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50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK

Teffle  22 | 1318  
19 Sep 2011 /  #31
The idea of daily mail readers embracing LSD is quite scary then again I suppose they are halfway there with blue rinses and so on.

: )

Subtly impressive there Barney!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Sep 2011 /  #32
The daily heil is a rag for retards that attempts to portray itself as the preferred reading of middle England.......Fish and chip paper!!

Quite right old chap.arrr,that it be.

Think of how completely the "pirate" accent has been absorbed into popular culture - apparently, only because one of the very early successful pirate hollywood movies featured an actor who happened to be from Bristol!

Lols...guess who has been on International Talk Like A Pirate Days website (its today me hearties).

But,in all seriousness, its telling that no Pole has yet mentioned the simple fact that in Poland you pay to give birth,fly to England and "we" pay for you to give birth......health tourism is just not on. If Mrs Kowalska lives here of course she should have her baby here,but young Miss Slutofskawho comes here to drop her sprog should be charged the going rate in Poland, the NHS is collapsing under the weight of health tourists, I dont care what colour they are,they all are a drain that contributes to old British people (that includes Brit /Poles ) with 60+ years of contributing having lousy care in hospital down to the funding crisis of non tax and NI payers abusing OUR Health service.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141  
19 Sep 2011 /  #33
Give them a little more time.

It's not just about time, the wider point I'm trying to make is that when people come gradually in small numbers from a similar culture like say the Irish to Britain, they tend to completely assimilate, but when a single group of people from a different culture move in overwhelming numbers in a short space of time then they tend to congregate together, take for example the Mexicans in California, there is a parallel with post 2004 Polish immigration.

When there is already a large immigrant community present then a new immigrant would tend to be absorbed by them as opposed to the wider culture, for instance, if I went as an Englishman moved to Mongolia tomorrow , I would have no choice other than to speak Russian or Mongolian and would be forced to integrate with the local population , but if a Mexican moved to southern California tomorrow he could spend his entire life simply talking Spanish and eating living much the same way he would in mexico.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
19 Sep 2011 /  #34
International Talk Like A Pirate Days website (its today me hearties).

Ha Ha - that's mad! I had no idea!

health tourism is just not on.

No, it's not.

Jim lad.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
19 Sep 2011 /  #35
Fish and chip paper!!

There's no such thing any more. The EU banned it on "elfin safety" grounds, remember?

A brave and controversial admission by our Pakistani colleague.

One of those people who object to the "re-whitening" of the UK, obviously ;)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Sep 2011 /  #36
So a Mod changed the thread title and made it Rascist, very f*cking classy, good job,pat on the back.

And then changed it back again,well done, credit where credit is due I suppose....
teflcat  5 | 1024  
19 Sep 2011 /  #38
Disingenuous. You know fine well that it is a term of abuse, as another HRH was reminded of not so long ago.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Sep 2011 /  #39
Th goal is 100,000 Polish babies a year.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141  
19 Sep 2011 /  #40
I blame Tony Blair and his absurd open door immigration policy. had we had immigration caps than we would not have been overwhelmed by so many people in such a short space of time.

Britain is full up.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
19 Sep 2011 /  #41
50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK

Only 50?

C'mon, you've got to do better than that. If the women there need some help, well, I'll be in England this coming spring and will be delighted to do my part........
milky  13 | 1656  
19 Sep 2011 /  #42
It's a hollywood thing I think.

From my experience a lot(nearly all) of Dublin people are convinced that this is the way all non Dub Irish speak. Culchie (backward redneck)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
19 Sep 2011 /  #43
I blame Tony Bla

As do I. I believe he is the father of thirty of them.

C'mon, you've got to do better than that. If the women there need some help, well, I'll be in England this coming spring and will be delighted to do my part........

This is the type of magnanimous gesture that can only make the world a better place. You're very welcome to pop round to my place for a reviving cup of tea in your breaks;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Sep 2011 /  #44
I have a Polish baby screaming its lungs out every minute of the hour next door and it sounds lovely. I imagine it is white when it is quiet and red when it cries. (FLagless sense of humour;)
modafinil  - | 416  
19 Sep 2011 /  #45
One of those people who object to the "re-whitening" of the UK, obviously

That's where people see the issue. White, but not de souche like in the danish roman french invasions.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141  
19 Sep 2011 /  #46
I am not proud to be white, white is an American concept I'm English, of English ethnicity. It really annoys me that English people have been reduced to a colour, I was at the doctors surgery the other day and I had to write in ENGLISH in the other ethnic tick box instead of White Black or Asian. Oh England, what hath yea become? (Blair I sh*t on you)

A Belorussian or Jew born in Poland was regarded as ethnically Belorusian or Jewish of Polish citizenship. I have been reduced to a colour in the land of my roots, the left wing media talks about the 'white working class' (when they mean English working class) Poles are the same colour as me and it makes no sense to call me white.. No I am NOT WHITE I am English. Simple as.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Sep 2011 /  #47
Polacks doing a lot of f***ing in England!...Sto lat!
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
19 Sep 2011 /  #48
Thought it was White British and White Other? Depends on the form but yeah, I saw that they list the British people according to their skin colour. What does it matter to a doctor what skin colour you have, will some of them refuse to see a black or white patient? Are there any British doctors in Britain left anyway, even my dentist is Italian ;).
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Sep 2011 /  #49
come gradually in small numbers from a similar culture like say the Irish to Britain, they tend to completely assimilate, but when a single group of people from a different culture move in overwhelming numbers in a short space of time then they tend to congregate together,

well that's load of ol pony, never been to the SwAN in Stokwell or a fundraiser gig elsewhere in London?//????
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Sep 2011 /  #50
Are there any British doctors in Britain left anyway, even my dentist is Italian ;).

I lived in UK in 1998-99...My doctor was White Brit, my dentist Iranian woman...She was the best dentist I have ever had!...Her oral hygiene and technical skills were top notch, as were her people skills!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Sep 2011 /  #51
Huh??? What on earth is " English Ethnicity"?
Saxon? Juteish? Angle? Dane? Norse?Celt?
Thats not even counting every bugger else that has pitched up on these islands since 1066....
KingAthelstan  9 | 141  
19 Sep 2011 /  #52
well that's load of ol pony, never been to the SwAN in Stokwell or a fundraiser gig elsewhere in London?//????

London is no Longer an English city, it looks like a 3rd world ghetto.

come to Trowbridge in Wiltshire near where I live and you will see that Polish and English people do not really mix outside work.




Thought it was White British and White Other

I don't want to be to be called 'white' that is an American term I am of English ethnic origin. There is a tick box for Chinese, Pakistani, Indian on the census form, and Black African and Carrabian, yet all I get is White British. no I'm simply English not European, Not Scottish, not White, I'm English!

English and wider British society has become so Americanised that the media no longer refer to say English people in Bradford and pakistani people in bradford, they would say White people and Pakistani Asian people.

There was an England before Multiculturalism, the government cares more about bending over backwards to accommodate immigrants than English people. You are now 'racist' for being proud of English culture. the government funds Muslim and Hindu street festivals in some areas yet does not do the same thing for St Georges day.

There are offcial Thames Valley Police signs in Polish in parts of Reading saying ' Please do not drink in the street'.

If I moved to Poland to live I would learn Polish and not expect the polish government to give me free Polish lessons.

Im English not White.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
19 Sep 2011 /  #53
Please do not drink in the street'.

That's just wrong. Tear down such signage. John Cleese lives in Santa Barbara and no one there complains about gawky elderly Anglos mucking up that city's beautiful Spanish Mission style. He should shut up about London.
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Sep 2011 /  #54
I don't want to be to be called 'white' that is an American term I am of English ethnic origin.

Maybe so but youre most probably of Germanic stock originally.

So in your opinion all white citizens around the world should be classed as english white, german white, french white etc etc.. Not European white? seeing as the other ethnic categories are named inline with continents?

I hear your point and agree with some things but you really shouldn't be so concerned with this anti multiculturalism attitude. Birth rights are a lottery and whos to say we should have the lions share and deny others less lucky the same. Multiculturalism is a step in the right direction to being a true civilized world - not country. one world - one people.

I'll come back to this a bit later if you're still about.
David_18  65 | 966  
19 Sep 2011 /  #55
It's a good thing that Poles expand in the UK.

One day we will bless you with a Kaczynski as your Prime Minister :)

Just wait and see!
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
19 Sep 2011 /  #56
You might bless us with a Kaczynski but we won't be so stupid to vote one into power...

...then again I'd love to have the chance to fly some of our former leaders into a Russian forest.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141  
20 Sep 2011 /  #57
Multiculturalism is a step in the right direction

No I am fundamentally against the doctrine of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism in England, there was an English culture and identity long before the mass immigration of the 50s and 60s, long before New Labour shoved the Doctrine Multiculturalism down our throats.

Guy fawkes night, Morris dancing, Cheese Rolling, Running of Burning tar in Northumberland, Drinking Cider, Northumberland pipes, The Wurzels, John Lilburne, Thomas Hardy, Hallowe'en, John Locke, Isaac newton, this is England

The native cockney culture in London has become completely and utterly destroyed and it brings a tear to my eye, I am not against all immigration it's just when the parent culture becomes marginalised and dissipates and people are branded racist for waving the St Georges cross people create foreign ghettos that are left to fester like in Tower Hamlets or Bradford.

There is nothing unique about multiculturalism, if you want that go to New York. England unique culture which Poland still has been shat on, maligned and is vanishing.

The Irish came here in the 19th -20 th centuries in very large numbers and they assimilated into English Culture, The French Protestants (Huguenots) came in in the 17th-18th and did the same as did the Eastern European Jews who assimilated into cockney culture in London in in the 1890s.

read what Cleese said

John Cleese: "I love having different cultures around but when the parent culture kind of dissipates, you're left thinking, 'What's going on?' "

If I went to Uzbekistan I wouldn't expect to find the local chippy a pint of Newcastle brown ale and the Uzbek government to bend over backwards to teach me Uzbek.

aside of the fact that the level of immigration has been out of control, the very fundamental fabric of England has become so uncool and vilified to such an extant that what ken Livingstone was asked what's so great about Britain: 'oh its the Multi culturalism'.

Multiculturalism is just a load of other foreign cultures. NO, England has been here for 1000 years, but it has been reduced to being New Labour forcing us to be proud of having lots of different foreign cultures as the only unique aspect about England.

Oh England, what hath yea become?
20 Sep 2011 /  #58
Oh England, what hath yea become?

aMODERN DEMOCRACY LIKE united states of america
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
20 Sep 2011 /  #59
So, your argument against multi culturalism and its embracing of many different religions into England includes naming;

John Locke

does it KA?
Epic Fail.....
Unlike Hobbes, who saw uniformity of religion as the key to a well-functioning civil society, Locke argues that more religious groups actually prevent civil unrest. Locke argues that civil unrest results from confrontations caused by any magistrate's attempt to prevent different religions from being practiced, rather than tolerating their proliferation.

Or sully the name of Freeborn John...John Lilburne stood for exactly the opposite of whatever you think you stand for KA. Make no mistake on that score as he belived in the rights of all men to live as they wished.

oh,and,nuther Epic fail re halloween...Thats a Scottish invention.

The Irish came here in the 19th -20 th centuries in very large numbers and they assimilated into English Culture

Lols....how many Irish clubs in England???

same as did the Eastern European Jews who assimilated into cockney culture in London in in the 1890s

LMFAO, you have got to be having a bubble matey.....see that thing you are sat on? You aint meant to talk out of it.....

And,just in closing, London has never been an "English City", it has always been a place dominated by immigrants,any 6th form history student could tell you that.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141  
20 Sep 2011 /  #60
You are confusing multiculturalism with democracy. France for example has just as many ( if not more immigrants from the 3rd world, yet they to not preach the doctrine of multiculturalism and yet still manage to retain and be proud of a distinctly French culture.

perhaps you would like to take 5 million 3rd world immigrants and see how they sh*t on Polish culture, then we will see who's the smug ass?

You have an Eastern European country that has still retained and is rightfully proud of it's native culture. Multi-Culture is just an multitude of foreign cultures super-imposed on the native one. There is nothing unique about it. you can find it In Amsterdam in Toronto, in New York, this is England, when in Rome do as the Romans do.

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