delphiandomine 86 | 17823
15 Sep 2012 / #61
Good for you but I do think they should be expelled!
They can't be, in Poland. Polish law (and the constitution) says that children have a right to an education - hence they cannot be expelled. However, a good school will deal with it, and for any external examinations, they are controlled quite rigorously (and cheating almost impossible). There is one ultimate sanction - they can fail the year in the subject, and if they fail more than one subject, they can repeat the year.
You know the score as you're in Poland but in the UK it's a problem when people claim 'real' science and engineering degrees, it's dangerous in the workplace!
It's why employers should check their background carefully - I wouldn't hire a non-UK/Polish person without checking out what they studied in great detail because I don't know foreign systems. America is quite bad for this - there seems to be no standardisation there.