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A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN"

dtaylor  9 | 823  
13 Jun 2008 /  #721
I am not writing a thesis

I doubt you could anyway...
OP noimmigration  
13 Jun 2008 /  #722
You thought britain had problems with poles read this:

OP noimmigration  
18 Jun 2008 /  #724
Thread attached on merging:
Is this what poland was like 20 years ago ?

Is this what you all lived like -


This video was taken last year, it reminds me of the dark ages -

celinski  31 | 1258  
18 Jun 2008 /  #725
This video was taken last year

lol thanks, now she's a go getter.
pawian  226 | 27817  
18 Jun 2008 /  #726
Is this what you all lived like -

This video was taken last year, it reminds me of the dark ages -

Hmmm...do you really know what you are asking about?

The first video doesn`t load as it seems to be already removed from Youtube.

The other presents some old woman from Romania or another country whose language I can`t decipher.

Are you sure it is exactly what you wanted to achieve? :)
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
18 Jun 2008 /  #727
could you paste direct links into those videos? (unfortunatelly, flashplugin sucks on x64bits :<)

// editied
ok, i saw a source of page

1. its about modern Russian Federation
2. its in Bulgarian, i think (but i'm not sure for 100%)

next time, search better (and, during searching, use brain- believe me, its helpful and it isnt painful)
Tamara  9 | 202  
18 Jun 2008 /  #728
Poland is a wonderful place where on the same trip you can see a pimped out Mercedes speeding down a country lane where an old lady is sweeping her yard with a broom made of straw or sticks.

Where just on the outskirts of a major tourist area, there are small villages where people still get their water from a stream with a bucket.

And people live in houses with televisions, vcr's and DVD players but don't yet have indoor plumbing. It is a wonderful dichotomy of existence.

OP noimmigration  
18 Jun 2008 /  #729
Is there some kind of charity set up to help these poor, unfortunate people. ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Jun 2008 /  #730
Where did noimmi's avatar thread go?
dnz  17 | 710  
18 Jun 2008 /  #731
You thought britain had problems with poles read this, URL

I welcome the poles they will willingly work for a reasonable wage doing any type of work and they do a good job unlike lazy, unemployed scottish wasters,

Is this what poland was like 20 years ago ?

Probably as it was communist but I dont think scotland has an excuse for being backwards does it?

Just to add, I lived in scotland for 7 years and found 90% of the people very friendly and it was a nice place to live, Its just the narrow minded f*ckwits like our friend here that irritate me,

noimm, Why are you posting here and not on the "arrogant lazy buckfast drinking unemployed scum" forum?
osiol  55 | 3921  
18 Jun 2008 /  #732
Scotland isn't backwards, dnaltocs is though.
OP noimmigration  
19 Jun 2008 /  #733
Do you know what, this entire thread should be deleted. I am sick of the moderators shoving my threads into a little hole.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
19 Jun 2008 /  #734
I am sick of the moderators shoving my threads into a little hole.

What hole?
OP noimmigration  
19 Jun 2008 /  #735
This hole we are talking in titled - noimmigrations threads.
Mister H  11 | 761  
19 Jun 2008 /  #736
Do you know what, this entire thread should be deleted. I am sick of the moderators shoving my threads into a little hole.

The moderators are expecting you to come out with the same, tired old arguments and that you have nothing new to say and that you're views are blinkered by general nastiness.

Therefore they may aswell lump all your posts together.

It's called being "pigeon-holed", which is exactly what you do to the Polish.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
19 Jun 2008 /  #737
I am sick of the moderators shoving my threads into a little hole.

I wish someone would shove your head into a little hole :(
osiol  55 | 3921  
19 Jun 2008 /  #738
Why do the old ones stay here making this thread look really big and popular. If he must remain on PF, then surely each time his new threads are dumped here, the older posts could all be wiped away.

Then again, some of us have made some good responses on here.
rafik  18 | 589  
21 Jun 2008 /  #739
You thought britain had problems with poles read this, URL

they are not poles?noimmi-i'm very dissapointed with you...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jun 2008 /  #740
This hole we are talking in titled - noimmigrations threads.

This was not here before, it made no sence. That's why I asked what hole.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
21 Jun 2008 /  #741
It's been here since it was created on the 2nd January.

they are not poles?noimmi-i'm very dissapointed with you...

He's lost his focus lately ;)
rafik  18 | 589  
21 Jun 2008 /  #742
He's lost his focus lately ;)

yes.he is much softer than he used to be.even my attempts to wind him up didn't work.he isn't as much entertaining as before.damn.we need another clown!
osiol  55 | 3921  
21 Jun 2008 /  #743
Welcome to another page of the battle between good and evil.

he isn't as much entertaining as before.damn.we need another clown!

I'm currently spinning a load of plates on sticks whilst balancing myself precariously on the edge of a large vat of jelly. I can't do with racist, fascist, small-minded, xenophobic, low-life scum side of things quite as well though.
OP noimmigration  
23 Jun 2008 /  #744
Thread attached on merging:
eastern europeans

In my neighbour hood the place is being transformed beyond recognition by eastern europeans.

Poles, lithuanians, roma gypsies et. etc. are all making my neighbour hood go down hill. I would have no problems with french, german or american immigrants. but does anyone feel that eastern european culture is basically inferior ?
IronsE11  2 | 441  
23 Jun 2008 /  #745
Worst fishing attempt ever....

E minus

Must try harder.
Mister H  11 | 761  
23 Jun 2008 /  #746
In the context you're using it, the word "neighbourhood" is one word and not two.

Your views are one thing and everyone is entitled to an opinion, but your appalling grasp of the basics of grammar just beggar belief.

You seem keen to stress your point of view that certain races are inferior to the British, however, you're clearly thick, so why should we listen to you ?

I'm British and people like you symbolise everything that is wrong with this country.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
23 Jun 2008 /  #747
Mister H

See my previous post...

What you have said is true but why bite?
Mister H  11 | 761  
23 Jun 2008 /  #748
People like noimmigration do need to be challenged, even if it does feel like it's banging a head against a brick wall.

If he thought his arguments through more, didn't phrase them so badly or make so many grammar and spelling mistakes, he might even get taken seriously.

If you went into pretty much any local pub in Britain today, you will encounter lots of "noimmigrations". Just because he is the minority on here, doesn't mean there aren't loads like him.

Many people do think their area has changed for the worse as a result of immigration, but a badly worded topic on a web-forum isn't the best way to discuss it rationally.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
23 Jun 2008 /  #749
People like noimmigration do need to be challenged

You wont change his opinion (if indeed it actually is).

If you went into pretty much any local pub in Britain today, you will encounter lots of "noimmigrations". Just because he is the minority on here, doesn't mean there aren't loads like him.

Most of their arguments are as badly constructed as his.

a badly worded topic on a web-forum isn't the best way to discuss it rationally.

It's this posting style which gets the biggest reaction. It's internet fishing at its best/worst...... Sit back and wait for the indignant replies to roll in.

It's a monster which doesn't need feeding. Best to swim past the bait without biting... the fisherman will soon find a new pond when he realises he has exhausted his supply of fish.
Mister H  11 | 761  
24 Jun 2008 /  #750
Most of their arguments are as badly constructed as his.

That maybe so, but that is even more reason to challenge their views and try and get a handle on why they think the way they do.

These people do have a right to their opinions, however uncomfortable they might be and there is a tide of feeling against mass/uncontrolled immigration. It isn't just blokes in pubs sounding off. I work with and know a lot of people, many from well educated backgrouds and on good salaries, who have views along similars lines to people like "noimmigration". It's just that they phrase things better and don't have such a tunnel-vision approach to the subject.

As a result, they get listened to more.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN"Archived