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What's worth seeing in Poznań?

ET in P  2 | 5  
30 Jun 2012 /  #1
I've been here for a while and have to say that my partner is not the best tour guide so am about to venture out alone.....Any tips? What's worth seeing in Poznań (apart from Stary Browar & Malta hehehe)?
catsoldier  54 | 574  
17 Jul 2012 /  #2
Sorry I have no tips, what is there really to see in any city? Churches, Castles, muzeums, shops etc.
boletus  30 | 1356  
18 Jul 2012 /  #3
One can squeeze four days or more out of these:
+ Rogalin, 19 km S of Poznan: Raczyńskis' Palace and Art Gallery (Monet, Matejko), 1000 years old Rogalin's Oaks. French Park, English Park, Warta Meadows.

+ Museum of Musical Instruments, a corner of Old Market and Wożna. Cozy, unique, very interesting.

+ Botanical Gardens, Ogrody district

+ Kórnik castle with fantastic 19th c. interiors, arboretum, several walking trails of various length (1.5, 7, 10, 22), Beaver Trails - educational trails of various lengths taking you through various ecosystems: pine forest, marshes, river valley. Birds, beavers. Lakes and beaches. 25 km SE from Poznań.
Jacobdenm  - | 4  
22 Jul 2013 /  #4
Merged: Travel in Poznan - what is worth seeing?


We are two students from Denmark, who are visiting Poznan this week and will be there for some days. Anybody who can recommend something or help us with sights worth seeing? None of us has been to Poland before.

Thanks in advance,
Jardinero  1 | 383  
23 Jul 2013 /  #5
Hi. That really boils down to what you like and dislike.
I would start here:


My personal choice in the summertime would be to spend as much time outdoors as possible, and besides the must sees I would recommend visits to the Citadel Park and Park Sołacki (best by bike), and trams/bike rides/walks around the neighbourhoods of Jeżyce, Wilda, and £azarz (great architecture).
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
21 Aug 2013 /  #6
Merged: What to visit in Poznan ?

I'll have plenty of time to visit poznan's sites ,but my parents are only staying in poznan for 4 days ,what are the things that they must visit before leaving Poznan ?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
21 Aug 2013 /  #7
Have a look at this site for some initial ideas, perhaps some PF members will also make some recommendations poznan.pl/mim/public/turystyka/index.html?lang=en
johnb121  4 | 183  
21 Aug 2013 /  #8
I've got a file here [1904loghouse.com/about-poznan/]
DominicB  - | 2706  
21 Aug 2013 /  #10
I take my students on day rips to Poznań. This is our itnerary for the day:

1) Walk through Stary Browar shopping center.
2) Kościół Farny: incredible Jesuit church recently restored to its original splendor.
3) Coffee on the square or nearby, followed by Koziołki at noon sharp at he Ratusz (Town Hall), a must-see that will probably become a daily ritual. I took my very-hard-to-impress brothers to see this, and thought they would clobber me, but the loved it and wanted to come back the next day. And the next.

4) Makieta Dawnego Poznania. (animated models of the city), in the Klasztor Franciszkanów. It's a half hour show. See the Medieval City model, it's a bit more interesting than the Old Slavic Fortress model. Some shows are in English, and for those that aren't, there are headphones with English translation available.

5) Muzeum Narodowe. National museum. Excellent collection of paintings. A big hit with my students. I can barely get them out of there.
6) Slow walk to Ostrów Tumski to see the Cathedral, stopping at Plac Wielkopolski to buy some fruit at the open market. Make sure to see the Golden Chapel (it's worth paying to have the lights turned on- it makes the Gold really shine), and the crypts.

7) Either the Muzeum Instrumentów Muzycznych (Museum of Musical Instruments) or the Muzeum Archeologiczne (Archeological Museum).
8) Dinner at Warung Bali Indonesian restaurant just of the square on ul. Żydowska 1.

The best thing is that Poznań is so compact, that there is little walking involved in the above tour, and no need to take public transport.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
21 Aug 2013 /  #11
Thank you Dominic ,that was really useful .

8) Dinner at Warung Bali Indonesian restaurant just of the square on ul. Żydowska 1.

any suggestions on a nice polish restaurant (but not too fancy )
25 Aug 2013 /  #12
5) Muzeum Narodowe. National museum. Excellent collection of paintings. A big hit with my students. I can barely get them out of there.

Best museum I've been to, I spent hours in there.
No-one has mentioned Cytadel Park and the cemeteries yet, somewhere else I spent a good few hours in. If it's not your type of thing Dany, your parents might be interested.

25 Aug 2013 /  #13
Gospoda Pod Koziolkami, right on the square. Best pierogi in town!
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
25 Aug 2013 /  #14
it's a sin not to eat pierogi when you're in poland ,thank you for the suggestion .

If it's not your type of thing Dany, your parents might be interested.

there are ancient tanks and planes that really interest me

the cemeteries

I would like to visit them if they're old and artistic .
Ant63  13 | 410  
25 Aug 2013 /  #15
6) Slow walk to Ostrów Tumski to see the Cathedral, stopping at Plac Wielkopolski to buy some fruit at the open market.

The organ pipes are very attractive also

I like the botanical gardens. A bit tired but worth a visit.

The Old Zoo is interesting if only to see the old Lion cages and how things used to be. We always spend time here as my partner grew just round the corner

There are many attractive old buildings and some still with wounds inflicted during the war.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Aug 2013 /  #16
No-one has mentioned Cytadel Park and the cemeteries yet

I spent a whole morning there today taking pictures, it's a wonderful place. I'd recommend going there in the morning to get the best of it.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
25 Aug 2013 /  #17
ok ,thanks :)

The Old Zoo is interesting if only to see the old Lion cages and how things used to be

I'll probably visit it since i'm staying in poznan ,but my parents are only staying for a couple of days ,don't know if they'll have time for that .

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