasp of how the world works today. Gone are the days of people being locked within their own country, with transport being unable to take them further than the next town/city/province.

Now we are a truly global people, who (in most cases), are able to travel wherever, whenever.

Whilst I can sympathize will Edinburgh Guys statement (minus the sheer idiocy of how it is phrased) the last time Scotland fell upon truly hard times was back in the days where we were constricted in the distances we could travel to escape poverty and hardship.

Some people feel that remaining in one place and helping to rebuild their homeland is the only option, others don't. That's just how it is.
jon357  72 | 23668  
5 Mar 2015 /  #138
That's a very good assessment of the situation (and Edinburgh Guy does seem to be trolling for responses). Worth remembering that countless Scots have settled abroad over the centuries, sometimes with the approval and sometimes with the disapproval of the host population.
6 Mar 2015 /  #139
I would not say that English do not like the Poles, we just find most of you rude, ignorant and arrogant. You all stay in your little cliques and make no effort whatsoever to blend into our society. When you have to speak in English you do it in such a passive aggressive manner that most Brits do not see the point in starting a friendly conversation with you. And some of your women may be beautiful but christ they are miserable. Learn to smile for goodness sake and stop being so serious all the time.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Mar 2015 /  #140
You all stay in your little cliques and make no effort whatsoever to blend into our society.

I married one of your (Anglo-Saxon) women, how more I can blend?
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
6 Mar 2015 /  #141
You all stay in your little cliques and make no effort whatsoever to blend into our society.

I'm in relationship with Scottish lady; I've changed, after naturalization, my name and surname to something easier for Anglophones (because half of them are unable to even rewrite it properly from one piece of paper to another).
UncleGoodAdvice  1 | 28  
6 Mar 2015 /  #142
Once I was on holidays in a hotel full of British families. When I was telling them that we are from Poland they were getting green-red face and you could notice that they are not interested in continuing the conversation. One thing we noticed that the families didn't try to make any contact, they didn't speak to much to each-other and they looked like they were sent there for punishment except to black families who really enjoy it.

Last summer I went to Egypt to get diving licence. My instructor was British girl from Bristol. She told my that she changed a lot since she came to Egypt, she noticed that most of British are depressed, closed-minded and can't enjoy the life.

We can spend/waste all day here and argue who hates whom more and who is better etc. We are all humans at the end. We all have bad and good sides because we are humans. If you hate other people probably you hate yourself too

You all stay in your little cliques and make no effort whatsoever to blend into our society

It's not that easy as you think. There will be always someone who will remind you that you are not welcome here and after a few attempts you get it that effort is pointless because there is not award. Also after spending a few years in other county ( in my case European country) you realize that there is no difference between you and local people except your native language. I don't find anything interesting in being British or in British culture because is very similar to Polish culture. You like to eat fried potatoes we like to boil them but sometimes you eat boiled potatoes and sometimes we eat fried potatoes too
6 Mar 2015 /  #143
I worked with a Polish guy called Dariusz. No matter how much effort, we, his work colleagues made to include him in any activity with us he always declined and preferred to segregate himself from us and talk on his phone in Polish to whoever it was he would call.

Everyone sat in the staff room talking but not him, alone in another part of the building talking to his Polish friends unable or unwilling to integrate.

In the end people gave up and just let him get on with it. We had French, Spanish even American work colleagues all integrated and interacted, but not the Polish guy.
6 Mar 2015 /  #144
It'll tell you now why the indigenous British (of all classes) don't like the Polish. It's because when jobs and resources are scarce, they feel they should be supporting their own people first and foremost, before subsidising foreigners.

If 5 jobs at the local factory become available and I find out through word of mouth that those jobs all went to Eastern Europeans, when my British neighbours down the road are desperate for work, of course it's going to upset me. The problem is that the Poles, and Eastern Europeans in general, will work for much less than the British -within all trades.

When I over hear discussion at my local, I always hear British people (usually men) saying the Polish are cowards for moving to Britain instead of staying put and helping to build the Polish economy and making it a better country.

Tictactoe, it's not JUST the Polish who do that though. Pakistanis and Indians are far worse. I'd rather have the Poles here than them! At least Poles are European like us.
UncleGoodAdvice  1 | 28  
6 Mar 2015 /  #145
When I over hear discussion at my local, I always hear British people (usually men) saying the Polish are cowards for moving to Britain instead of staying put and helping to build the Polish economy and making it a better country.

Piff, Paff!

According to the Office for National Statistics, the number of British citizens who have moved abroad has risen by a fifth under the Coalition, reaching 154,000 last year.

Separate figures, published by the OECD, show that almost 1.3million Britons with university-level education are living abroad, more than any other developed economy.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 Mar 2015 /  #146
If 5 jobs at the local factory become available and I find out through word of mouth that those jobs all went to Eastern Europeans, when my British neighbours down the road are desperate for work, of course it's going to upset me.

The same would (and sometimes does) happen in Poland too.
6 Mar 2015 /  #147
There's a big difference, unless you're intentionally missing the point. The scale in which it goes on in Britain is absolutely nowhere near that of Poland.

Here in Britain it's every city, town and village, the same cannot be said for Poland.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 Mar 2015 /  #148
. The scale in which it goes on in Britain is absolutely nowhere near that of Poland.

The scale on which it goes on can't be blamed on Poles. They don't make companies' recruitment policies.
6 Mar 2015 /  #149
@ Uncle. Yes, to escape all the foreigners.

Vote UKIP.

The scale on which it goes on can't be blamed on Poles. They don't make companies' recruitment policies.

Some may argue that if the Poles had any pride they wouldn't leave Poland, regardless of "companies' recruitment policies"
Marsupial  - | 871  
6 Mar 2015 /  #150
Almost all my friends are english. Someone described that polish guy in the factory on his own talking on the phone.... I despise those losers, the brits dont like you and you are a embarassment, go home.

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