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Curious about differences Polish people see with the British?

23 Oct 2014 /  #91
You lived there for a while but aren't British?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Oct 2014 /  #92
Sorry EG? Yup, I am British - I was just visiting Glasgow on the way to see the old aunt in Perth :)

When I retire it'll be to God's Own Country, but I will need my pension fund to swell like a Haggis in full sun :)
23 Oct 2014 /  #93
Apologies Doug, my question was to Jon I should have quoted. Apparently he's an expert on the British class system despite not even being British himself.
jon357  72 | 23557  
23 Oct 2014 /  #94
When I didn't understand her brogue (accent) she closed her till, took me by the hand (I was younger then), walked me out into the street and indicated down the road and to the right. All done with a smile and great courtesy.

It's very hard to imagine that happening in a shop in PL - you'd be more likely to hear the assistant say that both the station and Glasgow don't exist and never have.

Apparently he's an expert on the British class system

Sarcastic as well as:

despite not even being British himself.

krecik89  3 | 60  
26 Oct 2014 /  #95
I've had that a few times in Poland. Where's the xxx product? Quick reply - Nie ma. Then I have a look around and find it. Of course, most pleasantries in the UK are on the surface. I don't see it as fake. The shop attendant who asks how your day was, most likely will help you find a product in the store versus the one who ignores you when you enter the shop. It's also down to training in my opinion. The managers of these shops whether in Poland or the UK need to train their staff. A common Chinese proverb is 'A person with a sour face should not open a shop.' - that advice transcends all countries and cultures. There's a lot of competition in Poland now and shops won't survive by letting surly people sell their goods.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Curious about differences Polish people see with the British?Archived