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Britain... What the Poles did for us.

byronic  3 | 30  
28 Dec 2008 /  #121
Thank you. One of the aspects of British culture that I admired the most was its tolerance- but now I think it is TOO tolerant. Again, at the risk of being called a racist- I regularly travel abroad, and when in someone elses country I do not expect people to hide their beliefs and culture away for fear of offending me, I respect that i am a guest of that country and i am grateful to be admitted into it- i am of course, speaking of certain non-European elements in the U.K. As for Britains benefit system, it is a well-known fact that the amount of claimants receiving welfare has risen in accord with the generosity of the payments, affording them a relatively comfortable & indolent lifestyle. And i refer to native Britons, not Polish immigrants, who by and large travel to Britain to work, not sponge from the state.
osiol  55 | 3921  
28 Dec 2008 /  #122
One of the aspects of British culture that I admired the most was its tolerance- but now I think it is TOO tolerant.

Many people here are tolerant but without being stupid. The system seems to be one of over-the-top, fake tolerance that just takes the p!ss out of those who genuinely believe in live and let live.
byronic  3 | 30  
28 Dec 2008 /  #123
It seems that if one is a white, Christian European in Britain, then ones needs, beliefs and culture will be ignored by the powers that be. But if one belongs to an ethnic minority and an alien religion then the authorities will fall over themselves to accommodate you. Or perhaps its just me- but I do feel like a stranger in my own country nowadays.
osiol  55 | 3921  
28 Dec 2008 /  #124
Sometimes I can feel like a stranger in my own country, but at other times, things feel as though they are just the way they've always been. This is in part due to the way there is a kind of segregation these days, and partly because things haven't been simple for a very long time. In my neighbourhood, there are a few different colours and creeds of people, and this is a good thing. But in other areas, there is no such array of different kinds of people - monocultures of different groups of people who do have no real interest in participating in any kind of greater social cohesion and may even just lap up the excesses of fake-liberalism that allow them to lead an insular existence.
truebrit  3 | 196  
28 Dec 2008 /  #125
a warning to the Polish- do not let your country and culture be overrun and destroyed in the same way that Britain has.

I agree with everything you say-but things could be changed for the better.I occasionally meet people from the most insular backward community (Pakistani Muslims) who are as open minded,tolerant and humourous as anyone.There are more of them than you might think.The problem as you are no doubt aware is the lunatic PC attitude which panders to the most stupid,backward and extremist views just because they happen to be foreign - and in the mind of the PC brigade anything foreign=deserving of sympathy.
tomek  - | 134  
28 Dec 2008 /  #126
My words mate!

I agree with everything you say-but things could be changed for the better.I occasionally meet people from the most insular backward community (Pakistani Muslims) who are as open minded,tolerant and humourous as anyone.

They may show this attitude when they talk with you, but facing one of the extremistic islamistic characters byronic describes they stop beeing funny and openminded and will rather cope with their racial brothers.

Those that are really openminded are pretty rare. Here in Germany I know more Turks from Turkey (students) whom I would count to the intelectual elite. Though I know much, much more german-born Turks.
Mister H  11 | 761  
28 Dec 2008 /  #127
It seems that if one is a white, Christian European in Britain, then ones needs, beliefs and culture will be ignored by the powers that be.

What you say rings true with how many people, including myself, are starting to feel these days, but it's a case of what to do about it ?

There is no logic to the way anything is being run these days. Common sense has been thrown well and truly out of the window.
EraAtlantia  2 | 106  
29 Dec 2008 /  #128
then you must beware.

DO BE AWARE!! Us british folk often wear disguises like wigs and capes to confuse the villagers you see! Gradually we start degrading your precious sausages and soups, before you know there will be "west'end Warsaw" and " krak'hamton", oh, we are a sneeky bunch! When you find yourself hanging outside a chippy with a snack box in one hand and the daily mirror you will have realized that its to late...
byronic  3 | 30  
30 Dec 2008 /  #129
Well personally I would much prefer to see a 'West-end Warsaw' than a Londonistan, which is what that once great city has turned into. And sadly, it looks as if the damage is irreversible.
osiol  55 | 3921  
30 Dec 2008 /  #130

Mister H  11 | 761  
30 Dec 2008 /  #131
Well personally I would much prefer to see a 'West-end Warsaw' than a Londonistan, which is what that once great city has turned into.

Pitchfork anyone ?

I hear what you're saying, but calling London "Londonistan" isn't going to help. I live in Hove on the south coast, shall I spray-paint "Hoveska" across one of the signs ?

We have the current immigration nightmare, because we have elected Governments without being bothered enough about what they might actually do when they get into power. We can moan in pubs and on chat forums, but nothing will change until we demand more from our politicians.
Siegfried  1 | 100  
8 Jan 2009 /  #132
well guys, you are giving us hot welcome here in uk.
"Poles eating swans", "Poles taking benefits for children left at home", "'Polish Borat' claims groping women is normal in Eastern Europe".

Really nice. I dont mention guys sticking screwdrivers in polish heads.

The fact is that you need cheap work force, because nobody bothers to work for 5.5L per hour here. And it's just business - we come, we work, we take money and go home. What should we do? Work for free or leave our earnings? And all that moaning about rats leaving the sinking ship makes me sick. What did you expect? We will stay here forever to integrate with british community, eat fish and chips and heat on your chicks? LOL
Doverguy  - | 14  
18 Jan 2009 /  #133
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I really don't like to see Polish people (or any other nationality) given a hard time. At the end of the day there are good and bad in every nationality, but the UK press really doesn't help as it only talks about things that are negative. It's human nature (the need to survive, that makes us all listen to negative things). e.g. While you might listen and try to take in that one area of town is great fun, and the night life is fantastic, you'll forget about that in a day or so. If you hear that an area of town has groups of people with knives wondering the streets that are looking for trouble, you'll remember about that for the rest of your life).

I'm English, but have worked with and met alot of Polish people in the last few years. I have found that Polish people are very private people untill they get to know you. Then they are just like anybody else, maybe abit louder and more firery when they get drunk, but then they hold them selves back in side their shells so much normaly. Yes there are some polish people that are here just to go on benifits, but there are more here in the UK quietly working, and taking nothing from the state, but pay thier tax, National Insurance and put money in to the local economy that people don't talk about.

At the end of the day, it's News that is sensational or easily talked about that sells News Papers, and that's why you hear so much negative stuff about people from a different land. It's very unfair, but it sells papers. It's our primative, basic caveman instincts to remember negative things that might harm us.

It's when you listen and make your own judgements that you stop being an animal and become a human being.....
Mister H  11 | 761  
19 Jan 2009 /  #134
The fact is that you need cheap work force, because nobody bothers to work for 5.5L per hour here.

If you're sick of being stereotyped when it comes to the swan eating, benefit scrounging business, then you shouldn't stereotype the British in return.

I've worked for the minimum wage in the pretty recent past, and I'm in my 30s and not my teens, so you can spare me the "British are lazy" lecture thanks very much.

I'm certainly not afraid of hard work.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I really don't like to see Polish people (or any other nationality) given a hard time.

I'm not keen on it either, but the sad fact of the matter is that we have unsustainable levels of immigration, however, the subject is seen as too hard by the Government to even discuss, let alone try and solve.

We've been screwed over by the Government and no one is really "winning", not the British, the Polish or anyone.........apart from those with no social conscience who seem to fall with their backsides in the butter regardless of the situation.
Doverguy  - | 14  
25 Jan 2009 /  #135
I'm not keen on it either, but the sad fact of the matter is that we have unsustainable levels of immigration, however, the subject is seen as too hard by the Government to even discuss, let alone try and solve.

Hello Mister H, while I agree with what you basicaly say there, the sad fact is we are in the EEC now, which means that people from member states can come and go as freely as they wish (basicaly speaking). While I agree with this policy, I wish that the government could claim back any out goings (benifits etc) from the persons home country. This would make things alot fairer. Initially, the idea was I think that the number of immigrants coming to this country would be balanced out by the number of British people going to other countries. At the end of the day I think the EEC has turned out to be a bad thing for nearly all concerned, except for the poorer countries. If all the countries had adopted the Euro, and had similar tax and benifit systems then there really wouldn't be a problem, and people wouldn't come to this country with the intention of taking advantage of the benifit system. While I think that the people who have come here to claim benifts are bad people, I think that the people (normaly the same nationality as the benifit claimants) who help and encourage these people are a darn site worse. (I know at least one person who charges claimants £20 to £40 a time just to fill out a free benifit form for them, when the government actualy provides the service for free.... In affect cheating on thier own people for profit and gain, and in some cases falsifying the information on the forms, so that they can claim more). I for one was for the idea of the UK going into the EEC, my parents on the other hand were against it, as they could see what was about to happen. OK so now I've changed my mind. Not because of all the hard working people who have come here and have done jobs that either British people wouldn't want to do, but also the jobs that British people would almost find impossible to do. Personally I hope one day the EEC is dissolved, or every country in the EEC takes up the euro and adopts the same tax, benifit system, as well as a common language. But I don't think that will ever happen.

Hmmmmmm there is another problem. If one day the EEC did get to the state of being dissolved (I don't think it ever will), what would happen to the people that had already come here. I'd guess the British government would just make them British over night.

All the Best, DG..
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
25 Jan 2009 /  #136
The first mistake a lot of racists make is oversimplifying immigration and turning it into an us and them issue:

Us british folk

the PC brigade

i refer to native Britons, not Polish immigrants, who by and large travel to Britain to work, not sponge from the state

This is usually because they are poorly informed about the situation and don't get the bigger picture. Here are the main points -

1) Without immigrant labour, Britain would be truely fuked - right up to the pyloric sphincter. The building industry in Ireland for instance, would not exist without a cheap, flexible pool of immigrant labour to draw on.

2) Most immigrants take short-term or seasonal low-paid jobs which a resident would find impossible to live on. The vast majority of Polish workers are therefore not in competition with the native workforce.

3) The reason people prefer Polish / Lithuanian etc tradesmen is because they are cheaper. If British tradesmen drop their prices to something realistic then they would pick up as much trade as the immigrants. If the customers bought British then the immigrant tradesman wouldn't have a market. There is no racial / national issue here because the customers can't give a toss who is selling them the service.

4) Britain is a country of immigrants. Saying that Pakistani inhabitants of Londonistan are not Brits doesn't hold water any more. Most of them have been born in Britain and are as British as John Bull. I would go further and say that they are more British, sinch their parents have had to fight for their citizenship while most roast-beef eating, union-jack waving true Brits were simply born British by accident.

What does need to be done about it? Start cracking down on the employers. Make it so that they have to employ native and immigrant labour on the same terms and then you'll see more natives being employed. The immigrant workforce will be treated better too. But while the government wants to keep big business happy, keep the money flowing through the banks and ultimately keep Brits stuffed with cheap consumer goods, you will continue to have an immigrant underclass who lives in bedsits, eats junk food and works 12 hour shiifts in factories, while the indolent True Brits sit on their backsides and complain about them.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
25 Jan 2009 /  #137
4) Britain is a country of immigrants.

Here f'kin here.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
25 Jan 2009 /  #138

The Pakistanis have their own home country..So do have the Turks...
25 Jan 2009 /  #139
Since when do muslims hold british values like the native brits. Pakistanis are muslim and are nothing like us british
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jan 2009 /  #140
Yes but they are inextricably part of Britain's national fabric. Why yuck, BB? Germany is highly multicultural too. German, the official language of tourism.
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Jan 2009 /  #141
The problem is that Brtish people simply cant afford to work for minimum wage. The average Brit has bills to pay, families to feed and extensive credit on a house. Poles and other immigrants on the other hand live in bad conditions (I mean worse than the average Brit) pay lower rent and just work, work and work with the assurance that after 2 or 3 years they will go back to their own country. I was invited to a Polish friend's house party last summer and they lived 15 in a house, had matrasses lined up against the wall and when one got off the matress, another got on. Can you imagine ur average Brit living like this???
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
25 Jan 2009 /  #142
Germany is highly multicultural too. German, the official language of tourism.

I don't mind european multi-kulti which by fare make the majority of Germany's multi-kulti but I object to to many non-european imports!

Our current 3,6% muslims is enough I think......
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jan 2009 /  #143
Well, I have my reservations too but we have to live with it.

Anyway, back to the thread. The Poles did a lot for the job market in Britain. I'm just waiting for an insincere git to blame them for the recession :(
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Jan 2009 /  #144
The Poles did a lot for the job market in Britain.

I agree that immigrants did alot for the job market but why does everyone keep talking bout just the Poles? There are the Bulgarians, Chinese, Romanians etc. These guys have coontributed just as much.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jan 2009 /  #145
It could just be the thread title. Many immigrants bring some kind of skill set with them. It is Polish forums after all.
Prince  15 | 590  
25 Jan 2009 /  #146
British want all countries to enter the EU just because they want to destroy it (they want Israel, Algieria, Marocco onece they wanted Australia to join EU).

I'd like to see EU treaty being signed just make them fuked up.

Anny way they formed their country into colony shape ...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jan 2009 /  #147
Interesting perspective, Prince.
Prince  15 | 590  
25 Jan 2009 /  #148
everybody knows your plans and aims.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jan 2009 /  #149
Yeah, I make them clear to my DOS/HOS and students when I teach. So what?
Prince  15 | 590  
25 Jan 2009 /  #150
Yeah, I make them clear to my DOS/HOS and students when I teach.

It is not about Seanus but British plans in general.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us.Archived