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A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN"

Bartolome  2 | 1083  
10 Apr 2008 /  #421
Sometimes when you listen to Poles you can't help thinking they won the war for the allies...:)

BS. I just wanted to say that Poland never OFFICIALLY surrendered, that's all.

Yes...how bad of me!

You manipulated my answer.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #422
Sometimes when you listen to Poles you can't help thinking they won the war for the allies...:)

Yes they did! My uncles just sat on theirars es beside their hurricanes all through the battle of Britain while letting the 30 odd Polish Pilots win the war...of course my Uncles 9 "kills" were just made up in an act of Polonophobia and his finishing on 20+ destroyed german aircraft and countless tanks etc when he transfered to fighter bomber spitfires were likewise made up just to spite the Poles..who,were of course the only people to storm Normandy..dont believe speilberg folks,it wasnt the US 29th and 1st inf divs that stormed Omaha it was the 76 warsaw highland rifle twirlers assisted of course by the duke of krakovias own mounted belly dancers....
incubus  1 | 146  
10 Apr 2008 /  #423
and you got this information from? kindergarten?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
10 Apr 2008 /  #424
BS. I just wanted to say that Poland never OFFICIALLY surrendered, that's all.

There even was a victory parade of the Wehrmacht!

Let's see:

Army surrendered? Check
No independent government? Check
Fully occupied? Check
Foreign controlled and governed? Check

What do you think is missing here?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #425
No,from people that were actualy in the Battle of Britain moron....a rather better source than frikkin wikipedia.....
(btw,incubus,the civiliesed world has rather grown out of doning "black face" as a laugh...)
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
10 Apr 2008 /  #426
What do you think is missing here?

Show me the Act of Capitulation of Poland. That was ALL what I was talking about. Don't you understand plain English ?
BTW. Where did both the Polish Army in the West and in the East get from ? Magic lamps ? And Polish Government in Exile ?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #427
Does it really matter? If your face down in the dirt,with a big old boot on the back of your neck surely the act of saying "I give up" is rather meaningless,no?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
10 Apr 2008 /  #428
Show me the Act of Capitulation of Poland.

That happened in Warschau!
You know what...even the polish sources call it "capitulation" and you are just wriggling about! Period!
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
10 Apr 2008 /  #429
Does it really matter? If your face down in the dirt,with a big old boot on the back of your neck surely the act of saying "I give up" is rather meaningless,no?

Goddammit, don't you understand the power of symbols ? For example - why Hitler was so obsessive about taking Stalingrad ? And Stalin about defending it ? The same with Poles - act of general surrender could've depressed Poles and make them less willing to fight the enemy.

That happened in Warschau!

It was the capitol and Army 'Warszawa' that surrendered. The fight wasn't over.
incubus  1 | 146  
10 Apr 2008 /  #430
No,from people that were actualy in the Battle of Britain moron....a rather better source than frikkin wikipedia.....
(btw,incubus,the civiliesed world has rather grown out of doning "black face" as a laugh...)

so you believe the brave stories your grandaddy tells you, enough said.

are you refering to the picture in my avatar (about the black face)? if so, check before you judge cuz that guy in the pic is my partner (british from 1st immigrants) and the white girl is me. you can see a bigger version of that pic in my profile. we were dressed up for my partner`s 70`s theme b`day party 2 years ago that`s why we`ve got those wigs on. if there is a joke in here, that`s you.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
10 Apr 2008 /  #431
so you believe the brave stories your grandaddy tells you, enough said

most poles believe they come from a great nation, which is obviously something passed down from great granddaddies becasue it hasnt been the case in living memory
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
10 Apr 2008 /  #432
most poles believe they come from a great nation

What's wrong with that ? So think Americans, Russians, Scots, English, Welsh, Irish, Britons, Ivorycoastians, Fijians, etc
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
10 Apr 2008 /  #433
theres nothing wrong with that. its just a bit laughable in some countries cases
incubus  1 | 146  
10 Apr 2008 /  #434
most poles believe they come from a great nation, which is obviously something passed down from great granddaddies becasue it hasnt been the case in living memory

and ALL brits believe they come from a great nation, your national pride is so far up your a$$es that you can`t even accept the fact that you needed help from other countries in battle of britain.

let alone your football pride. LOL that`s the funniest thing ever. a british sunday consists of: telly with football on, beer and a bunch of fat beer-belly english tw@ts screaming `come on england!` now that you`re not in the european cup 2008 it won`t be the case this summer, i guess.

theres nothing wrong with that. its just a bit laughable in some countries cases

well then, go on, laugh at your own country. us, poles might have a bad reputation in the world but at least we are not perceived as fat ugly lazy stupid stuck up football maniacs who fart pride out of their a$$es further than they can see.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
10 Apr 2008 /  #435
its just a bit laughable in some countries cases

Whatever. Be careful not to explode.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #437
so you believe the brave stories your grandaddy tells you, enough said.

Grow up girlie,not enough said at all,but any more would be far to much for your mentality to comprehend.......
Tell you what love,you hate the place so much,fuk off,what are you ,a masochist?

well then, go on, laugh at your own country. us, poles might have a bad reputation in the world but at least we are not perceived as fat ugly lazy stupid stuck up football maniacs who fart pride out of their a$$es further than they can see.

No,your seen as moaning bairns that blame everyone else for all your problems/losing ww2 yet claim you "won" ww2 for everyone else...sad pathetic waste of breath. I used to get involved in debates re our shared history on here,I and others who actually know about these things dont bother anymore as to many chauvanistic "patriots" like yourself chip in with garbage and second hand communist propaganda..... Heres a thought though sucubus,if Polands so great...how well do you think you and your partner would get on if you decided to move back? How many days or weeks before the lynch mob came a knocking?
Grounded  4 | 99  
11 Apr 2008 /  #438
Show me the Act of Capitulation of Poland. That was ALL what I was talking about. Don't you understand plain English ?
BTW. Where did both the Polish Army in the West and in the East get from ? Magic lamps ? And Polish Government in Exile ?

Well one would think that complete occupation with no polish governing body left should do. No need to make it official in my opinion
brazilii  8 | 97  
11 Apr 2008 /  #439
actually I am at university, my father is a post graduate and my mother is a graduate.

So you are a great example of how bad the british education is.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
11 Apr 2008 /  #440
LOL. I am, of course, a wonderful example of how good it used to be.....
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
11 Apr 2008 /  #441
btw,incubus,the civiliesed world has rather grown out of doning "black face" as a laugh...)

I think that its her partner in her profile...

a british sunday consists of: telly with football on, beer and a bunch of fat beer-belly english tw@ts screaming

Not in the bars I frequent, but I suppose it depends on who your friends are, you obviously mix with those lower class people you keep banging on about.

<A BMW with a bad attitude I see>
incubus  1 | 146  
11 Apr 2008 /  #442
and brits don`t blame everyone else for the misery this country`s in? you don`t blame immigrants at all? you seem to blame everything including your loss at the EC2008 qualifiers. and of course you are not patriots but state your wonderful britishness every where you go, wearing t-shirts with flags, waving flags out your windows and looking down at people from other nations. not to mention your infamous ignorance and inability to learn any foreign languages. (please note that i am not talking about all brits cuz there are decent ones as well).

Grow up girlie,not enough said at all,but any more would be far to much for your mentality to comprehend.......
Tell you what love,you hate the place so much,fuk off,what are you ,a masochist?

if i could, yes i would, get the hell out of here, boy. it`s not so straight forward though cuz my man is british.

Not in the bars I frequent, but I suppose it depends on who your friends are, you obviously mix with those lower class people you keep banging on about.

lol, i say it how i see it. i hardly mess with english people and if i do it`s my partner`s friends who btw are all uni graduates with good jobs.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
11 Apr 2008 /  #443
not to mention your infamous ignorance and inability to learn any foreign languages.

You're probably right but that’s generally because English is spoken throughout the world - its not a necessity for people to learn another language to get on in life - but you might be surprised to know that many English people do speak at least one other language, but again this all depends on the kind of people you mix with, must be those horrid lazy fat working class people you keep referring to that are incapable of learning!

and of course you are not patriots but state your wonderful britishness every where you go, wearing t-shirts with flags, waving flags out your windows and looking down at people from other nations

No because it's considered racist if we dare wave our flags in public, we might upset the ethnic majority!

i hardly mess with english people

I think you mean - mix, not mess, unless you is a wigga and then it's just plain funny!..because you keep telling me how educated the people are who you associate with.
Grounded  4 | 99  
11 Apr 2008 /  #444
I agree. Although sometimes under the impression british or irish are too lazy to learn another language it probably has to do with the fact that they dont necessarily have to.

A lot of my mates whether british or irish speak other languages. Some speak german, some french, some spanish. Almost every irish person here at work has min. 2 languages most of them are fluent in their second too.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
11 Apr 2008 /  #445
I would really like to see proof of that.

I recommend you read "The Forgotten Few" by Adam Zamoyski. There'll be a few uncomfortable truths for the British in that book.

In any event, it's pretty poor form for the British to critique the Polish pilots of the BofB. Analogy appropriate I think:

Stan gets into a fight with Fritz. John Bull promised to help Stan in that event, but failed to render any meaningful assistance.

Fritz turns on John Bull, and despite John Bull's previous inactivity, Stan helps wholeheartedly in John Bull's direst hour of need.

Things get better for John Bull, but not for Stan. When the dust settles, John Bull manfully critiques Stan's fighting prowess, despite the fact that Stan rendered meaningful assistance and more than likely tipped the balance.

Who should hold his head up - Stan or John Bull?

One thing I know for sure - I'm never going to help a Brit who gets into a blue! ;-)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
11 Apr 2008 /  #446
the idea that the british cant speak foreign languages is as ridiculous as the people who suggest it. the vast majority of us learn at least 1 at school

but when all is said and done, the current lingua franca is english and the chances of you speaking our language is much greater than the chances of us speaking yours, wherever you are from

the fact remains that much of the business, political and academic communication between 2 or more coutries is invariably conducted in english, being able to communicate sufficiently in english is therefore of greater importance to many than it is for the british to achieve similar levels in foreign languages

this is why many foreigners will frequently revert to english even when a native english speaker is speaking their language. i have witnessed this particularly in poland
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
11 Apr 2008 /  #447
the fact remains that much of the business, political and academic communication between 2 or more coutries is invariably conducted in english, being able to communicate sufficiently in english is therefore of greater importance to many than it is for the british to achieve similar levels in foreign language

Na ja....the most spoken native language is German and you can bet that business partners in the Swiss, Germany, Austria, Netherland, Belgium, Liechtenstein etc. speak german between them.

They have to resort to english when speaking with Brits or Americans because those barely speak german, it's a matter of necessity.


1. German is the most widely spoken language in Europe.

More people speak German as their native language than any other language in Europe. It's no wonder, since Germany's 83 million inhabitants make it the most populous European nation. But not only the residents of Germany speak German. It is also an official language of Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein. And it is the native language of a significant portion of the population in northern Italy, eastern Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, eastern France, parts of Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, and Romania, as well as in other parts of Europe.

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
11 Apr 2008 /  #448
whilst you might believe that germany is the centre of the universe "the fact remains that much of the business, political and academic communication between 2 or more coutries is invariably conducted in english"

English permeates globalisation, europeanisation, and americanisation. EU language policy is, apart from some rights to interpretation in the supra-national institutions, and the promulgation of documents in all official languages (which in theory have equal rights), largely covert. This facilitates the dominance of English.

The role of English as a worldwide lingua franca is irreversible. It is therefore more fruitful to accept this role than either bemoan it or follow the European Union's hypocritical language policy

It [English] is everywhere. Some 380 million people speak it as their first language and perhaps two-thirds as many again as their second. A billion are learning it, about a third of the world's population are in some sense exposed to it and by 2050, it is predicted, half the world will be more or less proficient in it. It is the language of globalization - of international business, politics and diplomacy.


na richtig super, ja?

ps doch
incubus  1 | 146  
11 Apr 2008 /  #449
You're probably right but that's generally because English is spoken throughout the world

yeah, i guess that`s the kind of people i`m talking about. though you can get across british people (the educated and rich kind) in spain and some of them expect the spanish to speak english to them!

No because it's considered racist if we dare wave our flags in public, we might upset the ethnic majority!

i`ve seen many english and british flags hanging out the windows. i wouldn`t say it`s racist but patriotic i guess.

I think you mean - mix, not mess, unless you is a wigga and then it's just plain funny!..because you keep telling me how educated the people are who you associate with.

i meant `mess` as in `mess around`, `mix`. not sure what a wigga is though
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
11 Apr 2008 /  #450
The role of English as a worldwide lingua franca is irreversible.

I doubt that!
Once it was Latin...it is no more!
Once it was french...it is no more!
Once it was german...it is no more!

na richtig super, ja?

ps doch

I have to apologize! :)

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN"Archived