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Polish aversion to the truth about UK

hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
13 Sep 2012 /  #1
Never ceases to amaze me the Polish aversion to anything mildly critical of their nation and their people abroad.

Perfect Example:

Statistics show increases crime from Immigrants increasing however in the comments section there's not one positive comment or acceptance. Just moaning, lying and deflecting the issue.

Speaking unfavorably about other immigrant minorities is quite common as well. Mention to a Pole that many of his countrymen are scrounging benefit thieves and he'll start mentioning Black people or Asian people doing the same.

I've heard a few interesting thing..

If it wasn't for Polish people "working hard" our country would be bankrupt and we'd be begging for food
Yup - Before 2004 we were a little known peasant country barely about to feed ourselves.

If it wasn't for Polish people Britain would have fallen to Hitler and we'd all be speaking German
Yup - A few thousand Poles saved us. The USA and the Soviet Union had nothing to do with it.

Poles were among the foreigners who are blamed for the increase in the number of crimes caused by immigrants. The infamous stats excel newcomers from Central and Eastern Europe . In the last year in the UK, the number of crimes involving foreigners grew by 53 per cent .

Criminals from the former Eastern bloc took a liking to the UK , but unlike most immigrants do not intend here to work hard and make a better life . More interested in their richer society , and thus more opportunities to enrich himself thefts , burglaries , robberies , drug trafficking and human trafficking.

I think one characteristic that makes British people so great is the fact that we know we're less than perfect and more than comfortable making fun of our shortcomings.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
13 Sep 2012 /  #2
Statistics show increases crime from Immigrants increasing however in the comments section there's not one positive comment or acceptance

This forum is supposed to be in English, hateboy. Obey the rules or **** off.

Speaking unfavorably

Why American spelling, hater? I thought you were a pure Englishman.

Do you infest other websites with your bile? If so, you must be very very busy.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
13 Sep 2012 /  #3
Proving my point..

Deflecting the issue with attacks on my spelling.

For your information i use American spelling because my web browser is always correcting it with US spelling.
smurf  38 | 1940  
14 Sep 2012 /  #4
American spelling


British people so great

The Scots, Welsh and Norn Irons are grand, the rest suck balls....especially those Manx, gawd, they are the most boring shower on the planet.

Agree with ya though, Poles hate being criticized, which I'm surprised at, they love, really really love to complain, but once you complain about them they get all uppety. Love to give it, can't take it.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
14 Sep 2012 /  #5
Never ceases to amaze me the Polish aversion to anything mildly critical of their nation and their people abroad.

So what?? Nihil novi sub sole.. Most nations are the same, they accept criticism from inside (ie nationals) but hate it when foreigners (especially ignorant ones!) do the same..
jon357  72 | 23529  
14 Sep 2012 /  #6
They've had to defend themselves so often that the habit doesn't die easily.

Mind you, if they didn't need to defend themselves from eejits there wouldn't be a problem, would there?
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
14 Sep 2012 /  #7
And it's all because of those nasty immigrants! - Said of the native British forefathers, MP Khalid Mahmood.

Translated from

powiedziaƂ rdzenny Brytyjczyk z dziada pradziada, parlamentarzysta Khalid Mahmood

How very predictable. Deflecting the issue by attacking a British person with a minority ethnicity.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
14 Sep 2012 /  #8
For your information i use American spelling because my web browser is always correcting it with US spelling.

and google translator for translating this?: cause it's also fail...
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
14 Sep 2012 /  #9
Oh lord here we go. Google Translate is telling lies now the the article is not about foreign criminals at all. It's actually about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Sorry my bad.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
14 Sep 2012 /  #10
It is about foreign criminals. But what you make out of it doesn't match what is written in the article.

Boy, it's time to start off to school rather than sit in front of the screen all the morning and wait impatiently for responses to the "mildly critical" questions of yours.

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