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Why are Brits so left-wing?

WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
27 Jan 2013 /  #31
As far as the school teachers stuff, I agree with that too, particularly here in Britain. It's kind of frightening. A lot of them are unable to hide those views either. They don't force them on students, but I would say it's quite obvious.
28 Jan 2013 /  #32
In Poland no one would be afraid to laugh at the stuff. It wasn't even anything racist, just observational humour about race.

More likely that you being a foreigner have a different sense of humour. Btw. can I watch somewhere? :)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Jan 2013 /  #33
Not really,not in the way you imagine. No more so than in any other country. Rich Americans will spend little time mingling with poor Americans will they?

America is almost a an apartheid state, less of a melting pot, more like a salad bowl as one American put it. They put a lot of effort keeping away from those who are different.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
28 Jan 2013 /  #34
I would consider them more conservative and traditionalists. Not extreme right like in US..

Spot on, they will have some things in common with *your* right but they dont tend to hate quite as many different people or things.
Kevvy  2 | 37  
1 Feb 2013 /  #35
Due to Britain being so multicultural it is very hard to discriminate against groups that should be minorities as they have become the majority, employment laws set by the government doesn't help either as companies must employ a certain amount of foreign nationals to meet their employment quota and any discrimination in the workplace could cost you your job, it is the same in schools you cannot discriminate against anyone without adverse sanctions.

Political correctness in England is beyond a joke and I can't wait to leave.
Foreign nationals have more rights than those England born especially Muslims, as just last week a Muslim male got away with having sex with a 13 year old girl because is religion teaches that women are worthless and there is no age of consent even though brittish law is very clear on the fact that it is illegal to have sex with someone under the age of consent (someone under16) he still walked out of a brittish court a free man..
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
1 Feb 2013 /  #36
employment laws set by the government doesn't help either as companies must employ a certain amount of foreign nationals to meet their employment quota


Side Note/ I did a stand up comedy gig tonight. It wasn't even anything racist, just observational humour about race.

militant black guy from balls of steel was one of the funniest things ive ever seen

the chess sketch was just absolutely spot on
Kevvy  2 | 37  
1 Feb 2013 /  #37
You may say its a myth however if a large company is see to only employ English nationals questions will be asked why. It is however illegal not to employ a person purely because they are not an English national

ismellnonsense  - | 118  
1 Feb 2013 /  #38
It is however illegal not to employ a person purely because they are not an English national

well yeah
for a start
england is in political union with three other countries
GabiDaHun  2 | 152  
1 Feb 2013 /  #39
he still walked out of a brittish court a free man..

Sound like you read the Daily Mail faaaaar to much.
Kevvy  2 | 37  
1 Feb 2013 /  #40
Maybe I read the daily mail, independent and sun to get a range of opinions :) my opinions are also based on my own personal experiences
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
1 Feb 2013 /  #41
So you read 2 pieces of a smut and a paper so far to the left it makes hippies look like republicans, to get your range of opinions.
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
1 Feb 2013 /  #42
the indy isnt lefty at all
if it was they wouldnt constantly discuss hideously expensive things that ordinary people have no hope of buying
Kevvy  2 | 37  
2 Feb 2013 /  #43
The independent is a newspaper that has no political bias
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
2 Feb 2013 /  #44

Kevvy  2 | 37  
2 Feb 2013 /  #45
Wikipedia should never be used as a definitive sorce of information As anyone can write it, someone who does not have a clue what they are writing about perhaps
Meathead  5 | 467  
2 Feb 2013 /  #46
Right wingers in the American sense doesn't exist anywhere outside the USA. Deal with it.

Yes they do...the Vatican and the European elite.
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
2 Feb 2013 /  #47
the vatican is perhaps a great example of socialism in practice
in theory theres equality
in reality the higher one progresses
the richer one gets

the european elite isnt particularly wealthy
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
2 Feb 2013 /  #48
Wikipedia should never be used as a definitive sorce of information As anyone can write it, someone who does not have a clue what they are writing about perhaps

Funny that people use Wikipedia as a source when it suits them but criticize it for being unreliable when it has something they disagree with. If it was that way off then it would most likely be taken off by now.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Feb 2013 /  #49
Foreign nationals have more rights than those England born especially Muslims, as just last week a Muslim male got away with having sex with a 13 year old girl because is religion teaches that women are worthless and there is no age of consent even though brittish law is very clear on the fact that it is illegal to have sex with someone under the age of consent (someone under16) he still walked out of a brittish court a free man..

Liar. The *man* was a just turned 18 year old boy. He *got away with * a suspended sentence( not a free man,any wrong doing now and he goes straight to jail) because the judge ,rightly or wrongly believed he was simply naive. These cases happen all the time but only get in the gutter press when its a muslim (or a Pole) doing the deeds.
PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
17 Jul 2014 /  #50
The UK technically has a "Conservative" party, but I think its an insult to conservative ideology for them to be called conservative.

That's why they are called CONservatives

And as for the British "Labour Party", I don't think any party like that would ever win an election in America.

That is why it is really called LIEBour Party.
10iwonka10  - | 359  
20 Jul 2014 /  #51
I think that in general British are quite tolerant Society comparing to other nations. It it is tolerance and democracy not left-wing views.
But....on the other side political correctness gone mad and everyone is petrified to be labelled 'homophobic', 'racists'.

Effects:- Gangs of Asians men raping and exploiting young girls for years before it was 'discovered' and investigated by police....another one - radicalization in some state funded school in Birmingham- Am I correct that both were investigated after big articles appeared in the paper? Any single reports submitted before were just ignored and brushed under the carpet.
PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
20 Jul 2014 /  #52
Gangs of Asians men

"Asian gang" is Politically Correct term.
They put all Asians to one basket... Never seen Chinese, Filipino, Thai, former Indochina countries Burmese, Nepali, Hindus, etc having raping gangs or pimping young girls in UK..

Most of them are Muslims, mainly Pakistanis, Somalis (not Pakis, this is P-Incorrect and Racist term)

Gerries, krauts, Gooks, Polacks is OK
jon357  72 | 22979  
20 Jul 2014 /  #53
"Asian gang" is Politically Correct term.

In the UK, the term Asian isn't really used for people from the Far East.


The cases she's talking about were young men of Pakistani origin. Though the cases are isolated and not exclusive to that community. To hear some people talking, you'd think it was an everyday thing. By the way, no cover up and it wasn't the press that raised the issue, it was a Labour MP, Ann Cryer.
PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
20 Jul 2014 /  #54
In the UK, the term Asian isn't really used for people from the Far East

Yes, so convenient excuse. How do they call them? Far East-Asian gangs? Chinese triads?

And enter this term in google search "Rapes in Sweden" UK is still behind Sweden in raping department.
jon357  72 | 22979  
20 Jul 2014 /  #55
How do they call them?

There are no such thing as 'Chinese rape gangs' in the UK. Perhaps you're thinking of organised crime which is not exclusive to one group.

By the way, some of your dodgy links (do you really need to post links to race hate sites) are about other countries. Not the UK at all.
PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
21 Jul 2014 /  #56
(do you really need to post links to race hate sites)

I said Far East-Asian gangs.

What do you mean I post "race hate sites"? who decides which one is racist and which ain't

For example forum as on storm front is racial, but it is their right to express their opinion.
Nobody forces anyone to read them. I do because I want to know how they think

One needs to take look at the problem from any possible angle
Plus I do travel to the UK extensively and see what is going on there on my own eyes.
And I don't see any racial harmony there.

Here in US for some reason it works, (for now anyway)

One time in the pub while with my English m8's nursing beer, some their friends approached us we all exchanged high fives and I was introduced as a Yank, Well I correct them that I am really Pole,

They bursted out in laughter, saying "That's the good one"
F****k polacks, like roaches.. I stood up and told them that i am really a Pole, they were confused but left us alone.
Were they racists? We were all white..
And religion ain't no race.

Also I have read on some Polish Forum an outrage that Poland will accept refuges from Malta who arrived there from Africa..
{EU quota for immigrant distribution)
There was an outrage that the State will accommodate them at Poles expense.
The more it will happen the more far-far-far right Poland will become. Especially jobless young people with no hope of future.
Not everyone can have University degree,
Vincent  8 | 793  
21 Jul 2014 /  #57
Also I have read on some Polish Forum an outrage that Poland will accept refuges from Malta who arrived there from Africa.

This has nothing to do with the title of this thread, please keep to the topic.
jon357  72 | 22979  
21 Jul 2014 /  #58
What do you mean I post "race hate sites"? who decides which one is racist and which ain't

Who decides that something isn't. This is a place for discussion after all. The names of a couple of those websites are by the way a clue to their content.

Also I have read on some Polish Forum an outrage that Poland will accept refuges from Malta who arrived there from Africa..
{EU quota for immigrant distribution)
There was an outrage that the State will accommodate them at Poles expense.

Given that Poland is the biggest net recipient of EU subsidies, I don't think anyone there should worry about the expense. Anyway, the money comes from the taxpayer and not all of us who pay tax are Poles. Be careful though of thinking thy what people write on the internet is reflective of public opinion. If someone read this site and based their impression of Pl on it, what would they think?

Plus I do travel to the UK extensively and see what is going on there on my own eyes.
And I don't see any racial harmony there.

I go there most months (and lived there for many years) and see more harmony than discord. Don't rely too much on what you see in the media - they only report the newsworthy stuff. The other 99.9% isn't interesting enough to rile people. Who in the UK mostly don't get all worked up about minorities.

The UK isn't especially left-wing or right. What it does have is a history of consensus politics and loyal opposition as well as strong communities. Only the exceptions to this tend to make headlines in the media.
PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
21 Jul 2014 /  #59
This has nothing to do with the title of this thread, please keep to the topic

With respect I strongly disagree,
Various events in human life either personal, casual, professional, religious are shaping human mind views. this includes political views.
Thus some are on the left some on the right and some are in the middle (center) spectrum of political scene.
The question in OP was "WHY" to explain why.. one must analyse all possible influences on WHY? That includes racial harmony, state of economy, education, social benefits (in this case UK)

and the way regular lad(s) feels about it.

My comment on immigrant from Malta is in-directly connected with the UK as main member and policy maker in the EU as they have the most votes.

Thus lefties policies of one government in EU with majority votes as a result is echoed in another country in the form of immigration (in this case Poland)

But as a respect to our moderator wishes here I will be very careful phrasing my comments in the future.
So they (the mods) can see the visible "link" in my comments to any topic that we are discussing here on the Forum (in particular thread, that is)
10iwonka10  - | 359  
21 Jul 2014 /  #60
Of course crime is a crime and criminals are all over the world - any nation any race. My point was that these kind of crimes seems to be 'overdue' like smelly egg as everyone is petrified of being labelled 'racists'- It is wrong and I don't want to sound like feminist but when I try to imagine what these poor young girls endured- disadvantaged from the start as they mainly came from broken/dysfunctional houses. It is all just disgusting.

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