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Are british getting ready to expell "Eastern Europeans" ?

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Jun 2012 /  #1
So we've seen a wave of black PR from the islanders. This time it's about "racism" which is rather laughable when you hear what foreigners are saying after living in the uk for a while... So what is it all about ? Olympic games ? I don't think so.

Maybe they are just getting ready to expell majority of "Eastern Europeans" and are preparing the ground for that ? Obviously, It would be much easier If these people are labeled as disgusting racists. What do you think ? Please comment.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Jun 2012 /  #2
Racist when they expel us and good folks some of ours wish to expel other foreign immigrants?

On this occassion, if they expel good working class people just because they are of another race - then its racist and it should be equivalent to ethnic cleansing.
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
10 Jun 2012 /  #3
It would be much easier If these people are labeled as disgusting racists. What do you think ? Please comment.

So what - Eastern European is somthing worse than nigger? I don't care - they can call me Eastern European if they want. They can't be rasist just because we are the same race, but just other nacionality. It could be called an economic level discrimination, but wait maybe another 10 years ...
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Jun 2012 /  #4
We are a much different ethnic group. Historically, they have been a lot of racism between various groups of white people.
Wroclaw Boy  
10 Jun 2012 /  #5
They can't be rasist just because we are the same race

not really Brits are Caucasian and Poles are Slavs, there are visual differences in a similar fashion to Chinese and Koreans. Would you consider Southern Italians and Spaniards the same?

Soemtimes you can just look at a guy and know he's French, know what i mean?
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
10 Jun 2012 /  #6
Brits are Caucasian

It is outdated, 18th century concept:

The term "Caucasian race" was coined by the German philosopher Christoph Meiners in his The Outline of History of Mankind (1785). In Meiners' unique racial classification, there were only two racial divisions (Racen): Caucasians ("white and beautiful") and Mongolians ("brown and ugly"). These terms were used as a collective representative of what Meiners personally regarded as good looking and far less attractive, based solely on the appearance of the skin of the face, for example the Germans and the Tartars he considered Caucasian, and the best looking, while Jews, Slavs and Native Americans as Mongolian, and ugly in the face.

If you want to know something about the ethnogenis of Slaves just read what Walter Pohl, ethongenesist himself, is writing on the subject:

Traditional Germanic societies had virtually split up into an active, aggressive part that stimulated - and fulfilled - the Roman demand for military manpower on the one hand; and those staying behind as deprived peasants, unable to cling to the ancient rural traditions that gave their existence a name and a meaning. This gap was filled by the Slavs. They re-established the old bipolarity between a more or less self-sufficient "barbarian" periphery and the Roman world.

Wroclaw Boy  
10 Jun 2012 /  #7
If you want to know something about the ethnogenis of Slaves just read what Walter Pohl, ethongenesist himself, is writing on the subject:

Thanks, but i think i'll give that a miss.
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
10 Jun 2012 /  #8
Soemtimes you can just look at a guy and know he's French, know what i mean?

Most of people think I'm German / Ausrtian. Most Poles look even different than Czech or Lituanians - in 50% I can see the difference, but it's still the sam race.
Wroclaw Boy  
10 Jun 2012 /  #9
all depends on the mixes, you may well have caucasian blood - lots of Poles do especially from the South Western border areas, just look at people like the German / Polish football player from Gliwice, Luksz Podolski. hes obviously not a 100% slav although he was most certainly born in Poland. Poles tend to look more slav like, the further East you go as more slavs will be breeding with other slavs.

Brits and Poles are both white but not the same race.
11 Jun 2012 /  #10
Maybe they are just getting ready to expell majority of "Eastern Europeans" and are preparing the ground for that ? Obviously, It would be much easier If these people are labeled as disgusting racists. What do you think ? Please comment.

I think that your trolling discredits this website. And that your racist filth would greatly harm Poland if anybody anywhere ever read it and didn't immediately dismiss it as a completely worthless cry for attention.

By the way, remind us why you chose to not live in Poland, given that Poland is such a utopia in your eyes.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Jun 2012 /  #11
lots of Poles do especially from the South Western border areas

Not really, more like Upper Silesia or Greater Poland, western border areas were totally re-populated, mainly with people from now Ukraine nad Belarus, so there is no clear east-west division in this case.

Brits and Poles are both white but not the same race.


I think that your trolling discredits this website.

Let's run a poll, people would decide, which of us deserves that line more. OK :))) ?

And that your racist filth would greatly harm Poland if anybody anywhere ever read it and didn't immediately dismiss it as a completely worthless cry for attention.

Your chuvanistic and xenophobic filth do greatly harm human kind :(((

By the way, remind us why you chose to not live in Poland

Please finally tell everyone where I live then :)))
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jun 2012 /  #12
Maybe they are just getting ready to expell majority of "Eastern Europeans" and are preparing the ground for that ? Obviously, It would be much easier If these people are labeled as disgusting racists. What do you think ? Please comment.

I think you ought to be more appreciative towards a country that took in much of your unemployable village peasants.

I think that your trolling discredits this website. And that your racist filth would greatly harm Poland if anybody anywhere ever read it and didn't immediately dismiss it as a completely worthless cry for attention.

He seems completely obsessed with Britain, don't you think?

I'd say it's a certainty that he's working in a factory, perhaps as the son of a Polish immigrant. It certainly explains all the anger towards the UK - because - you know, his father told him about how great Poland was in his time.
Hipis  - | 226  
11 Jun 2012 /  #13
I think you ought to be more appreciative towards a country that took in much of your unemployable village peasants.

Yes, these unemployable peasants have found work in the UK doing work the unemployable English chavs don't want to do

Don't worry Grzegorz, there's no way they will expel us, unfortunately, their economy is in a bad enough way as it is without expelling their hardest workers.
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Jun 2012 /  #14
G you left Poland about three years ago to work in the UK? everybody knows that, you really should show more apprectiation.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Jun 2012 /  #15
G you left Poland about three years ago to work in the UK?

No I didn't.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jun 2012 /  #16
Yes, these unemployable peasants have found work in the UK doing work the unemployable English chavs don't want to do

Win-win for everyone, don't you think? ;)

I'm certainly quite happy that much of the unemployed were exported to the UK - less for me to support!

Typical pathetic xenophobic filth.

Been reading much of your own posts, have we?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Are british getting ready to expell "Eastern Europeans" ?Archived