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Are there too many East Europeans, Poles in West Europe now?

Lyzko  44 | 9745  
15 Apr 2016 /  #31
No one denies that Poles on the whole, are an honest, hard-working lot! That Communism seemed to have encouraged shiftiness and corruption is scarcely a reflection on the rank-and-file worker, is it?

Problem remains that a Pole, a Ukrainian, a Hindu or a Mexican is usually willing to work for less than a German, W.A.S.P American, Swede, Dane or Englishman.

Living as we are in a post-Reagan economic environment, the average, short-sighted boss is rarely if ever going to do what is right and hire the deserving native (unless, of course, pushed to the wall), but instead, employ someone who will be willing to work for far less, thereby permitting the exec. to keep the extra money otherwise used to pay a high salary, and have it used to build that exec's second dream house in Cannes or some such place:-)

The New Deal is dead! Long live the New (RAW!!!) Deal.
nothanks  - | 626  
15 Apr 2016 /  #32
Speaking of Western Europe

Germany is banning sexy women in ads, billboards. Because they provoke Migrants to rape.

> Poles have immigrated for decades but 1 summer of Islamic migration and Germany's culture is integrating to their way of life
jon357  72 | 23361  
15 Apr 2016 /  #33
A source for that, Cro?
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
15 Apr 2016 /  #34
Yes, I too hunger for some sort of evidence to buttress such assertions:-)

I will confess though that the outward culture of Western Europe, particularly in Scandinavia, The Netherlands and of course, Germany, HAS indeed "changed" noticeably since the advent of non-Western (and non-Christian) settlers, roughly from around the mid-60's through '70's.

Any relatively small and tightly homogeneous society such as Sweden, for example, will easily fall prey to the attraction of those from Third-World countries, who are literally mesmerized by the blandishments which Western Protestant cultures have to offer.

There are simply more of "them" (owing to low or lacking birth control) than there are of "us", that's all it is.
El Polio loco  
16 Apr 2016 /  #35
Problem remains that a Pole, a Ukrainian, a Hindu or a Mexican is usually willing to work for less than a German, W.A.S.P American, Swede, Dane or Englishman.

How is this a problem? Isn't competitiveness an essence of capitalism? Or does it only apply when a German,WASP American,Swede etc.has the comperative advantage? And problem for who exactly? Was it a problem for American consumer in 70's when Japanese entered the car market with better quality product at lower price?

Living as we are in a post-Reagan economic environment, the average, short-sighted boss is rarely if ever going to do what is right and hire the deserving n

DESERVING? What makes them DESERVING? You are free to start a business and hire all the "deserving" ones for whatever you want to pay them. Why don't you do that? You think you deserve something because you were born in country X and not country Y?No, you don't as this is not any achievement.
nothanks  - | 626  
16 Apr 2016 /  #36
A source for that, Cro?

? Me?

jon357  72 | 23361  
16 Apr 2016 /  #37

So in fact nothing at all about:


and everything about

adverts which "reduce women or men to sexual objects."

Why twist stuff, why twist stuff?

Very hard to see how its got anything to do with East European (or any other) immigrants to western Europe either.
nothanks  - | 626  
16 Apr 2016 /  #38
Definitely just a coincidence that "the new Germans" are directly against these sort of ads. You can guarantee when pork begins to be banned from venues and institutions it will be blamed on some sort of "modern health risk". Don't be a gullible German.

["I am worried about pork being taken from school and canteen menus," German Minister for Food and Agriculture Christian Schmidt told the Funke media group.]

Western Europe is changing in order to integrate with "the new Germans". Poland will be forced to also integrate or face political manipulation.
jon357  72 | 23361  
16 Apr 2016 /  #39
Don't be so paranoid.
nothanks  - | 626  
16 Apr 2016 /  #40
It is already occurring.

> European Parliament lawmakers adopted a resolution on Wednesday, saying they were "seriously concerned that the effective paralysis of the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland poses a danger to democracy, human rights and the rule of law." The document was passed by a 513-142 vote with 30 abstentions in Strasbourg, France.

Although non-binding, the resolution could result in the EU taking further measures, which might go as far as suspending Poland's voting rights in the bloc.
jon357  72 | 23361  
16 Apr 2016 /  #41
saying they were "seriously concerned that the effective paralysis of the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland poses a danger

This is nothing whatsoever to do with the number of Polish or other migrants in Western Europe.
Marsupial  - | 871  
16 Apr 2016 /  #42
There are western and southern europeans strewn all over the world sucking it dry like leeches. Must have been convienient with the limited competition
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
16 Apr 2016 /  #43
El Polio, a person is free to sicken and die on the streets of our American cities, but how on God's green earth does that make it right???

As soon as capitalist business practices toss morality our the window, owners might as well brace for a backlash from those whom they gleefully disenfranchised, dislocated and whose lives they wantonly destroyed, and believe you me, the results ain't gonna be pretty:-)

Roosevelt's New Deal was created so that at least there be some parity between workers and management, as there is in certain countries, such as Japan (not exactly an unsuccesful economy, despite recent unrelated setbacks)!!

At least in the US, if only to clarify my post yesterday, "foreigners" aka immigrants to this country should be able to work, BUT ONLY IF QUALIFIED, pure and simple!!! If a native-born, tax-paying American is waiting in line for employment, the foreign-born and usually recently arrived job seeker should be put AT THE BACK of the line and preference ought to be given to the former...just as was once the case.

Ever since the late 60's when certain individuals from Third-World nations were allowed to enter the States, later with the rise of Reaganism, and finally (perhaps most lethally) with Bill Clinton granting amnesty to certain foreign nationals coming to America, the American working man has been put at a tremendous disadvantage.

Sure, you can "debate" with me about it. We're still a free society. There's the freedom to be smart and the freedom to be dumb, without fear of impunity or punishment:-) For that matter, let's debate on what's the capital of New York! If you were to say, Saratoga, you'd be dead wrong.

There's clearly a right and a wrong answer to what's been going on in this country for far too long and the Reps have the wrong approach, end of debate!

By the lack of response, guess yours truly hit another raw nerve:-)

OUUUCHHH!!! Reality really bitesLOL
El Polio loco  
18 Apr 2016 /  #44
By the lack of response, guess yours truly hit another raw nerve:-)

Oh no good sir,that's not the case here.LOL See,I have a job and a life and for that reason I don't spend on this forum as much time as you do but I will still respond to the nonsense you wrote.

First thing first

tax-paying American is waiting in line for employment

If the American in question is waiting in line for employment than he is not "tax paying" American.This should be obvious!
Now,if the American in question is waiting in line for employment than he is A) super lazy couch potato B) a total retard C) a felon and/or drug addict.Me being a foreigner aka immigrant (though a temporary one) to this country never had a problem with obtaining employment.And no, I don't allow myself to be exploited,actually rate for my services is some 20% higher than the rate of an average native born person doing the same job.Guess I am worth it and yes I fully deserve it LOL.

the foreign-born and usually recently arrived job seeker should be put AT THE BACK of the line and preference ought to be given to the former.

See,the problem is that employers usually (if not always) look for the best man for the job regardless of his origin and to me it seems to make sense.They also (from what I observed) tend to skip on those who in their mind deserve something without actually offering some unique skills and/or high work ethics .Again, you are free to start your your own business and employ only native born deserving people but don't try to force it on business people who actually take a risk because they not gonna like it.I got to go now as I have work to do LOL.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
18 Apr 2016 /  #45
You must be a Republican:-) As with the rest of our "members", I have indeed "a life", as much of one (if not more) than those out there constantly on their i(diot)Phones twenty-four seven ad nauseum. I no longer own a cell phone and our house has neither a pc nor even a satelite dish. Our one concession, Luddites that we're NOT, is the radio and the TV (..to which we listen more than sparingly, as there's little to watch of interest, except perhaps the occasional staticLOL).

I do wish you were right about jobs and qualifications, but since Reagan, for the majority of non-minorities, this has hardly been the case:-) For the beneficiary of affirmative action, those in a post for representation purposes mostly, America IS a paradise. For the rest of us who choose to survive on our wits and our skills, a far different story awaits the older worker or "secondary" job seeker!

Do you read the newspaper? I trust you do. But do you understand what you've read? I'm beginning to have my doubts.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
18 Apr 2016 /  #46
"look for the best man for the job regardless of his origin " So true ad straight to the point.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
18 Apr 2016 /  #47
It was once so, Dolno, but has been ever less true over the past thirty years, what with Clinton's tax subsidies for minorities, the omnipresent black market and the voting blocks of immigrants who attract US bosses, because the strongest aphrodesiac has always been the scent of cheap labor.

As Western Europe's economy dwindles, you'll be seeing fewer and fewer Poles etc.. When it picks up again, they'll reappear....like a bad penny:-)

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