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British men don't really like women

Crow  155 | 9722  
19 Jan 2019 /  #61
Brits like horses and foxes. Its kind of fetish to them.
19 Jan 2019 /  #62
Only the upper classes Crow, plus I don't think they prefer them to women ;)
Crow  155 | 9722  
20 Jan 2019 /  #63
But I am sure that queen prefer horses and foxes.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
20 Jan 2019 /  #64
Of all of the things, the queen prefer tax havens. If you have had any doubt about paying them: the queen herself was caught with tax avoidance in the past. Such is a quality of a modern elites :-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Jan 2019 /  #65
If convicted, which prison would be hers?
jon357  72 | 23668  
21 Jan 2019 /  #66
None. The law is enacted in Her name. It's a grey area if She could be convicted without being deposed. English law works on precedent, and the nearest precedent for this was in 1688, rather a long time ago.

the queen herself was caught with tax avoidance

She wasn't 'caught', and be careful mixing British and American English. In BrEng, tax avoidance is perfectly legal (nobody pays more tax than they have to) whereas tax evasion is illegal. In AmEng, they use the term tax avoidance differently.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Jan 2019 /  #67
If convicted, which prison would be hers?

the Tower of London, definitely.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
21 Jan 2019 /  #68
Isn't it too much occupied by tourists these days? A formidable spectacle of beheading a next British monarch would today have attracted crowds coming from every corner of the world - undoubtedly crowds would have been much bigger than in 1649. That would beat up Brexit!
jon357  72 | 23668  
21 Jan 2019 /  #69
A formidable spectacle of beheading a next British monarch

You could charge a small fortune for front row seats. And then send the head to Crow to make up for those Serbian monarchs' severed heads that he's always complaining were stolen by Turks.

Seems a bit unfair to behead a much-loved 92 year old. Plus we enjoy having the world's longest-serving head of state. Perhaps we should decapitate Theresa May instead. Not that anyone would notice...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Jan 2019 /  #70
Isn't it too much occupied by tourists these days?

come the revolution, citizen, there will BE no tourists...
Spike31  3 | 1485  
23 Jan 2019 /  #71
In BrEng, tax avoidance is perfectly legal (nobody pays more tax than they have to) whereas tax evasion is illegal.

I did not say whether it was legal or illegal. What I was even more interested is that from the moral point of view The Queen of the United Kingdom has avoided paying taxes in her own country and chose a tax haven instead. Maybe she's saving up for her second youth :-P

If the Queen of England is screwing Inland Revenue then how does it make you feel, you average PAYE Jon Brown? :-)

If convicted, which prison would be hers?

If there's a God, they would send her to Glasgow :-D
jon357  72 | 23668  
23 Jan 2019 /  #72
I did not say whether it was legal or illegal.

It makes a big difference. Very big indeed...

view The Queen of the United Kingdom has avoided paying taxes in her own country

She pays every penny she's asked to.

then how does it make you feel, you average PAYE

You're making some interesting assumptions about the person you're addressing. I don't do PAYE, though do pay tax at the highest rate. Certainly not a penny more than necessary (who among us would pay more tax than requested?) and do use various legal mechanisms to optimise the situation, not least because three different jurisdictions are involved; not so average....

How do I feel about The Queen's tax affairs? She isn't a citizen, she can't vote, she is a very special case. She should be exempt from all taxation.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
23 Jan 2019 /  #73
and do use various legal mechanisms to optimise the situation

Same here. Yet if I was a King of England - even for a purely decorative reasons - I would set an example and wouldn't transfer my income to Panama. This has caused much more damage than just few quids less of tax income from the Queen. A fish rots from the head down.
jon357  72 | 23668  
23 Jan 2019 /  #74
This has caused much more damage

It hasn't caused damage; the Royal Family seem to be thriving. Although Her tax affairs (like that of others are supposed to be private), I'd expect she has other savings and investments offshore too.

There's one thing we forget. If She copyrighted her image (Adolf Hitler became personally rich by doing this, he got a commission for every postage stamp, every poster or framed photo, every souvenir tea towel and mug, that and cash from his 'bestseller') she'd be one hell of a lot richer. Plus, the revenue from the bulk of her land holdings goes straight to the treasury.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
30 Jan 2019 /  #75
Jon, you don't need to use capitals for pronouns when referencing the queen, she is not a goddess.
jon357  72 | 23668  
30 Jan 2019 /  #76
Nobody does; she wouldn't lock anyone up in the Tower for not doing so. It's still convention though, and many people do it. One of those things like playing the National Anthem before a performance of Handel's Messiah or having a 'loyal toast' during a provincial dinner dance. It's just something that people in much of Britain tend to.

And if, as the thread says, British men don't really like women, this woman they do like. Apparently 90% of British men have dreamt of having sex with Her...

Scuse the double post. A slow connection here.

If you want to see a British oddity, google the Royal Society of St George. Gammon central.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
30 Jan 2019 /  #77
The Royal Society of St George is an English patriotic society established in 1894 to encourage interest in the English way of life, and English customs and traditions.

Why is it OK for the Irish,Welsh and Scots to do this but not The English?

Why do you hate The English so much?
jon357  72 | 23668  
30 Jan 2019 /  #78
Why is it OK for the Irish,Welsh and Scots to do this but not The English?

That's a pretty weird question. Whoever said it wasn't 'OK'?

At least you've googled them and learnt who they are, so that's something new for you.

Why do you hate The English so much?

Another weird question. This is becoming something of a habit.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Jan 2019 /  #79
The Royal Society of St George is an English patriotic society established in 1894 to encourage interest in the English way of life, and English customs and traditions.

Good. I thoroughly encourage English patriotism.
jon357  72 | 23668  
30 Jan 2019 /  #80
They're actually great fun, if a little suburban

A bit like the Oddies, though without the self-help and care service.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
30 Jan 2019 /  #81
That's a pretty weird question. Whoever said it wasn't 'OK'?

You used the words "Gammon Central",for non English readers this is a term of abuse used by Leftie Liberal types to describe middle aged Brexit supporting patriots.

Why did you use that term?

Your abuse of The English seems to be becoming something of a habit.
cms neuf  2 | 1959  
30 Jan 2019 /  #82
Rather old aged than middle aged
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
30 Jan 2019 /  #83
I beg to disagree but that depends on what you call old aged.

30 Jan 2019 /  #84
Do you have it' s not about them being English but about what they represent and who they are.
jon357  72 | 23668  
30 Jan 2019 /  #85

Pure brexit.

it's not about them being English but about what they represent

Yes. The other 99.99999% of English people get by without the costumes.
cms neuf  2 | 1959  
30 Jan 2019 /  #86
Anyone older than me. Have you seen the pics of a UKIP conference ever ? Full of geriatrics
jon357  72 | 23668  
30 Jan 2019 /  #87
Yes! It's one of those parties that plenty of active elderly thought they might like joining, and most left because the hardcore activists were just too grizzly for them.

They of course are baby boomers who bought houses when they were cheap, had the protection of strong unions throughout their career, had a completely free education, are still alive due to the NHS and have triple-locked pensions. And want to deny that to anyone younger than them.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
30 Jan 2019 /  #88
Yes. The other 99.99999% of English people get by without the costumes.

There you go again......but it's OK for the Irish,Welsh and Scots to wear costumes......
You are pathetic in your hatred of The English.
England is the only country in The British Isles that does not really celebrate their culture,heritage and history.
And you come out with a comment like that?
I ask you again.....why do you hate The English so much?
jon357  72 | 23668  
30 Jan 2019 /  #89
but it's OK for the Irish,Welsh and Scots to wear costumes......

Do they?

Try a bit harder...
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
30 Jan 2019 /  #90
Are you some kind of idiot?
Are you seriously trying to say that The Irish,Scots and to a degree The Welsh don't dress up to celebrate their cultures?
You have a serious reality problem here mate.....
Only your hatred of The English comes through from your post.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / British men don't really like womenArchived