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Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles.

jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #151
giving a lot of freebies to immigrants from tax money earned by native Brits.

What do you mean by "freebies"? Do tell.

And what about tax revenue earned from immigrants? Or "freebies" given to native Brits?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Feb 2010 /  #152
Britain can be made to look bad on 2 fronts and I hope that people see through the glossing and muddying that the government will no doubt try and pull. Firstly, their willingness to negotiate with the Taliban but this isn't central to the thread so I will say no more. Secondly, that they blundered in not imposing caps. A U-turn will serve as proof.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
10 Feb 2010 /  #153
Foreigners are just exercising their rights

many 3rd world immigrants misuse these rights, for example producing extra children just to get extra child benefit or a bigger house (paid for by society).
jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #154
You are staggeringly cynical and bitter.

Aren't they too a part of society?

So what about a response to these questions:

giving a lot of freebies to immigrants from tax money earned by native Brits.

What do you mean by "freebies"? Do tell.

And what about tax revenue earned from immigrants? Or "freebies" given to native Brits?
time means  5 | 1309  
10 Feb 2010 /  #155
crimes for voters wondering who might be representing them

Given the widespread corruption (expenses for one thing) in the HP i don't think a couple more would make much difference.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
10 Feb 2010 /  #156
You are staggeringly cynical and bitter.


What do you mean by "freebies"? Do tell.

free houses, free lawyers, welfare, etc.

And what about tax revenue earned from immigrants?

compared to what they get back it's nothing.

Or "freebies" given to native Brits?

like what?
jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #157

Cynical and bitter. For sure something bad must have happened to you.

free houses, free lawyers, welfare, etc.

Nobody gets free houses. The poorest, regardless of ethnicity can get housing benefit on the basis of need.
Free lawyers? Are you mad? Check out what happened to the legal aid scheme - it is means tested.
Welfare? This isn't free.

compared to what they get back it's nothing.

Can you cite some evidence for that?

like what?

It's you who mentioned "freebies". So tell us some real ones.

Given the widespread corruption (expenses for one thing) in the HP i don't think a couple more would make much difference.

Claiming too much expenses for kitchen units, duck ponds, whisky etc. on the one hand and child molesting, racial attacks, bomb making etc. on the other. A wee bit different. What we've got now isn't perfect, but they are angels compared to some of the Numpty Nazis in the BNP.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
10 Feb 2010 /  #158
Well at least the banks are being bailed out.
UK banks receive £37bn bail-out and that is just for three banks.

Who or what keeps a track on why the figure is 37bn? why not 35 or 40? what exactly has the money so far been spent on? and what is this money allocated for?

It almost feels like being off topic saying this.

Lets face it when we hear about the people of a nation loosing jobs, we are on their side.
When we hear about Brits protesting against foreigners in the workforce, we sympathise with both the Brits and the foreign workforce but when I hear about the banks that created this mess in the first place being bailed out it angers me.

I do not know much about what is happening in Britain but if it is anything like what has taken place in Ireland (and it sounds very similar), energies of would-be protesters should refocus their attention on banks.

you know what causes hatred?

giving a lot of freebies to immigrants from tax money earned by native Brits.

it's good the BNP is gaining popularity in UK, because this has to stop and a lot of immigrants need to kicked out of the country.

This thread is about ''Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles.''
As in ''WORKERS'', so you have misunderstood everything again and your comment is off topic as usual.
time means  5 | 1309  
10 Feb 2010 /  #159
bomb making etc.

I dare say that Mr Brown and his cohorts have killed off more people through bombs than Mr Griffin and co.
jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #160
Undoubtedly. Though not by nailbombs in the pub. Unless Gordon's got a secret hobby.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
10 Feb 2010 /  #161
Generally comes from the Bank of England's coffers, which they receive from tax payers on behalf of the government. They flood money bank into the economy (loans to banks to cover their debts) in hope that we recover.

It's the most fecked up thing in the world. We put our savings into the bank, they feck up by using our savings to invest in things that have gone tits-up, so after they lose our money, then the government spends our taxes by giving the banks more of our money to covers the money the banks lost in the first place.

Was reading some articles about how this has been a scam from day 1. When people went into debt by borrowing money from the banks (which the banks didn't have) the banks repossessed their houses, assets ect. That way the banks could turn debts into fixed assets. Confusing as hell but something slimy about it.

There is an advert in the UK for Halifax at the moment. They are making a big song and dance about a new account in which they will "reward" us £5 a month for joining them....this being the bank which was plastered all over the news for the way they lost billions of savings by investing in crap. Also during the ad you can read the small print that states the only way you can join this super £5 a month reward account is when you give the bank £1000 in savings a month, or have a mortgage with them. OF COURSE the bank this time won't waste that money would they?!


Biggest bunch of crooks the planet has ever seen.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
10 Feb 2010 /  #162
then the government spends our taxes by giving the banks more of our money to covers the money the banks lost in the first place.

I am in the wrong business.
If a company, by it's own actions, goes under nothing happens but Banks are treated differently, why?

I would still like to know

Who or what keeps a track on why the figure is 37bn? why not 35 or 40? what exactly has the money so far been spent on? and what is this money allocated for?

We read about immigration statistics, there are many watch dogs and counter groups who make sure the public are informed as to what they think is going on.

But again banks don't seem to have any controls, any watchdogs nothing???

People may think this is an issue of indigenous people Vrs foreigners but I see it as a money issue and these runts are laughing all the way to the banks.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
10 Feb 2010 /  #163
If a company, by it's own actions, goes under nothing happens but Banks are treated differently, why?

Mainly cos the government owes the banks so much in turn. By bailing them out, they eventually own the fixed assets (property, land ect) via the banks debts. Unlike money, these assets follow a trend of becoming more valuable over time, while cash, exchange rates, shares ect can be influenced from forces outside governmental control. That's the theory anyway.

In laymen terms.
People of the country become richer (When labour came into power).
They buy houses and borrow large amounts of cash.
Banks lend cash that they "don't have" but borrow from other sources due to the fact people can afford to pay back loans ect.

Suddenly the bubble bursts, stock markets crash, banks go into debt due to their heavy lending and borrowing.
Banks put interest rates higher to get back more money, people cant afford to pay, so banks repossess their assets.
Government floods the economy by bailing out debts, Bank of England being a private institution recovers the "first" assets - property, land, ect. These are the only assets that stably increase through time.

They sell them again to get a return....next punters step up to buy them. And the cycle begins all over again.
Each time this cycle repeats, about 5% of borrowers have their assets seized either fully, or via re-mortgaging or other debt recovery services. This cycle can repeat in 5 years, 25 years or even 50 years, but each time a proportion of the countries assets are bought and re-sold again, but not by the people themselves, but by the banks.

In effect if you bought a house in the last financial boom, you have probably paid for it twice already, but you will continue to pay for many more times over with interest rates, re-mortgages and via tax bail outs to the banks.

Debt to us just mean owing money, debt to the means people owing them money, and that my friend is why the government is prepared to lend and borrow from the banks, cos they will get their cut;)

Sorry if I have bored anyone with my ranting :D
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Feb 2010 /  #164
Jarnowa, you have to trust sometimes. When you leave your car on the street, you leave it to trust that nobody will scratch it maliciously or break into it. Britain must accept the bad with the good and also accept that life is far from ideal.

Poles do that too, they know how to circumvent the loopholes and get more money. Why don't you criticise them? Are they 3rd world too? People cheat to survive a lot of the time.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
10 Feb 2010 /  #165
his thread is about ''Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles.''
As in ''WORKERS'', so you have misunderstood everything again and your comment is off topic as usual.

that's how it started, but as many posts were about the BNP and when jonni made an ignorant comment about them "inciting hatred" instead of getting popularity from people who already dislike foreign scum, i felt free to write what's really causing hatred.

i can understand you have problems with the discussion going offtopic but it's quite remarkable you didn't start about this until i came in. i knew you liked me! :D
jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #166
ignorant comment

foreign scum

You reveal your own hatred here.

Fortunately most British people are not so obsessed with foreign people, workers or not.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
10 Feb 2010 /  #167
I am getting the feeling that there are no watchdogs, no statistics and no one knows where and for what the money being given to the banks is for exactly, where it has gone and where it will be allocated.

Is that not a bit odd? or do you all know? is it a sound plan? is it being controlled? It is the tax payer's money after all.

BNP and when jonni made an ignorant comment about them "inciting hatred" instead of getting popularity from people who already dislike foreign scum,

You are a Belgium guy living in Poland. Do you know about the BNP? or you just feel like kindred spirits. I have to admit it is ridiculously racist people of low intelligence exactly like yourself that make up the core of this party who trick others in to their hate group.
szymanski  - | 2  
10 Feb 2010 /  #168
cheap labor is cheap labor in america we have mexicans its not the people trying to make a liveing but the employers that dont pay a fare wage to all peoples working
jarnowa  4 | 499  
10 Feb 2010 /  #169
Do you know about the BNP? or you just feel like kindred spirits. I have to admit it is ridiculously racist people of low intelligence exactly like yourself that make up the core of this party who trick others in to their hate group.

i don't care if BNP is racist or not as long as they fight immigration from 3rd world/wasting loads of tax money on them.

i don't like that they are also against immigration from Poland, but they will never be able to stop that, so no problem.
jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #170
i don't like that they are also against immigration from Poland, but they will never be able to stop that, so no problem

Actually they want to do exactly that.

But they won't have any impact on immigration or anything else because they will do so badly in the next election that they will lose their deposit in every seat.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
10 Feb 2010 /  #171
Nobody gets free houses. The poorest, regardless of ethnicity can get housing benefit on the basis of need.

i read in UK asylum seekers also get free houses, like in many western countries.

as for the poorest getting housing benefits. it's paid from tax money. natives, having lived longer in the country than immigrants, probably have paid more to the taxman than immigrants. again immigrants benefit more.

Free lawyers? Are you mad? Check out what happened to the legal aid scheme - it is means tested.

at least asylum seekers. i'm not sure about other immigrants with low income but i wouldn't be surprised.

Welfare? This isn't free.

welfare is free money per definition.
in belgium and holland they use welfare much more than native belgians/dutch, there's no reason to think it's different in the UK.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
10 Feb 2010 /  #172
in belgium and holland they use welfare much more than native belgians/dutch,

Prove it or is this another Government ''secret'' that nobody knows but you?
jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #173
i read in UK asylum seekers also get free houses

Most are in nasty hostels.

benefits. it's paid from tax money. natives, having lived longer in the country than immigrants, probably have paid more to the taxman than immigrants. again immigrants benefit more.

Everybody pays tax and is entitled to something back. Are you saying that no white people are benefit scroungers?

welfare is free money per definition.

It's part of commonweal, to maintain society. British society is multi-ethnic, and successfully so, compared to so many other places.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
10 Feb 2010 /  #174
Most are in nasty hostels.

what's wrong with a hostel, the living conditions are usually much better than back in their own country.

Everybody pays tax and is entitled to something back. Are you saying that no white people are benefit scroungers?

i said that immigrants benefit more than natives.

British society is multi-ethnic, and successfully so

you are very funny indeed! :D
jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #175
what's wrong with a hostel

You fancy living in one then?

i said that immigrants benefit more than natives.

The whole point is that the person is irrelevant, the need is everything. Don't you understand that.

you are very funny indeed! :D

Whereas you are cynically racist. What part of society don't you understand?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
10 Feb 2010 /  #176
You fancy living in one then?

no, but it's good enough for them as they lived in worse conditions in their own country.

The whole point is that the person is irrelevant, the need is everything. Don't you understand that.

if they need something they should pay for it.

Whereas you are cynically racist. What part of society don't you understand?

it's not me being cynical or racist that makes me laugh, but you claiming that British multi-ethnic society is succesful when BNP is growing like cabbage (proving that more and more native British are unhappy).
jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #177
they lived in worse conditions in their own country.

How would you know what conditions somebody lived in in their "own country"? Unless you assume all non-Europeans live in mud huts like your ancestors.

if they need something they should pay for it.

An ill, disabled, redundant person should pay for everything? Are you planning on growing old, or have you swallowed the elixir of youth?

BNP is growing like cabbage

They aren't growing. A few mid-term votes in depressed areas. Hardly "cabbage".

British multi-ethnic society is succesful

Yes. It is successful.
Barney  19 | 1768  
10 Feb 2010 /  #178
natives, having lived longer in the country than immigrants, probably have paid more to the taxman than immigrants.

That is really silly logic by your reckoning a sliding scale of support should be introduced dependant upon contributions, good bye Health Service for a start.

"Nature Red in Tooth and Claw"
Are you really that savage?
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
10 Feb 2010 /  #179
My question was about asylum seekers and foreigners not about foreigners and British people or British to English as I was asking about your original quote.

What i was implying was that you can tell by the country of origin that the majority are successful asylum seekers, still the point is that the majority of the housing is not held by native people.

I think specialisations in medicine and technology are also what E.U. countries should be gearing towards.

Iam sure theres many options that could be explored, japan and korea used to be poor countries 60 years ago but they have both pulled their socks up and become powerful economies without the need of large numbers of migrant workers. Saying that though they are not obsessed with class systems like we are.

usually for inciting hatred.

Kids have been convicted of the same offence, thats a silly crime. Moving on though its obvious the crimes were committed but its a shame the public's knowledge of politicians convictions doesn't seem to extend much further than the BNP, well i suppose they wouldn't when the very papers they read support either the labour party or conservative party, if they did know abit more then i doubt they would ever vote for anyone again.

handy lists of some BNP activists crimes for voters wondering who might be representing them if they tick the wrong box.

Well we have been voting for a corrupt government for the last 12 years so what the hell!
In for a penny in for a pound :D
jarnowa  4 | 499  
10 Feb 2010 /  #180
How would you know what conditions somebody lived in in their "own country"? Unless you assume all non-Europeans live in mud huts like your ancestors.

you really think the average asylum seeker from Africa lived in a house with drinkable tap water, fully equiped kitchen, colour tv, computer, shower, heating, air conditioning, etc?

if Brittain didn't offer them all these things for free, these so-called "refugees" wouldn't come all the way from central Africa to Brittain.

An ill, disabled, redundant person should pay for everything? Are you planning on growing old, or have you swallowed the elixir of youth?

all asylum seekers and other 3rd world migrants are disabled or ill? don't think so.

yet they get a lot of things for free and even when they start making money they don't have to pay anything back. it's a shame!

They aren't growing. A few mid-term votes in depressed areas. Hardly "cabbage".

According to British guys i spoke, they are definitely growing.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles.Archived