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Brit Polonia fighting anti-Polish stereotypes

Polonius3  980 | 12276  
14 Jun 2010 /  #1
The British Polonia is fed up wtih anti-Polish stereotypes circulating in the UK and branding Poles as anti-Semites, homophobes or people trying to steal British jobs, If you read Polish, check out:

polonia.wp.pl/kat,1010223,title,W-Londynie-chca-walczyc-z-antyp olskimi-stereotypami,wid,12365557,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=1a589
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
14 Jun 2010 /  #2
Oh dear, yet more whining..

But lets be truthful here - having spent a considerable amount of my time on this forum and known a few Poles in my time, I would say its pretty much true that a vast majority are homophobic and anti-semetic. As for stealing jobs..undercutting would be more apt. But as we all know, if you feel the grass is greener on the other side and dont like what the Brits say, you can always go home or stop complaining ;0)
vetala  - | 381  
14 Jun 2010 /  #3
having spent a considerable amount of my time on this forum

How many Poles are on this forum? And how many out of them show antisemitic or homophobic views? Numbers, please.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
14 Jun 2010 /  #4
The majority of the gay bashers on here are Polish who think that gay people are evil and could be cured with therapy!

Read the recent Jewish thread and see the anti-semetic behaviour.

In the UK we're pretty open minded about gay men and women and have thriving Jewish communities, if people who come to this country dont respect this and act in a backwards manner than, quite frankly, they're not welcome.
time means  5 | 1309  
14 Jun 2010 /  #5
And the article is in Polish. Bloody typical!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
14 Jun 2010 /  #6

as a courtesy could u please provide a translation or summary of the above link.

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 Jun 2010 /  #7
Oh dear, yet more whining..

C'mon Shelley whats with the double standards, Negros get to whine, Jews get to whine, even the unwashed Pakis get to whine and suddenly Poles who're the least of troublesome groups have to put up or shut up?

Also whats with anti-semitism, point me to one, one anti-semitic post by a Pole on these forums, feck i openly admit i dont like Jews and find me one anti-semitic post by me.
14 Jun 2010 /  #8
Interestingly one of the articles linked to that page is polonia.wp.pl/title,Brutalnie-zgwalcil-ciezarna-prostytutke,wid ,12349867,wiadomosc.html: the story of how a Polish man in the UK five times raped a woman who was 28 weeks pregnant.

Link for those who don't read Polish thisisbristol.co.uk/news/knew-pregnant-crime-baby-crime/article-2 278005-detail/article.html
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
14 Jun 2010 /  #9
You can just fight stereotypes. They are the byproduct of both ignorance and complexes.

Live and let die.
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Jun 2010 /  #10
They are the byproduct of both ignorance and complexes.

and observation...
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
14 Jun 2010 /  #11
C'mon Shelley whats with the double standards, Negros get to whine,

I know they do but Im sure they dont publish articles on it ;0)

Poles who're the least of troublesome groups have to put up or shut up?

Im not discrinating, they can all fook off back to where they came from if they dont like it..

Also whats with anti-semitism, point me to one, one anti-semitic post by a Pole on these forums, feck i openly admit i dont like Jews and find me one anti-semitic post by me.

The one above.. :D
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
14 Jun 2010 /  #12
Interestingly one of the articles linked to that page is : the story of how a Polish man in the UK five times raped a woman who was 28 weeks pregnant.

He didn't look very polish to me....maybe a gypsy.


Who would like people like that hanging from trees...a norwegian mass-rapist of over 60 children got 9 years in prison in Norway today. NINE years for 60 assaults on children! And one wonders why criminals laugh at our system.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
14 Jun 2010 /  #13
Stereotypes are just stereotypes. Everyone knows that some are anti-Semitic and homophobic folk and some aren't. Why fight that? Oversensitivity perhaps? Must it always be so black&white?

If people really wanted to know the answer, they'd read up on it.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
14 Jun 2010 /  #14
What nonsense!...Polish men love to embrace each other in the nude, and the women also...As far as 'anti-semitism', most Poles have absolutely nothing against Arabs.
vetala  - | 381  
14 Jun 2010 /  #15
Read the recent Jewish thread and see the anti-semetic behaviour.

In ethnic Poles? Born and rased in Poland? Funny, I actually got the opposite impression.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
14 Jun 2010 /  #16
And the redneck interpretation was brought to you by Joe ;) ;) ;) LOL, nice one Joe :)

Poland? Now what state's that in? ;) (based on a true conversation actually)

The Brits probably think you don't like Marmite if you say anti-Semite to them.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
15 Jun 2010 /  #17
Im not discrinating, they can all fook off back to where they came from if they dont like it..

Standard Brit response, I can almost picture a fat bold person with no neck, on disability and tattoo on his arm saying it in a regional accent. lol.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 Jun 2010 /  #18
Still, it is the preferred response of many people, not all hardliners at that. It is often used the same way in reverse.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
16 Jun 2010 /  #19
Standard Brit response, I can almost picture a fat bold person with no neck, on disability and tattoo on his arm saying it in a regional accent. lol.

Hardly darling..But if people cant hack a bit of flack they should flock off back to their utopia :D
Matowy  - | 293  
16 Jun 2010 /  #20
Says the downtrodden and opressed British Catholic. Ireland is just across the stream, your Utopia awaits.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #21
The British Polonia is fed up wtih anti-Polish stereotypes circulating in the UK and branding Poles as anti-Semites, homophobes or people trying to steal British jobs, If you read Polish, check out:

And if you read English,just read this bloody forum for countless examples of Polish anti semites,homaphobes and job seekers and witness a complete lack of Polish people countering any of their fellow countrymens anti semitisim,rascism homophobia or whatever the fek vexs you lot these days.....

In the UK we're pretty open minded about gay men and women and have thriving Jewish communities, if people who come to this country dont respect this and act in a backwards manner than, quite frankly, they're not welcome.

here here(wells with pride,hears land of hope and glory in background,quotes Magna Carta,1215 AD,sorry,when did poland grant freedom to serfs?....)

He didn't look very polish to me....maybe a gypsy.

OMG,you guys dont do Irony do you...."were not rascist,looks like a gypsy not a Pole...." how about he's a fekkin Polish Gypsy....oi vay.

saying it in a regional accent. lol.

yes,atleast we have regional accents,were a free people,always have been not some hermogenous single ethnic mass of people....ya know,in- breading really aint good in the long run..
Matowy  - | 293  
19 Jun 2010 /  #22
I don't get it. You criticize the Poles for being racist, proclaim that Britain is great because it isn't ethnically homogenous, yet you also agree profusely with the most racist and generally ignorant person on the forum?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #23
I don't get it.

Dont worry about it fella,its late....

You criticize the Poles for being racist

I dont criticize "the Poles" for being rascist,I criticise the rascist Poles on this Forum,most Poles I have actually met,lived with,worked with,partied with and generally had a bloody good time with would laugh at the sort of country bumpkin/peasant ignorance displayed on here,or die of embarresment...

proclaim that Britain is great because it isn't ethnically homogenous

The only way I would proclaim Britain is "Great" is to say that Britain is only called "Great Britain" as a translation of the Norman French " Grande Britaigne" ,or Large Britain,as opposed to "small" britain,todays Brittany in western France....Being as in reality the ethnic mix in Poland is full of ,well,just about every bugger who passed through the area over the last couple of thousand years,much as here in the UK.... I dont know,maybe its because we in britain(and only speaking of "native" white britains here) admit that were a mix of celts,romans,danes,norwegians,norman french and countless other peoples who graced these shore over the years where as you guys seem to say its Slavs with a few gypsys and jews and thats it,thats Poland....

yet you also agree profusely with the most racist and generally ignorant person on the forum?

Nope,sorry,lost me there. I dont spend enough time on here to know who you mean.( Crow didnt post here did he?)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
19 Jun 2010 /  #24
Some of them are, some of them are not. Some of the Poles I met are open and friendly ppl, while some of them have to twist and turn themselves in several directions once they find out that they don't get a response to their remarks about black ppl.

What I did notice though, that me being half-Jewish is suddenly being mentioned, not only in a negative way, but it's been mentioned a lot of times since I know Polish ppl. While before it was never mentioned, not as an issue, simply not at all. I always thought it was strange to hear remarks like: "oh, so you're a Jew?" instead of "oh, so you're from Goolland?".


M-G (early)
19 Jun 2010 /  #25
And if you read English,just read this bloody forum for countless examples of Polish anti semites,homaphobes and job seekers and witness a complete lack of Polish people countering any of their fellow countrymens anti semitisim,rascism homophobia or whatever the fek vexs you lot these days.

One can only conclude that you don't read this forum if you come up with bullsh*it like
that. Please, provide links to anti-semitic (for example) posts on this forum made by
native Poles, living in Poland (joepilsudski as a plastic Pole from America, who doesn't
even speak Polish, doesn't count). For every anti-semitic post, made by a native Pole
from Poland, I will find two posts that display friendship and feeling of kinship towards
Israel and Jewish people made by native Poles.

Will you take the challenge or should we conclude that you're full of sh*it?

EDIT: On second thought, I can even extend the challenge to include all plastic Poles,
and Polish emmigrants in various countries around the World - they are Polish too after all
and you have written "Polish anti-semites" and "complete lack of Polish people"
countering anti-semitism.
plk123  8 | 4120  
19 Jun 2010 /  #26
How many Poles are on this forum? And how many out of them show antisemitic or homophobic views? Numbers, please.


i openly admit i dont like Jews and find me one anti-semitic post by me.

pretty much all your post related to the jews are anti-semitic.. seriously, it's true

Poland? Now what state's that in? ;) (based on a true conversation actually)

there is one in my state. lol we also have Warsaw here..

Please, provide links to anti-semitic (for example) posts on this forum made by
native Poles, living in Poland

sok is probably one of the most racist and anti semitic poles on here.. there are plenty of others too.. and you can find your own link.. there is plenty of evidence all over this forum.. you're smart enough to find plenty of these posts, i think anyway.
19 Jun 2010 /  #27
Read the recent Jewish thread and see the anti-semetic behaviour.

Most of those ppl who are antisemitic on PF ar not polish but americans with polish ancestry. Statistically something about 10% of Poles in Poland are antisemites. Thats pretty big number but still something about 90% is not antisemites.
19 Jun 2010 /  #28
How many Poles are on this forum? And how many out of them show
antisemitic or homophobic views? Numbers, please.


Most is not a number. Besides - what do you mean "most" (in reference to Vetala's question)?
That most posters here are Poles? Not true. That most of them show anti-semitic views?
Well, name those posters then and we will count them and see if they constitute majority
(that's what "most" means) on this forum.

Names please. Numbers. Let's count and see. I'm sick and tired of "Polish anti-semitism"
myth being spread - so, concrete names, please.

there are plenty of others too

Name them.

Statistically something about 10% of Poles in Poland are antisemites.

No, no, no - you see, it's "the most".
bolek  6 | 330  
19 Jun 2010 /  #29
In the UK we're pretty open minded about gay men and women and have thriving Jewish communities, if people who come to this country dont respect this and act in a backwards manner than, quite frankly, they're not welcome.

Lol, what about all the hatred to the good people from Pakistan, take off your rose colored glasses and talk about colored bashings in London, etc and etc.

Get a life, you cannot judge a nation because of a few peoples opinions.
19 Jun 2010 /  #30
i try to stay away from those type of threads but i shall post up here when i see you guys going stupid on us all. ok?

Well i dont read most post about jews because im bored with this subject... but when I come across some antisemitic statement and suprised to see its from non-polish or so called "plasctic poles". Well I believe you that the jewish threads attract antisemites...

I dont suggest that in Poland there is no antisemitism. Poland fairly earn such opinion but statistically not a vast majority of Poles are antisemites... That claim surveys.

The British Polonia is fed up wtih anti-Polish stereotypes circulating in the UK and branding Poles as anti-Semites, homophobes or people trying to steal British jobs, If you read Polish, check out:

Lets go back to OP's post. It might sound controvercial but Im aginst such actions because I truly would be ashamed to invite some Jewish ppl to Lodz due to a great amount of fooltball hool's graffitis showing you know what... Maybe we should first paint such things to sound more convincing...

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